1x1 Private between Fox and Pan :)

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12:28pm Feb 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 246
Okay... Do you want me to start or you to start? Either way I don't mind.....

12:31pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 5,406
(Hmmm you start but can i be the servent?)


12:32pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 246
(Oh... Umm... I thought I was going to be the servant....)

12:41pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 5,406
((we didn't talk about who was going to be what))


12:42pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 246
(okay... You be master? and I be servant? is that okay?)

12:47pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 5,406
((awwww i wanna be the servent *pouts*))


12:49pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 246
(Well so do i.....)

1:01pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 5,406
((hmmm what about we bothe be a master and we both be a servent? like the masters are related))


1:16pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 246
(Idu... (I don't understand) what you mean...?)

1:31pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 5,406
((we both have 2 charactors one a master and one a servent))


1:46pm Feb 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 246
(Like if I had a master, and you a servant, then my master controls your servant, and your master controls my servant?)

1:51pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 5,406
((yeah XD thats what i mean XD))


1:55pm Feb 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 246
(Alright :) i like that idea :) do you want me to start?)

2:06pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 5,406
((yes please XD))


2:10pm Feb 13 2012 (last edited on 2:11pm Feb 13 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 246
(My servant is a girl, and my master (your servants master) is a guy... Okay?)
(My servants name is Autumn Gamboa, she is 12 years old, has dark blue eyes, and long dark brown hair... My master dudes name is Jordan, he has dark blue eyes, and kinda curly, but not really, dark brown hair. and he is 19)
Autumn woke up to find herself in a dark room... She started to stand up, only to hit her head on a metal cage... "Owe! What the..." She felt around herself, and she realized she was in a cage... "How in the world did I get in here? It must have been last night when I finally was shipped here? I was asleep most of the drive... That wooden box was weird... At least this is better than a wooden box..." She strained her eyes to see if she could see anything in the dark room, but she couldn't make anything out... She felt the cage around her, it wasn't huge, but it wasn't tiny... It was big enough for her to lay down, and tall enough for her to sit up... She poked her fingers out of the holes, to find that two sides of the cage were against a wall... The other two weren't though.... She could tell she was in a corner... 

2:40pm Feb 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,406
((ok my servent's name is Kirsty, Shes 18 and has been raised as a servent but has been sold and bought from different places because they just didn't want her anymore. She has very long red hair because it has never been cut and bright blue eyes. she is thin because of the little amount of food she has been given.
My masters name is Alex he is hmmmmm i don't know weither to make him the same age as Autumn or older XD for now lets say he is 16 XD He has brown eyes and brown hair. He acts older then what he is but thats because he doesn't want to dissapoint anyone.))
Kirsty looked at the girl in the corner cage. She was use to being in cages and has lived most of her life in one weither to be a servent to someone or a pet to boost their ego but she always ended up back in the servent trader being sold to yet another master to serve. The only difference now is that she has a long scar on her neck where her last master was angry at his wife always talking back to him and took it out on her by cutting her vocal cord, he didn't expect her to heal but was glad she did becasue as soon as she was better he sold her.


2:44pm Feb 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 246
(Older is good I guess... My master is older than yours.... 16 seems good lol and Jordan is a bit mean.. Is that alright?)

Jordan walked into Alex's room. "Alex, I heard out two new servants were shipped here tonight... Want to go see them? THey are down in their cages in the basement...." Jordan stood waiting for Alex's reply, and was growing irritated at the sound of the servants moving around in their cages... "Hurry up Alex! Their noises are starting to irritate me!"

2:55pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 5,406
((As long as you don'tmind that Alex seems indifferent XD))

Alex sighed and got up walking to his brother Jordan. "Ok lets go we don't want you killing your servent just because it's moving do we" he said walking past him and made his way down to the basement where the servents where. He could hear one of them talking and hoped for the servents life that it wasn't Jordans because he might just kill it with all the talking. He sighed again as he stood waiting for Jordan to hurry up since he had the key.


2:58pm Feb 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 246
Jordan followed behind him down the stairs. "I can tell what your thinking. And no I am not going to kill the servant for talking, I will give it a stern talking to and if it still refuses to obey, then I will kill it." 

Autumn could hear the two outside the door, so she let out a small, shhh, to the other servant... SHe then sat up in her cage, looking at the door with curious, and kinda scared eyes...

3:05pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 5,406
Alex rolled his eyes. "Yes you will tell them not to talk and once they either say yes sir or don't talk to will blow up on them because they either wern't listening to you or they weren't telling you that they understood" He said to him before smirking.

Kirsty looked at the girland sighed quietly she hasn't even said a word and she was being told by her to shush that was weird. She looked at the door and held onto her hair that was in a braid that she did when she was bored. It took her atlest an hour to braid because it was so long.

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