-Private: Lakeore and MysticalWonder Only. c:

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4:34pm Feb 12 2011

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Posts: 1,682

Yerp. So, I'm thinking:

-shifters, I think.

-half humans, like you said

-forbidden love

-mix of all of the above

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4:35pm Feb 12 2011

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Posts: 1,586
Humans and a shifter sort of thing or love? :3 I would want the human.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

4:38pm Feb 12 2011

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Posts: 1,682
Hm. I dunno. You choose. o:

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4:42pm Feb 12 2011

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Posts: 1,586

I like the idea..... :3

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

4:45pm Feb 12 2011

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Posts: 1,682
Mmk. Urgh. You post you bio, I'll post mine in a minute. No specific format or anything.

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4:56pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 5:35pm Feb 12 2011)

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Posts: 1,586
Name:Lilian Wagner
Age: 18
Appearance: Pic coming in a sec
Personality: tbpo But she will be alot like me
Photographic memory
Good Debater
Other: Nope

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

5:19pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 6:26pm Feb 12 2011)

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Posts: 1,682

((I'm glad she's genderless. xD hm. And for me being some shift-thing...I'll just make it up))

Name: Drekin

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Long, black hair, kept in a ponytail. Gray eyes, white teeth. Muscular, but not very tall, only 5"6.

Personality: Cocky, smooth and crazy. Good at: shifting, dancing, singing. Bad at: being polite to majority of people

Other: He's a shadow-shifter. Commands the shadows, can shift into a shadow and sneak away

((Shall this work? o: Oh, and I'm thinking that maybe we can rp this in first person? I think it shall be a bit different....WAIT, it is the human-and-shifter thing, right? o: Or did I misread))

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5:36pm Feb 12 2011

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Posts: 1,586
[It works  :3 and I fixed the gender thing xD And I can write in first person though its a little bit odd for me. So I will try my best ^^ I am the human, your the shifter ^^]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

5:39pm Feb 12 2011

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Posts: 1,682
((Mmk. So, shall we start?))

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6:26pm Feb 12 2011

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((I'm going to post. o: But I need to set up a plot. Here's what I'm thinking: Shifters live far from humans, sort of like in a town for just them. Sometimes, a shifter will grow-up in a normal environment, not knowing what power they possess. Shifters are sent into human territory to take the shifter out of the town and train them, giving them knowledge about their ability. My character has been sent to the local highschool to remove an shifter, one who can transform into certain animals. I think we have to adjust ages, or maybe I need to, to blend into the crowd. I thinking a touch of "typical highschool", but this rp will occur moslty outside of that? I;m going to post an opener, but if you completely hate this idea, will scrap this whole post, okay? ))

I live away from the town, away from humans, with my trainer, Trech. Trech taught me everything I know about my ability, and had made it clear that I was far from human. Over time, I accepted this fact, and everything that came with this. It's hard being what I am, knowing I'll never be human. There's a way, of course, but the sacrifices are great. Sure, I do "normal" human things. I eat, sleep, breathe. I have happy moments and dark, cruel moments. But many things separate me from everyone else.

Anyway, my current task is to "blend in" with the highschool students, act the senior, and take an unknowing back to our town. This will be of the most intriguing caliber. Of course, you may be wondering what I am, what I'm doing, what's my story. Well, here's the deal:

My name is Drekin, and I am a shadow shifter.

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2:23pm Feb 13 2011

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Posts: 1,682

To.                Top.



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2:39pm Feb 13 2011

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Posts: 1,586
[My reply won't go through for some reason O.o]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

2:40pm Feb 13 2011

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Posts: 1,586

[its a good intro :3 I am just going to start the rp from school. 17 sound fine? Like they are both seniors? :D]

Tick, Tock, Tick Tock..... Tick and some more Tock. When will that noise end and the loud yell of the bell begin? I sighed, staring up at the little minute hand as it slowly dragged itself across the clock, making it excruciatingly long. History was always borning, but it seemed like today had hit a all time high. Mr. Meeks never taught our cl*censored*. He just told us to read the chapter and then answer the questions at the end then he went and played Solitare on his computer. Lazy bag of bones.

No wonder some of the other students were failing his cl*censored*. I, Lilian, am actually fairly decent in all my cl*censored*es, especially physics. My teacher there is amazing at getting the point across in a fun way but even good teachers can't be creditted for all of my work. I have a photographic memory.

Running my hand through my curly brown and gold hair, I stared out the window. The day was bright and sunny, but for once I wished it wasn't. If it had been overcast and gloomy, I wouldn't have to go to track practice. But it wasn't, and I have to. I sighed, and looked back at the clock. It had barely moved two minutes, but it seemed like an hour.

