6:29pm Jan 19 2011 (last edited on 7:14pm Jan 19 2011)
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Plot: Bryan and -insert name here- have always been friends, ever since Bryan's family moved into the neighborhood when he was 10. They did everything together. They were at the top of their cla.sses in hihg school and even joined the football team together. The only thing that seems to bother -insert name here- is the fact that Bryan is bisexual. -insert name here- is okay with that but recently has a suspicion that Bryan is beginning to like him, but what he fails to realize is that Bryan is in love with him. Bryan would do anything to put a smile on -insert name here's- face and wants his little buddy happy. The only issue with this is -Insert name here- is as straight as a line. He's never really questioned his sexuality which is why Bryan calls being gay 'The Dark Side'. He knows good and well -Insert name here- won't change and he's cool with that. Everything changes at a pre-football game party. Bryan gets drunk and confesses his love for -Insert name here-, who brushes it off at first, but Bryan ends up kissing him randomly. That's when things become complicated. -Insert name here- is sort of conflicted with his feelings about the thought that Bryan actually is in love with him. He's not really sure what to do. He's always suspected it but never really thought it was true. This puts a strain on their relationship, only seeing each other in between cla.ss, not to mention during football games and practices. Byan is confused and not really sure what happened the previous night for -Insert name here- to be avoiding him. He immediatly suspects he did something wrong and tries to apologize in every way possible but -Insert name here- is not having anything to do with him. This causes Bryan to go into a sort of depressed stage, feeling extremly alone seeing his only real friend was -Insert name here-. He is grades drop and he gets kicked off the football team, thus creatin -Insert name here- to feel extremly bad and alone not really getting used to the fact of not seeing his best friend. It is up to -Insert Name here- to eithe rmake up with Bryan and convert to 'The Dark Side' and give it a try or loose his best friend that he's had since they were young. Okay. This is a private Rp between LadyTsande and I. Bow down to the BIO: Name: Age: Gender: Position: Looks: Other:

9:32pm Jan 19 2011
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[[ So we're each gonna have more than one charra right? About how many? 2 or 3? ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:49pm Jan 19 2011
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{ Umm. It doesn't matter. Probably two to have the best outcome. Cause your guy will need a friend to fall back onto and my guy will so two maybe? However many you want really. It doesn't matter to me. }
11:07pm Jan 19 2011
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Name: Alex Marvel Age: 17 Gender: Male Position: The Straight - ish Guy 8D Other: He's is denying... whats inside....~<3 Name: Jake Long Age: 17 Gender: Male Position: The Straight - ish Guy's Friend
 Other: Omg. He's secretly a flaming Bi-Sexual and leans heavily towards guys OoO
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:17am Jan 20 2011
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Name: Bryan Reed Age: 17 Gender: Male Position: The one crushing/loving his best friend secretly.
 Other: He's actually bisexual. He's a....well there's many things to call him. He likes to hop from one person to the next. He'll date a guy and a girl at the same time. Name: Nathaniel Joyce Age: 17 Gender: Male Position: Friend of bryan's. The go to guy.
 Other: He's gay but doesn't like to broad cast it to the whole school.
3:11pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 3,557
(Ohhh, stalkies! Stalkies! <3)
Isn't this fun?
5:02pm Jan 20 2011
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{ Are you everywhere I am? o.O }
2:05am Jan 22 2011
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( I shall start because I do not want it to die. lol. ) Bryan wandered around the house a little disoriented as he threw his arm over his friend, Nathaniel. "Dude....have you seen Alex?" he asked a smirk playing to his lips as he looked threw the crowd of people that were dancing and seeming to have a great time at the party. "What?" Nathaniel asked a little deaf from the music but was able to steer Bryan to the kitchen where it wasn't as obnoxious or loud. "Alex...have you seen em?" He asked placing his hand on Nathaniel's cheek who just chuckled. "Your way to drunk to be looking for your best friend. I think it's about you had enough and got your head focused in friday's game" Nathaniel spoke goin to take the red plastic cup from him but Bryan spun away from him causing the other male to frown and growl softly. "Bryan! This is not football just yet do not do that to me!" he snapped following the drunk out to the back yard. "Bryan!" He yelled pausing watching him threw the glas.s window, flirt with poor unsuspecting girls who were by the fire in the backyard. "Oh lord" Nat breathed pinching the bridge of his nose. This was going to be an interesting night.

