hello everyone ♥ large giveaway soon

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9:34pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 115
hi guys!
not the greatest day to post this, but this is not an Aprils Fools joke!
Unfortunately, my time on Res is through. its been a lot of fun and you all are really lovely, kind people, but i need to quit for good. if you are curious why i'm quitting i do encourage you to rmail about it and i'll happily explain
that being said, this is going to be a fun way to leave! :) 
everything is going! 
(i don't know why i would sell anything when i am not coming back...)
 it might take me a day or two but i'll get to everyone who posts today and tomorrow. please feel free to advertise this thread as well so everyone has a chance.
okay here we go, its very simple:
Pick three only (simply so there is enough for everyone) and list them things in order of importance to you:
1)Name something you love about Res
2)Name something you love in real life
Good luck y'all and thanks for a fun time at Res!

9:38pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,183

1.) I love how friendly the chat is on sb and how we all try to help one another out. :)
2.) I love my parents in real life XD (does that count)
It's sad to see you go, but I wish you well. 
Thanks for doing this!


9:38pm Apr 1 2019 (last edited on 9:40pm Apr 1 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 1,752
Eggs (special/CP would be loved *^*)
Pets with cool names

1) I love how laid-back the community is, especially with those who think differently than others. People don’t have a lot of prejudice, and it’s definitely a positive aspect of any website. There’s also a of generosity on this site. <3
2. I love the fact that I’ve been fortunate enough to live comfortably, even if I struggle sometimes, I’m so grateful that I live life the way I do. You couldn’t put a price on it.

Good luck with whatever you do, and I hope you enjoyed you’re time on res! I’m trying to come back after a long hiatus, but I get that sometimes, you want to move on to bigger and better things. ^^


9:40pm Apr 1 2019


Posts: 2,161
Aw, I'm sad to see you go, but it's understandable if you need to leave for personal reasons. All the best <3

If I'm doing this correctly, I pick cp, tu and pets? And something I love about res is definitely the community, I've made so many wonderful friends here ;v; and in real life, I love my kitty Jazz <3


9:41pm Apr 1 2019 (last edited on 9:43pm Apr 1 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 356
Hey Tchai <3

For myself, the order would have to be:


And to answer the questions:

1. I love the immense creativity of this website and the fact that it continues to live on, even after years of have such a small userbase.  There's something so amazing about signing on and seeing people that I started playing with years ago and compare pets and just help each other out with goals and cheer each other on <3

2. I love my pitbull/black labrador Denali.  I brought him home at 7 weeks old from a bad situation and he was everything I needed in my life.  From him being able to fit in the inside pocket of my jacket to becoming a 55 lb bulldozer, he's helped me laugh, learn to love and forgive, has taught me patience, and gave me reason to get out of bed every day.

We love you, Tchaikovsky, we will always love you here on Res.  Know that you will be remembered by me and others and we wish you nothing but the best on your journey <3  


9:41pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
That is all <33

What I love about Res is the art for sure.
But the community is also great. I have made a good amount of friends on here!
Some relationships ended not so good :/
And some are still going strong!
Res has been apart of my life since I was 11.
Res IS my life...xD
sad to say maybe lel
But I have enjoyed my time here..meeting people and collecting great art!

Something I love in real life..HMMMM
My baby kitty Miles FOR SURE
My pupper Leo <333
I have some love for Grayson too even tho he's a jerkface to me..xD
I love my husband..even tho he's annoying ;P and away overseas D; <3
I love my little nephew!
And I just actually enjoy life for once?
Like I feel like I'm in a semi decent spot...even tho I literally do nothing everyday..xD
But I have found a new love/hate relationship for working out!
Once it gets nicer out I'll prob be outside more!


9:43pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 5

1. I love how awesome the artwork is on the creatu, and everyone on here seems really nice but I'm far too shy to really talk to anyone
2. I love all my friends who are always there for me <3

Thank you very much for the opportunity and may you have a swell time while off the site :)

9:44pm Apr 1 2019 (last edited on 9:45pm Apr 1 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
Hope all is well for you. <3


I love the community. So nice and I always see people helping each other for just because. <3
Real life mine would have to be my daughter, she's my sunshine. :)

Thanks for your generosity and hope things are okay for you in real life! <3


9:48pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 131
Cp, Tu, Eggs,

I love how this community is so nice and willing to help each other
What I love about real life is my family

9:48pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 148
My List:


1. What I love about Res is the unique pets and the events. It used to be the forums but I haven't been in a roleplaying mood much anymore.

2. In real life I love my dogs and my Fiance (Quest) and I don't know what I'd do without them.

Sorry to hear that you're leaving, I always noticed your name but never really took time to chat with you. Hope all is well and good luck!


