6:06pm May 10 2012 (last edited on 8:10pm May 10 2012)
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Posts: 5,211
Only for me and Spirit.
Spirit, I copied this from one of my other rps is it ok?
Name: Dakota Lynn Chandler Nickname: Shay Age: 16 Gender: Girl Personality: Shes funny and smart, She can be a bit hyper at times. Shes very bubbly and at times flirty. She can be a trouble maker but can be really sweet when she wants to be. Crush: Not yet Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope Kids: None Pregnant: Nope Siblings: Died. Species[Vampire/Human]: Human Looks: BR>
Name: Conner Lee Moore Nickname: Give him one Age: 18 Gender: Guy Personality: Hes funny and cute,He can be a trouble maker but hes very sweet when he wants to be and very flirty Species: Vampire Family: Nope Kids: None Pregnant: Nope Other: Nope Looks:

 Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3
7:37pm May 10 2012
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Posts: 4,873
{Wich spirit?}
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:44pm May 10 2012
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Posts: 5,211
 Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3
9:01pm May 10 2012
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Posts: 9,781
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:09pm May 10 2012
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Posts: 5,211
[I'll start while you do yours.]
Dakota sat acrossed from the grave yard on a brick wall. She wasnt sure if she wanted to go in or not, She knew she needed to but she didnt want to face the facts.
Conner walked threw a dark alley way.
 Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3
8:35pm May 11 2012 (last edited on 8:23pm May 19 2012)
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Posts: 9,781
Name: Lily Taylor
Nickname: Shadow
Age: 18
Gender: Gal
Personality: She is a bit suductive and isn't affriad to show you how hard she can punch,if you anger her. She is on of those emos that doesn't like very much attension,if any. She can be loving and kind when she wants to be. Rp rest out...
Species: Vampire
Family: Nope
Kids: None
Pregnant: Nope
Other: Nope
Looks: She has black hair with a blood red highlight in it that goes to her mid back and over her right eye. She wears black short shorts,a black bra,a ankle long cloak,that is ussually closed,and no shoes. Her eyes are greenish blue.
Name: Zac Hallam
Nickname: None yet,so think of one to give him.
Age: 16
Gender: Guy
Personality: He is very flirty and loves to be with others as much as possible. He loves to help others and will never give up on you,ever. Rp rest out...
Species: Human
Family: Nope
Kids: None
Pregnant: Nope/Impossible
Other: Nope
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
8:50pm May 11 2012 (last edited on 8:57pm May 11 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,211
[Edited. Sorry, Little brother is annoying me. I havent read the posts and I was half asleep last night when I posted lol]
 Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3
8:55pm May 11 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(You already did that and can Lily please be a vampy?)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
8:57pm May 11 2012
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Posts: 5,211
[I dont care what ever ;) And yeah I edited my last post lol, Gah i'm so blonde sometimes even though i've never been blonde :))]
 Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3
9:12pm May 11 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(Still need to get looks.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
2:57pm May 13 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(Done with bios/bump.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:17pm May 13 2012
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Posts: 5,211
[Kay i'm here ;)]
 Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3
8:54pm May 14 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(I'll do my post now.)
Lily sat on the ground in the middle of an ally and glared at all the humans who passed the entrance of the ally and looked at her.
Zak sat in a cafe and waited for someone to come bring him the drink he ordered,"Come on already...",he muttered and put his head on his hands.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:19pm May 14 2012
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Posts: 5,211
Dakota sighed and shook her head, She walked away from the graveyard.
Conner jumped on at roof.
 Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3
3:33am May 17 2012 (last edited on 3:36am May 17 2012)
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Posts: 9,781
Lily got up and began walking deeper into the ally,"I wonder what I should do today?",she asked herself in a whisper. She reached a dead end and smirked as she looked up at the wall and then around for anyone. Seeing that no one was around she jumped onto the top of the wall and sat down.
Zac sighed as he walked out of the cafe and down the walk way.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:17pm May 17 2012
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Posts: 5,211
Dakota shook her head and walked away from the graveyard.
Conner yawned a little.
 Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3
11:10pm May 17 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Lily looked around and spotted someone on a roof,"Hmm...",she muttered and jumped onto the nearest roof and jumped onto many rooves before jumped onto the other side the boy wasn't on.
Zac spotted a girl walking from the nearby grave yard and walked closer.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
11:12pm May 17 2012
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Posts: 5,211
Dakota kept looking back. -I should....But I just cant - She thought.
Conner heard something on the roof and sorta jumped.
 Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3
7:27pm May 18 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Lily waited for the boy to settle back down before she began to move closer. "This human smells nothing like a human? It smells more like a vampire.",she muttered to herself. "I should have know.",she muttered as she got to the peak of the roof and looked at the boy.
Zac looked at her and noticed that she looked a bit like she was fighting her thoughts. "Hello.",he said as he reached the girl,"Something seems to be troubling you.",he added.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
8:08pm May 18 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5,211
Conner looked up at her. "Vampire hmm?"
"Uh...Yeah.." Dakota noded. "There is."
 Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3