6:20pm Jan 30 2011
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Alex was in the back yard with a few of the other guys from the football team, talking and laughing about something that had happen who nows where and who knows when or why. And just being his usual charismatic self. But they looked good doing it so that was all that mattered right? Impressing the girls? Sure, he'd had a few drinks as well, he had a drink in his hand at that moment. But from all the things that he'd done in the past he'd managed to build up a higher resistance to these kinds of things and could handle it. [[ Fail post and it took me forever to respond to it too I know Sorry!! D;> ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:18pm Jan 31 2011
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Posts: 7,187
bump ;3
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:13am Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 7,187
Bump :D
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:26am Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 1,825
( Hey! You found it. lol. I couldn't find it a while back. ) Bryan made his way thew the back yard joking with a few guys here and there a little too excited about the game tomorrow night. He laughed making his way over to Alex who he randomly spotted from acrossed the yard. "Alex! Buddy!" he chimmed a stupid grin plastered to his face. "We're gonna totally win tomorrow. Those other guys....don't stand a chance" He grinned throwing his arm over his best friend. Sure he was drunk, but then again Bryan always got drunk at these things. Go big or go home was his motto. Why not get plastered? Live while your young. Bryan focused on Alex, his eyes seeming to soften. "You know man, i'm glad your my bestie. You're amazing, really"He grinned actually facing Alex now. He placed his hands on his shoulders before grinning. "You know.... I really....really love you. For everything's you've done" He smiled placing his right hand on Alex's cheek. He let out a light sigh before leaning forward and actually pressing his lips to Alex's without really thinking.

1:59am Feb 3 2011
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Alex looked into the general direction that his name had come from and spotted the face that belonged to that familiar voice. Bryan. wasted as always. But it was normal, he always got wasted then came to crash at his place after the parties. The laughs around him continued even though he wasn't part of the conversation anymore as he focused on his friend now, with well muscled arm around his shoulder. Each word that Bryan spoke only made the air around Alex's face harder to breath, what with all the toxic, stinky fumes floating around. But Bryan's goofy grin only made things better. "You know.... I really....really love you. For everything's you've done" Ok... that was just a little to close, especially after he touched his cheek. Everyone knew that Bryan was gay. Or Bi or whatever he called himself. The point was that he'd dated other men before. And that creeped Alex out... majorly. And it only got worse when Bryan finally kissed him. His eyes widened and the laughter around him suddenly stopped and it was just the two of them together at this arty, no one else. He almost let himself get swept away with it, he could blame the drink later. Everyone was looking at them, expressions ranging from shocked to encouraging Bryan. And this is when Alex realized that he was straight. He reacted, taking the drink he had in his hand and splashed it all over his friend's face and went ahead and crushed the plastic red cup against the side of his face and at the same time hitting him away. Once he was free he backed into whatever was behind him for support.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:15am Feb 3 2011
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It had been quiet for the first few minutes until the crunch of the plastic cup was all that was heard as it collided with Bryan's face knocking the quarterback, back a little bit. He had a shocked ex pression on his face. He was flat out drunk yeah, but when you were splashed with alcohol and had a cup smashed against your face, you sobered up just enough to understand you seriously pissed someone off. Nathaniel took this as a que and jumped forward immediatly and grabbed Bryan's arm, his eyes darting to Alex. "Dude!" He yelled frowning pulling Bryan backwards into the crowd that was awaiting for him that consisted of a few players and outside friends. Nathaniel just sighed watching his friend get handed a cigarette knowing good and well that wouldn't be the only one he smoked tongiht. There went Byran's calm for the night and just crashing. "Guess he's not welcome at your place, huh?" Nathaniel asked his eyes averting to the ground. He could feel some of the glares but they wern't for him. They were for Alex. Everyone knew bryan was bisexual and everyone was open to it. Let him go wherever he pleased and was just happy if he had picked them but Alex....no. He was straight therefore against Byran's comming and going attitude towards people, especially guys. Most of them knew he was uncomfortable with the idea of anouther guy liking him but here they were; Bryan just practically showed his love for the dude and he was majorly rejected. Not just rejected but infront of everyone, practically the whole school.

