So, all you have to do is guess the right answer.
How much do you know about me?
Let's find out.
How old am I?
What is my favourite creatu?
Who is my best friend?
2 more to go!
New batch of questions!
What's my favourite holiday?
Must be an actual holiday.
If I had to choose what site I wanted to play, what would it be?
Howrse, chickensmoothie, or rescreatu?
You get a little goody bag if you get something right.
Guess away!
How old am I?
Younger than 14, but older than 8.
Recent Winners!
New Game!
Guessin' Foolz!
The instructions are very simple.
There will be three items, and you can pick one.
Only recent winners will be able to participate!
One will be drawn out of a hat, and then the user can choose an item.
One item will be the right one though!
The item will be drawn out of the hat,
and if it was the one the user was guessed, you can keep the item!