6:19pm May 20 2014 (last edited on 8:47am Jun 11 2014)
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Posts: 969
Location & Plot. EarthClan is coming to the end of a trek through the forest to find a new home after theirs had been destroyed in a devastating earthquake. The Clans in the area had all gone their separate ways in search for a new place to live. The RP starts with the EarthClan survivors discovering the scarce remains of an abandoned cottage and deciding that this would be a great place to start a new camp. They soon discover an entire abandoned town about a mile further out, where grass is beginning to push through the ground around the remains. This will be a good place for the cats to collect resources. Many of the EarthClan cats have grown weary--even the strongest of their warriors are worn down from the journey. Food was limited while the Clan focused on finding a new home as quickly as possible; hunting was not the top priority when they find their new home, the warriors disperse to rebuild the strength of the Clan as soon as possible. Some warriors collect as much food as possible, while others take patrols out to the town to scavenge for materials and herbs. Once EarthClan is nearly finished rebuilding, LeafClan intervenes; but we'll save this plot twist for later. Rules. > Be polite and respectful to everyone and their characters. > No godmodding. This means that you shouldn't control or move anyone else's characters without their permission. > No powerplaying. This means that your cat is not invincible, and is subject to getting hurt in battles, just like everyone else. These are realistic cats, with no special powers or alterations. > Only post when it's your turn to post. > If you can't post within 48 hours of the start of your turn, you risk being skipped. Since this is a turn-based RP, we need everyone to be fairly active. If you have any complications with this, please feel free to rmail me so we can figure something out. > Literacy is somewhat important--your posts need to at least include periods and capitalization so that everyone can follow your post easily. Try to write 1 or 2 paragraphs for each of your cats during your turn. Each paragraph should probably average between 4-7 lines; the line count isn't a rule, just a loose guideline. > If you're going to start anything with someone else's character (fighting, developing relationships, etc.), please clear it with them first over an rmail or something. Communication is important! > We should discuss major plot twists as a group. Try not to start anything too major with the plot without mentioning it OOC (out of character) first.
Character Bios.
Please mention OOC if you've changed anything in any of your cats' bios. It doesn't need to be cleared with anyone unless someone else's cat is involved, just make sure that people know that you've changed something. c:
Turns. Petti > Rika > Dusty > Sona > Dai > Call
6:27pm May 20 2014 (last edited on 7:29pm May 20 2014)
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Posts: 969
((OOC: I know I forgot to include a list of words and terminology in the first post. I'll edit that tonight. For those who don't know, "twolegs" are humans and "Thunderpath" is the word for roads. In this case, Frostfur thought the remains of the cottage were pieces of Thunderpath.))
Stormwind wriggled his haunches and prepared to pounce. He hadn't hunted for himself in days--he'd been scavenging for leftovers from the kits and Chuck instead of taking fresh kill for himself. I'm a big cat, he told himself, I can afford to eat a little less. He decided to fall behind the Clan a little bit so that he could feed himself, hoping to stay as strong as possible while they were still looking for a new home. Stormwind pushed his chest to the ground, moved one paw in front of the other, and jumped on the fat squirrel he'd been watching. He quickly ate as much meat as he could get off of his prey and dashed to catch back up to the Clan.
"Maybe we'll find a clearing soon," Frostfur announced to those following closely behind her. She had just taken over the leading shift, guiding the Clan through the heavily wooded forest. Not long after, she thought she caught a scent. What is that? "Hey, I'll be right back," she mumbled over her shoulder, and ran ahead of the Clan. She detected the very faint scent of twolegs. Only a moment after realizing this, she came across a clearing with pieces of some type of Thunderpath stuck in the ground. "Hey! Over here!" she called back to the other cats. She didn't think that there were any twolegs around. In fact, there probably hadn't been for moons.
7:54am May 21 2014
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Posts: 11,785
Shadowstep followed the clan near the back, looking over at Stormwind as he caught something for himself, merely blinking at him before he looked forward, tail twitching behind him until the vague scent of Twolegs reached his nose. His ears pulled back a little bit as he lowered his head, bright orange eyes glancing around the ruins of what was surely the Twolegs' camp. His fur bristled a little bit as he looked around before he shook his head and decided to carefully begin to explore, choosing his pawsteps as carefully as possible. He needed to be quiet, just in case there was anything left that could spring and injure them.
