7:37pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 534
Basically, it's what we discussed. Except I have more to add. The 'peasant' is a male wild guniea pig. The 'pampered' is a female pet guniea pig. I was hoping I could be the male...? - crosses fingers -
7:38pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 534
(( Oh yeah. And they fall in love. ))
7:42pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 567
{DUH OF COURSE IM DA FEMALE :D I always like being the pampered one! :3}
7:43pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 534
(( Mmkay. Just make your own bio skelly. I'll post mine... ))
7:45pm Mar 22 2011 (last edited on 8:00pm Mar 22 2011)
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Posts: 534
THE PEASENT Name: Ingram Gender: Male Looks:  Personality: Wild and playful. Easy going and fun to be around. Crush: Turtle's charrie. (enventually) Other: Wild. Cahil and Ulima's brother. Name: Cahil Gender: Male Looks:  Personality: Naive and inexperienced. Means well, though. Crush: None Other: Ingram's and Ulima's brother Name: Ulima Gender: Female Looks:  Personality: Wise and well-spoken. Likes to joke around at moments, though. Crush: None Other: Ingram and Cahil's sister. Name: Wasima Gender: Female Looks:  Personality: Wise and well-spoken, like her daughter. Friendly and fun to be around. Crush: ...Her husband. .-. Other: Mother of all my other charries Name: Cam Gender: Male Looks:  Personality: Friendly and warm-hearted. Comforting and easy to talk to. Crush: HIS MATE. Other: The father of all my other charries
7:54pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 567
Name: Raisen Gender: Duh female Age: Duh... Erm... 1 year xD Personality: Quiet, a bit of a prep, nice, gets scared easily Crush: Otter's dude around the mid of RP Other: She is pampered and lives in a mansion Looks: 
7:56pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 567
{Who's Wasima's husband? ._.}
7:57pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 534
(( Her mate. When I post him. XD ))
8:01pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 534
(( I'm mainly going to be Ingram. All the other charries are his family. ))
8:04pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 567
{ Mkay you can post your intro, my computer is supah slow right now and I have many things to do .-.}
8:05pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 534
(( Mmkay. Why can't we talk, though? o 3o ))
8:16pm Mar 22 2011 (last edited on 8:17pm Mar 22 2011)
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Posts: 567
{1. My ear hurts 2. On the phone? 3. IT RAN OUT OF BATTERIES}
8:18pm Mar 22 2011 (last edited on 8:19pm Mar 22 2011)
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Posts: 534
Ingram yawned and shook the gras.s off of his fur. Cahil ran past him, stepping on his belly. "Ow!" exclaimed Ingram. Ulima, chasing Cahil, stepped on Ingram's belly as well. "Stop that!" cried Ingram. "It hurts!" Ulima stopped. "I apoligize," said Ulima. Cahil bounded over. "Yeah. We're sorry," he said.
8:26pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 567
Raisen looked around and ran and hit the wall of her cage making it fall over and the door fell flat open. She ran out and climbed up to a window and sneaked down, she looked around. She crawled quickly and looked at the road with the big machines running across it. She gulped and sat down.
8:29pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 534
Wasima was taking a walk down the edge of the road, careful not to stray into the middle. "I hope Cam is watching the young ones," she thought. She hummed a tune to herself as her paws thudded against the concrete. She sniffed the air. "Hmm?" She spun around and saw a fancy looking guniea pig.
8:34pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 567
Raisen got up and pranced down the concrete, her necklace that had a ruby jingled. She found a pipe and settled inside of it and sighed, she needed a place to sleep since it was getting dark. (Fail)
8:35pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 534
Wasima raised an eyebrow and starting crossing the street, careful not to be hit. She took a step onto the concrete and vroom! A car whizzed past her, causing her heart to skip a beat.
8:38pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 567
Raisen curled up and closed her eyes, she wondered what would happen next. She soon fell asleep and quietly slept with her necklace curled under her. She dreamed about home, being there and getting pet and fed.
8:40pm Mar 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 534
Wasima sped across the road, dodging various cars. She looked straight ahead and started approaching the tube. Suddenly, a speedy car whizzed right behind her. She felt the wheel on her back and froze, in shock.
8:43pm Mar 22 2011 (last edited on 9:11pm Mar 22 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 567
Raisen woke and hopped out of the pipe and kept on walking along the hard ground, she stopped and felt her stomach growl. "Heh, what to eat.."