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8:39am Apr 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 23

Random items from my inventory!!!!! See, my inventory is really getting clogged up, so I'll be giving away the useless items. Don't worry, no ahea or berrok or gondra eggs will be thrown at you. I'm giving the better items to people who answer right or have interesting answers. THERE WILL BE BONUS QUESTIONS!


1. 1234567890

2. 0987654321

3. 100 _____ White Envelopes

4. _______ Hunter

5. ____'n Clear

6. ___ Thread

7. Rawrfuls

8. T or F: Glasses are fun.

9. 2894375610

10. The last question

Bonus Questions:


20 flocks of geese

19 flocks of robins

18 flocks of bluejays

17 flocks of chickadees

16 flocks of pigeons

15 flocks of swans

14 flocks of eagles

13 flocks of vultures

12 flocks of loon

11 flocks of ducks

10 flocks of Tylenol PM!

What is that?

Please send me rmail for your answers. Any posted here will be ignored.

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