Do you want treats do you want amazing creatu? If so simply follow these steps:
1. Post "Trick Or Treat" On this thread
2. Send me(boomboom39) any type of container ex: bucket of paint, basket, bag of flour,ect.
3. Wait for 8pm or 7Am (or whenever I'm on) res time to see if you got tricked or got a treat.
Can I have more then one chance a day?
Yes. The first one id free for the first 5 days than if you want to do it more you must pay 100k
Do I get my container back?
Yes. I send them back after I trick you or "Treat" you
What are the prizes?
Secret. But, on Halloween one person will receive an ebilia
I will send treats or tricks after I get on res. Tricks are ducks always ducks.
At night or in the morning I will post the list of tricked and treated people here:
Samira3- treat