The Rescreatu Wishing Well's Free Giveaway!

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6:14am Aug 15 2013 (last edited on 7:38am Sep 1 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 749
After a loooooong break, TRWW is holding a giveaway that's open to anyone at no cost but a few minutes of your time. Everyone who participates will get a pet/item, and a sum of tu ranging from 50k to 1mil as well.

How to enter
All you have to do to take part is Rmail or post here either...

1. Your most memorable experience on Res - was it the time you single-handedly defeated Kir, completed your goal of an albino Liyure, or something else altogether?
2. Who your closest friend(s) are on Rescreatu, and what makes them so awesome.

Before you enter, please read the rules and perhaps check out the prizes.


1. No rude or disrespectful comments please, you can and will be banned from all future giveaways and contests by TRWW. :( That probably wouldn't be your favourite experience!
2. Follow the instructions. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me!
3. There is no way to guarantee yourself a certain prize, so please don't try to ask.
4. As of now, you can enter twice and get yourself two prizes!
5. There is no closing date yet, but all prizes will be given out after it.
6. Have fun thinking of your entry!

johomo (entered twice)
tinkytasha (entered twice)
SilverSurfer (entered twice)
hojak1226 (entered twice)
catmat63 (entered twice)
RP45 (entered twice)
puredork (entered twice)
Megabyte (entered twice)
boomboom39 (entered twice)
WiseBlueFox01 (entered twice)
holidays321 (entered twice)
Meche (entered twice)
WolfyPoptarts (entered twice)
RelicDreamer (entered twice)
wearit (entered twice)

The giveaway is now open!


6:15am Aug 15 2013 (last edited on 1:46pm Aug 20 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 749
Pet Prizes

Here are some of the highlight pets you can get your hands on. There are plenty more, just look at the Giveaway category in my showroom!


6:15am Aug 15 2013 (last edited on 2:03pm Aug 20 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 749

Here is the current selection of items to give away. More to be added soon!



6:31am Aug 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 749
This giveaway is now OPEN!

8:20am Aug 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 585
Yay!!! First to enter!!!

My most memorable moment was probably... well, I have a few.
1. When I first joined. I wouldn't be here if I didn't!
 2. When The Market first opened. It is a huge selling thread that I originally opened. RinKagamine123 now runs it.
3. When I got my first Stardust creatu. It's an Easero!

I can't really choose a favorite! It might have to be Sonador. We talk on Skype a lot, and she's a great friend.
Another great friend is Zaefyra, because she gave me a starter pack when I first joined.
And Florence has to be one of my favorites. She is so nice, and she gave me 3 creatu, all dyed, one was even a SEASONAL! I was eyeballing them on her profile, and she just gave them to me!

"I am a ghost
Of a girl
That I want to be most.

I am the shell
Of a girl
That I used
To know well." ♫♪♫♪

8:56am Aug 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,324

1. When I got an Ulilus! I love them!
2. Angel123456, she is so awesome! She has given me so much! She isn't really on that often when I am on. SO when she is on I try make the most of it!


9:10am Aug 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 129
Cool!!!! Giveaway!!!

1. My favorite moment(s) on rescreatu was when I got Kovovy my gold ezahni and my amber iluvu TalVosoth (I have a hard time with hatching rare creatu)!!! I was also very happy when my two mutants hatched out of fresh eggs!!!
2. My closest friend has to be my first friend I ever got on rescreatu, Meche. We became friend because I bought her creatu HyunShik (means wisdom and honesty) on The Market. After she became my friend I wasn't afraid to talk to people on forums :)

9:58am Aug 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 749
Thanks for entering guys, I'll add you to the participant list. I'm loving reading these, especially the closest friend ones, Res is full of lovely people.

7:24am Aug 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 362
1. When I bought the name Alfonso (still havent put it on my creatu yet though...) and the memory of being one of the two only males on res back in the older days...
2. Probably Merlin cause shes basically my only friend outside of res... And shes just so nice...


