New Years 2017 Raffle (Free)You saw it right folks. Free. A Free Raffle. Open Date: December 25Closing Date: December 31 (New years eve at 11:59 Res time)Raffle: Will be held on New Years of CourseCost: Nothing. Its Freeeeee
Everyone who entered for the raffle that was bought is automatically entered here. But once. Since it is free it is not based on how many tickets you bought in the above raffle. And for the people who are not in the raffle above you just want to enter this one, just ask "May I enter the Free raffle please"
And Please say Please. If not I will not enter you and will ask where your manners are. JK: Just kidding I will still enter you but it would be nice for you to say please.
There shall be 9 people who win a prize in this raffle :) This Raffle includes the prizes any kind of creatu, tu, and any kind of items.Prize 1:
'fkjsdnfskjdf' the Black Derp Mytois paired with a 'Blade of the Stars''Sepeeee' the Achro Skaldyr paired with a '100k Cake'Prize 3:
'Ardrexi' the Calico Ardur paired with a 'Orchid Dye Kit'
A '1 million barter token' paired with a 'Curse of the Undead'
Prize 5: 
A '1 million barter token' paired with 5 'Cheese Pizzas'
A '10 million barter token' paired with 'The Rules of Rescreatu' Book Prize 7:
A 'Name Tag'
'A Lump of Coal'
A 'Zaphao Beanie Container'