10:31pm Oct 13 2011 (last edited on 7:48pm Oct 14 2011)
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Posts: 783
~This is a private RP between Rabbah and myself. It is based off of a book series entitled The Chaos Walking Trilogy, to which I own no rights. Lurkers are welcome provided they do not spam.~
Word Key (For the lurkers xD):
New World: A planet not unlike our Earth. Human settlers moved there and started colonies. Now many humans inhabit the planet.
Prentisstown: An old, and now abandoned town on New World.
Haven: A huge town on New World. Its name was changed to New Prentisstown when The Mayor took it over.
Spackle: The native species on New World. They are described as being excessively lanky, with 'too-high mouths' and 'too-small eyes.' They are peaceful creatures that are incapable of using words to speak. Lichen grows naturally on their bodies instead of clothes.
Noise: The constant stream of thoughts that flows from the heads of all people and animals on New World (save for women).
Germ: What the people of New World believe caused them to have Noise in the first place.
Cure: A neuro-chemical devised by the inhabitants of Haven. It stops the user's Noise from being audible to others.
The Spackle War is over, The Answer has been overthrown, and Mayor Prentiss and his army (The Ask) have come to power. Things are pretty much at a standstill. In fact, nothing exciting has happened for a while. Davy and Todd work for Prentiss, as soldiers and as farm boys. It's simple work (most of the time) but Todd doesn't mind it so much. Davy, on the other hand, becomes increasingly frustrated as time goes on. He feels unwanted. His own father- The Mayor- even said that he wasn't wanted. David Prentiss has made it clear that he views his son as nothing more than a waste of space, and that he would much rather have Todd as a son. Todd feels a little guilty when he hears The Mayor talking like this, but he doesn't ultimately give the matter much thought. But Davy knows he has to find a way to get back at Todd somehow. He won't stop until he's had his revenge.
New Prentisstown, which is governed by none other than the infamous Mayor Prentiss (or President Prentiss, as he prefers to be called). On one side of town, there's the women's quarters. The building that was once Mistress Coyle's house of healing was reduced to rubble and ash in the war. Coyle and all of her followers (except Viola, Lee, and Wilf) are dead. For a good while after the war, Prentiss had soldiers patrol the area to make sure none of the women snuck out and tried to create another terrorist organization like The Answer. But since none of their signature blue A's have showed up in weeks, he is slowly allowing his iron grip on the town relax.
The other side of town is home to the men. There is a clinic run by men in this half of the town. For the time being, it is the only option, seeing as no healers remain.
Right in the middle of it all is the bell tower, standing tall and proud even after the terrible events that have transpired in New Prentisstown.
Character Roster:
David 'Davy' Prentiss- RabbitWings
Todd Hewitt- Queenkira
Manchee- RabbitWings and Queenkira (depending on the situation)
Mayor Prentiss- RabbitWings and Queenkira (depending on the situation)
Everyone else- NPC
10:31pm Oct 13 2011 (last edited on 10:44pm Oct 13 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 783
((Okay. So I typed that all really quickly and there is a high chance I got some details wrong.
For one, Manchee should be dead. I did that one on purpose, though. If you see any glaringly obvious mistakes/ things you think should be changed, let me know. I'll gladly change it.
About the character roster: I just threw some character's names up there. We don't even have to RP all of them. The only ones we actually need are Todd, Davy, Manchee, and the Mayor.
I don't care who gets which characters as long as whoever ends up RPing Todd doesn't RP Davy as well. Same character romances are just... no.
Actually, now that I think about it, it might work better for the mayor to be NPC. If we did that, though, we should probably throw in another playable character... Viola maybe? She would work well. She could be hitting on Todd and then... BAM! Right as soon as she and him are about to get serious, Todd starts getting all lovey-dovey with Davy.
So it would look something like this:
Person 1 plays: Davy and Viola
Person 2 plays: Todd and Manchee
...Unless you can think of something that works better.
