9:19pm Oct 23 2010
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Teacher/Student The teacher is gay and is having problems with a roudy student who in fact is straight. Then one day the teacher get's fed up and a little annoyed so he decided to teach the boy a lesson and sort of got all...handsy scaring the crap out of the student, but it worked. <3 Immortal: Teacher Tsunade: Student Name: Age: Gender: Position: [Teacher / Student you naughty Child ;D] Looks:
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:34pm Oct 23 2010
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Name: Andrew "Andy" Parks Age: 18 Gender: Male Position: [Student ;D]

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:34pm Oct 23 2010 (last edited on 9:44pm Oct 23 2010)
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Name: Eric Dashaniel Aka Mr. Dash Age: 25 Gender:Male Position: He is the teacher. <3 He's skilled too because he can teach almost anything....except math. lol. Looks:  (His hair is blonde, ears and tail are black and his eyes are blue...)
9:40pm Oct 23 2010
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[[ I saw his pic and he was just to... HAWT not to choose ^3^ He had black ears and a black tail <3 And Eric isn't not so bad himself ;3 HmHm~ ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:44pm Oct 23 2010
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Ooc:// I'm just in love with his shirt. lol. ^.^ Naw. He's hot. Good choice. It fits in with the whole 'troublesome student' vibe.
9:56pm Oct 23 2010
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[[ Doesn't he?!? :D I like his shirt too XD I think... I've seen him in a RP before.... >.< But I can't remember... Anyway, I looked up anime guy with lollipop' on Photobucket looking for a Uke looking dude XD rofl Anyways.... start? :3 Where should we start? =D ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:00pm Oct 23 2010
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Ooc:// Well at least you didn't type in 'teacher neko'. I got chicks with huge chests. >.< Not really what I was looking for. lol. So I went to Dashaniel. And yes we start. Hmmm. Well. We could either start on the first day of cla.ss or do a more formal to where they have been in cla.ss for a while and Eric is starting to get fed up with Andrew. It's up to you. Anywhere we start I know what i'm going to do...if the kid ever falls asleep. ^.^
10:15pm Oct 23 2010
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[[ LOL Ok :3 Hmmm... How about we start where they have been in cla.ss for a while ^^ Then there isn't the awkwardness of beginning of school. XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:32pm Oct 23 2010
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Ooc:// Okay! I will start then, but then I must take my leave after a while to sleep. Bic:// A loud obnixous bell sounded indicating for the halls to be cleared and the cla$srooms to be filled up with students. Eric sighed behind his desk pushing out his rolley chair and turning his back to the clas$sroom. He began writting on the chalk board today's lesson and pages the notes could be found on. He scoffed instantly regretting offering to take the older clas$room instead of the rather newer ones with the dry erase boards. He hated the smell of chalk and his biggest pet peeve was the sound the chalk made when scraping along the green suface which was the equivalent to the sound of another neko draging their nails down it. Oh how he hated that sound. The black ears pulled against the unatural blonde hair just at the mere thought of the sound. "Stupid chalk" he growled slightly finishing up the page numbers before laying the white material in it's holder on the edge of the board. He spun around noticing a few kids in clas$ giving a warm greeting to them and patiently waiting for the other's to enter. He glanced impatiently at the clock only to find that the students had exactly three more minutes to enter the room before being marked late. (( Totally fail, but I never said I was good at starting. lol ))