Reluctantly, I raise my hand and cringe as Mr. Meeks looks up at me and calls on me. You see, if someone wanted to do anywork on anything else in his cl*censored*, you have to ask him about it first. Get permission. He always would allow you to, but would say so in a tone that made you wish you could crawl up into a tiny ball. Even as I asked if I could read my book, he was giving me the death glare. What a day. What a day.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

2:53pm Feb 13 2011

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Posts: 1,682

(( Sounds good, and I adore your writing style. <3))

Don't let anyone know what you are. Trech's last words to me echoed in my head as a pulled into the parking lot, shutting off the motor with a click. Oh yeah, I can drive, but I wasn't about to pull up in some raggedy car. Only a Harley for me. Yanking out the keys and placing my helmet under my arms, I stride into the front office, smiling at the grumpy lady scribbling late notes for a student. "Hello. I'm Drekin. I believe I'm supposed to be enrolling in today?" The lady looked up, frown plastered on her face, her wrinkles stretching as she replied, "Yes. I heard about you. Here is your schedule." With that, she thrust my schedule at me and began clacking away on her computer. As I walked away, I studied my schedule.

Great. History first. I deposited my helmet into locker 59, and strode down the hallway to the clas.s. I opened the door and walked in, my walk oozing confidence. "Mr. Meeks? I'm Drekin, my schedule tells me this is where I should be at the moment." I smiled brightly at him, totally fake. He barely looked up from his computer, just long enough to grunt out, "Yeah, sure. Just take a seat. Read the chapter." I chose a seat beside some chick reading a book, and waited out the day. High school was going to be quite the experience, but I just hoped I'd find the unknowing soon.

((Fail. ;c))

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3:12pm Feb 13 2011 (last edited on 3:13pm Feb 13 2011)

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Posts: 1,586

[Not Fail D: I only write that much cause Mr Meeks is actually one of my own teachers >3< He is exactly like that to. Its sort of sad. Lol. I will get more into his personality now.]

With my sensitive ears, it wasn't hard to hear to fall of footsteps from the hallways stop outside our clas.sroom door. Around this time, the morning announcements would be coming on a slip of paper that the office people would deliver to the door so naturally I just ignored the click of the door opening. Usually Mr. Meeks would take the announcements from the office lady, and read them to the clas.s, adding in some corny joke now and again. In my entire time with him, I can count the number of actually funny jokes he has made on my hands though it would take the entire schools for his horrible jokes.

When the voice of a someone else processes in my brain though, I look up. A boy only about an inch or so taller than her was standing at the door. At first, I contimplated the thought that he was in the wrong room, but as it turned out this boy.... Drekin was a new student.

 Odd.... It wasn't the beginning of the year neither was it Christmas when most new comers joined. It was March, an odd time for any new kid to join their clas.s, especially since it was the senior clas.s. Wouldn't this boy want to finish school where he had gone before, to graduate with the clas.s he had spent most of the school year with? That alone was strange, but I didn't question it. Most had good reasons for being different and I figured that he had a good one to.

Mr. Meek stood then and walked over to the Cabinets at the back of the room, his walk more like a step and a waddle from the..... extra pounds he was carrying. No one made fun of him for it, since they didn't want to get in trouble, and honestly, Mr. Meeks wasn't all that bad of a guy..... just a horrible teacher. Opening up one of the cabinets, I watch as he pulls out a American History and Geography book before waddling back to the desk next to mine. The new boy had decided to sit there. Setting the book down on his desk, the teacher told Drekin what chapter to go to and what section and then waddled back over to his desk to continue his game of Solitare.

I actually have gotten to wondering if Mr. Meeks was even good at that. Shaking my head, I turned back to my book, sneaking a peak at the clock alont the way.

Only 10 minutes had pas.sed. Great.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

3:24pm Feb 13 2011

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I flipped to the page as.signed, deciding to at least pretend to read. But actually, it was quite fascinating, and I soon finished up the section. Humans were something else, and their history was hysterical. Looking up, I glanced at the clock, wondering what time we left. I shifted my eyes to the people lazing in the clas.sroom, studying them. All of them looked bored out of their minds.

My attention turned to the chick sitting beside me, her nose buried in a book. At least she doesn't seem to be completely incompetent, I thought with a chuckle. I leaned over a bit and tapped her lightly on the shoulder. "Hey, what time is this clas.s over?" I whispered, not wanting to get a teacher pissed the first day.