9:49pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 206
My order would be:
1. TU
2. CP
3. Pets

1)I love Res because the tight knit community of diverse people is amazing to see especially when you know if you've had a rough day someone on the SB will always try to cheer you up regardless of who you are!!
2) I love my children, my family, my husband and waking up everyday is nothing but a blessing because I know one day I will go to sleep and not wake up the next day, so every second I get to spend with the people I love is a treasure to me <3

I'm so sad to see you go Tchai but good luck in all your future endeavors and adventures :) Take life by the horns and make everyday count <3


9:49pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 275
CP, pets, or items

1.) I love how Rescreatu brings me happiness in real life. It's crazy that something as simple as pixels on a website can cause me to feel real emotions which is why I keep playing.
2.) Something I love about real life is that things always get better no matter how hectic it may seem in the moment. And there are always people who support me like family and friends.

Tchaikovsky, I wish you the best in your future endeavors. I hope one day you will find your way back to Res. Thank you for everything you have done for the community ♥


9:50pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 737
I'm gonna miss you so much Tchai 😭
1. Pets
2. TU
3. Items

1. The main thing I love about Res is the community. There are so many people that lend a helping hand when someone wants to achieve something/reach a goal!

2. The main thing I love in real life is my boyfriend (is that too clichè? xD) I take care of him as much as he takes care of me and I couldnt ask for a more caring, loving, and supportive person in my life 🖤


9:52pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 391
Pets, Tu, CP

Something I have always loved about res is just the community of people. the opportunity to share a love of this game and to just be open with people. Thus I am sad to see you go :( I am sure you were a loved person on this site

Something I love in real life is volleyball. I have an immense love for this sport which is why it hard for me since I am injured rn and could not play my last tournament with my team.


10:02pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 4
CP (because I have none)
TU (Because I have so little)
Pets (Because I need MOAR)

Something I love about Res? Hmm hard to choose. There is so much TO love about this game. I enjoy the option to dress up my avatar though. I also love how each egg is an unknown until you hatch it. Will it fail? Mutate? Or hatch with one of the rare colors?
In real life I love a ton of things. My two sons are pretty much top of the list. Every second I get to spend with them watching them grow and learn is amazing...even when they are learning the "hard way" and frustrating the heck out of me XD
Also reading. The few minutes I get a day to settle down with a good book. Those moments are priceless and few and I love them almost as much as I love my boys.

New to this place.

10:02pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 491
I’m so sorry to hear that you are leaving I wish you well in your many travels !

1)Name something you love about Res the very lovely and friendly community how everyone is willing to help each other and is nice to one another 

2)Name something you love in real life my family and my kitty Levi ! And my family’s other furr baby’s Stumpy - Ravioli and Muffen 
Good luck y'all and thanks for a fun time at Res!

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

10:04pm Apr 1 2019 (last edited on 10:06pm Apr 1 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 18
Real words/pets.

The thing(s) I love about Res is the artwork, the possibility to hatch amazing colors... and not so amazing colors (hello, daddy RNG) Plus the excitement that comes with it when you do hatch something you've wanted. The community is really helpful and seems really tight, even though it's a small group. I'm glad I found this site again, I'm still reminded every day why my younger self played it alot.

What I love about real life, is that everything comes mostly unexpected. The good and the bad things, but that is what keeps it interesting. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! 
As for people/animals that I love : My dear fiance and my cat, Nami <3

I'm sorry to see you go Tchai! I'm sure there must be a good reason why you're leaving ;c


10:05pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 92
Sorry to see you go friend wish you the best! 
Hope all is well for you.

1- I love the nostalgia of res and the community <3
2- I love my family 



10:06pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 204
Though it will be sad to see you depart from Res I am sure that you have so many more fantastic adventures waiting for you in the future. You will definitely be missed. I wish you succes and happiness in the future!


I love the community on Res. Everyone is always so kind, understanding, generous, helpful, and supportive. 

In real life I love biology. Kind of nerdy, I know, but biology fascinates me. How the human works is amazing. We are made of a ton of cells that are all able to specialize and communicate to each other to create this working machine. Idk, I’m weird haha. 0-0


10:19pm Apr 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 11
Tchaikovsky, I hate to see you leave Res. and I wish you the best in the rest of your life. I will always remember you as the person who talked to me when I really needed it and that kindness is really inspiring; the fact that you took a half hour to help me a stranger on this game is just amazing. So lots of love <3 I didn't get to know you very well but it's clear you're an awesome person.


1. I absolutely love the people on this game, if it weren't for you guys I probably would have lost interest in Res. years ago... Some of you even helped me pick my prom dress. Res. is a family and someone is always here and willing to lend a hand for anything :)

2. In real life, I really love my family, my boyfriend, and being on the track team. Track gives me a purpose when I feel like I'm not going to go anywhere, and it's the one thing I know I can come back to and do without messing up. :)
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