OH, and bios or no bios?))
3:36pm Oct 14 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[No bios, we both know who's who.
What I think we could do is one of us be Todd, the other be Davy, and maybe we both could be Manchee depending on the situation? So, like when Manchee gets kidnaped, the person playing Todd gets him, and when Todd's just talking to him, he could be played by the person with Davy. Does that make since? I guess that would make just about everyone a NPC other than Todd and Davy...
I don't care which one we do, though, so it's your choice.]]
7:15pm Oct 14 2011
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Posts: 783
((I love that idea. Do you mind if we do the same thing with the Mayor? Like, when he's yelling at Davy, the person who plays Todd will get him and when he's praising Todd he'll be played by the other person.
Oh, do you want to try and copy the style of the book?
eg. "I can see the concentrayshun on the Mayor's face as he looks twixt the two of 'em." and "She ain't pleased."
Instead of "He could see the concentration on the Mayor's face as he looked between the two of them." and "She was not pleased."
And more importantly, do you want Todd or Davy? I honestly don't care who I get. I love them both xD))
7:28pm Oct 14 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[Sure =p
Um...Do you think we could just do everything normally? >.< I have issues doing just strange dialogues, even though my way of speaking is different...
Either for me, I don't mind anyway =p ]]
7:43pm Oct 14 2011
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Posts: 783
((That's fine by me. And if your way of speaking is 'different', then it certainly isn't noticeable in your writing. :p
Um... I really don't know who I want. I'm gonna flip a coin. Heads, I get Davy. Tails I get Todd.
....Looks like Todd is mine xD))
7:44pm Oct 14 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[I naturally type really proper... Or at least, I think it is xD
Do you want to start?]]
7:48pm Oct 14 2011
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Posts: 783
((I... I don't know how I type. xD Just as long as my posts aren't full of errors, I really don't care.
And sure, I can start. It may take a while, though. I'm kinda busy. Dx))
7:49pm Oct 14 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[That's fine. I might not reply until tomorrow, though...]]
8:25pm Oct 14 2011 (last edited on 8:30pm Oct 14 2011)
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Posts: 783
Todd looked at his uniform, which lay neatly folded on his bed. It had been almost two months since he and Davy Prentiss had become soldiers of the Ask, but he still wasn't entirely used to it. He ran a finger over the signature 'A' that had been stitched into the uniform, lost in thought. It just seemed so strange, that he could work for someone like the Mayor. Someone so rude, so cruel, so- He quickly cut off his train of thought, in case anyone outside were listening to his Noise. It was doubtful, considering the deafening roar of Noise cascading through New Prentisstown, but he still had to be careful. After all, he thought, smirking as he did so. We soldiers need to set an example for the rest of New Prentisstown. "Todd?" came a familiar bark from Manchee, who was curled up at the edge of Todd's bed. "Yeah, boy." Todd said, giving him a pat. "We can go soon. Lemme just change into my uniform." "Todd." Manchee said, resting his head on his paws. He sighed impatiently as he waited for Todd to get ready. Within a few minutes, they were out the door and headed toward the Mayor's house. Todd briefly considered riding Angharrad, his horse, but he dismissed the idea. It's better to walk, he thought. "Walk!" Manchee barked, as he trotted contentedly beside Todd. Soon, the two arrived at the Mayor's house. Todd still felt a little awkward just waltzing up to the door and knocking, but he had to in order to receive his orders for the day. Normally, he rarely had to report at all. Just yesterday, however, Todd had been told he and Davy were to start on a new job together, and that he was to be at the Mayor's house bright and early the next day to receive more information on the matter. I'm glad, Todd thought. I'm sick of cleaning up after the spackle. Todd extended his arm in order to knock on the door, but before he could do so he heard the familiar orderly Noise of the Mayor. It seemed to come, as always, from somewhere inside his own head. No matter how many times it happened, it always unnerved Todd. Come in. The door is unlocked. I've been waiting. Todd shuddered a little as he turned the brass knob. A faint *click* could be heard as the tumblers activated and the door swung open to reveal the Mayor, sitting in a chair with his arms folded. He turned his head to look in Todd's direction, a smile plastered on his face. This can't be good, Todd thought, and he could have sworn he saw the Mayor's smile just grow. ((Gah. I wasn't sure how long to make my intro. Depending on how long your posts are, I can easily cut my posts down or make them longer. And I'm not sure how you want to start with Davy. Does he live with the Mayor (he is his son) or does he live alone? Either way I think Todd and him should meet at the Mayor's house to receive their orders, or whatever xD))
9:24am Oct 15 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
[[Sorry I"m not replying, but I have some questions to ask..
