I'm sorry if this affects your wishes, The Factory. I will delete this if you don't want it.
Hi there~This is basically the factory, but this is for K1R.
~*~These are the RULES~*~
~Please do not wine if things do not go your way.
~Please don't ask for anything that costs 25mil or higher. Thanks!
~Don't be rude. If you disagree, you can talk on the thread about it, just don't get extremely rude about it. An example would be: You and the staff are awful. You should just delete this thread and move on with your life.
~Please don't turn around and sell our the things we give you, unless you ask permission to do so. I would say yes, but don't ask for the same pet for K1R again.
~Don't apply for crazy things. If I find that you are asking for a pet thats not your kir pet, you'll be blacklisted
~Don't advertise your thread or a different thread here. The only people who will be allowed to do that are the people who I give permission too.
~Please don't spam. This is an example: "I LurVE the haPPiness of thees place" Also, spam is also talking about something totally off topic. You can have conversations in this thread, or say something happy that happened WITH whatever else you are posting, but don't just say "I love pie guys" and expect us not to get mad at you.
~Try very hard to use correct spelling and grammar. An occasional mess up is fine, but if your entire post is a misspelling, sorry, but you aren't trying hard enough.
~ If you just got a pet, don't ask for one right off the bat. Wait for a few days, and see if you can buy it. This prevents one person getting 10 pets, and another person getting 1.
~ If you need a pet, PROVE THAT YOU NEED IT. Why? Maybe someone needs a natural ahea, but the person says they need an albino Zaphao. So what you need to do, is to go to profile, and enable K1R quest pet! :>
~Have fun ^^
(These rules were originally written by Megabyte, but I changed them a little bit.)
One thing to keep in mine: If you ask for the same pet, chances are, you aren't going to get it. I've never heard of K1R giving the same pet to someone.
~*~Tu Count~*~
We have: 1,300,000 Tu
OMG!! People please donate!
~*~ Donors ~*~
Catz911- Thank you for donating 300,000 TU~
DawnOfTheDragon- Thank you for donating 1,000,000 TU~
~*~ Pets Needed ~*~
RinKagamine123- Blonde Ardur
Boomboom39- Blonde Eastero
Piggie668- Albino Berrok
Catz911- Blond Chimby
Katiee - Albino Intes.
LunarStorn- Calico Vaspi
Lilly56- Ginger Tesuri
DawnOfTheDragon- Albino Malal
~*~ Pets Granted ~*~
Manager/Owner- RinKagamine123
Co-Manager- Lilly56
Pet checker (To see if that person actually needs that pet for K1R)- Boomboom39
Treasurer- RinKagamine123 (For now)