Earthclan needed all the Warriors it had, maybe adding some more as the moons pass. They had taken many casualties when the earthquake had hit, and as such the needed to rebuild. He felt as though rebuilding would end up needing to be their top priority, given how very few cats they had remaining compared to how they used to be.
However, they had had their chance to mourn; now was the time in which they needed to focus to the future for the sake of the remaining kits and apprentices, who would end up carrying the weight of the clan soon enough.
When Frostfur called, he lifted his head and turned to head towards the sound, paws hardly making a sound as he hurried over. _____________________________________________
Silverheart, meanwhile, was towards the front, looking between a couple other cats before he glanced down. He was going to remain with another member of the clan in order to offer protection, to ensure that they lost no more cats. But would the queens stay together to allow easier protection? He hoped so, otherwise his idea was going to prove rather tough.
And then Frostfur announced that she had found something and he tilted his head, ears perking as he began to approach where Frostfur's voice had come from. "The scent of Twolegs is very stale," he said softly, tilting his head. "Barely there at all. It looks as though they made a camp and then left it behind," he said quietly. "But the pieces of Thunderpath that are there are strange..."
12:00pm May 21 2014 (last edited on 6:57pm Jun 3 2014)
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Posts: 4,093
((EDIT: Sona's idea of putting the cats' names above their paragraphs is great! Gonna steal it now.))
Bramblefoot was a little ways off from the rest of the Clan; they were weary, true, but the sudden plentiful prey in this area and a decent night's rest the night before left them less helpless than some other days. Even the Elder, Chuck, was holding his own. Tough old thing, he thought to himself, purring slightly. Most Elders didn't make it to his age, much less through a difficult journey, or with his sort of.. ferocity still intact.
A familiar scent pricked at his nose. A couple more pawsteps led him to what he was looking for--Chamomile, a good strength boost for cats on long travels. Bramblefoot had made sure to keep up a small supply of the small white flowers and their leaves for Earthclan along their journey. It wasn't enough to treat every member, but it was better than nothing. He snipped off some stems with his teeth, as many as he could carry, then made his way back to the trail of cats.. only to realize that they had begun to stop.
Bramblefoot padded up to Frostfur, who was at the head of the bunch. He glanced at the chunks of somewhat foul-smelling rough material. The other cats were tossing out suggestions on what it was. He wasn't quite sure either; it was poking out of the ground in ragged clumps, unlike any Thunderpath he'd seen. "What do you think this is, Frostfur?" He inquired, dropping the bundle of chamomile next to him.
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Sparrowpaw watched with despair as the mouse scurried off into the bush. Mousebrain, she chided herself. Can't even catch a stupid mouse. Her pale eyes narrowed in annoyance; hunting wasn't her strong suit, she knew, and Tawnyheart hadn't had much time to teach her since they left their old territory. Her mentor was deputy to Earthclan; she was busy holding their Clan together.
A violent rustling disturbed a clump of ferns to Sparrowpaw's left. Immediately, she dropped into a somewhat clumsy crouch. This much, she remembered. Carefully she let her mouth open, drawing in the scents from all around--then blinked in surprise. It wasn't prey she smelled, it was her own Clan. The swish of a long white-tipped black tail disappearing ahead meant that Shadowstep was rushing towards the front. The quiet, thoughtful black tom usually kept towards the back of the Clan, making sure no one fell behind. Something must be going on. With purr of excitement, she bounded after him, her earlier disappointment forgotten.
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
2:54am May 23 2014
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Posts: 4,355
{excuse the late and probably poor post; I'm really tired and still sorta sad, but I just didn't wanna be skipped. uwu;}
Ruststar Although tired and no longer apt to keep up the leading position, the she-cat kept her eyes trained on the path ahead of them and her ears pricked. She was tired, sure, like the rest of her clan was, but she still had young bones and powerful muscles. She could go for as long as she had to, she told herself, if it meant getting her clan to safety. Where safety was, she wasn't sure; and that was the hard part. Venturing into the unknown with a whole group of lives depending on you was stressful and difficult, but as the leader, she knew this was but another obstacle and that Starclan would help them through it.
