5:18pm May 2 2010
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Okay, Alice, It's just you and me. XD Har har. ----- If you aren't Alice111 or MandK and you are reading this thread... You should be ashamed of yourself. :P Juuuuust kiddin. Maximum Ride. Alrighty, are we playing as all new characters or as Max, Fang, etc.?
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5:32pm May 2 2010 (last edited on 6:10pm May 2 2010)
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I wanna do new charries. But at some point we could say something like "remember those other people? Like the flock? Ir they escaped, so can we..." or something.
5:53pm May 2 2010
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Yeah, I didn't really want to play the old characters. ;) I'll make up a bio in juuust a moment.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
6:36pm May 2 2010 (last edited on 7:07pm May 2 2010)
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K, here it is - Name: Mollie
- Age: 17
- Gender: Female :P
- Deion: Mollie has long, golden hair that reaches to her waist and hangs in pretty waves. She wears bright t-shirts and ripped jeans and has a black hoodie that she wears when it's cold. She's a very petite girl, weighing at around 100 pounds and is 5'1". Mollie has large, light blue eyes, a pointed nose, and is tanned from being in the sun all the time.
- DNA: Hawk. She has large wings and the feathers are the same gold as her hair, with black flecks and white feathers on the inside part of her wings.
- History: Basically like Max and the others, ;)
- Other: She loves animals and is always wanting to bring a different pet home with them.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
6:57pm May 2 2010
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((I'll post my bio(s) tomorrow, seeing as I can't from my iPod. And you forgot what DNA she has graphed into her.))
7:07pm May 2 2010
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Alright. And I editted my last post. Just went with a hawk.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
2:53pm May 3 2010 (last edited on 8:15pm May 30 2010)
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(here ya go. ^^)
Name: Ceirrae :: Simon (Call him Si) Age: 17 :: 17 Gender: Female :: Male Deion:
 But she looks older. And she is usually seen in white shorts and either a black or white shirt. She has white wolf ears, a white wolf tail, and pure white wings. ::
 He has pure white wings. DNA: 2% Lupine (tail/ears) 2% Avian(wings) :: 2% Feline (tail/ears) 2% Avian (wings) History: Like the people in the books. Other: They are brother and sister. OTher than that, none. :)
4:24pm May 3 2010
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Alright, how are we gonna start?
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2:57pm May 4 2010
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(Do you want 'em to be "in" the School, or having just escaped?)
9:28pm May 4 2010
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Lets start out with being in the school so we can have an action packed escape scene ;)
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
2:30pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 7:24pm May 8 2010)
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(ooh. I like that. ^^) "Shh." Ceirrae whispered. "Make it seem like we're sleeping." she had worry etched into her tone. Her eyes showed fear, which wasn't that different from all the rest of the people in the cages. She poked her finger in through the wires of her brother's cage. "Maybe then they won't try to do experiments on us until we wake up." she whispered. She could here the soft thumps of footsteps approaching. She pulled her finger back and curled up in the corner of her cage, her eyes resembling slits. Her ear twitched and her tail flicked backa nd forth, while her large white wings were curled around her. The footsteps stopped infront of her, and then a face looked through the steel bars of her cage. She shivered involuntarily. The deep voice of the scientist caused her to flinch. "Experiment 00478 is unresponsive. Sub-con-cious-ness. Check." There was scratching noises as he was saying this, and it took a moment for Ceirrae to realized he was writing all this down. She heard some more footsteps, then: "Experiment 004776 is unresponsive. Sub-con-cious-ness. Check." He listened to me. she thought, feeling smug. A few more footsteps, and she heard: "It is a shame. Experiment 01223: Des-ceas-ed." he spoke the sylables as he was writing. "Such a shame. He was to be one of the most productive experiments of all time. Of course, other than the avian-hybrids." (That includes you Meg. ^^) Ceirrae peeked through the wires of her cage and gasped. There was a little boy, maybe 4 or 5. He had blue skin and a yellow tail, green hair, and three arms. And he was dead. Taped to the cage was an image of a little boy, who looked exactly like the blue-creature. But the boy in the picture looked normal. An angelic voice piped in. "Whatever. What does it matter? We'll all end up like him someday." Eraser. She saw that the eraser had his face all stretched out, and he look horribly discusting. Like a kid that had been stretched out to look like an adult in one night.this is what thewhitecoats did to people. We have to leave. she concluded. If we stay here, we'll end up like the poor blue kid. (How was THAT?)