10:54pm Oct 23 2010
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[[ lol Okies :3 We have the same time xD lol Im used to being up and no one else is Haha~ ]] Andrew chuckled with the rest of his buddies as they watched the Fresh'meat' try to find their clothes after they had hidden them in the locker room. "Shhh!" Andrew hissed, slapping a random neko with his own raven colored tail. Andrew had personally taken the time to cut holes out of the front of the neko's jean, showing their underwear and patching up the back where their tails couldn't gt through. They finally got bored of the distressed boys and started to their next cla.ss. Laughing loudly, broadcasting their latest achievement and pushing each other playfully as they went. The reached their cla.ss at the same time, everyone but Andrew making it in on time. The rest got into their regular seats, surrounding Andrew of course. Andrew hung around a bit here and there before he made it to his seat. Hey, according to him, these teachers were lucky if he even came to cla.ss. He didn't need school, he was smart on his own and what rock stars needs education anyway? [[ HAHA! Sorry. Fail too ^ ^ ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:17pm Oct 23 2010 (last edited on 11:21pm Oct 23 2010)
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Ooc:// Well shoot. I had a post then I refreshed the page not thinking and erased it. lol. I think I might push bed back a little bit. I am all of a sudden not tired. O_o Bic:// A deep frown fell upon Eric's face as he watched Andrew take his seat amongst his little crowd. "And so the herd has arrived" he said with a slight sneer to his voice obviously annoyed with the group. Andrew had always been the trouble maker. Nothing he could say to him would get threw that thick skull of his for him to even listen. Sending him out didn't work because he would just either skip or show back up in his clas$ the next day. He was starting to run out of options here. "I suggest you open your books to page 421 and take a good look at the first three paragaphs" Eric called out walking in front of his desk and leaning on it finding no interest in sitting in his seat. He had to walk around and found it virtually impossible to teach sitting down. "Within your english books on this page is a very detailed deion of Edgar Allan Poe's life. Since we are starting the gothic romantics these next few weeks I suggest you pick your favorite poem by poe because you will be performing it infront of the clas$. No ifs, ands, or buts" he chimmed to the students still obviously not happy. His tail swayed slowly behind him as his blue gaze focused on Andrew. "Any questions? Comments?....Annoying slander?" Of course this question was only generally refuring to Andrew figuring the kid had something he wanted to say.

11:49pm Oct 23 2010
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Andrew wasn't even listening to the teacher at the front, he was having a heated conversation with one of his friends, apparently heated because he was using his hands and leaned out of his seat to explain to the other. The other seemed stumped as Andrew talking, showing that Andrew knew something at least. He only looked up when someone nudged him, telling his that the teacher wanted him to comment on what they were talking about. He had no idea, so as he straightened up he responded. "I wasn't listening." He announced the obvious, sending a small wave of giggles and snorts through the cla.ss around him. He smirked, his own tail flicked defiantly so closer to the ground. He ran his tongue quickly over his snakebites from the inside, which made them rotate on his lips. When Eric didn't respond immediately, Andrew did. "Was it important?" He asked, another wave of giggles. Oh, how Andrew loved the attention he got from these kids. And he loved getting some sort of reason from the teacher too. [[ Sorry, i thought i posted D; I got distracted by a movie and started crying XD I love it so :3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:06am Oct 24 2010
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Ooc:// Your fine. <3 Bic:// Eric's eyes narrowed as he listened to Andrew's outburts causing the clas$ to giggle and react to his ignorant words. He let out a sigh before walking over to Andrew's desk actually standing in front of it seeing the desks had plenty of space between them. "Was it important?" Eric questioned placing his hands on Andrew's desk leaning down a little bit. "Well Andrew no it wasn't in fact...I would be oh so delighted if you would share with the clas$ what English really should be concidered as? Gossip? What the other did last night?...." Eric trailed off reaching forward grabbing the boys chin rather roughly and glaring down into his eyes with his own now ice cold ones. "I suggest you pay attention Mr. Parks. If you wish to ace this clas$ and graduate with your little buddies then I suggest you start paying attention. Otherwise I will hold you back and I will make sure you have my clas$ again. Maybe then you will understand how important your grades are versus conversations about music or how drunk you were the ohter night" he hissed, his tail fliking behind him widlly out of irritation. He released the boy and stoot up straight waiting for his comment knowing good and well it was comming. He heard a few little gasps but ignored them figuring that he was stepping out of his teaching boundaries just a little bit here although he really didn't care. All the teachers knew what a pest Andrew was therefore he figured he could get by with just a warning this time. The principle did tell Eric to do what ever it took to get threw to the kids and if this is what it took, harsh, cruel words then he'd be happy to oblige. For some reason though Eric doubted this way would work. Andrew didn't seem like the type to back down to a little compitition or fight thus making this whole 'i'm stronger than you' thing fail slightly. {{ I have no clue why but Eric reminds me of Snape. >.< I did not intend on that. }}

