"Hey stranger," you suddenly hear from your left. You whirl around with eyes wide only to spot a snake-like creature looking up at you with a smirk clear on his face. He cocks his head to the right and points to the small Caravan behind him. You begin to back away, but he halts you in your footsteps with a glare.
"Interested in Shadow's Win-A-Mil?" the creature asks with arched brows.
At the word mil, your curiousity spikes, and you take a hesitant step forward.
"The name's Hazard," the creature informs you as he pads up the rickety wooden steps of the Caravan. He pushes aside a purple curtain and you gasp as a rather spacious room opens up in front of you. Hazard chuckles and gestures for you to sit down on a plush purple chair. You notice others around you and your curiousity deepens.
"Welcome to Shadow's Win-A-Mil. This is a raffle and the prize? Well, it's one million pure tu, of course," states Hazard with a glimmer in his eye.
"Tickets are 30k or 30,000 tu each. We do not accept pets or items for payment; only tu."
Hazard tilts his head to the left and the crowds' gaze follows his. Sitting at a wooden desk is another strange creature that oddly reminds you of Hazard.
"Haku will take care of any ticket buyers. Thank you," Hazard says before slithering off to the next room.
> Win a million tu in the raffle
> Tickets are 30k each
> Refunds will not be given for any reason unless the raffle is closed
> We do not accept pets/items for payment; only tu
> Tickets are unlimited