5:39pm May 5 2010
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(It was great, Alice. :) Let's see if I can write that much. ;D) Mollie sat in the farthest corner of her cage, her knees pulled up to her chest, and listened. The whitecoat continued walking around looking into the cages and scratching down what he needed on his papers. Her eyes darted back to the little boy's and she cringed. That is terrible, she thought, hiding her face between her knees and wrapping her delicate, golden wings around herself. This is terrible! All these people... Mollie was startled out of her thoughts by the sound of her cage door rattling. "Experiment 002982. Ready for pro-ce-dure." The keys jangled in his hands as he searched for the correct match for her cage. "Ah, here we are." The whitecoat, Kyle was his name, turned the key and the lock clicked open but the door remained shut. Mollie knew what was coming next and shrunk against the wall farthest away from the 'doctor'. A hiss escaped her lips as the large needle filled with anesthetic came into view. Her eyes began to water as her anger flared, her hands forming claws ready for attack. "Stay away from me," she whispered, training her angry eyes on Kyle. He smirked and gave an amused chuckle before setting his clipboard down and continueing towards her. Mollie braced herself a fight when suddenly, Kyle's pager beeped. He looked down at it, slightly annoyed, and then grunted with distaste. Without a word, the whitecoat grabbed his materials and walked out of the room. Mollie let out a sigh of relief and relaxed against the wall of the cage. Her wings drooped and she looked around the lab at the rest of the subjects. "Wow," was all she could say, a nervous laugh escaping her lips.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
7:07pm May 5 2010
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(xDD) Hearing the whitecoat leave, all the experiments that were still alive, He added to himself, gave a sigh of relief. He noticed a particular experiment, number 002982 was it? She looked more human than anyone else in the lab. Other than himself and Ceirrae. well, actually, she does look more normal than anyone else, because allong with wings, we have tails and ears. He shook his head, disgusted. He leaned back, eager to get some shut-eye before the next whitecoat came in. He pulled his tail closer to him and tucked his wings in until they aced, and pressed his ears firmly against his head, going of into a dreamless sleep. Ceirrae sat up, just as the whitecoat slammed the door closed. Thank goodness for that pager. she thought. Who would've known that a pager could save the lives of people? She stood up, having to lean down and stretch her spine so that she could stand. She was too tall. Way too tall to stand up straight, so she had to hunch over. If I have to do this any longer, I swear, I'm gonna look like a grandma for-EVER. She shook her head, exasperated. She almostsnorted, before realizing that that the eraser hadn't. Left. And as if he had heard her, the eraser appeared right infront of her cage, his nose sniffing at the bars. She snorted this time. I was meant to be an eraser. Too bad I'm never gonna be on their side. she shook her head. She was sopposed to be an eraser when she was created, but instead, she stuck loyaly to her brother and all the other experiments. Hey, it was better than being ion their side. She thought. But anyway, back to the present. The eraser had his hairy fawce pressed to the bars of her cage. They eraser smiled a toothy grin, before he kicked the cage with all his strength, which was a lot, and caused the cage to tip over. The eraser grinned again, before going over to check on the other female experiment. Mollie was her name?
7:25pm May 5 2010
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Mollie stiffened, pulling her wings tight against her back, as the Eraser made his way over to her cage. She smirked and stuck her tongue out at the furry wolfboy. Her blue eyes quickly scanned over him and her nose wrinkled when his foul breath blew against her face. "Someone needs a tic-tac," she said softly, waving her hand in front of her face. "Please, get out of my face before I sufficate." (Sorry that it's shorter this time. I was kinda braindead for this post.)
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
7:39pm May 5 2010
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The eraser stiffened, his jaw clenched tight. He grabbed a set of keys from a hook, found a key that looked bronze-ish, and shoved it into the keyhole for Mollie's cage. He was about to pull it open, when he heard a door swing open, and a gunshot. He collapsedon the floor, with a bullet-sized hole in his chest. The scientist stood there, his gun aimed at the now-dead eraser. "You can't let them out!" he growled to the limp body. "They could threaten this whole operation!" he snarled and kicked the body to the side. He started muttered, and walking his way back to the iron door. "Can't get a break around here. Can't even do my job. Gotta report this to the director. Erasers aren't sopposed to want to let the experiments out." the door slammed behind him, causing the scientist to dissapear, allong with his mutters. When he was gone, Ceirrae shot up, throwing herself against the side of the cage, hoping it whould fall back onto the side it was on before. She eyed the room wearily, her eyes stopping on something that shined dully in the florescents. The item had fallen close enough to Mollie's cage, that if she wanted, she could reach out to grab them. And then there was the little matter that the scientist had forgot to re-lock the door that the eraser had unlocked. "Mollie! The keys!" Si shouted. Ceirrae pointed to the ob ject. (Incase you didn't know, the erase wanted to like, beat her up or something. And we all know he can't do that when there are thick mettle bars protecting her from hairy-fists, right??)