((I need to write longer posts. xD))


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3:36pm Feb 13 2011 (last edited on 3:36pm Feb 13 2011)

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It didn't occur to me that this day could seem longer than it already was. My cla.sses in the morning were fairly easy. English, Physics, Geometry, Speech, and then a Studyhall. The last two easiest of all obviously. But then after fifth period studyhall we had lunch. Ok, don't get me wrong, I love lunch. It give me time to finish all my homework for the last three clas.ses if I forgot to do them and of course, food is always nice..... but Lunch just seems to slow down to day. I have noticed that last few days that every day after lunch, the clocks seem to move slower because the pattern of the day was interupted. Also it didn't help that this cla.ss was immediately afterward.

I looked up quickly as someone tapped me on the shoulder, figuring it was someone behind me asking for help on the homework. My clas.s mates aren't dumb.... but they get caught into the lazy after lunch thing to. The only difference between me and them was that I could still think through the hazy fog of after lunchness when they couldn't. Most perked up after this clas.s though, when we got to Spanish and all usually were back to normal by last period.

It wasn't someone that I would have expected though. It was the new boy again. Once again, I contemplated why he wasn't like all the other new students I had ever met. Most kept to themselves the first week or at least the first day or so to observe the workings of the clas.s they had moved into and the school itself. By the pressense of this boy, it didn't seem likely that this would occur with him.

"Hey, what time is this clas.s over?"

A simple question, though if he had looked at his schedule, it would have told him. "Its over at 1:40." I said softly. My voice wasn't ever very loud, and some say it sounded like wind chimes at times, but I didn't mind. People who talk to loud annoy me.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

3:52pm Feb 13 2011

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The girl's voice. it was so soft, gentle. A bit odd, most people I know talked quiet openly, but yet again, these were humans I was dealing with. "Thanks. You probably heard my name, but what's yours?" I usually was never this friendly with anyone, but this an exception. This chick might know the unknowing, plus it'd help to have one "friend" to get me through until I get out of this place.

As I waited for the girl to reply, my thoughts turned over to the information I was given. The unknowing, was a guy named Kevin Aldos, who had been living normal for years. He was a senior at this highschool. I frowned, wondering what could have possibly taken so long to figure out that he was an unknowing. Maybe they wanted him to have a "normal" life, but this was going to make my task even harder, because most likely he wouldn't want to leave his life here with the humans. From what Trech told me, Kevin stood at 6'2", he was thin with wispy blonde hair. I'm thinking it won't take too long to find such a guy, considering. And now my thoughts turned to the what-ifs. Everyone does it, the "What if...." situations.

What if I was born normal? What if I wasn't born at all? All complicated questions I usually chose to avoid, but sitting in a high-school clas.sroom gave me time to think. I had been sent on missions before. Training missions. Recruiting missions. Killing missions. Oh yes, there are those who use their powers like jack-a's, and must be vanquished, so that's where I come in. Shadow-shifting is very useful, I'm glad I have that, not animal-shifting as the Kevin dude I'm seeking.

((Gotta jet at 4. :c))

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4:01pm Feb 13 2011

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Yes, I did indeed here his name. It was one unlike what I have heared before. Most parents just named their kids what sounded nice or even a name that ran in the family. I was named after my mother, who p*censored*ed away giving birth to me. I honestly couldn't even guess where the name Drekin would have come from. It sounded like something that someone had just made up from the top of their heads.... but despite that fact, it was actually a pretty cool name.

"Lilian. My name is Lilian." I said before bringing a hand up to push a strang wisp of my bangs out of my eyes before turning back to look down at my hands that were covered in fingerless gloves. I never left home without them. Honestly, I loved the feel of the fabric of these, and they had been my moms apparently so it was nice to have a little bit of her with me at all times.

I looked up once more as I heard the familiar sound of books closing and backpacks zipping open. My eyes darted to the clock and a small breath of relieved air came out of my lips. Time seemed to have taken a sprint foreward. Two more minutes till the bell.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

5:12pm Feb 13 2011

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I re-emerged from my thoughts as the girl's voice told me her name. "Lilian. Very traditional. I like it." Then, to my joy, the bell sounded. I stood, slammed my book closed and exited the room, glancing at my schedule. Yippee. Spanish. Thank God Trech has taught me a few years before, it was the only way I could communicate with those in Mexico when I was sent on a mission.

I walked down the hallway, hoping to actually get to clas.s a bit early to get a seat as far from the front as possible. I entered the room, when I stopped suddenly. There, sitting in the very front, was someone who matched the deion of the unknowing. Not getting my hopes up, I sat in a seat in the last row, my eyes still looking at him. Hopefully, roll will be called and confirm what I thought. Until then, I was going to attempt to get something out of this pitiful school.  

I turned away from the teacher, and pulled a device out of my pocket. It was a cell phone. You are probably thinking, "Oh my God, really? A shifter with a cell phone?" Yep. Trech refused to let me have the usual communication device, wanting me to blend in as much as possible. I was still trying to figure out how to use the stupid thing.

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