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9:40pm Nov 11 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Yes I want yet another 1x1. I am semi-lit and only on rare occations can I post a some what litterate post. I can rp both genders and don't care which one I rp but prefer to rp both. I am online pretty much every day unless I'm on vacation where there isn't internet or it's just really fun but if that happens I will tell you in advance.

rp's I will do:

Wolves(powered or non)
Powered Humans

Rp's I wont do:


Yup thats about it. If you ahve any other ideas just tell me and I'll see.


10:20pm Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Any takers?


10:25pm Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 1,016
I'll do a wolf Rp with you if you like :3

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10:42pm Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Sure wolf. How about we each play a male and a female. Oh and would you mind just using this thread...I'm being lazy XP


10:43pm Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 1,016
Alright, Lolness. I'll post my bios now. Good thing I already got a male and female character ready. Will there be a plot, or just simple wolf life? xD

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10:46pm Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 1,016
Name: Giva
Gender: female
Age: young adult
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
 She grew up in an abusive family, an she was taught to kill. After
showing she was too weak after being in a bad fight with an older wolf,
she was abandoned by her parents. She got out of the habit of killing
gradually, but whenever she thinks about all of the animals she killed,
she feels guilty and gets mad at herself and everyone around her.
 Giva is a shy wolf around others she doesn't know, and not many wolves
know her because of that. Around friends though, it's  a very different
story. She is usually bubbly around wolves she knows and gets along
with. Although she seems to be friendly, she does get mad easily,
especially when thinking about her past. She sometimes takes her anger
out on other wolves.
Crush: None yet

Gender: male
Age: adult
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
History(optional): Normal
 Amor is a very happy-go-lucky kind of wolf. He is very goofy and
friendly, but will be serious if need be. He loves hiself, and sometimes
 is 'full of himself'. He thinks he's a lady's man, although he is not
sure. He is very flirty, and when he is angry, he is not afraid to
seriously injure.
Crush: None yet
Other: I found both of these pictures on Google, and I give credit to whoever made them.

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10:46pm Nov 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

Unless you have a plot already made up lets just do wolf lifeness. I'm just going to use a genaric bio kay?


10:47pm Nov 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,016
Sure :) And we'll just do normal wolfness. :D

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10:47pm Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 5,578

OK be up ina sec :)


10:56pm Nov 12 2011 (last edited on 6:22pm Nov 13 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

Name: Raven

Age:Young Adult







Age:Young Adult


Looks: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20gold%20wolf/ForeverYellow_2009/My%20Fav%20Anime%20Pics/Lightning_Wolf_by_CaptainMorwen.jpg?t=1264009939




5:16pm Nov 13 2011

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Posts: 5,578

((Could you go first I have some homework to do but it ought to be done in a moment.))


5:24pm Nov 13 2011

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Posts: 1,016
Giva pressed her body against the small cave she found, and decided it would be a make-shift den for now. She tried to get warm, but her attempts were no use. She sighed and curled into a ball on the hard ground of the cave and shut her eyes, hoping for some rest. She sighed, another failed attempt. Instead, she stared out of the den and into the snow covered land before her.
( I hope you don't mind me making the season, and stuff. )
Amor's eyes fluttered open, and his jaws stretched out into a yawn. A thin blanket of snow covered his body, and he shook his pelt to free of it. He looked around for anything, anything at all to eat. He sighed awkwardly as his stomach growled, as if it were his fault the only thing the harsh winter brung was cold. He lifted himself up, and padded around, his gray-blue eyes searching for anything to eat.

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5:50pm Nov 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Thanks for starting and it's fine you picked the season.))

"You let it slip again?" the dark female was obviously annoyed, "This is the eight time Zack.. The eigth time you've let a simple rabbit go and why does this keep happening? Because you think they're cute. Well they wont be so cute when they're  the reason your hungrey." the female's voice had escalated. She shook her head before turning away from Zack.

"But they are cute Raven. Just look at them." Zack said jumping in front of the female named Raven.

He gave her a sympathetic look and she rolled her eyes,"Fine but we need to eat so just stand here and catch the rabbit when it come towards you and leave the rest ot me." Zack noded and crouched down his tan stomach touching the ground. Raven cirled around the clearing again. The rabbits had gatthered around the small patch of flowers again after the last attack. She set her eyes on one of the rabbits and peeked over the bush to see if Zack was paying attention. Zack nodded to Raven and smiled ducking back under the bush. Raven looked back to the rabbits and took in a deep breath before rushing at it sending in Zacks direction.

 Raven jumped over the buch Zack was in and he was on his back looking up at the leaves, "Zack!" she let out a groan and sat down.