Are we going to have the Noise in this, or just pretend thay are both given the Cure? If we have Noise, then Todd would know that Davy stole Manchee...
I think Davy should live alone because the Mayor doesn't really like him that much, and I could see the Mayor thinking that Davy would become more of a man if he lived alone... Or something like that.]]
9:30am Oct 15 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[-lurks- I ish not spamming. I'm wondering what Manchee is. Is he a doggy or whut? @-@]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:37am Oct 15 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[Manchee's a dog, Ty~]]
1:33pm Oct 15 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 783
((Hey Ty. xD Yep, Manchee ish a puppeh. I'm still not sure what breed he is, though. For some reason I always envisioned a german shepherd. :p))
((Hm. I never really thought about the Noise thing until now, Rabbah. I agree with you. Actually, that could be the Mayor's reason for calling Davy and Todd to his house. He might have a stash of the cure that he doesn't want anyone to know about, and he wants to give it to them. I dunno why. I'm just thinking out loud, really. But I definitely agree that Davy and Todd should be Noiseless for the purposes of this RP.
Yeah. I was kinda hoping you would want them to live separately as well. It would just be too awkward otherwise and the Mayor would find out what Davy had done right away.))
3:00pm Oct 15 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[I always see him as a small, black dog with curly fur =p]] [[No spellcheck, sorry..]]
Davy yawned, stretching his arms up in the sky. He hadn't slept well, like almost every other night. He ran his hand through his hair. Yesterday, he had been told that his father would like to see him. At first, the teen wanted to snort and ignore the request, but then he realized the concenquences of it. And anyway, no one had said anything about that stupid brat being there.
Davy grinded his teeth in fustration. Todd. That stupid boy had pratically ruined his life. Everything had been going well until Todd went against his father and ran away. Even though the brat had ran from his fate and killed their preist (Actually, it was Viola who did it, but Davy didn't want to think about that witch), his father liked Todd better than him. And what had Davy done to diserve this fate? Nothing, that's what. It was like the Mayor was awarding Todd for going against him.
The teen grumbled a bit before getting out of bed and got dressed. It wouldn't do him any good if he was late. If anything, being late would lead to him more hardships. Davy did all of the normal things; he ate, brushed his teeth, then attempted to force his hair to be at least slightly presentable.
Davy left the house he had been staying in. His father had forced him to live there becasue it would make him 'grow up'. Or something like that. He had pouted about it for few days until he realized that living in a different house would mean that he wouldn't have to see or hear the Mayor going off about how Todd was better than him every day.
The male started off for his father's home. It wasn't hard to find it becasue it was pretty much in the middle of town. Once there, he knocked on the door. He heard his father's words in his head, a thing that he hated, that told him to come it. Davy opened the door and walked in. Seeing Todd, he glared at the other male. What was he doing here? Davy had though that the Mayor had wanted to see him alone. Apperently he had been wrong.
"You're late, Davy." The Mayor observed. The said teen glared at Todd again. If the brat had never been born, his father would have said 'son' instead of his name.
