10:51am Nov 26 2011 (last edited on 2:06pm Dec 9 2011)
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Posts: 736
Pandora's Law
Pandora's Law was written in the hope to unite all sentient beings in the hope of creating a better world, However for a millennium no one knew where to find it.
It was suggested that it would be located once Pandora's Box was opened, A box that was said to bring destruction once opened, destruction to what was the question. The only problem was, the box was lost.
There were those who would do everything to prevent its revelation, those who would do everything to find it, and those who don't care.
Where will you stand?
Small group. Nothing sexually explicit. You have to have literacy.
This is not set in a time with mobile phones and computer. Gas lanterns and pistols are some of the most modern, however you can stretch what is available.
Bio Skell {Delete these messages}
Appearance:{Detailed Deion or image} Name: Age: Gender: {Not Necessary} Species: {Angel, Demon, Human. Hell hounds, Demi-Demon {Human contracted with a demon's soul}} Occupation:{Not Necessary} Abilities: {No all powerful Demons please} Personality: {NO RP outs} Other:
Appearance: Name: Adrian Age: 4335 Gender: Male Species: Demon Occupation:Bounty Hunter
Abilities: He has two states. In his normal state he has minute Chaos control; a variation of darkness, it is concentrated destruction. This allows him to brake small to moderate sized objects from a distance often leaving an essence of purple dust. His ability also allows hims to summon purple imp-like critters who have a tendency to wreck havoc on whatever they can get their claws on. Finally, he can infuse his whip with this physical destruction, creating a much more powerful weapon, also being able to solidify it into staff. His more potent and dangerous ability is being a berserker. his eyes glow a vivid blue, horns grow into demonic ram horns, and a blue fiery tail becomes visible from underneath his tunic. In this beserker state he has demonic strength (greater than above average), complete Chaos control, and immunity from pain.The downside however, is that once reverted any pain inflicted tenfolds and has a fuzzy recollection of what happened.
Personality: Adrian is somewhat laid back. His tendencies consist of lounging in taverns and under tree's when he is not working, he won’t go out of his way to help someone in need of assistance if he can avoid it, dislikes being told what to do by the insignificant (unless he is paid a great sum), and he is not very level-headed, which sometimes conflicts his overall 'cool' persona. He dislikes children and judgmental people finding them a pain to deal with and enjoys it when people are in pain (especially when he is the one who dealt it), however not when he is experiencing it himself. Other: Carries a whip and has a dire wolf pup companion.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
3:20pm Nov 26 2011
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Posts: 736
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
11:43am Nov 27 2011
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Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
6:21pm Nov 27 2011
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Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
10:16pm Nov 28 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((Finally an RP I think I might enjoy. :3 And I have a demon/demi-demon character I just wanted to use/develop~ Join?))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
2:24am Nov 29 2011
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Posts: 736
((Loki! Yes, yes you can join ^_^))
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
5:47am Nov 30 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((Finally done. Added in some extra stuff just to develop his character more. Hopefully he's okay and not over-done in any way. ^^; )) Bio Skell
Name: Unknown
Alias: Belial
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Demon/Demi-Demon (Born a Human, later fused with/turned into a Demon.)
Appearance: Belial appears as male humanoid, taking after his previous human form. He appears to be around the age of sixteen or seventeen with an average height of five-foot-eight-inches and a slender, "swimmer's" build. His skin is very pale, nearly white, and his messy black hair is layered and kept at medium length. He has a soft, gentle face that betrays his human past. If not for his crimson eyes and vampirish fangs that poke from his lips, just looking at his face would make him seem human. Set on his head is a pair of white fox ears. Solid black demonic horns are placed right above the ears. They are longish, tilted slightly back and bent into a "lightning-bolt" shape. He also has a soft white tail tipped with black. On his back are also a pair of leather wings, black on the back part and light grey on the underside. They usually stay at a wingspan of a few feet, being able to stretch to a full wingspan of over ten feet for flight.
