6:44pm Jul 14 2012
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Posts: 1,372
It's pretty much what the ti tle says.
I'm going to be getting a new feline friend at the end of the summer, and I haven't the slightest idea what to name it. I don't even know the gender...but I'm going to try and get a boy. I apologize for the fact I don't have any pictures either. Assume, though, it will just be an American Short hair. I want a black one, but I don't know that that will happen.
Now, onto the prizes~!
FIRST PRIZE: 5,000,000 All honorable mentions will get 500k, and a kitten sign. WAT IZ A KITTEN SIGN?! It's a picture of the kitten with a piece of paper with your username and any words/phrases you want on it. You want me to try and tape it to the kitty's face? No problem 8DD
So that's the idea!
Oh right, RULES~
> Enter as many names as you want, limit ten per day > No doubling names. If you suggest something after someone else, it won't count for you > I like things that are interesting and of famous people. For example, I've had cats named Caesar, Ramses, Napoleon, Darwin, etc. > The contest will go until I get the cat and choose the name. Once I have the cat, I will post pictures of it to help you guys out.
6:45pm Jul 14 2012 (last edited on 7:19pm Jul 14 2012)
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Posts: 1,372
Suggested Names Thus Far
Me Gusta Mucho: ( the names I'm considering as well as who suggested them will go here. I'll start putting names up here once the others ones begin to accumulate and I can compare them to each other. So don't freak out if yours isn't up here right away.)
Todos los Nombres (All of the names and who suggested them go here)
iheartjimmypop Thackery Binx
amctmc1 Henry Thomas Shadow Scout Precious Lizzy
Arcanewolf Shakespeare Zeus Leon Apollo Jayden Georgia Marilyn Athena Sadie
Jacobi Killian Midnight (clique I am XD) Sparoid Nepto Ferin Durara Velcro Miano Peter Tino Mattie Paerse Yakety-Yak Bun-Bun Shadow Grimwald Cara Ebon Affon Derk
6:49pm Jul 14 2012
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Posts: 151
Thackery Binx, perfect name for a black haired male :D
6:53pm Jul 14 2012 (last edited on 6:53pm Jul 14 2012)
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Posts: 977
Guy Names: Henry Thomas Shadow Scout Girl names: Precious Lizzy All the names I can think of so far. :/
6:54pm Jul 14 2012
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Posts: 237
Here's some names
For a male: Shakespeare Zeus Leon Apollo Jayden
For a female: Georgia Marilyn Athena Sadie
7:02pm Jul 14 2012
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Posts: 31
Hmm, black kitten. Short hair. Well, boy or girl is reeaaally different XD I'd go for a girl, but boys are good too :3 I named my cats after their markings and personality. Pouncer pounced as a kitten, so Pouncer he became. My gray cat had a white tip at the end of his tail, so Tippers became his name. My previous cat, the first thing she touched was a gizmo, so Gizmo she became. And Buttons had two buttons on his belly ;) Bootsd... well, four white booties alright. Panda had the markings of a panda. Buut, even with lack of a picture I shall attempt XD Jacobi Killian Midnight (clique I am XD) Sparoid Nepto Ferin Durara Velcro Miano Peter Tino Mattie Paerse Yakety-Yak Bun-Bun Shadow Grimwald Cara Ebon Affon Derk
... I really need a pic for this XD
7:19pm Jul 14 2012
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Posts: 1,372
Thanks guys :D These are great.
10:27pm Jul 14 2012
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Posts: 1,189
awwww congrats req ^-^
male: Beckham cat =3 lol ceder birch coal
female: sage amethyst luna celestia moon
unisex: fang soul galaxy
derp :I
1:46am Jul 15 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 921
Hiya :) My name attempts:
Pyewackett Beethoven Winston Oliver Felix Charles Alexander Oscar Aristotle Martin
9:34am Jul 15 2012
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Posts: 737
For Boy: Bishop Shady Peanut Tigger Patches
For Girl: Doodlebug Sassy Yin-Yang Wiggles Angel
These are some names.
10:27pm Jul 15 2012 (last edited on 1:41pm Jul 16 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 688
Male Names: Lincoln Teddy Wilbur Houdini Saige Bailey Cleo
Uni-Sex: Rocky Bear Lucky
Currently Seeking RWN\'s. Feel free to rmail if sellin~
10:56pm Jul 15 2012 (last edited on 10:56pm Jul 15 2012)
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Posts: 1,071
How exciting! I want a kitty :(
Here's a few names :D Chihiro Tesla Asher Shay
2:18pm Jul 16 2012 (last edited on 2:21pm Jul 16 2012)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Celeste Brissie Lizzie Noel
Grimm (Or Grim) Lincoln Corvus Schro (Schrodinger's Cat. LOLPUNS)
Campion Vervain
(I liek bunnies, k?)
5:40pm Jul 16 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 52
Chrome Asphalt Ash Legacy Romeo Ricochet Inky Marble Ulysses Utopia
7:08pm Jul 16 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 338
Shade Stealth Spark Rats Skiddy Mouse Misty Ginger Bailey Buster
Congrazzles on getting a kitty Req :D
-Zari x
9:16pm Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 3,828
Cyrano de Bergerac if he haz long nose.
Short name Cyrano.
hello my name is elder price
12:10pm Jul 17 2012
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Posts: 52
Cola Quizno Nero Newton Napoleon Licorice Hermes Hugo Gorilla Webster
2:51pm Jul 17 2012 (last edited on 2:55pm Jul 17 2012)
Posts: 3,217
Neko Frodo Bilbo Grim Gimli Leonardo Vince Carl Napoleon
7:34pm Jul 18 2012 (last edited on 6:47pm Jul 29 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 400
Ahh :) I love cats.
Male Charlie Presley
Female Bridget
Uni-sex Skittles Devon Fang Kennedy
Selling a Bunch! c: [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/advertisements/-name-clearout-/]
8:13pm Jul 18 2012 (last edited on 8:13pm Jul 18 2012)
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Posts: 25
for girls: Freya Cleopatra Brontë Hatshepsut Merle Guinevere Ariadne Psyche
for boys: Tennyson Khan Locke Socrates Machiavelli Zephyr Merlin Theseus Icarus Darcy
...okay. i think i better stop. xD