Tickets are 50k each.
I have decided to not take items or pets due to debate over prices and also the ability to hijack the raffle with rare items worth hundreds of tickets. :)
No specific amount of tickets must be sold. No matter how many are bought, the raffle WILL be drawn. :)
Ends on the 18th of March.
Names will be drawn from a Blue Banana bag. <3
Teh List. o_o
Gorden - 5 tickets.
Eklipse - 1 ticket.
Lily240 - 2 tickets.
Staryulynn - 110 tickets.
Golden - 3 tickets.
Nostalgia - 5 tickets.
Toxicity - 15 tickets.
username - 1 ticket.
Create - 1 ticket.
Westie - 2 tickets.
Maybell - 18 tickets.
innagong - 1 ticket.
Flipybombjoy2 - 1 ticket.
superbunnyfoofo - 2 tickets.
The winner of the raffle IS!
Thankyou everyone for entering, it was most enjoyable for me to cut out around 180 pieces of small paper! ^O^ [>.<]