6:45am Nov 26 2010 (last edited on 10:33am Nov 26 2010)
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Shifters live throughout the world unnoticed. Most try to live a normal human life while others choose to live in the wild. The magical world, however, is in chaos. The dragon shifters, the royalty and most powerful creatures, are missing. Rumors of death fly around the world and they desperatly try to find a new king and queen. Truth is is that there are only two dragon shifters left, one a girl the other a boy. The boy was born into royalty, he is the real prince of the magical and nonmagical creatures. He knows nothing of his parents death or who they ever were for he lives with his adoptive parents. His power is the elements and a deep connection with all animals. The girl is not royalty. She too has dead parents and was adopted. She can read minds and can see the future, no more than a day ahead however. Both dragon shifters have pre-flex, when fighting they know what their opponents move is a second before it happens. Their parents powers get p*censored*ed down to them when they die so the girl had it for some time now and the boy is just getting them. Neither know they are so important. Rules Normal Rules
1 be literate 2 no pp or gm 3 the girl is the only spot open 4 the first to ask gets the spot 5 if leaving for a while please Rmail me first bio Name Gender Age Personality Human Looks Dragon Looks Powers History Other Name: Hunter Bond Gender: male Age: 14 Personality: curious, daring, and a little mysterious. He likes to know everything thats going on and soaks up knowlege like a sponge. Human Looks:  Dragon Looks:  Powers: the elements and a deep connection with animals, has pre-flex. History: parents gave birth to him and he wound up in an orpanage. No one knows who his parents were, except for the magical creatures and animals, or why he was given up. He was adopted and lived a normal life, until now. Other: none
9:56am Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 6,409
((How literate do you want me to be. I can be semi-literate and occasionally literate. If you accept me, may I be the girl?))
Love is all we need~
9:59am Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((sure wolfie and semi-literate to occasionally literate (in the middle, not extreme but a little more than a paragraph))
10:12am Nov 26 2010
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((Alright, my bio will be up in a few...))
Love is all we need~
10:29am Nov 26 2010
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Name: Mlle Aien (Pronounced Muh-Lee A-En) Gender: Female Age: 13 and a half. Personality: Mlle is outgoing. She'll come up to you and bug you until you talk to her. She seems to get herself into a lot of trouble, despite her small size. She's very curious. That basically sums it up. She also has a very bad tendency to get into fights. Human Looks:  Dragon Looks:
 Powers: Read minds, see into the future, and see her opponent's moves before the opponent actually performs it. History: Born to parents that didn't want her. She went immediately into an orphanage. Later, her parents committed suicide because they both felt guilty about having a child and not taking care of it. She got news of this when she was about two, a bit too early. She's been able to use all of her abilities, including shifting into a dragon, ever since she was about five. She got adopted at age six by a younger couple that couldn't have children. They are kind to her and force her to go to school like any other parents would do. She calls them Mom and Dad, not Jamie and Luke. Other: I don't think so...
Love is all we need~
10:33am Nov 26 2010 (last edited on 11:26pm Nov 26 2010)
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Posts: 2,895
((here's my intro)) "Fight, fight, fight!" the crowd of students chanted as the two opponents circled each other. All of the teachers were at a meeting so the bully decided it was time for him and Hunter to have the fight. The bully, Steven Humberton, was the first to throw a punch. However, Hunter swerved out of the way just in time and Steven's hand hit only air. Growling, the muscular boy of sixteen attempted to hurt Hunter again, failing miserably as Hunter once again got out of the way. Steven tried again and again but also to no avail. The principle walked out of the meeting room, probably recieving some files he forgot, when he saw the crowd. Some of the students left in time but Hunter and Steven couldn't find an exit. The principle grabbed their shirts and dragged them into his office. After a long lecture, Steven and Hunter were sent to cl*censored*. Since neither actually participated in any actual violent action they were free to go with a warning. They were told to go back to cl*censored* and finnish the day. Sighing, Hunter went to his next cl*censored*, biology. Sinking into his chair, he grabbed the books he needed and a pencil and waited for cl*censored* to start.
