Hey, everyone!You might recognize me as a formerly active Res player. I 'quit' some time ago, but I always tend to drift back to at least check out what's going on and say hello to the chat.
I've decided to let go of my most valuable pet. I do have a lot of pretty good pets (humblebrag) and I do plan to get rid of many, but those will likely be through the forest in the coming days because listing and sorting through so many creatu is a pain in the butt.
The pet I'm raffling is...
Technology the Trance RSTU001
I was frankly stupidly lucky to acquire the name to begin with, lol. I figured that it was about time I pass it along-- Between my sporadic check-ins and the length of inactivity required for an account to be wiped of names, I feel bad that I'm constantly resetting the timer and basically preventing anyone from getting some of the names I've been hoarding 'just in case I come back'.
Frankly, that's not about to happen. Res was a big part of my life but it's time I really moved on.
So yeah! Raffle time, lads!
Post ONCE to be entered.
Do not multipost!!! A winner who turns out to have spammed posts to influence drawing will be disqualified and I will draw again.
I will draw and announce the winner of the raffle on...
Sunday, May 26th
At 10pm PDT.
EDIT: The winner is..... Nun! Congratulations and enjoy your shiny new RSTU001!