Zombie's Random Claw Machine

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10:58am Feb 9 2018 (last edited on 4:08pm Feb 13 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 76

Welcome to the crazy world of a claw machine contest! All you need is tokens to play

(Unknown picture credits)

How to earn tokens:
1. Each player is given one free token a day, just make sure to comment on the thread or ask if you see me in the SB
2. Buy a token (Prices will be listed according to the active grand prize, listed below)
3. NEW! Trading. Add items to the claw machine and receive free tokens. Number of tokens depends on number of items and value. Please rmail me for an estimate. *

*Prizes will be added to the next claw machine, not the current
*Also note: I cannot guarantee you will not get the items you gave since it is completely random

The claw machine will hold different prizes every week or two so make sure you check back often!
Prizes for the week will be listed below.
The machine is open until the Grand Prize is chosen, then the machine will have to be reset.

TOKEN PRICE: 50k each

Grand Prize (Part 1)

Calico Meragon named Niagama

Other Prizes:
-various pets ranging from natural to ginger, including seasonal (See my SR Category for Claw Machine)
-various apples
-lots of squishies
-various christmas stockings
-various books
-various clothing items
-Divuin creatu eggs as well as various other eggs (no other seasonal or CS)
-Lemon, Amber, and Lime Dye Kits
-A couple Trance potions

How the Claw Machine Works & Rules:
 You may only use the claw machine up to 15 times a day, including your free turn.
There is a chance you will not get anything, though you're likely to at least get a small item.
Sometimes, the claw machine glitches and you get two items.
Items/pets/eggs not chosen by the end of the period will be put back into the machine for the next period of prizes.

Please note: Items will be given using an online random generator.

Tokens so far:
Sliced has 50 tokens (Plus free ones)
ZarmaCyndal has 30 tokens (Plus free ones)

Zombie's Creepy Claw Machine [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/contests/zombie-039-s-random-claw-machine/]


11:18am Feb 9 2018

Normal User

Posts: 216
May i enter for free


5:57pm Feb 9 2018

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
May I use my free token?


6:35pm Feb 9 2018

Normal User

Posts: 102
This sounds fun! May I also claim my free clawwwww

I love Shaefu.

8:13pm Feb 9 2018

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
May I get a free one?!

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!


8:57pm Feb 9 2018

Normal User

Posts: 557
May i use the free turn?


11:43pm Feb 9 2018 (last edited on 10:21am Feb 10 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 76

Bulbasaur has put in a token!
The claw makes a couple of rounds before choosing a spot to land. It grabs onto something green. Sadly, the claw drops the prize before making it to the basket.

SecretsOfTheShadows has put in a token!
The claw begins its descent into the deep prize abyss. It lands on something round  and begins to retract up. Very carefully, it makes its way back to the prize basket. The claws drops a into the prize basket.

SnowdropTea has put in a token!
The claw starts towards an ob
ject immediately, gently curving underneath it. The items drips as the claw rises it to the heavens and towards the otherworld. The claw drops a into the prize basket.

MissHalloween has put in a token!
The claw wandera aimlessly for a few minutes before gently landing. The white prize in its grasp can just be heard over the whir of the machine. The claw drops a into the prize basket.

Wanderland has put in a token!
The claw descends, dropping onto something round, but doesn't grab on. The empty claw makes it way to the prize basket.

Edit: Edited the formatting a little.

11:49pm Feb 9 2018

Normal User

Posts: 216
Sending 250k


11:51pm Feb 9 2018

Normal User

Posts: 35
Can I use my free token please?

11:53pm Feb 9 2018

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
May I use a free turn?


12:12am Feb 10 2018 (last edited on 12:14am Feb 10 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 76
Bulbasaur has put in 5 tokens!
The claw panics and darts quickly from the prize basket to the prize abyss. The machine does dark and starts making noises as the claws moves faster. Suddenly, the lights come back on and four prizes lie haphazardly in the prize basket.

Dissonantia has put in a token!
The claw casually makes its way to a prize in the left corner of the machine. It looks like a pet. The claw drops it into the prize basket.

Queen has put in a token!
The claw sways slightly to the left then drops toward small round objects that jingle as the claw makes its way to the prize basket. The claw drops them into the prize basket.

EDIT: Prizes will be sent out today (12/10) around 10-11 AM Restime

12:17am Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Aw cute!

Sending 700k for the other 14 turns!


12:20am Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 216
Sent 200k more


12:40am Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
Can I use my free token for today? :)


12:54am Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
Sending 100k,for 2 tries.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!


4:25am Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 557
Sending 500k and using my free turn for today


9:50am Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 76
Queen has put in 14 tokens!
The claw machine goes very dark. The claw makes one single whirring noise and hit the glass in front of you. It must be a lot? The lights come back on the machine. The claw is empty, lifeless. The prize basket, however, is full.

All Prizes from here upwards have been sent!

9:57am Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 493
may i please buy 1mil worth of tokens and use them xD ?

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

9:59am Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 418
14 tokens plus the free one c:

Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O

10:02am Feb 10 2018 (last edited on 10:04am Feb 10 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 2
May I use the free Token ? ^~^ (also this is a super cute Idea <3) 
sending 500k for more Tokens :3 
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