11:26pm Nov 26 2010
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3:28pm Nov 28 2010
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Mlle walked from the quiet library in the school where her mom worked to the loud outside area where a fight was just breaking up. She got there just in time to see the principle drag two students inside. She laughed and walked back inside. She had been in the library for a while and lost track of time, so she had no time left for break. She walked through the hallways and noticed one of the girl bullies, Molly, staring at her. "What you staring at? Think I'm pretty?" Mlle choked back laughs as she said the last question. Molly was about a year older than her, but had no height advantage. Mlle would easily win if this situation turned into a fight. "I was staring at your ugly face in that locker mirror of yours," snapped Molly. Mlle lost it. The one thing that Mlle can't handle is being called ugly. "That's it," Mlle sprinted towards Molly and knocked her across the head with a balled fist. Molly swung back out of reaction, but only hit the wall. Mlle kicked Molly in the stomach, sending her flying across the hall towards the biology room. The biology room door was open, a bad thing for Mlle. But Mlle wasn't about to stop there. Molly got up and walked towards Mlle who was only about three feet away. Molly threw a lazy punch towards Mlle stomach, and once again, hit thin air. Mlle laughed and pinned Molly against the floor infront of the biology room door.
Love is all we need~
9:33pm Nov 28 2010
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Hunter watched the girls fight while quietly sitting in his biology seat. He was itching to go in there and join the fight, but he had no idea why. Sighing, he anxiously tapped his right foot, stopping himself from tearing the two girls off of each other. One girl he reconized, Molly. She didn't have a great reputation but everyone knew her as the bully. Even though he disliked Molly he knew that she was about to get seriously injured by the other girl and it unsettled him. He tried to take his mind off of the fight by reading his text book but he soon got bored and found himself watching the two girls fight again.
9:58pm Dec 10 2010
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The teacher yelled and came out of the room towards Mlle and dragged her into the cl*censored*room. Molly huffed when the teacher pointed to the principle's office, but didn't fight. The teacher took it easy on Mlle, given that he knew her adoptive Mom. Mlle looked around the cl*censored*room, a little embar*censored*ed. She took a seat and waited for the teacher to begin. The teacher got back behind his desk and began to read his very thick book. Mlle sank down in her desk and looked over at Hunter. There was always a different air about him that she didn't understand. It was something weird, something she didn't understand.
Love is all we need~
10:56pm Dec 10 2010
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Seeing one of the girls in the fight looking at him made him blush. She probably saw him staring at her. There was something different about this girl, something he couldn't place his finger on. Maybe it was the way she acted, no other person seemed to have her unique personality.Whatever it was, the boy couldn't rid his mind of her. The teacher, Mr. Rhuby, cleared his throat, trying to get Hunter's attention. The boy hadn't noticed cl@ss had started, he must have zoned out again. He blushed when he noticed half of the cl@ss looking at him, wondering what made Mr. Rhuby stop talking. Without another word Mr. Rhuby continued to teach.
2:14pm Dec 12 2010
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Mlle looked forward at the teacher and rolled her eyes. She didn't bother wondering why the guy blushed. She figured that he blushed because she hardly ever looked at someone without a glare on her face. She fiddled with her pencil and ignored the teacher. She never payed attention in cl*censored*, but she managed to make good grades. She pulled out a notebook and began to draw a dragon on it.
Love is all we need~
4:24am Dec 13 2010
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Trying to forget the incidents, Hunter pulled his cheery blue notebook out of his bag. He knew that even if he didn't pay attention he would get good grades but Hunter wanted more than that, he wanted knowlege. The boy wanted to know as much as he can so he could make sense of this messed up world. The true reason to his craving for knowlege was because he thought he might need it for survival. If he was ever on his own, if he ever went through with his running-away-from-home plan, then he needed to know as much as he could about the outside world. In less than an hour, Hunter had over eleven notebook pages complete. Only thirty minutes to go until next period.
1:11pm Dec 17 2010
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Mlle looked at the clock nervously and got up right when the bell rang. She didn't want to stay in the cl*censored*room long enough to be preached to by the teacher. She stopped and glanced back at Hunter before entering into the hallway and getting her books from her locker. She smelled something fishy in her locker and when she opened it, she had been pranked. Someone had taken a sardine and clipped it onto her locker. She pulled the sardine off and threw it across the hall. Her face was full of anger and she kicked her locker. Her locker would smell like a sardine for the rest of the week.
Love is all we need~
11:53pm Dec 17 2010
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When the bell rang Hunter practically ran to next period. He would have less than three minutes to get to the other side of the school so he isn't late for gym. Plus, recentally gym was his favorite cl@ss. A year ago that wasn't the case. Hunter used to have a hard time with anything athletic. Whenever a sport was played he usually just got himself and others injured. This past year, however, his skills have steadily improved. Hunter couldn't explain this sudden skill but he didn't argue or ask questions, he just accepted it. With seconds to spare, Hunter made it to gym. He made quick strides to the changing room where he sliped out of his jeans and T-shirt into a pair of basketball shorts and a plain white T-shirt. He jogged out of the room along with the other guys and got in line for the gym teacher to check attendence.
