Max and the flock were gone long ago. By now, everybody had forgotten about them. But they had done a good job in their time: they wiped out every single trace of Itex's cruel experiments. Recently, a woman and a man - both scientists - had gone to the wrong address for their friend's lab. They instead found a very very very very very old, abandoned building with pretty much nothing in it. After searching long and hard for any trace of.. well, anything, they stumbled upon a single thing Max and the flock looked over. A file. A very small, thin file whose label was torn away. The file was scorched and burned and battered. But somehow, the laminated papers inside were pristine and preserved. The two scientists, Anne Clark and Willis Grury, read the papers. It told of DNA-combining, especially that of avian DNA. It also said something about six successful experiments. Curious, the scientists read on and saw some sort of recipe.
A recipe for the second worldwide distaster.
Years later, four successful avian-DNA hybrids were created by Dr. Clark and Dr. Grury. Knowing they couldn't do even better and even more just by themselves, the two recruited 10 more members. They were other scientists that they knew they could trust. But boy were they wrong. The ten other members turned on Dr. Clark and Dr. Grury, so the two went into hiding and were never heard of again. But these ten scientists started more projects. The four avian-recombinants were revolted by their new and terrible treatment of them, their new experiments, and their future plans. So they escaped and never planned to come back.
The ten scientists at the "School", the four called it, had finally created the 'ultimate' hunters years later. Their purpose was to go after the four escaped projects. For by then, they had realized that those four were treasures. They could never find another way to create them - especially since Dr. Clark and Dr. Grury took that very file they found on that faithful day so many years ago. Hunters look like regular humans, though they do not act like them and some features are definitely not humane. The hunters were special. They each had the power of controlling special orbs that could be formed from any ob
ject. Each orb was conducted through sparks and plugs in the palms of their hands. Every hunter had a different color of orb they controlled, and each color did something different.
These hunters had no emotions. Well, not really, anyway. It was as if they were robots. An earpiece is almost permanently in their ear so they can keep contact with the School. The thing was, the School could also take over and control them, pretending to be the hunter when they are actually back at the School sitting in a control room.
Then, the whitecoats, as the four called them, tried to also recreate them. For years and years, they could not make the perfect hybrid. but their plan was to also make the hybrid evil, to make it have no emotions and be their little assassin. Many died, but there were two that came out successful. Making these two eviler and eviler, adding other DNA strands and gizmos and such, eventually creating a new Eraser but keeping the original two. In the process, the originals that were super-evil emotionless assassins were left alone so they could work on other things. In that time, they somehow developed emotions and escaped.
Their wing structure was not that of a normal avian-hybrids, for they had strands of mystery DNA in there that was put in by accident due to a careless whitecoat. The two began to feel powers, and found out they had powers. More and more they evolved. For now, they are super-powerful, but on the good side. Now the whitecoats know they, too, are valuable.
So now, the scientists are out for the four original avian-hybrids and the newer hybrids that became quite evolved. Though they have two new weapons: the specialized Hunters and the improved Erasers. What will happen next when they also want to wipe out Briak, their enemy company, all of their users and their products? That's almost 3/4 of the world's population! Knowing so, the whitecoats plan to build the perfect civilization out of the ones left.
Now only the four originals and two evolved hybrids can stop them.
Keep it PG-13.
Make sure swearing/cussing stays to a minimum.
No Mary/Gary Sues.
If you make a male, make a female. If you make a female, make a male.
This is to keep gender ratios even.
Keep in mind, some small exceptions can be made.
If you are one of the two evolved hybrids, they do not know of their powers yet nor do they have any at the moment. They shall become aware of them later on. c;
No powerplay or God-modding.
The originals, evolveds, and Hunters should be 11-16 years old. Scientists are 20-50 years old[lol].
You can join as a Hunter, but only two shall be RP-able. The rest are NPCs.
You can also join as a scientist, but please, don't overload. ;c Only three, tops.
Four originals and two evolveds - stick to the plot. I'm not going to make more of either one.
Um.. did I miss anything? owo Oh well.. you should know the rules.