12:43am Oct 24 2010
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[[ ROFL I could see that from your first post X3 I was like: o3o Snape lol ]] Andrew wasn't too worried until eric actually touched him. He was used to tachers getting close to him, puffing up, trying to look like they could hanlde him. Hey, a few teachers had touched his shoulders, but those had been in areas that weren't all that personal. His face was a whole different matter. He laid his hears down and his eyes narrowed into slits as he stared back into eyes far lighter than his own. Ice blue, and his a chocolate brown color. As soon as he let go Andrew hissed quietly back at him, ignoring everyone now. "Oh, I'm so scared." He replied, he was actually, he didn't like him touching him like that. But nothing he was doing now was showing that. "You think you know me but you don't You have no idea." He responded. Oh, was he mad now. He was sick of these teachers looking at him like he was some kind of drunker kid that really didn't git a sh!t about his future or his grades. As fas as he knew he was doing the best he could in every one of his cla.sses. Pa.ssing at least. "Why don't you touch me again, and find out just how worried I am about my grades." He growled, the tip of his tail now flicking threateningly. He wasn't about to let this teacher show him up and rank higher on the 'tuff scale'.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:04am Oct 24 2010
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Ooc:// I havn't even seen Harry Potter in like seven years! lol. Oh lord. I swear, Eric gets a little more nicer later. lol. Bic:// Eric let out a laugh focusing on the now pissed of student Neko. Oh now he was getting somewhere. "Like I havn't heard that one before, Mr. Parks" Eric hissed lowering his ears against his head. "Yes I have you pegged. I know your type. You have to be tuffer than everyone else because you feel that's how you'll get by threw life. You probably work hard but do you seriously think goofing off in clas$ will get you anywhere?" Eric asked shaking his head and standing up straight. "If you put that attitude right there into your work you may actually get somewhere..." he growled holding his chin up high smirking down at Andrew. "I can't touch you if I want brat. I don't see a law saying I couldn't. So go on. I dare you to hit me. Get suspended and watch who's summer clas$ they will put you in....Mine" he growled not really treatened by Andrew. Hell he was just a student and no harm could really be done. He was too busy showing his true colors. It was rather awkward though as all the students fell quiet watching intently at the argument going between Eric and Andrew. Never had some of them seen a teacher actually go after a student in fear of a lawsuit or better yet, being fired. Eric wasn't scared about those, in fact he was waiting for one. He would love to quit this hell hole and go work at a college where his skills were needed and respected but here, in this stupid small school, nothing was respected about English or his previous schooling and acomidations. This whole job was one big joke that he didn't find funny. (( Fail! Ugh ))

1:45am Oct 24 2010
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[[ So will Andrew ^^ ]] Andrew glared up at Eric, this guy had never stood up to him before. No teacher had ever stood up to him before. And to a point where they actually stump him on smart a$s things to say! Well, when he said that he wasn't all that worried about his grades he wasn't joking around. He saw red spot around his vision, his anger was getting the best of him. And quickly. His buddies seemed to know this and they were all looking from the teacher to Andrew and back again, tense and ready to break up a fight. The whole cla.ss was silent, watching the battle of wits between student and teacher and were now all eagerly awaiting to see what the joker had to say next. No, no, no. This guy couldn't ruin this, not everything he had worked to get. To where everyone listened to him and thought he was funny. Not in one confrontation. "H-hey Andy. Don't do it, man. It's not worth it." One of his buddies whispered to him. "This ain't funny no more, Andy, cool it." Said another. Andrew laid down his ears and broke eye contact with Eric, looking out of the window instead.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:11am Oct 24 2010
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Ooc:// Sorry I wet to bed last night and in my last post I had run-on sentences. >.< Sorry! Bic:// "That's right listen to your buddies Andrew. Any option you take here, your stuck with me" Eric said with a slight nod and smirk. He couldn't beleive that one little touch got Andrew this worked up. "Hmm" he thought out loud his smirk turning into a grin. "Poe...find a poem, memorize it and recited it next week" Eric said obviously in a more happier mood. Oh now that he knew what exactly to do to get Andrew to shut up there was a lot more potential in this situation. He cleared his throat spinning around turning his back to Andrew and heading back to the front of the clas$room. "Take that right there as a lesson students. I will not tolerate any talk back or students who think they are better than the others. You show me this attitude and I'll show you oen right back" he warned watching a few students sink in their desks before he grabbed his english book setting it in his lap as he sat on the edge of his desk. "As I was saying...memorize your poems. Make sure you know every line because after them you will have a quiz on the meaning behind them so I suggest you get with me ahead of time and tell me which poem you are doing. You all can thank Andrew for the quiz that day..." he smirked focusing on his troubled student. [{ Bleh. Okay I was in a rush. We are heading to the venue to check out the space last minute. >.< }]

