8:15am Nov 13 2016 (last edited on 11:24am Nov 25 2016)
Posts: 547
Well, it's that time again! :D Tiberius hit 3K, thus I'm running a raffle. Now the prizes aren't huge, a couple of black ebilia, two beans, a gender pendant, a trance potion, things like that. xD
(The top prize IS a scria sword, however...)
BUT the raffle is free to enter, and the prizes could always go up in value depending on entries. :P
Good luck to everybody who enters! You get one ticket each, and there are quite a few prizes on offer. :D
---End Date - 25/11/16--- RAFFLE OVER!
--- Prizes, subject to change --- First Prize - TWO Scria Swords Second Prize - Ezahni Bust Brooch and Trance Potion Third prize - Natural Colored Jelly Bean x2 Fourth Prize - Two Black Ebilia (EbbieMcEbbieface and BootyMcBootyface) Fifth prize - Gender Pendant and a Simnel Cake Sixth Prize - Ebilia Beanie Egg Container, Goiba Beanie Egg Container and Omni Beanie Egg Container (DO NOT OPEN THESE) Seventh Prize - Amber Top Hat and Lime Skinny Jeans Eighth Prize - Complete set of Iluvu Pages Ninth Prize - Lime Jaaku Cloak Tenth Prize - Albino Jaaku Horns Eleventh Prize - Grab Bag of halloween clothing
===TICKETS=== 1. Oddessia 2. Steampunk 3. LiepardQueen 4. Pegasus 5. Cursive 6. Altair 7. Makkuro 8. Antiarctic 9. Cloverrr 10. Wanderland 11. Feather 12. Fireflowers12 13. Snowpea 14. Madoka 15. RelicDreamer 16. tututu 17. Sitanomoto 18. Jayni 19. PlainclothesWoman 20. Crystallize 21. Satan 22. FallenAngel02 23. Red 24. Trenthepunkid 25. MidnightRunner 26. KrissyBearRawr 27. Billbee 28. NightSnipe 29. Drow 30. Startla 31. Broena 32. Waya 33. deadlavaman885 34. Kogenta 35. Sasafras 36. Pie 37. Lollipop10 38. Kina 39. Kermit 40. Darksider101 41. Mystical 42. Avocado 43. Genbaw234 44. Bucky
First Prize - 6 - Altair Second Prize - 30 - Startla Third Prize - 15 - RelicDreamer Fourth Prize - 35 - Sasafras Fifth Prize - 7 - Makkuro Sixth Prize - 1 - Oddessia Seventh Prize - 37 - Lolipop10 Eighth Prize - 38 - Kina Ninth Prize - 13 - Snowpea Tenth Prize - 21 - Satan Eleventh Prize - 25 - MidnightRunner
Congratulations to the winners. Prizes will be sent in a few seconds! :D

8:17am Nov 13 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 404
//could I enter? ; w ;
8:17am Nov 13 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 119
May I enter tibs? <3
8:18am Nov 13 2016 (last edited on 8:19am Nov 13 2016)
Posts: 547
Sure. Added both of you, good luck. :D
8:18am Nov 13 2016
Posts: 84
You can count me in! May I enter? :)
8:20am Nov 13 2016
Posts: 547
Of course, Becky. :D /Adds
8:51am Nov 13 2016
Posts: 1,586
Congrats to Tiberius ! You can put me down for an entry please 😄
8:51am Nov 13 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 76
Please add me, thank you. c:
8:53am Nov 13 2016
Posts: 547
Thank you, Pega. <3
Added you both, good luck! ^^
9:51am Nov 13 2016
Posts: 2,165
Congrats on hitting 3k 8D may I please enter?
9:52am Nov 13 2016
Posts: 547
Thank you, and of course you may. <3
9:52am Nov 13 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 49
May I enter? :)
9:53am Nov 13 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 194
Could I join? And thank you for doing this.
9:57am Nov 13 2016
Posts: 547
Of course you can. :D /Adds you both. Also, you're welcome! ^^
10:24am Nov 13 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 32
May I enter as well? :D
10:25am Nov 13 2016
Posts: 547
Of course you may. /Adds
11:41am Nov 13 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 557
Please let me enter^^
11:43am Nov 13 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 570
may I enter please? :3
12:52pm Nov 13 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 20
May I enter? Thank you!
1:22pm Nov 13 2016
Posts: 547
Of course. :D /Adds all three of you, and good luck. :D