~Bio Skelly~
Wing Appearance:
(Also, please disragard "Wing Appearance" if you're making a scientist or hunter. For scientist, you should also ignore "Powers". c;
Also, the "What?" section is for saying if you're an Evolved, original, scientist, or Hunter.)
1. Alesa [Ice]
2. -OPEN-
1. Shay [Ice]
2. Calyx [Zoz]
3. -OPEN-
4. -OPEN-
1. -OPEN- (Possibly Ryku[Ice]?)
2. -OPEN-
1. Cole Diuse [Ice]
2. -OPEN-
3. -OPEN-
~My Bio's~
Name: Shay
Age: 12, almost 13
Gender: Female
What?: Original
Appearance: ![anime girl w/ brown hair and eyes](http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk39/hnanimegrl88/brown%20hair%20girls/a3-1.jpg)
Wing Appearance: Tawny wings, like Max's.
Specifically, these:
-ignore the person-
Personality: Shay is typically nice, kind and caring. But when you get her angry she will lash out verbally and/or physically. Every once in a while, she acts like a kid, though. Plus, she is very sensitive at times and can cry from even the smallest of things (like saying "You do almost no work in school!!"). She is trying hard to fix this but it's still a work in progress. When she was younger, Shay was sometimes labelled as "weird" so she changed her personality to her old self - the serious and sometimes funny one. But it doesn't always turn out that way, so now it's a mix of a lot of things.
Powers: None yet :c
History: Average bird-kid history.
Crush: Open :DD
Other: Nopesh!~
Name: Cole Diuse
Age: 26
Gender: Male
What?: Scientist.
Appearance: ![Red Eye Anime/Manga Boy](http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/Hihuru/Random/108723.jpg?t=1242021706)
Wing Appearance: Yo, he dun have wings.
Personality: Very quiet and only sometimes open towards people. He only speaks a few small sentences at a time, but once in a while, he talks more. When new people are around he is sort of shy. Cole doesn't fight at all, even if someone stabs him with a knife he wouldn't retaliate. He strongly disbelieves in fighting, so he'd rather somebody else do it for him or nobody to do it at all. This is why he is sometimes called weak, but nobody knows if he truly is weak or not, including himself, since he won't hurt a fly.
The only exception to this is when something REAALLLY bad happens. Then he will turn all murderous and stuff and lash out in rage. After that, he will most likely go into hiding from embarrassment and shame.
Powers: Um, he ain't got no powers.
History: Normal.
Crush: Open.
Other: Noopz.
Name: Alesa [Uh-leeh-suh]
Age: Newly 14
Gender: Female
What?: Evolved
Appearance: ![](http://images.wikia.com/monsterhigh/images/6/6a/Cute-blonde-girl-in-green.png)
Wing Appearance: Awesome sea hawk wings. |D
Personality: Quite quiet, but usually opens up to others once she gets to know them. She always speaks her mind when she absolutely knows it's for the right cause. Once Alesa sets her mind to something, she always wants to do it - like always finishing something when you start it. Often, she may get swamped in ideas and abort things. This girl is only half of the time confident and is always nice. The only exception to her nice-ness is when she's in battle. Alesa doesn't lose her cool easily, and almost always finds a way to keep happy and upbeat.
Powers: None YET.
History: Normal mutant history.
Crush: Open.
Other: Nopnop.
Name: Ryku
Age: 14
Gender: Male
What?: Hunter, maybe?
Appearance: ![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3262/3105473799_893ba134b4_z.jpg?zz=1)
Wing Appearance: Nu wings.
Personality: Very hard on the outside, Ryku is not open to many. You'd have to be with him for quite a while before he actually opens up. That being said, Ryku often does not really care about other peoples' well-being and is not very kind most of the time. Often, he says things that most would regret, but only thinks about them afterwards a little bit - which means he doesn't really give a crap most of the time about how you feel about what he said to you.
-Actually, they have no emotions, so that'd be how he would act if he was human. ;D
Powers: He can control a fire-red orb that burns when it hits an opponent. (Possibly owo)
History: Normal killer stuff. (Possibly)
Crush: NONE, but open owo
Other: No.