Frostfur, who she'd allowed to take over the position at the head of the group, suddenly called to them after a short expedition into the trees. Her head tilted in interest and her ex pression perplexed, she picked up the pace and flicked her tail at the cats behind her, motioning for them to follow.
After a moment, she broke through the trees and glanced around the clearing Frostfur had discovered. She began mumbling to herself, nodding as she contemplated and took in the area around her. She glanced back at her fellow clanmates, waiting for some sort of critique on the place. She, personally, thought it just might work.
Coalpaw Begrudgingly, Coalpaw trailed after his mentor. Although he was flicking his tail in irritation and practically dragging his paws, he managed not to grumble too much. He was sure Bramblefoot was exhausted and annoyed too, and he didn't want to add to any stress. Even though he was typically a negative cat who didn't care too deeply about upsetting anyone, he had his limits.
A very strong scent pricked his nose. Since he'd lost clear eyesight, his other senses had amplified to make up for it. His smelling, in particular, was very impressive after the incident with his eyes. It was neat to be able to smell better than most everyone in the clan, but without the eyes that he needed to protect himself, hunt and stay focused with, he often felt as helpless as a newborn kitten.
He plucked up the remaining stems in his teeth once Bramblefoot had his mouth full, then trudged after his mentor and followed him back to the group. He noticed that they had stopped to observe something that looked like a twoleg dump, which he scowled at. He could pick out the main, blurred shapes and colors of the area, and it didn't seem like much to him.
Chuck Although he took up the rear, the old cat's raspy complaints could be heard from the front of the group. If he wasn't complaining about a thorn in his paw, he was moaning about an ache in his shoulder. He knew that it would have been more polite to simply stay silent and move along like everyone else, but being the oldest in the clan and therefore the most frail, he figured that he should have the right to say whatever he pleased.
They arrived at the area Frostfur had found a moment later. He scanned over it, taking in the clearing with his miraculously impeccable eyesight. He smiled slightly at it; if at least somewhat, the abandoned twoleg residence reminded him a bit of the home he'd lived in in his younger days.
1:37pm May 23 2014
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Posts: 709
Copperkit, really didn't have a clue what was going on. She did know that something bad had happened but couldn't comprehend what happened to most of the clan and especially her father. She stayed closed to her mother and was trying to keep up with the clan. She then hear Frostfur's voice and ran to the front of the clan. She looked in awe at the twoleg place.
SpeckledPaw was still badly shaken about what happened. He had blood curdling nightmares about it. He hung his head low and hoped that everything would get better from then on. Speckledpaw lifted up his head when he heard his mentor, Frostfur yell. Quickly, running to her side he saw the thunderpath and twoleg place. He wondered if there long journey had come to an end.
6:04am May 24 2014 (last edited on 10:09am May 24 2014)
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Posts: 605
Tawnyheart couldn't understand the problems her clan was having. One, her leader wasn't stepping up and helping the clan like it was proper to do in these times. Two, They hadn't stopped for a hunting patrol for three days. And three, she hardly got a break to train her apprentice. And now, two of her best warriors were running off? What was happening to EarthClan? Right now, she was trekking somewhere in the middle of the group. Sighing, she called, "Sparrowpaw, come with me. We are going to see what Shadowstep and Frostfur are doing." When she saw the twoleg Place, she gazed in awe. And the shook her head in her mate's antics.
Nightclaw gave a small purr as he got a glimpse of his mate's tail, swishing seriously. He indeed would like to have kits someday, but his mate said clan first in these times. When he saw the twoleg place with rest of the clan, he was, in fact, the first to say, "Well, let's see what's going on in there!" Then he raced toward the place in excitement.
FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!