8:08pm May 5 2010
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(Yeah, I kinda figured that's what he wanted to do. Luckily for Mollie he didn't get a chance, XD ) Mollie shieked as she watched the Eraser fall to the ground, blood flowing onto the linoleum floor. Her head spun and she felt like she was going to be sick. "Oh, God." Her hand stretched out and gripped one of the bars of her cage to keep herself balanced. Then Ceirrae's words clicked in her head. Frantically, she scratched at the door, trying too quickly to undo the latch. The door finally clicked open and Mollie climbed out, stepping gingerly over the unmoving body of the Eraser. Keep cool, Mollie. This kind of stuff shouldn't bother you with everything you've seen here. But it did bother her and she gagged at the thick smell of blood. "I-I'll get you guys out. Just hold on a second." Mollie ran over to the door of the lab and quickly latched the three locks located at near the top. No scientists were getting in that way. Again she ran over to Simon and Ceirrae's caged and undid the locks. A smile spread across her nervous looking face. "Free at Last."
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
8:20pm May 5 2010
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Ceirrae lept out of her cage, her eyes glowing feircely. Her wings fluttered, and she made a twirl. She stopped twirling, but only to throw her amrs around Mollie. "Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" she half yelled-half whispered. Si stood there, not sure of what to do. He looked around the room. "Uh, guys? There's probably hidden camera's around here." he pointed to a wall that had a mysterious shiny-black circle engraved into it. "Think it's a camera?" he asked, running a hand threw his blonde hair. (Or was it white? Hmm. I dunno.) Ceirrae shivered, and lept back. "We could go threw the airvents." she heard her brother suggest. But Ceirrae didn't really care what he was saying at the moment. All she cared about were the experiments (the still alive ones anywyas) and that she wanted the lab destroyed. She pried the keys from Mollie's grip and started running to different cages, unlocking them. (Ugh. Epic Fail. x|)
9:06pm May 5 2010
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Mollie ran over to the front of the air vent while Ceirrae released the other subjects and began to pry the metal plate from the wall. After a few good jerks, the metal snapped right off in her hands and she let out a cry of victory. "Everyone in here!" she yelled as the room began to fill with frightened mutant kids. One by one, Mollie helped each person inside the vent, warning them to take caution and try to be quiet. Her hands trembled at the memory of the whitecoat shooting and killing the eraser with what looked like no remorse at all. What if we get caught? Will they shoot us too? Or will they just bring us back here and continue with the experiments?? Mollies mind swirled with 'what ifs' as she pushed a bulky boy with scales all over him up into the air vent. She turned and looked back at Si and Ceirrae when suddenly, the door knob to the lab began to jiggle. Her eyes widened in shock as the person behind the door, realizing that it was locked, started to shake the door harder and started cursing. "*censored*. Come on, we've got to get out!"
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
10:24pm May 5 2010
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Ceirrae, having released all the other poor experiments, attached the keys into her belt loop. She took a leap into the air, knowing that even though she hadn't extended her wings or anything, she would still be able to jump high enough. She turned to look back into the now-abandoned lab, not knowing whether Si had gotten out. "I'm here." A voice behind her spoke, causing her to jump. "God, Si. Don't do that." she gasped Si just smirked and turned to follow all the other mutants. Ceirrae pulled the metal part of the airvent back into place, throwing the narrow tunnel-like vent into complete darkness. And not to mention the claustrophobia. She was trembling, shivering, he face all pale. She really hated this small place. "Mollie? Si?" she whispered. "Are you there?" Before anyone could answer; there was a sound of a small explosion. Underneath the airvent she heard voices. Than yells, then growls, then smashing, and THEN gunshots. They must have found out that all their experiments had dissapeared.
5:06pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 5:07pm May 6 2010)
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Ba-Bump <3