Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Writing Contest Extraordinaire

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7:55am Mar 25 2009 (last edited on 1:02am May 23 2009)

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Posts: 583

A writing contest with a twist :)

What is it

A contest with seven themes. But aha, what are the themes you ask? You will not know just yet. I did this because I thought it would be interesting to see people do stories about stuff they don't often do.

Your works will depend on how you interpret the theme (some are a bit cliche so let's be original), the way you write and the storyline itself and how interesting the story is of course xD

What do you have to do

First, you have to pick a creatu. No, you don't win these creatu because they're mine >:U More detail given in topic.

Then you write of course. It could be any form of writing, preferably fictional work as that is something I appreciate more and can judge easily. If you are doing stories they have to be short stories no more than 15 pages max. For reasons of my own, I don't want long novels.


There are seven topics, each given with seven of my creatu.
You won't know what they are but you are given some sort of hint with the envelope in their deion as well at their name.
You pick pet. I give you theme.
I will list the in the order of difficulty (easiest first).You have to write a story according to the theme.
The following creatu (and who's doing them) are:

Puddles, ShadowPokemon
, Tails3028

Saya416, petzareawesome

Supermonky, Azure

Riyo, coryn16, Kurisuka, MercedesKenz, Mushrooms

1ran, StarZ, SoulyTer

Uwibami, Toshi

Dodomon, nfleaglesftlb, Kyreesha, MysticalWonder

Note that this is in the order I think is difficult, it could be different for you.
Also, just because there's people doing them doesn't mean you can't. The more people, the merrier as I always say.
If you really can't do the topic, I'll let you change once. No more.

Once you decided. i will then rmail the topic to you :3


Yes, yes. This should be first because I'm sure you all don't care about the sheer joy of writing something beautiful but for the tu yes? xD

Grand Prize: OMG GUNMETAL LIKES MY CONTEST *dies on spot*  4 MILLION TU. Thanks to Gun for sponsoring.

Second prize: Ah, this depends on the number of entries. If I get enough, I could award 200-300k per category or it may change to a second and third prize if I don't get enough.

Remember, prizes will change hopefully if I managed to get more tu into my pocket.

And I think that's it (because the first time I written this, I pressed a button and it went poof D:). Post here if you would like to enter and specify the creatu you chose :3

Also all entries must be rmailed to Ping.
She isn't judging though x Just rmail it to her.

If you have any further questions, rmail me.

Deadline 10th May 2009


8:03am Mar 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775




Feel the love man D:<


10:23am Mar 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 930
Enterrrr :D I choose Xan!! o3o


10:27am Mar 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 583
I could almost hear the pokeballs xD


7:13pm Mar 25 2009

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
I might do Thoth...


7:16pm Mar 25 2009

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Posts: 14

-lurkz- >O>

Ohai. Might enter. Might not. Thoth looks interestin'. o 3o

Signature Loading....



Oscar's gonna eat jur face! O:<
Nice job, guys! You made him angry. D.<


7:18pm Mar 25 2009 (last edited on 8:38pm Mar 25 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 583

Alright then you two :3 I'll just put you down for it first ^^

But please make up your minds before I send the topics :3


10:04pm Mar 25 2009

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Posts: 1,731

I'd like to try Adrammelech, but the little envelope on your profile doesn't have anything. Is it supposed to be like that? 

But right now, I'm certain I'm gonna write about him. :3

Or at least if I can stop procrastinating. 


10:33pm Mar 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 583

Just like to point out the envelopes aren't suppose to have anything ^^ I send the topics :3

Okay, Uwi for Adrammelech then xD


10:59pm Mar 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 369
I'll try Ashima D; But I'm confused as to ... how to start. xD

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

11:03pm Mar 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 583
Wait, I'll send you an rmail with the topic :3


2:46am Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1
I might do a story for Ashima :D

2:49am Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 58
hey raru, would it be possible for me to do Soge? if not i will please do Ashima.


2:49am Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 89
Hm...2mill,eh? I might just join. UWIBAMA?

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2:53am Mar 26 2009

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Posts: 583

Just like to inform you this is NOT for my creatus

The story topic doesn't have anything to do with them xD They're just something to choose from and I will give you the topic.


2:57am Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 89
LOL! I meant I would like to do a story on UWIBAMA! I don't want it! unless it's an albino Meiko.

Peruse my Gallery, and my Showroom!

2:58am Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 58
oh, okay raru...wait a sec i need to rmail you.


3:04am Mar 26 2009 (last edited on 3:05am Mar 26 2009)

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Posts: 1,775

Ok let me explain... The themes are based around the personality of the creatu. You don't write the story about the creatu and you don't win the creatu. You cannot pick the creatu unless it has an envelope in it's deion.

There is no albino meiko named Uwibama. I have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry if you suffer from seizures (or colour-blindness), but I had to make the text extremely bright so people will notice it and read it. If you have any more questions, rmail me and I'll and I will explain. 

From Ping, Raru's sister.


Feel the love man D:<


4:04am Mar 26 2009 (last edited on 4:13am Mar 26 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 155
Is everything going smoothly? GREAT! Now I have nothing to do! *dances*


8:14am Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 4
I would love to join and write a story!
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