10:17pm Nov 13 2011
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Posts: 741
Stockholm Syndrome: Noun: a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which
the hostage shows signs of sympathy, loyalty or even voluntary
compliance with the hostage taker, regardless of the risk in which the
hostage has been placed.
Lima Syndrome: Noun: where the hostage takers become more sympathetic to the plights and needs of the hostages.
What I WANT is a RP wherein 1 person is kidnapped by the other, and eventually the kidnapper and kidnappee fall in wuv. In, y'know, a dysfunctional, crazy, messed up sort of way.
I don't care if its boy/girl or boy/boy (though girl/girl is something I can't bring myself to do, for some reason xD)
I don't care if there's some sort of supernatural twist (i.e. some sort of faery king or vampire guy or whatever kidnaps a human and is like, "I'm a jerkface, ilu.")
I don't really care if you're gonna write a five paragraph post, so long as you can spell, use correct punctuation, and write more than a single sentence. (Unless, y'know, its the GREATEST SENTENCE EVER)
I just really, really like the idea of Stockholm syndrome/Lima syndrome. xD So...yeah. If anyone would like to join me, just post and we can work out the details, yes? =3
10:27pm Nov 13 2011
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Posts: 5,578
This sounds like a really cool rp idea. I would love to be your rp partner for this, if you don't mind.
10:34pm Nov 13 2011
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Posts: 741
Alrighty =P Now, boy/girl or boy/boy? I'm fine with either one. xD And if its boy/girl, would you like to be the girl or the boy? And shall it just be humans, or shall there be some sort of supernatural twist to it? I didn't really think it through much lol
10:37pm Nov 13 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Sadly I am quite lame and can only rp boyxgirl. I'm just not good at acting like a homosexual :(. I'm OK with being either gender and as for the supernatural twist I'm not quite sure. Maybe a werewolf?
10:44pm Nov 13 2011
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Posts: 741
Lol, that's okay. xD Like I said, I'm fine either way. Hmm....werewolf, you say? ....that could work. C8 I'd like to be the kidnapper, if I could, because being psycho crazy is fun for me. 8D but its fine if you want to be the kidnapper. I'm pretty flexible. x3
10:46pm Nov 13 2011
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Yay! Werewolfness XD. You can totally be the kidnapper. I think I'd be better as the victum anyway.
10:55pm Nov 13 2011
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Posts: 741
Alright. So. Werewolf guy sees human chick. Decides he likes her. Kidnaps her. Girl is upset, but over time, they become lovey-dovey. And somewhere along the way the girl gets turned into a werewolfy? Sound okay to you? Shall I make a new thread or keep it here? I'll make the bio skeleton shortly --if you want bios, that is.
10:57pm Nov 13 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Yus I like the plot a lot. We can keep the rp on this thread so it's not to much of a hassel and yeah I like teh bio's.
11:03pm Nov 13 2011
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Posts: 741
Okay 83 Le Bio Skeleton:
Name: Age: Gender: Species: Appearance: Other:
S'not very detailed, but it'll work. xD
11:06pm Nov 13 2011
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Posts: 5,578
OK mine will be up in a sec and I'm the girl I think from what you put in the plot...
11:08pm Nov 13 2011
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Name:Paige Esneger Age:17 Gender:female Species:human Appearance: Paige has dark brown nearly black hair that comes to a soft V about mid back. She also has side bangs that like to be in her eyes so she is constantly moving them out of the way. She has tanish skin and dark hazel eyes. She likes to ware dark colored graphic T's parcially covered by a black navy officer coat with bright orange stiching and two rows of large orange bottons going down the front, black cargo pants, and black high top converse. Other: ...nope
11:31pm Nov 13 2011
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Posts: 741
Name: Connor Hale Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Werewolfeh Appearance: In human form, he has bright green eyes and somewhat shaggy brown hair that reaches the bottom of his neck, which he sometimes wears in a short ponytail. He is a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy, and though he's hardly ever cold, he likes wearing hooded sweatshirts occasionally. In wolf form, he is a large brown wolf with longish fur. For the most part he looks like a normal wolf, but he is much larger and his back legs are a bit longer than his front, which allows him to stand/walk on his hind legs for short amounts of time, though its far easier to travel on all fours. His paws are much like a regular wolf's, but he's got apposable thumbs. For the grabbing. Of defenseless human girls. 8D Other: He doesn't have much control over himself in wolf form --his instincts take over. In human form, his rational side is usually in control, but the wolf breaks through occasionally if he gets overly emotional.
So...yeah. xD You can start, if you'd like to. =3
11:43pm Nov 13 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Paige had her hands in her pockets the ear buds of her iPod in her ears as she walked down the cobble stone path of the park. Paige Lightly hummed along to the song as she looked about at the tree's and their gold, orange and red leaves that littered the ground though some still clung to the branches. The park wasn't empty at this time of night though there weren't many people either. The sun was setting about this time of day and Paige thought it was quite beautiful how the fading light of the sun filtered through the multie colored leaves, but she would never say that aloud to a friend. Paige wrapped her arms around herself as a slight breeze picked up and chilled her a bit even through her jacket, "Oh it wont be that cold tonight just go take a short walk It'll be good for you." Paige said mimicking her mothers voice as she rolled her eyes, "Thanks a lot Ma."