His clothing is of a simple medieval style, meant for practicality without necessarily being armor. His body is strong enough to absorb most physical damage, so armor would only get in the way. He wears a dark-grey, almost black short-sleeved tunic with a white long-sleeved shirt underneath. The shirt sleeves are tucked into dark leather gauntlets that have the fingers cut off, revealing sharp claws, at the elbow. His boots and belt are of the same dark leather. His pants are a simple grey-ish colour. Attached to his belt is a leather pack, carrying miscellaneous items. His most distinguishing feature is his heavy dark-grey cloak. It goes down just a few inches above the ground when Belial stands at full height. It can conceal his body well, and is almost always drawn over his head, shielding his eyes from view most of the time and shadowing his face. There are holes for horns and ears, with red stitches going to them from the front of the hood, revealing they were torn to get the holes in the proper place before stitching the tears back up. The cloak gives him an overall mysterious and dark look.
Abilities: x Physical: Heightened strength, defense, stamina, speed, and senses. Quicker healing than humans, but average for demons. Strong combat instincts and the ability to blend into his surroundings to hide himself, using the shadows to his advantage. Flight - black Outside part of wings can be used as shields, however insides of wings are sensitive and far weaker to damage. x Special: (Specialty) Black Fire "Creation" Magic. He is able to use basic fire attacks, all of which take on the appearance of a black flame. He is also able to form his flames into solid objects ranging from everyday objects such as mugs to detailed and powerful weapons to even a copy of himself. These objects are considered and extension of his magic/energy, and drain his power based on the item (A mug would take very little energy while a full cloan would deplete his energy up to half, based on how much power he gives it), but can be drawn back in to his body to restore energy. (Secondary) Illusions. Very straightforward. Able to create a "false reality" for his victims, altering it to anything he chooses. Requires strong concentration and is used more as an ambush method than an in-battle technique. This ability can also be used as a way of communicating, feeding Belial's thoughts into his target's mind. (Backup) Shadow Magic. Black Fire Magic and Shadow Magic are very similar, and can even be mistaken for each other. Belial has knowledge of Shadow Magic on par with his Black Fire Magic minus the Creation technique (which he is still developing) and uses it when Black Magic is unfavorable - ex. in a flammable area or against an opponent resistant to Fire Magic.
Personality: Belial is a mysterious figure. He keeps his mind and emotions under tight lock and key, and never lets anyone in. What he was like before he became a demon is a mystery. He does things in an odd sort of way, that might not always makes sense to others. However, he is peaceful, and prone to the more human characteristics of mercy and compassion. He is also loyal to his former master, determined to carry out her wishes even after she mysteriously vanished and was assumed dead.
History: Little is known about Belial before he became apprenticed to a rather... infamous demon. The demon's name was not known to even him, but she called herself Lilith and later named him Belial. Lilith was many things. A creator, a spellcastor, a thief, and possibly even a Succumbus. She was powerful, and wanted by many. Some wanted her death, others her body. Either way, no one ever succeeded. She was crafty, and devious. Why she apprenticed a human is unknown. Maybe she only wanted a test subject for her newest creation, a fusion of demon and human. Although she called it her best work, things were lacking. Belial was mute in his demon form, and only she could separate him from his demonic fusion, as only she knew how. Soon after Belial was "created", Lilith set her sights on Pandora's Box, and she and Belial hunted for it up until her disappearance. Over the course of her life, Lilith had built up quite a large bounty on her head, as many people wanted her gone. Belial also gained a strong bounty, being her accomplice in many of her tricks. Despite is own infamy, he continues to search for Pandora's Box, determined to carry through with his master's final goal. It's unknown whether he is content with his own state, or will eventually search for a way to improve and control his demonic abilities.
Other: He is mute. He can use Illusions or other techniques to communicate in full words, and can also make sounds such as growls or whines, but he prefers to just stay silent.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
2:04pm Nov 30 2011
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Posts: 736
((I found it a pleasure to read. Not overdone in the slightest.))
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
1:19pm Dec 4 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((Bump. More people need to join. D: And thanks. ^^))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
2:03pm Dec 4 2011
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Posts: 736
((Aye. Let's see if i cant rally a few up.))