7:13am May 24 2014 (last edited on 7:13am May 24 2014)
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Posts: 423
Rippleheart had began to get tunnel vision, the constant walking and the same trees everywhere...Her eyes were dull as she watched the rear end of some cat in front of her,at this point she didnt even know whos bum she was staring at. There was a pause before Ripple was nearly walking straight into someones tail, she shook her head once,twice, three times. I need to stay alert she chided herself. Everyone had for some reason stopped, what could be going on up there? she wondered as she pushed her way forward. Copperkit had darted forward between the legs of the others, and Rippleheart followed. "Copper dont take off like that!"
She stopped as she came to the front of the line, right on Copper's tail now. Looking up she saw what the commotion was about, right in the clearing was an absurd structure. Ripple wasnt sure herself what it was exactly, but it smelled like two legs. Everyone was talking now and Nightclaw had bounded forward. The silly tom! Running in there like that, she carefully padded forward. "Stay here Copper" she instructed her kit. Almost daintily she approached the strange structure, her nose lightly touching the ground around the stones. There wasnt much left here of two-legs...perhaps the earthshake had ran them off as well.
9:26am May 24 2014
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Posts: 423
oops sub :3
4:57pm May 24 2014
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Posts: 969
"It looks like pieces of Thunderpath...but I've never seen a whole Thunderpath like this," Frostfur replied to Bramblefoot, nervously reaching a paw out to feel the texture of it. It was certainly lighter in color than the Thunderpaths she had seen, being nearly white. "But if this is all torn up, there's no way there are any twolegs still using it." Frostfur turned to see that the rest of the Clan had followed behind her, and everyone seemed to be present. She made eye contact with her brother Stormwind, who then stepped forward.
Stormwind nodded at Frostfur as if he knew exactly what she was thinking, and then turned to Ruststar, taking a few more steps out of the crowd. "Ruststar," he said softly, "what do you think?" Before waiting for an answer, he offered his thoughts: "The scent of twolegs is so stale that I'm sure they've all been gone for quite some time now." He padded toward Frostfur and Bramblefoot, wanting to get a closer look at the piece of Thunderpath lodged in the ground before them. "This is the only clearing we've seen in probably a moon now. Perhaps we could use these abandoned twoleg structures--whatever they are, Thunderpath or not--to our advantage?" He grinned and looked back at Ruststar, hoping that his suggestion hadn't sounded absurd.
9:53pm May 25 2014
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Posts: 11,785
((My apologies my cousin was here and then I forgot it was my turn ;v;))
Shadowstep nodded slightly and took a small step closer, tilting his head a little bit. His copperpenny eyes looked towards the remains before he turned his head to look back towards Chuck, ears twitching a little bit. He was aware that he had been a kittypet once, so he turned to step towards the elder. "Chuck, would you mind my asking if you possibly know what these remains may be?" he asked, his voice clearly rarely used going by how soft it seemed. He sat down and curled his tail around his paws. "As you were a kittypet once I feel as though you might be more aware of what these may be, seeing as they are clearly remains caused by twolegs." _____________________________________________
Silverheart watched Shadowstep as he walked back to talk to Chuck, blinking once in slight surprise before he moved to step up closer to where the rest of the clan appeared to be gathering, staring out at the remains. He cocked his head, feeling as though this further cemented his thoughts on this being an abandoned twoleg camp of sorts. His ears twitched and he looked back as the Queens and their kits began to come closer, his posture changing to become more alert than before as he went back to focusing on making sure the rest of clan stayed safe for now. They couldn't afford any more losses. Not now.
10:02am May 26 2014 (last edited on 6:57pm Jun 3 2014)
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Posts: 4,093
Bramblefoot dipped his head in agreement to Frostfur. "Yes. It looks abandoned. Twolegs usually don't let dandelions linger around their Thunderpaths." He noted, flicking his tail at the sunny puffs in the grass surrounding the chunk. It was a low priority though, to him; once his initial curiosity was satisfied, Bramblefoot realized that other cats would be plenty more knowledgeable than him; for now, the Clan was his duty.