8:12pm Dec 19 2010
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Mlle walked from her locker to her next cl*censored*, the girl's p.e. hour. She was the top of her cl*censored* and she was always active. She walked and arrived late, but didn't get in trouble due to her almost perfect grade. She slipped into a loose tshirt and some gym shorts identical to the guys', but they were more fitted. The coach blew his whistle, the que for the girls to start running. Mlle stood out among all of the other girls, but didn't look all that athletic. She actually seemed like she would be the kind of girl that you would see walking around the mall with a few other blondes, but she just didn't like that kind of life. All of the girls began running, but Mlle stayed a good ten feet ahead of the others. She didn't want to be too flashy because then people would become suspicious. She didn't really understand why all of her 'talents', as her parents called them, had to be secret. She wished that she could just change into her jet black dragon form and fly. Just thinking about that gave her a moment of happiness, but she didn't keep the happy look on her face for long. The gyms were connected by a hallway that was always open.
Love is all we need~
11:51am Dec 22 2010
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On cue, the guys started to run laps. Usually Hunter would run in the back, keeping pace with some of the girls, but today he was way above all of the guys. Some of the guys stared in wonder as the not-so-athletic guy ran in front. In truth, even at this pace he was jogging, afraid of his new-found strength. He slowed down so that he was at a fast walk so he would be keeping pace with one of the fastest guys, Quinn. Quinn was looking at him weird, as if Hunter was an alien. He was used to being the best, never beaten, and the guy was surprised at the thin boy was faster than him. If anyone was to be faster than Quinn it wouldn't be the frail looking boy, or so people used to think.
3:40pm Dec 22 2010
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Mlle looked through the hallway that connected the two gyms. Her eyes followed Hunter. Once again, there was that strange air about him. Then she noticed Quinn, the one that was always cocky and thought that he couldn't be beat. The P.E. teacher blew his whistle at Mlle and yelled at her for lollygagging. She rolled her eyes and ran some more. The only reason that Mlle was in the girls only p.e. cl*censored* is because most of the guys had a tendency to pick on her and she didn't feel like punching them in the face all the time. She was so absorbed in thought that she tripped and fell flat on her face. Some of the girls snickered, but they quickly looked away as Mlle winced. "Hey! You okay?" asked the p.e. teacher as he ran towards Mlle. Mlle nodded and got up. She had gotten her knees scraped up pretty badly, but she kept on running. A trail of blood trickled down her calf and onto the floor. Mlle didn't stop running because it would only expose that she wasn't all that tough. Her head hurt her as she stumbled into a vision. In her vision, she saw a guy. She couldn't see his face, but she knew it was a guy. The guy confronted her about something, she couldn't tell what he was saying, but it was about something. Something out of the ordinary. She began to fade back into the real world. Her world started spinning and she felt like barfing. That's how she always felt after a vision. She fell backwards, landing on her back. Her head slammed against the ground and she blacked out. The p.e. teacher looked at her funnily for a minute.
Love is all we need~
4:30pm Dec 22 2010
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Hunter saw the girl fall, everyone did. Most stood and gawked, some snickered, Hunter ran to her and lifted her off of the floor. "I'll take her to the nurse." he offered, the p.e. teacher nodded and the boy carried her out of the room. Hunter wondered what made her fall. She fell before, not minutes before, but that was because she tripped, this time it wasn't the same. The girl seemed to fall all of a sudden. Hunter kept his eye on her ever since her first fall and he could tell that this wasn't normal for a teenage girl. Something was seriously wrong with her, girls just don't black out for no reason. Worried, Hunter handed the young girl to the nurse. The old woman took her into a room and closed the door, Hunter paced nervously by the door. He couldn't explain what he felt twards this girl, all he knew was that he didn't want anything to happen to her.
4:56pm Dec 22 2010
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Mlle drifted back into conciousness. She flung up off of the bed that she was on, then she noticed that she was in the nurse's office. She put her hand up to her head and winced. That was going to hurt for the next week. The nurse grabbed her hand and frowned. "Are you okay, sweetie," the nurse asked. "I will be in a few minutes," Mlle said slowly pulling her hand away from the nurse's. She hated this feeling, being weak. "How did I get here?" "Hunter brought you here," the nurse said smiling. "He carried you all the way from p.e." "Oh god," Mlle said blushing and putting a head to her forehead. 'Now everyone's gonna think I'm weak and frail,' she thought to herself. "Do you want me to get Jamie, your mom?" "No, just I need to get out of here." The nurse put some pills into Mlle's hand and Mlle quickly swallowed them without water. "Well, if you say so," the nurse said as Mlle walked out. Just as Mlle opened the door, she saw Hunter. "Crud," she said under her breath. 'I hoped he would have left,' she thought to herself again.
Love is all we need~