8:00am Aug 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 251
1: Probably when I found out that HTML coding was available for use in profiles. (I haven't done much on the site :P )
2: I'm gunna say johomo, we talk a lot so I consider us friends

Not many understand how hard life is when you realize youre afraid to wake up

5:54pm Aug 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 365
1. Your most memorable experience on Res - was it the time you single-handedly defeated Kir, completed your goal of an albino Liyure, or something else altogether?
Id say when i hatched my first ever CS egg

2. Who your closest friend(s) are on Rescreatu, and what makes them so awesome.
Id say ibethy she is always so nice to me and i can always count on her to cheer me up when im down

Art by Zen

6:57pm Aug 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 72
1) My most memorable experience on res: 
haha funny you should ask! I am new on res and so my memorable experience isn't the slightest bit as grand as some of the other entries may be! It was when I got my frist 1mill TU.... actually that was today :D 

2)Who is your closest friends on res, and what makes them so awesome:
ummm... well as you already know, i am new here... so I really dont have any res friends...

12:08am Aug 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 351

I <3 Giveaways!!

Your most memorable experience on Res - was it the time you single-handedly defeated Kir, completed your goal of an albino Liyure, or something else altogether?: My most memorable experience is when I found a cream ebilia in the forest! I was so surprised and managed to sell it for 2.5 mill! 


12:08am Aug 17 2013 (last edited on 10:18pm Aug 17 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
1: My most memorable experience was when I got the rmail saying I had been accepted as a Helper. I immediately started to freak out, because I had heard there had been 100+ applications sent in and being accepted was a dream come true
My very first day, my sister have me my dream pet, and I had always wanted to tag the name May on it, but the name was on a (relatively) inactive account. I rmaled her, and a few days later she responded and said she'd sell me my DREAM NAME for only 18mil. I commenced bouncing off walls at that moment.

2. You're making me decide? I have a list.
Lake and Eya are the best sisters ever. Period.
Sophie, of course, is a sweet and amazing friend who's totally relatable and kind <3333
Dawn is my bff in real life, and I love her to pieces ^o^ Nusto is also one of my bffs in real life, even though she doesn't really play anymore.
JoshyFrank99 is my boyfriend so even if he no longer plays I am compelled to add him to this list.
Llama, oh dear where to begin? You're spontaneous, amazing and of the charts girl.
Defiance is relatable, understanding, and a good listener whether I'm ranting or I'm bouncing.
But probably, if forced to decide on just one user, I'd say CHeese (CH). She always been there for me, even though she doesn't really know me in real life. She's crazy and seems proud of who she is, something I completely admire. She lets me talk to get and she listens as I cry and hurt because of life, and she always knows just what to say and how to say it to make me feel better, because under her crazy, fun, amazing outside there is a soft, carrying, understanding inside that I've grown to admire and adore.


12:48pm Aug 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 749
Sorry I wasn't on yesterday guys. D: Adding you all to the list, awesome entries!

puredork: My first 1mil was amazing to me too! And don't worry, you'll make tons of friends here. By the way, welcome to Res! Drop me an Rmail if you're ever stuck or just in the need of a chat. :)

Meg, you're so sweet. If I was allowed to enter you would definitely be on my list too. <3


4:41pm Aug 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 970

1. Probably when I first joined res. But probably when I got my first Iluvu, I was so excited.

2. Wolfie10 is the best. We roleplay all the time, and she's always there for me when I'm down.

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3:47pm Aug 18 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
1. When I hatched an albino meragon and finished my meragon collection

2. willbob and lilly56 because there my siblings and they tell me when things are on sale or a cool thing in the trrash

3:47pm Aug 18 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
1. When I hatched an albino meragon and finished my meragon collection

2. willbob and lilly56 because there my siblings and they tell me when things are on sale or a cool thing in the trrash

1:42pm Aug 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 749
Updating list!

1:45pm Aug 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 749
Thank you sosososo much to ponylover1996 for donating tons of pets and items to this giveaway! Adding her contributions to the list. 
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