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
5:45am Dec 9 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((Bump? D:))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
1:53pm Dec 9 2011
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Posts: 434
(( o3o; Can't imagine why this RP hasn't taken off yet. Seems like a pretty solid one. Oh well, better for mee. Join as a human fighter lady? ))
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2:03pm Dec 9 2011
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Posts: 736
((Of course marshal ^_^))
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
3:27am Dec 11 2011 (last edited on 3:28am Dec 11 2011)
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Posts: 434
 Name: Leokadia Malek Age: Appears to be in her early twenties. Gender: Female Race: Human Occupation: Mercenary Abilities: Trained (and tested) in combat. She currently sports a crossbow and a poleaxe, and is quite skilled in the use of each. Her true worth, however, is that she was trained in mounted combat. This does little good to her at present, as she's without a warhorse, but if a patron is willing to supply her one in return for her services- or if she finally cobbles together a decent enough living to keep one of her own- then she would soon prove herself a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield. Personality: Mischievous, although prefers slightly more subtle approach to her meddling than serious pranksters. She's endlessly curious, and restless, although on the whole she exudes an air of steadiness. She seems to treat others around her decently and yet at the same time acts as if they are disposable. This is not to say that she's detached, or even the slightest bit aloof- she just seems to view the other people around her as completely transient, knowing that at the very least she won't be staying in one place for very long. Thoughtful and introspective, although completely oblivious to the needs of others sometimes. Somewhat headstrong, openly despises losing and being wrong. Other: Freaked out by bugs. Can only cook well enough to stave off starvation, and sometimes not quite well enough to do that either. Rather likes books but has no time for them anyway. (( ;3; Sorry that took a little bit. I just moved from my dorm to home today for winter break. ))
[No sig right now, move alone.]
8:13am Dec 11 2011 (last edited on 5:36pm Dec 11 2011)
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Posts: 736
((Thanks for Joining ^_^ Now shall we start?))
Adrian lay on the leaf litter that plagued the forest floor. His vision blurred he attempted to sit upwards only to be greeted by a tremendous pain in his left shoulder. "What the?" He writhed in pain as it shot down his spine. grasping his upper arm he flinched as his fingers touched the open gash wounds that appeared to be claw marks. The shoulder guard was crumpled, part of his tunic torn and the up-most of his gauntlet shredded.
After binding the open wound, the demon had found support in a tree nearby, leaning against it as he found his feet. A fast recollection of what might of happed resonated in his head. There was something to do with a beast in a cave and a woman of sorts. That would explain the gash wound. He though smugly to himself, implying that the woman had done it rather than the beast.
Feeling lethargic, he cracked his whip and used the cane that took it's place as a walking stick. Making a high pitched whistle a slight tremor occurred as large wolf cub fizzled into existence, a twig in it's mouth. Dropping the twig she padded over to Adrian and sat at his feet nuzzling his palm and producing a whining sound. "Hey girl." He said softly, moving his hand up her muzzle to the top of her head. Hobbling over to the twig she had dropped he finally recalled that it was witch with a bounty on her head. This twig, was the witches wand to prove of his success. Every witch has a wand, whether they used it or not that was for them to decide, but never the less, it needed to be in their possession. This witch was now dead, or just some old woman, so he knew he had completed his task. Hettle-thorn, the given name to the lower village in Strong-hold. Here lay a tavern, and the black market hidden beneath it's beams. First things first though, a drink.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
5:11pm Dec 11 2011
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Posts: 3,426
Belial wasn't exactly having a good day. Well, it'd be better to say his day was far from productive. For hours, now, he'd been sitting at the bar in Hettle-thorn's tavern, completely still, only his fox ears twitching and readjusting to hear conversations behind him better. Not that anyone was discussing anything interesting. Although taverns were the best place to gather information, being mute meant he had to simply hope someone would ask the questions he was thinking. No one was, unfortunately.
An impatient tap on the wood in front of him caught his attention, and he looked up at a rather irritated looking woman. She was beautiful, despite her scowl. As Belial looked her over, he noticed lean muscle on her arms. She wasn't just a pretty face, she was the working type. For a human, she could probably pack a punch.
"Buy something or leave. You're creepy just sitting there," she told him. His ears twitched in dry amusement and he scanned the bottles behind her. It was never a good idea to anger the barkeeper, however he wasn't at all fond of alcohol. In fact, he disliked it quite a bit. His ears perked forward when he noticed some white bottles packed in ice, and he pointed to them.
The woman looked to where he was pointing and raised an eyebrow. "Milk?" she asked, turning back to him. He nodded. She stared at him for a moment longer before simply shrugging, getting a glass and filling it with the white liquid, muttering about "odd sorts."