He purred with appreciation when he saw Coalpaw following him, chamomile stems filling his mouth. "Good work," he said to his apprentice. "You can hand those out to any cats that will eat them; they can just be eaten like that, too. I'll come with you." He touched his nose affectionately to the top of Coalpaw's head. The young, surly tom was clearly doing his best to help despite circumstances. He'll make a good Medicine Cat, Bramblefoot thought. The black-and-white cat wasn't young for an apprentice, but Medicine Cats were different from Warriors; Coalpaw would only take over when Bramblefoot did. He himself had only fairly recently taken the full position--probably not a year had passed, but circumstances had handed Coalpaw right into his paws. He may not realize it, but he's considerate.
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Sparrowpaw twitched her tail. Following Shadowstep only held her interest for so long; the tom was talking to that Elder, Chuck. Moments later she heard her mentor, Tawnyheart, calling out to her. Excitement flooded her heart. Finally we can train! She thought, fur puffing out. Then Nightclaw started messing with the Deputy, and urged her to go check out the newest novelty in their travels. Sparrowpaw's tail drooped and she stalked away, ears flat. Tawnyheart never had time for her; either she was taking care of the Clan or playing stupid games with her mate.
I miss Whitefur.
Sparrowpaw paused mid-step as memory of her original mentor flashed in her mind. She squeezed her eyes shut, savouring the images. Whitefur had been bold, energetic, but calm and wise--everything the young apprentice aspired to be. She hadn't deserved to die in the quake: of all cats, not her. Tawnyheart was not a bad cat--but she wasn't Whitefur. And she never would be. Sparrowpaw wouldn't let her, or anyone else, take that place in her heart.
Her claws dug into the earth. Before anyone could see her, Sparrowpaw bolted off into the forest, deep enough that she could hear or smell no other cat.
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
3:19pm May 27 2014 (last edited on 3:19pm May 27 2014)
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Posts: 4,093
(( Subscribed! ))
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
1:59am May 29 2014 (last edited on 2:01am May 29 2014)
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Posts: 4,355
{once school's out in six days, I'm gonna be really consistent, alright? ;; I'm just sick and stressed and sad at the moment, and I've had no inspiration. hooray for the three Ss! also, please excuse me if this post sucks. I'm, like, passing out.}
Ruststar As the cats gathered around, determining whether or not this place looked safe, Ruststar listened carefully to everyone's concerns, opinions and questions. No one seemed to disagree with moving in here, really. She had her own doubts; the place looked dangerous, with the possibility of falling pieces of Twoleg material. Although it looked pretty abandoned, the possibility of returning humans wasn't impossible. She didn't see how it could provide them much shelter, regardless of the walls.
She didn't let her doubts be known, however, because she saw a lot of good in the structure. A base to built off of; she could already picture the warriors' and medicine cats' dens. Until they found shelter, which could be miles away, they would at least have something to protect them minimally from predators and weather. It was in the forest, where prey should be plentiful, and the humans weren't too nearby.
She sat, flicked her long, bushy tail once, and glanced up from the dirt to the structure again. She nodded just slightly, a wise and decisive look in her eyes. "Alright, yes, yes," she mumbled, mostly talking to herself before suddenly picking up volume so that everyone could here. "Yes! Yes, this is Earthclan's new home. And here is where we shall prosper."
Coalpaw Coalpaw couldn't help the slightest, rough little rumble of a purr from escaping his throat when Bramblefoot praised him. He wasn't used to compliments; just the opposite, really. "You can't even see the paw in front of your face, you blind bat!" "Are you even doing anything for this clan?" "Can you see how hard you are to deal with? Oh, wait! You can't see at all!" Most of the comments were told to him by apprentices and young warriors, most lost in the earthquake back home. Those words no longer stung, however. He accepted them because they were all true.
He snapped out of his daze when Bramblefoot told him to pass out the chamomile. He nodded slightly, then dipped his head low and slunk forward, into the mass of cats. He tapped his nose against a fluffy surface, quickly acknowledging that it was a cat. He couldn't tell with certainty who it was, but through his limited vision he guessed that it was Silverheart.