11:13am Oct 24 2010
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[[ lol Thats ok ^^ Res went down last night anyway ]] Andrew refused to do anything, he was humiliated. He couldn't believe that this guy had stood up to him the way he did just a few moments ago. Instead of listening to the teacher, he focused on the window, and the bird that was looming on the outside. He rested his head on his hand and just zoned out, ignoring everyone as they whispered about him and the teacher. About how maybe he wasn't as cool, as brave, as bad as everyone thought he was. If his teacher thought that humiliating him in front of everyone was going to make him like him or whatever, or listen to him in cla.ss then he was dead wrong. That was only going to cause the opposite and push him out the door. He thought about not even showing up tomorrow, but that would mean he chickened out and gave him an easy day off without having to deal with him. Oh! H was so mad he didn't know what to do. [[Fail XD Andrew is very upset lol]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:07pm Oct 24 2010
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{[ Did it? Wow. That must have been early. I went to bed around...3-4ish ]} Eric relaxed and seemed to be teaching without any further inturption. It was nice to have a quiet clas$ for once. There as no objections, snickers, or whispered conversations to inturupt him. "Well now that is out of the way. We can get started on our lesson plan. You are all aware of the writting contest going on between schools. It's been on the anouncments and on all the boards for about four weeks. The writer who admits a story of any kid into the judging pool, which would be handed to me to turn in for you, will get extra credit from me. The winner of the contest will have their story published thus giving a somewhat acomplisment and of course there is the little fact of an five hundred dollar award for winning. Runner ups are given two hundred dollars in which there will only be two runner ups" He anounced to the students surveying the room figuring that no one would be mildly interested in such a thing. "But anyway. You may all section off into groups and read pas$ages one threw twelve. I don't care if you read it out loud or silently within your own groups. After everyone is done I expect you to answer the questions on the back of the page and turned in before the bell rings" he said shutting his book and laying it on his desk. "Get to work. If you have any questions, comments i'm here at my desk and will be glad to help" he smiled warmly spinning around and sitting in his chair to work on gradding papers. {[ I donno what to put for Eric. -_- }]

4:27pm Oct 24 2010
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[[ Yeah, it was actually at 4 something this morning, so you had just missed it xD ]] Andrew zoned back in when he was tapped by someone around him and turned to see what they wanted. "Hey, we're doing something." He told Andrew. "What is it?" Andrew asked. "Uh, 1 - 12 and the questions to them." The other replied. Andrew dug through his bag and pulled out his text book. "You have your book?" "Yes I have my book!" Andrew hissed back, tail puffed out again. "Ok, ok. Sorry." The other turned and left Andrew to his peace and quiet. Andrew rested his head on his hand and looked down at the pa.ssages. His raven colored tail ticking back and forth in time with the clock, something that he did often but never did notice. Soon he was done and closing his book. He was a fast reader, go figure, his actions wouldn't have given that away. He put his name on the page and turned his attention back to the outside world. [[Hehe~ I'm gonna make Andrew's life a hell and explain why he acts out in cla.ss =3]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~