12:24am Nov 14 2011
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Posts: 741
Connor raced through the man-made forest of trees, the moon just beginning to shine over his head. His tongue lolled from his open mouth as he ran, stretching out his little-used muscles. Hungry, Connor thought, slowing his pace to a walk. He froze as a bush rustled near him, head whipping around and his ears perked towards the noise. A growl rose up from the bottom of his chest and he sniffed the air, salivating as the smell of rabbit his his nose. Food, he thought, foodfoodfood. He flattened himself to the ground and crept forward, hoping to catch the creature by surprise, but his front foot snapped a twig as he crept forward and the rabbit shot out of the bush. He howled, setting off after his dinner at a sprint.
His hunt was interrupted as a gust of wind carried an intoxicating scent to him. Not food, his mind supplied. He sniffed the air again, turning his head to get the best possible idea of where the scent was coming from. Once he was sure of the direction, he loped carefully towards it. His search led him to the edge of the trees, and as he peered through a gap in the trees, he saw a girl with dark hair. Pretty, he thought. Smells good. Want. He crept forward hesitantly, keeping low to the ground. He was about to pounce when a couple of humans --different, not-good smelling humans-- walked by. He whined lightly, squirming, but his ears perked forwards again when the couple continued on. With an excited yelp, he launched himself forwards, landing directly in the girl's path.
6:52pm Nov 14 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Paige was still lightly humming along to her music when this strange wolf-like creature jumped right infront of her. It was staring at her with hunger in her eyes and she stoped dead in her tracks. Paige slowly turned off her music so she wouldn't make the beast want to chase her or tackle her or whatever it would do to her.
Paige spoke in a quiet fairly calm voice, "Nice...uh...doggy. Stay." her voice cracked a bit as he heart started to race. She took a slowcautious step backwards keeping her eyes locked on the beast. Paige couldn't help but think that the creature had a certain hypnotic quality to it, in a creepy sort of way. Paige cringed as she stepped on dry fallen leaves making a slow crunch beneath her foot.
7:21pm Nov 14 2011
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Posts: 741
A growl of dissapproval bubbled up from Connor's throat as the girl started backing away. Mine, he thought. He started moving forward, his ears perked forwards. He grinned at her, his teeth gleaming white. The wind picked up again, blowing her scent towards him, and he couldn't help himself --h e leapt , landing ontop of her with a thud and knocking her to the ground.
7:34pm Nov 14 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Paige's eyes went wide as the creatur leapt at her and she turn and ran but it landed on top of her and pulled her down to the ground knocking her out cold. Her head hit the ground making a cut for blood to seep through and onto the cobble stone pathway. Her breathing became shallow and staggered. Her iPod lay beside her the screen cracked and the rest of it scratched up.
3:04am Nov 15 2011
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Posts: 741
Connor's tail thumped against the ground as he leaned close to the girl's face, then let out a small whine as he realized she wasn't awake. He sniffed at her, making sure she was still alive. Once he was sure, he reared back and onto his hind legs, picking her limp body up off the ground and cradling her in his front feet. Home, he thought, leaning his head down to nuzzle the girl's face. Take mine home. He started running, trying not to jar the girl as he loped towards his home.
((Wouldst thou like a time skipeth?))
6:10pm Nov 15 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Paige woke up her head throbing and vision slightly blured. She expected to be cold and be able to smell the maple trees in the park but she wasn't at the park anymore. Once her vision cleared Paige could tell she wasn't at the hospital or at home either. She sat up against the wall she laying against and looked around trying to see if she had been here before but she didn't recognize anything. Paige started to feel panic rising in her chest as her fingers dug into the carpet. Her eyes widened a bit as her heart started racing thinking about the possibilities about what she was dooing in this strange place. The room was empty except for a boarded up window and a door. Paige slowly got up making sure she didn't fall back to the ground and made her way to the door. She tryed the handel but of course it was locked. She kick it and banged on it with her fist but nothing worked. Paige bit her lip as she held back tears. If whoever was keeping her here came in she wasn't going to let them see her cry. She leaned her back against the wall again and slid down holder her kneese close to her chest as she stared blanckly at the wall across from her. A warm tear slid down her cheek but she closed her eyes and wiped it away, "No." she said quietly to herself.
8:43pm Nov 15 2011 (last edited on 8:43pm Nov 15 2011)
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Posts: 741
Connor woke up with a start as he heard something banging around on the
other side of the house. He sat up quickly, pausing briefly to groan at
the ache in his joints --one of the many wonderful sides effect that
accompanied the transformation. He listened intently for any signs of
movement, but the pounding seemed to have stopped. He was just about to
write it off when he picked up the whisper of someone saying, "No."
He was on guard immediately, and began making his way to the back of his
current home. It was a ramshackle shack in the middle of nowhere, quite
a ways away from the nearest city, but he had a tendency to wander when he changed. As he approached the farthest room, he heard sniffling, and just when he was about to burst in the room and attack whatever it was, he caught a whiff of a familiar smell --and his memories of the previous night hit him like a freight train. He'd taken a girl. He'd kidnapped a girl. He needed to take her back --to get her home. But at the thought of doing so, a low growl tore out of his throat, a sound no human should have any right to make; he had the sinking feeling that even if he were to take the girl home, he'd track her down again the next time he transformed. He groaned inwardly. This was definitely not something he wanted to deal with. But he supposed that, if it was going to happen, he'd better deal with it professionally.
He turned away from the door of the girl's room, heading into his own to grab a ski mask --he snorted at that, because really, what was he, a bank robber?-- and pulled it over his head. Face properly obscured, he went back to the girl's room, and carefully pushed the door open. He leaned casually against the doorway, angling himself so that the girl couldn't get by him if she tried to run. Then he gathered up his courage, hoping she wouldn't try to run either way because he really didn't want to deal with chasing her, and said, "Hello."
((Oh geez. How did that become so long? xD))