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Laya's Trivia Quiz 2 ~ Tu + Items

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12:19pm Mar 11 2009 (last edited on 10:09am May 12 2009)

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Posts: 656


Laya's first trivia quiz was finally concluded.

The grand prize went to ColdCaptivated for giving all the correct answers after figuring out that Kylara was what Prideth and Gary Tobai had in common.

Congratulations to the winners of the first quiz. Laya hopes she stretched your minds a bit.

Now for the second quiz.

Read carefully!

1. Anne McCaffrey's Kylara was a Weyrwoman who didn't have a last name. Elizabeth Moon's Kylara Vatta, on the other hand, had a longer name. What is Kylara Vatta's full name? (10k)

2. Esmay Suiza, Laya's favorite heroine, is an officer of the Familias Regnant Regular Space Service. When she's in space, that is. What did she become, on her home planet? (Note: This became a major issue later, when she wanted to get married.) (10k. 3 pizzas to whoever posts the name of the planet as well.)

3. What does the name of Laya's cream jaaku mean? (10k)

4. Laya has a nattie tesuri named Urduja. Who is she named after? (10k)

5. What do the names of Laya's kiokas mean? (There are two; 10k each name meaning.)

6. Laya has a black kayoki named Raheli, named after a character in Sharon Shinn's Samaria books. Name this character (10k for each name, there are two), and who she is (10k). A random uilus squishy to whoever posts the name of the book where she is the main character.

7. Part of Laya's username was taken from the name of a character in Noli Me Tangere. Name this character (15k to whoever names the character and another 15k to whoever can say what this character means to Laya's people.)

8. The character in question number 7 is said to have been inspired by a real-life person. Who is this person? (15k to whoever gives the name and another 15k to whoever can say what this person meant to the author of the book.)

That's 150k. As usual, another 100k to whoever can post ALL the answers to ALL the questions first.

When all but two questions have been answered, Laya will no longer post the answers because by then the 100k prize will be up for grabs to whoever posts ALL the answers first.


Total prize: 250k. Laya might just throw in a random item if she likes your answers.

Have fun, now! *evil grin*

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

12:24pm Mar 11 2009

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
Wow. *head spin*


12:25pm Mar 11 2009

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Posts: 1,658
7. the character is  MARIA CLARA and in the novel Maria Clara is the typical teenage Filipino girl and also represents the Philippines


12:26pm Mar 11 2009

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Posts: 1,658
5. BATHALA is one of the earlier known gods of the Filipinos.. he is considered the number one among the list og gods and godesses


12:28pm Mar 11 2009

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Posts: 1,658
8. Maria Clara is inspired by the JOSEPHINE BRACKEN an irish girl which was the loved one of DR. JOSE PROTACIO RIZAL(the author of the book). they met at Dapitan when Rizal was put to exile


12:30pm Mar 11 2009 (last edited on 12:31pm Mar 11 2009)

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Posts: 656


7. The character's name is Maria Clara, but she doesn't represent the Philippines, exactly. And she can't be a typical girl, because the story was written way back in the 1800s.

5. You're nearly there. Laya is looking for two words for that one. Try again.

8. No, Maria Clara was NOT Josephine. Try again.

oh well, 15k to you.

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

12:30pm Mar 11 2009

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Posts: 1,658
4. URDUJA is the heroine of Panggasinan, Philippines. She is a princess


12:31pm Mar 11 2009

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Posts: 1,658

BATHALA is the supreme god of the ancient Tagalog nad the king of diwatas



12:36pm Mar 11 2009

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Posts: 656


4. Hmmm. I'll consider that one. Princess Urduja, some say, was just a myth. Others claim she was real. She is said to have existed in the time before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, and that as her king-father's sole heir, she actually inherited his throne and ruled the kingdom after his death. One story told about her is that she ordered her own son punished for breaking a law she had laid down... she said that she wouldn't be much of a ruler if she broke her own laws. 10k to you.

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

12:37pm Mar 11 2009

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Posts: 1,658
3. the cream Jaaku named UNDAS means a celebration of the dead or the term used by Filipinos for the season of recalling the dead or All Soul's Day


12:38pm Mar 11 2009

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Posts: 656
If you think you have all the answers, please just post them all together instead of piecemeal, it makes it easier to check them XD

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

12:40pm Mar 11 2009 (last edited on 12:44pm Mar 11 2009)

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Posts: 656

3. Undas is All Souls' Day. Actually, now the term is used to refer to both All Saints' Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls' Day (Nov. 2).

5. Yes. Bathala is the Supreme God. Now who's the other kioka? XD

20k more to Frank. XD

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

12:44pm Mar 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
7. MARIA CLARA represents the suppressed Filipino woman during the Spanish Colonozation. She is the mere representation of a silent Filipina who does what her parents whta her to do. She goes to the seminary to be a nun and stuff.


12:46pm Mar 11 2009

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Posts: 656
Frank: still no XD MC means something else.

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

12:49pm Mar 11 2009

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Posts: 656
Poofing out for today. Back tomorrow. Just post your answers and I'll get back to you, people.

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

12:52pm Mar 11 2009

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Posts: 1,658

*sorry if i post the answers one  by one*

5. the name of the other kioka is DIYOSA which means godess. The diyosa is considered to be someone who is beautiful both inside and out.

8. the chracter of MARIA CLARA is based on the person of NARCISSA which is the author's sister.


11:25am Mar 12 2009

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Posts: 656
5. Yes, the other kioka is Diyosa, which means Goddess.
8. No, MC is not Narcissa. Guess again.

10k more to you Frank.

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

12:01pm Mar 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
8. Maybe it's SEGUNDA KATIGBAK the author's first love..


8:24am Mar 13 2009

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Posts: 656
Frank: oh no lol.

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

10:51am Mar 13 2009

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Posts: 656

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~
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