Tickets are 1k each!
you can buy as many tickets at one time as you want!
here are the prizes.....
1st place!!
tle="What is it? It's a Gondrulhu of course! What's that? Who knows! But it's scary, and it's Halloween, and scary things on Halloween are always perfect." height="40" />gondrulhu squishy
tle="Eek, an arm! I wonder where the rest of the body went?" height="40" />zombie arm
unnamed male iluvu
unnamed 330 year old berrok
unnamed 216 year old jaaku
![]( | Name: Jepopeja Gender: Male Age: 4 Level: 1 Defense: 5 |
tle="A tasty treat for any anyone! Feel free to stuff hand fulls of these small, bite-sized candies in your mouth. It's what the dentist wants!" height="40" />candy corn x3
2nd place
click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(16295593)">
blue present
click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(16295607)">
lava rock candy
click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(16295600)">
halloween tooth brush
click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(15741000)">
dye kit squishy pattern x2
click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(16295599)">
moster slippers
click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(16036402)">
easero headband
| Name: Coherently Gender: Male Age: 6 Level: 1 Defense: 7
![]( | Name: Carslile Gender: Male Age: 42 Level: 1 Defense: 4 |
![]( | Name: Squishing Gender: Male Age: 0 Level: 1 Defense: 6 |
3rd place
click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(16295605)">
Billybob halloween hoursehoe
click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(16295606)">
bat briefs
click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(16295598)">
red flower valentine
click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(16062589)">
sensational strawberry jelly beans
click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(16048070)">
red hot jelly beans
click="return Inventory.showItemOptions(16295597)">
ricki jester hat
![]( | Name: Nosep*censored* Gender: Female Age: 12 Level: 1 Defense: 3 |
![]( | Name: Sinderella Gender: Male Age: 0 Level: 1 Defense: 7 |
please please please help me, Star, grant your wishes