2:41am Feb 3 2011
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ALex shook slightly, shocked at what just happened. He knew that Bryan had been acting funny around him lately. He'd been getting closer and touching him more than he usually did and he was always showing off to him about anything he could get his hands on that he was good at. And that was nearly everything he touched. But once the shock of it wore off, he realized that everyone was looking at him as if he had just killed somebody! He hadn't done anything wrong! Just defended himself. They knew he wasn't comfortable with that, they knew that Bryan was drunk off his rocker and would remember and didn't mean what he had said! Right? He didn't mean it, it was the drink talking. Anger boiled up in the pit of his stomach as he looked around at the speechless crowd, whispers about his could be heard since the music had apparently stopped as well. He turned and left the corwd there, hoping that they had fun watching him walk off because he did it with all the pride he had left and he wasn't about to come back any time soon.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:13am Feb 3 2011
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Nathaniel watched Alex walk off before turning to Bryan and frowning. "Let go of the cig..." He went to grab the cancer stick but Bryan some how shoved him back a few steps. "Dang dude! Really?" He asked noticing the cold look in his eyes before sighing. "Great" Nathaniel muttered looking back at Alex leave once more. He really didn't know who was wrong in this situation. Was it Bryan's? or was it Alex's? One one hand, Bryan really should have kept his mouth shut even if he was drunk. But then again, Alex knew Bryan and his weird unpredictable actions when it came to dating. They had been close for a while so it so it was only a matter of time before something was bound to happen. Althoug he really sould have taken it much more calmly since Bryan was drunk and not really himself-ish. Nathaniel sighed and stayed back from Bryan allowing him to smoke to calm what ever drunk nerves Alex had stirred up. That's the only way to calm him down. One, to be with his friend, Alex. Or two, smoke as many cigeretts as it took to relax his nerves.

7:44am Feb 4 2011
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Posts: 7,187
[[ Can't post now D; But is Nathaniel going to be Alex's friend and Jake be Bryan's? So that he interact with each other in this RP? lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:14pm Feb 4 2011
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Posts: 1,825
( That is a good idea. lol. Versus us just talking to ourselves for a while. lol. )
9:35pm Feb 4 2011
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Alex pushed his way through the crowd of, as of now, overly obnoxious and drunk high school students. Why did so many of them have to show up? And they wouldn't they just get the f**k out of his way? Not only did everyone seem to think that that incident back there between him and Bryan was his fault, but now he was pissed and by himself at the moment. Hi only true friend being Bryan, the others were just people he got along with. While he was pushing people out of the way, on of the many in the crowd happened to be Jake Long, a former friend of Bryan and the one know around school notoriously as 'guitar dude' 'case that was all that he ever seemed to do. "Hey!" He barked, Alex not even taking the time to look up at the people he was pushing past. "Watch where you're going!" He growled, watching the redhead flee the scene of said crime of hit and run. "B******..." He said quietly and continued to move through the crowd as he had been doing before he was so rudely interrupted. Once Alex was clear of the house he made it out across the dew covered front land, nearly slipping in it in his hast to get away, and to his car parked out front. One of the few since many hitched rides here after the game earlier. And there he stood, brooding quietly against the black car. It wouldn't be good if he jumped in and started driving, mad as he was and drunk on top of that.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:13am Feb 5 2011
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Blue eyes watched Alex flee through the crowd of people from one of the windows. A sigh escaped Bryan's lips as he turned away stealing a random person's cigarette and inhaling the sweet intoxication. He didn't want to think about about what just happened but yet he couldn't simply forget it. Hell he was drunk and it kind of made it hard for him not to think about it. Alcohol only made things worse when it came to thinking and emotions. Wasn't tonight enough to proove that to everyone? Nathaniel Joyce had widnessed the whole thing from the side lines. He watched as Alex fled and Bryan made his way in the opposite direction. "Well damn" He huffed immediatly trotting after Alex. Someone needed to talk to him because judging by all the evil looks he was getting, no one was happy of his moves. "Alex...Hey man wait up!" Nathaniel called. He didn't know how long it had been since he'd hung out with his friend. Sure they wern't best of friends and all buddy buddy but an occational relationship was all they needed to last. "Hey...." He called again pushing past nearly the same people to go after him. This sorta sucked cause now the party was all awkward. "You can't drive that and think your going to be safe" Nathaniel called gettin free from teh crowd and walked over to Alex. Even though he was talking to his friend, his eyes were on the car. "Yo get pulled over and your arrested for DUI and that isn't cool man" he spoke trying to change the subject and sort of make him feel better. Why focus on what just happened when you could easily change the subject and get past it?