[[I'm sorry if I'm making him OCC]]
4:36pm Oct 15 2011 (last edited on 7:34pm Oct 15 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 783
((Um. I'm just gonna go ahead and say they still have Noise, and the Mayor is right about to give them the cure. I hope that's okay >.<))
Todd could practically feel the hate emanating from Davy as he arrived at the Mayor's house. He felt his own Noise grow red with anger in response, but the Mayor seemed to ignore it. Manchee whined quietly outside. Todd had left him there, since he wasn't sure the Mayor would appreciate him in the house.
There was an awkward pause as Todd tried to avoid making eye contact with Davy. He could understand why Davy might be angry, but there really wasn't anything Todd could do about it if the Mayor preferred him over his own son. It was just a sad fact of life.
The Mayor, after a considerable pause, began to speak aloud. "Gentlemen," he said, inclining his head almost imperceptibly to each of them.
Then, once again turning to address Todd, he said "And please. It's President now. I haven't been Mayor of anything for a long while. Or, if you prefer, I suppose... father would be an acceptable ti tle as well..." he looked almost hopeful as he spoke, but he quickly shook it off.
Like hell, Todd thought, before he could stop himself.
The Mayor continued on, as if he hadn't heard, though his ex pression looked a little wounded now.
"I asked you here today to offer you both something," he said, speaking slowly. "A gift."
A gift? Todd thought, stealing a confused glance at Davy. Judging by his ex pression, he didn't know anything about it either.
When the Mayor didn't offer any further explanation, Todd said "What sort of... gift?"
"I am sure you are both familiar with the cure?" The Mayor said.
"Er, yeah, but-"
"I think it would be best if you both start taking it."
What? Todd thought, thoroughly confused. Why would he... why would we need to...?
"You are both soldiers now, and you know too much information," the Mayor continued, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Soldiers get captured. I can't risk the enemy finding things out about us by reading your Noise."
Todd felt his mind reel in confusion. What 'enemy'? The war was over, the spackle didn't dare oppose the Mayor. And what did he mean, he and Davy knew too much information? He didn't know any big secrets that he was aware of. The Mayor had to have some hidden agenda, he was sure of it. All the Mayor did, however, was smile patiently and and reach into his pocket.
The Mayor withdrew his hand from within the folds of his pocket. He turned it so it was palm up and slowly opened it. Sitting in the palm of his hand were two capsules, both pure white and small.
"Todd," he said, looking expectantly at the teen. Todd hesitated a moment before carefully picking up one of the pills. The Mayor continued to stare him down until he popped it in his mouth, his Noise buzzing a little with fear.
Swallow. Came the commanding Noise of the Mayor. Todd swallowed the pill before he consciously decided to do so.
Poison? He thought, but nothing immediately happened. Well it's too late now anyway. He thought.
After a moment, all traces of Todd's Noise died away. The room was strangely quiet except for Manchee and Davy's Noise.
"...Todd?" barked Manchee, peeking his head cautiously into the room.
It's okay boy, Todd thought, but of course Manchee didn't hear it.
"It's okay, Manchee." he said aloud.
Next, the Mayor turned and offered the remaining pill to Davy. He stared at him expectantly, and Todd mentally urged him to just take it. Apparently, the Mayor was doing the same. His Noise rang in Todd's head, and he imagined it was much louder for Davy.
Davy, I would very much like for you to take this cure.
4:56pm Oct 15 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,809
[[Oooooh, I get it. But. He can talk? O.o Or is that the noise thingymabob? |D -fail- I really wanna read this book now, y'know that? |D]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:08pm Oct 15 2011 (last edited on 5:21pm Oct 15 2011)
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Posts: 783
((It's my favourite book series, Ty. You should so read them. The third book is the best, in my opinion. It's so sad, though. <3
And no, Manchee can't talk, per se. It's just his Noise.))