While she did that, Belial pulled a coin from the pouch fixed to his belt and placed it onto the counter for her. She took it and inspected it before giving him his drink. Once she was sure it was good money, she left to tend to other customers, leaving Belial to slowly sip his drink and continue listening to the voices of the tavern.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:29pm Dec 11 2011
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Posts: 434
Leokadia knew very little of Hettle-thorn. She knew there was a forgettable market, some houses, a small lumber mill, a more discreet but still fairly well-known market, the usual smattering of taverns and inns, and a stable. She was the most interested in the black market, but ended up spending the better part of her morning just wandering around the small town, seeing the sights- all three or four of them. She was clearly an outsider, but outsiders came and went in this town often enough for her to not turn too many heads. However, the large, cloth-covered weapon strapped to her back certainly made her more conspicuous than most.
She still needed to find and rent a room to stay in so she could put down all of her equipment, and yet she found herself outside of a tavern, rather interested in getting some food. She could stand to lug around her heavy pack and also-heavy weapons for a little longer. A bite to eat and maybe a glass of ale would do her some good. The woman entered the unassuming tavern, her red-brown hair blowing forward with the slight breeze outside. The air within was thick with the smell of smoke, even though it still wasn't all that late in the day. She could only imagine how thick with life a place like this would be come nightfall.
She took a small table near the window, grateful for the fresh air and light. She dumped her rucksack beneath her seat, and propped her heavy poleaxe up against the wall. The crossbow stayed strapped on her, although it was more out of convenience than anything else. She wore fairly comfortable clothes, complete with pants, and a traveling cloak. Nothing all that unusual for a person who made a career out of armed conflict. She was just on the young side, and the female side, so she perhaps seemed out-of-place in it- but of course the scar across her face legitimized her chosen profession. She ended up heading to the counter to order something, not bothering to wait for a barmaid to notice her.
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5:23am Dec 12 2011
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Posts: 736
Entering the tavern backwards, he pushed the door as he slid in. The cub was following swiftly behind caring the wand. The musky smell greeted his nostrils and he curled his noes as he walked over the bar and a bar stool. A cheer occurred on the far side causing Adrian to turn his head. It was nothing to do with him. Some lads where having a drinking contest, or he assumed that was what it was considering that there where numerous upside down tankards on the table. "Ale please Mary." Said the demon snidely. The barkeep wasn't called Mary, but it never ceased to amaze him how she went along with it. He sat down to an eared figure draped in a cloak. A lesser demon. He had a different scent to other demons. This guy was created, but it wasn't in Adrian's best interest to ask.
The barkeep with the Alias of Mary frowned at him almost slamming down the cup before him. "Cheers Mary." He raised his glass to the woman before taking a drink from the glass. "She loves me really." He said to the man beside him with the milk. He received a sharp glance and said no more. He received a punch from her one too many times, even as a child she was strong enough to leave quite some damage.
Resting his injured arm on the tavern he undid the wrappings to reveal the deep slashes into the tissue. Dried blood plagued the wound so he dipped a cloth into the ale and started cleaning away the unwanted.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
6:14am Dec 12 2011
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Posts: 3,426
Belial's ears perked up when someone sat next to him, ordering ale and calling the barkeeper Mary. He was almost certain that wasn't her name, so it was interesting that she seemed to answer to it anyways. Then again, she was probably used to many nicknames, some probably more mean spirited or stupid than "Mary."
He picked up his glass just as "Mary" slammed down the other male's drink down to keep it from possibly getting knocked over by the vibrations. He took a thoughtful sip of it and glanced once again at the male demon beside him, unaware that his hood was not shielding his crimson eyes from view.
Belial wasn't exactly surprised to see the wounds on the other demon. A lot of demons got into fights, and the wounds were mild compared to some of what Belail had seen, although he couldn't help but wonder what had done it.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:13pm Dec 12 2011
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Posts: 736
Wincing as the alcoholic beverage dripped into the wound he cursed. The dire wolf cub whimpered at her masters discomfort and nuzzled his side as she lent against the stool. The cub, despite being just that appeared to be an over-sized 'regular' wolf, however due to being a demonic creature she had demonic size and is yet to reach adulthood. As well as exceptional physical condition, she also the ability to dimension warp. This ability would allow one to skip through an alternate dimensions. The other dimension exists only for jumpers, and gives them the power to get anywhere in a bl ink of an eye. In the alternate dimension time flow is warped depending on the situation, so any amount of time could have gone by from travelling from point A to B. "Hey don't mind me." He told her, hiding the pain by not looking down to her.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois