Prize: Every pet in my showroom that you want
Ticket Info: there are 95,813 tickets currently avalible. Each ticket costs 300TU, you may buy as many as you want.
The overlook: I have dyed pets, silvers, blacks and lots of common RWNs and some great female RNs like~ Ammie and Rebeckah
How the hay I'm I going to get al the pets over? I'll figure that out soon enough.... hmmm..
Also, If you would like to snag a few before they are raffled out, speak up now!
User/# of tickets/Amount payed
The goal of this:
My goals are:
-3mil () for dino creatu
-7.5mil () for dino egg
-10mil () 100 credits
- 20mil () 200 credits
- 30MIL!!!! () to be rich