"You want one or not? It helps with traveling," he mumbled impatiently and bluntly, thrusting forward the bundle of little white flowers in his teeth and offering the she-cat one. He was sure he heard the rustling of undergrowth nearby, and his sensitive ears flicked toward the sound. Alas, no one was there, and he was busy, so he disregarded it as nothing.
Chuck Chuck flicked a torn ear in the direction of a younger cat's voice, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What now, sonny? Gonna have to speak up. These ol' ears don't hear like they're s'posed to." He paused a moment, then added slowly, "But if yer askin' 'bout that rickety ol' cabin? Oh, m'n m'old man lived in one o'those. It looks like it's made out of... Oh, dangflabbit, what's that word?" He stuck out his already-protruded jaw in contemplation. "Brick! Real sturdy, ain't real nice to have on your head." He chucked a bit at his own joke, obviously stemming from a personal experience. "Would be nice for a camp, I s'pose." He shrugged his balding shoulders.
11:22am May 31 2014
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Posts: 709
Copperkit watched everyone as they observed the area. She wondered why no one moved closer. As her mother observed Copper moved past her unseen. weaving her way through she ran down to the thunderpath to the twoleg town. Copper bolted hoping not be caught.
Speckledpaw, observed with the others then saw a kit bolt off. He shifted not knowing what to do and then bolted off for the kit. He knew the kit belonged to Rippleheart and she already lost her mate so he decided to go for her. The kit was really fast but not faster than him. Speckledpaw lunged forward in front of the kit and grabbed it by the scruff and brought it back.
11:23am Jun 2 2014 (last edited on 11:24am Jun 2 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 423
((hello yes, it has been 48 hrs and sorry but I am posting))Rippleheart was still inspecting the remains of the two-leg
den. Her whiskers brushed the cool stones and pieces of wood left behind. The
smell was strange yet slightly familiar as she passed over each piece. She was
listening intently to the others though she did not necessarily make it known,
her head turned up surprised at Ruststar. This would be their new home?
Rippleheart supposed this place would do, it wasn’t like they had really seen
anything suitable for what seemed like ages now. She blinked and turned to the
others “I think its perfect” she padded up to where Frostfur and Stormwind
stood,also looking to Ruststar.
Out of the corner of her eye Ripple glanced a flash of
brown, then watched as Speckledpaw carried Copperkit back to the gathering.
Rippleheart went to her kit rather quickly, looking stern. “Copperkit, you can
not run off by yourself. Who knows what dangers are in these woods, you could
be hurt.Any cat knows that Copper,and we have been over this.” Her sea green
eyes looked down upon Copper,she meant business, though there was still love in
her eyes. Ripple couldn’t bear to lose Copper..not now.
12:55pm Jun 2 2014
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Posts: 969
((OOC: Switching the order up from time to time lol don't let that confuse anyone~ it's just for the sake of what I'm planning to write. Also I'm sorry if this isn't fantastic, I'm juggling a lot of things today and I'm not sure where I'll be tomorrow x_x))
Stormwind turned to face Bramblefoot. They had been great friends since Stormwind could remember, although he was half Bramblefoot's age. He saw Bramblefoot as a sort of older brother figure, and while Stormwind had convinced the rest of his clan of his brave and strong reputation, he still looked to Bramblefoot for guidance that his warrior mentor could not have provided for him. Without saying anything, he urged Bramblefoot to give him some sort of reaction--anything, really.
He was unsure about whether or not he had made a good suggestion in the clan making a new home here. Though he was confident it would make a great camp, he was also a very young, very new warrior and did not yet see himself fit for helping in decision-making for the rest of the clan. He was somewhat relieved to hear Ruststar proclaim this place EarthClan's new home, but he was still nervous about the other cats' reactions to Ruststar's decision. He knew at this point the decision was completely out of his hands, but if something went wrong in the new camp, he would only blame himself.
Frostfur took a chance and hopped up on top of one of the pieces of Thunderpath. The surface was wide enough for a normal-sized cat to stand atop--perhaps not her brother Stormwind, but definitely a leaner cat like herself. "It's sturdy!" she meowed excitedly down to the clan. "It's as sturdy as the forest floor. It just feels different on my feet." She looked around the clan from her vantage point, thinking this would be a good way for many of the cats to sit in watch.