((And Rabbah. y u no were clothes xD))
4:03pm Oct 17 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[Thanks for reminding me >.< I tried to change my hat and that is what happened xD And I really want to wear that hat.... So far, I've used two browsers and my phone to try to change it but it didn't work... I've recently stopped caring after spending over an hour freaking out about it.]]
Davy could hear the dog make a noise from outside. What was its name? Mancadie? Manchel? Manchee? The last one made the most since for some reason. Stupid dog, it was what taught Davy that animals don't have the same mindset as humans. They felt, but their thoughts were limited.
The teen glared at the door. Manchee was another high number on his hate list. Oh, how he would love to ring the dog's neck...
Davy turned his attention to Todd and tried to clear his thoughts and Noise. It would be no good if the brat knew what he was thinking. The male noticed how Todd avoided looking at him, which wasn't to surprising, and he felt irritated by it for some reason, one that he really didn't know. Maybe he was going crazy.
The Mayor started talking, and Davy looked at him. His noise went red-er than normal when the Mayor told Todd he could call him 'Father', and he was pleased to hear the other male's Noise. It was good to know that Todd wouldn't steep that low and try to steal the Mayor from Davy.
Davy raised his eyebrows at the mention of a gift. Were they getting a promotion? That would be nice. Davy took a second to think. No, it couldn't be a promotion; if it was, then only Todd would be here.
The teen blinked when he heard 'Cure'. Was his father seriously going to give them the Cure? His eyes wandered over to Todd. If he was captured by enemies of the Mayor, it wouldn't matter if they could hear his noise, Todd would tell them all that he knew. Which was nothing, just like Davy. Neither of them had been told anything other than the most basic of things.
Davy watched as Todd took the pill. He smiled humorlessly as Todd's Noise asked 'Poison?' No, if the Mayor had wanted to poison someone, Davy would be here, and Todd would be where ever he spent the day when not working.
He winced as his father entered his mind. Like a robot, he took the pill, wincing at the feeling of it sliding down his dry throat.
8:05pm Oct 18 2011 (last edited on 8:06pm Oct 18 2011)
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Posts: 783
Todd was secretly very grateful when Davy finally took the pill. He had already had to restrain himself from making a snappy retort to Davy multiple times. Now, though, his disapproving thoughts were finally silenced, and he Has glad to have some peace and quiet.
Now the only sounds that could be heard in the house were Manchee- who was muttering quietly about nothing to himself and the roar of Noise coming from outside. Todd wondered why the Mayor would bother giving him and Davy the cure, but not the countless other people in New Prentisstown. It made no sense.
The Mayor was now smiling at the two males in a manner that made Todd's skin crawl. Desperate to break the newly formed silence, Todd stammered "Um, is there anything else?"
The Mayor didn't immediately answer, and Todd shuffled his feet awkwardly.
"No," said the Mayor simply, after a long pause. He waited until Todd opened his mouth to speak again before he continued on. "You may go back to your work now. Both of you."
"Right," Todd said, watching him warily.
He was about to ask what exactly he and Davy were to do, when the Mayor said "I would like you both to patrol New Prentisstown, on foot or on horseback, it makes no difference to me. However, I will ask you to report back to me if you find anything... out of the ordinary."
Todd sighed inwardly. No new exciting jobs. Just the same old jobs they'd always done.
Todd glanced at Davy before walking towards the door. He was still half expecting to drop dead from some weird drug the Mayor might have put in his cure, but nothing happened. He called a half hearted, almost irritated 'thank you' to the Mayor before he opened the door to leave, glancing at Davy as he did so.
You coming? He said in his Noise, but obviously no one could hear. Todd felt his cheeks flush red in embarrassment, even though he knew nobody even knew about his mess up.
"Todd. Todd, Todd, Todd." Manchee barked happily, as soon as he noticed his master had come outside.
Todd ignored him, instead calling "Uh. Let's go, Davy." He stood awkwardly in the doorway, wondering if the other male would even bother acknowledging him today.