5:59pm Nov 13 2011

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Posts: 1,016
(( Your welcome ^-^ ))
Giva sighed and forced herself out of the cave. She then started to trot around, and found rabbits gathered around a patch of flowers (Another patch of flowers, assuming Raven scared them away to another one.). Licking her jaws, she didn't notice the other two wolves. She kept her body low to the ground as she approached the rabits, and set her sights on the largest rabbit of the bunch. She narrowed her eyes, and darted on top of the rabbit, sinking her teeth into it, and it died, a fast death. She then began to eat as all the other rabbits scattered around the area.
Amor paused when a small, young rabbit darted past him, and he immediately went into a chase. The rabbit was swift and agile, and Amor could barely keep up with it. Just as he attempted to pounce onto it, the rabbit ran off onto an underground hole, deep enough to where Amor couldn't see it, or reach it. He snarled, and sat next to the hole quietly, waiting for the rabbit to come out.

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6:06pm Nov 13 2011

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Posts: 5,578

After Raven had finished her lecture which Zack hadn't payed the least amount of attention too they had followed the rabbits to the next patch of flowers. Raven was ready kill some of the rabbits herself when another wolf dashed in killing one of the bigger rabbits and layed there as she ate it. Raven had the sence to stay behind the bushes and watch the wolf before even debating about weather or not to go up to the wolf but Zack being the pup that he is on the inside padded joyfully up to the wolf once he had figured out to look into the clearing.,

"Hello!" Zack said practicly running at the wolf but sitting down about a foot away from the wolf, "I'm Zack." He said with his usuall smile on his muzzle.

Raven stayed away from the wolf and hoped to...whoever wolves worship, that the wolf wouldn't get irritated to easily and kill Zack.


6:14pm Nov 13 2011

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Posts: 1,016
Giva looked up at the male and pushed her food to the other side of her body before standing up. "Hello..." She said awkwardly. This wolf was definitely her age, she could tell. She tilted her head and grinned slightly. "I'm Giva." She wagged her tail a little, and noticed the other female, a little farther in the distance, and turned her attention back to Zack.
Amor's eyes lit up when he saw the rabbit's nose pop out of the hole. The rabbit jumped out of the hole, not even noticing Amor. It started to hop away, and Amor pounced onto hit, biting it's neck, killing it in an instant. He fixed his posture, and craned his neck to eat.

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6:27pm Nov 13 2011

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Posts: 5,578

((Got  a pic of Zack.))

Zack looked at Giva's rabbitt then back to her, "Your way better at hunting than my sister." He said not noticing the fact that Raven could clearly hear him from where she was. Raven snorted a bit, Like he can do any better. She thought before turning away to go find the rabbits again. They were at the patch of flowers from the attack before and Raven took in deep silent breaths as she readied herself to catch a couple of them. With out a destraction like Zack around she figured she would be able to catch at least one. Raven rushed at the nearset one and easily stepped on it and while she did so, in it's panic, anither rabbit ran towards Raven and Raven took the oportunity to catch that one as well. Raven picked up the rabbits by their feet and took them back to where she had been before.


6:35pm Nov 13 2011

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Posts: 1,016
(( Alright, I saw it. ))
Giva smiled, and laughed, "Well, Thanks, but looks like she's just as good as me." and she pointed her muzzle toward Raven, who had just caught a rabbit. She looked back over to Zack, and said, "Do you want some of mine? I just ate, but just decided that I should eat as much as I can before the peak of the winter comes... You know, when there's barely any food left..." She sighed, remembering how her brother died of starvation the winter before. She pushed her rabbit in front of her and Zack, in case he accepted her offer.
Amor finished eating, and smiled. That was the first thing he ate since yesterday morning, and it was the greatest thing he ever ate. Although the rabbit had barely any meat on it's bones itself, at least it was something. She licked his jaws for the remains of meat, and pushed the rabbit carcass out of the way, leaving tiny bits of meat on the bones.

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6:57pm Nov 13 2011

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"No thanks I'm not hungry." Zack said nudging the rabbit back to Giva. A small black spotted yellow butterfly caught Zacks attention and followed it with his eyes for a moment before getting up slowly and bounding after it. He crouched down and jumped up batting at it with his paws making it fly higher and higher up. He whined a bit as it got to high for him to reach before padding back to Giva and sitting down in front of her again. Raven shook her head and looked down with a small smile on her muzzle, "Your such an idiot Zack." she said quietly to herself.


7:10pm Nov 13 2011

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Posts: 1,016
Giva smiled as she watched the butterfly fly higher and higher, and she turned her attention back to Zack. "Watch this." She said, smirking. She had a unique ability to climb. She padded over to a tree, fixing her eyes on the butterfly, making sure not to lose track of it. She climbed up a tree, and it was easy to see her through the leafless branches. She got high enough to be able to reach the butterfly, and she looked over to Zack, to make sure he was watching.
Amor watched from far away as a small herd of elk passed by. Sure enough, he wouldn't even be able to take down the weakest young elk. He sighed as the elk herd became out of sight, and he continued walking.

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