Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Wow! You Suck! Contest :3

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5:12pm Apr 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 26

Tired of wanting to do art contest but even your stick figures look bad!? D: Well now you can enter the YOU SUCK contest! XD Just draw any of my Creatus as sucky as chu can and BLAM-O you could wiiiiinnnnn: Five of the THOUSANDS of eggs I've been saving sense I was two. I'm thriteen. X3

A comic with your picture and my creatu in it if I'm not lazeh to draw it..






 Scroll down

















  More you babeh! D<






 THREE TU!!!! Zomg! What a great prize! :'D

So suck it up now! XD Remember, you suck is a complament here! My little sis, maybe one of my Repals, and I will pic the suckiest one. :3 I gotta be able to somewhat tell it's my pet though. No random scribbles... T.T

Contest ends: In three seconds! Just kiddin! It ends April 20th. :3 Have a fun time! ^^

Photobucket I made dis. :3

6:36pm Apr 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 26

Photobucket I made dis. :3

1:51am Apr 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 470
I'm sorry, this really made me laugh...XD

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