Frostfur turned her head a bit more to see her apprentice Speckledpaw drop Copperkit next to her mother, Rippleheart. She was unsure of what had just happened, but she beamed at the thought that her apprentice had begun to do deeds for his clan without being asked. Leaping down from the Thunderpath, she approached Ruststar. "Would it be wise," she asked her, "to take a patrol a little further into the forest, just for good measure?" She suggested that she could take Speckledpaw and maybe one or two other warriors to explore the surrounding area.
2:33am Jun 4 2014
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Posts: 11,785
((Will reply if I have tomorrow past couple days have been busy because I'm starting to have a social life assuming long Dungeons and Dragons sessions are a social life
7:03pm Jun 5 2014
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Posts: 11,785
Shadowstep nodded slightly, thanking the elder for the information before he turned to look up towards their Clan leader, his ears perking. If they went on a patrol, it could be possible to do a little bit of hunting as well. He was sure the remains of their Clan had to be famished by then, and a fresh-kill pile would be useful should they decide to make this into their new camp. He sat down and curled his tail around his paws, his bright eyes once again turning to their leader to await Ruststar's commands telling them what they needed to be doing.
Silverheart blinked and moved to step up towards the strange twoleg remains, sniffing at them instead of hopping up on top of them. Sturdy as they may be he was more interested in looking around first to see where the best places could be to set of areas for Bramblefoot and Coalpaw, as well as a good area for the kits and places for the rest of them to sleep.
10:59am Jun 6 2014
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Posts: 4,093
Bramblefoot watched Coalpaw go, slinking through the swathe of cats without a hint of nervousness. He supposed he should do the same; even with this exciting discovery, the cats were tired.
The announcement that this place would become their new camp came surprisingly quickly. Bramblefoot purred; If Ruststar was feeling nervous at all, she wasn't showing it. And besides--the Clan needed certainty in these times. Even if the new camp didn't last and they ended up having to move on, this would be a place to rest for a while and feel their lives come back together a bit. It had some shelter already for when night came; he smelled a bit of rain on its way.
"I think it's a good place to settle." He said to Ruststar and any other cat listening. "I'll start gathering more herbs right away, and pile them by that tree." He flicked his tail towards a small maple. "We can finally treat all those cracked paws we have." I have to work quickly, He thought, padding by Stormwind as he went off to search. The Clan is riddled with small things to treat, and if the rain comes... Coalpaw seemed to be handing out the chamomile just fine, so Bramblefoot found a patch of dock leaf and got to work, ears pricked towards the Clan, listening.
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Sparrowpaw slowed her quick-paced escape into the woods. She had been gone for a little while now, and no cat had come after her, which was good. The forest was quiet, heavy with leaves and life. She made a few halfhearted attempts at catching prey, but only succeeded once with a tiny vole. Despite her training, she was starving, and wolfed the whole thing down. I wouldn't have come back this way anyway, She thought, licking her muzzle. There was no point in burying it for later.
The sound of rushing water hit Sparrowpaw's ears, and she dashed forward excitedly. A river was a good find for the Clan. Stepping into the clearing, she saw it below; it was small enough to cross, but definitely more than just a trickle. Her paws curled around the rocks for balance as she descended. The rocks on the other side were covered by some sort of odd, hard mesh, like tiny stones only as thick as a couple whiskers. It smelled of Twolegs, but she crossed anyway. The hard, sharp grey mesh cut at her pads as she went, wincing.
The woods thinned suddenly, and Sparrowpaw was faced with looming structures. She recoiled instantly, meowing in distress. Twolegs! They were Twoleg dens; tall, imposing, ugly. Some were crumbling while others stood upright. Curiously, she could barely smell any of the acrid scent that Twolegs usually carried, and the clearing was empty.
Sparrowpaw sat, crouching, her fear subsiding, deciding whether or not she should go back.. or explore.
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe