3:21pm Mar 22 2014
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Posts: 616
Your teachers have decided on giving you one of these three pokemon:
Pick one, and write your first role play entry as you receiving this pokemon, your first interaction with it, and nicknaming it. End your first entry by you picking up your pokedex.
Make sure to include in OOC text the two egg moves that you pick for your pokemon to have. ((OOC text is in parenthesis like this))
3:47pm Mar 22 2014 (last edited on 4:32pm Mar 23 2014)
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Posts: 646
((Thank you for your kind words. Arashi is the first character I ever used in an RP, and he's been developing for years. If you want, you can use him in a fanfiction. All I ask is credit, and a link to the story/stories. By the way, I pick Zen Headbutt and Roost.))
Arashi hummed a vague approximation of a sea shanty to himself absent mindedly as he meandered into the unnervingly clean and scentless room his tutors had indicated earlier that day as the chamber in which he would meet his starter, wondering all the while which Pokemon he would be presented with. He'd known for some time that the tutors had been analysing their students for compatibility, but he was less than sure about what they felt he rated. His humming dropped off into expectant silence as he took his place in the circle of emergent students, heart thrumming with anxiety and thrilled anticipation as he resisted the urge to fidget with his cumbersome graduation gown, and he beheld the rising pedestal emerging seamlessly from the off-white floor with momentarily widened eyes. More excited than he was willing to let on whilst he was under the eyes of the other graduates, he reached out immediately for the gleaming sphere that contained his new companion, and provided one of the few splashes of bright colour in the room. It wasn't a colour that he had any love of, but it was, in this circumstance, one that heralded the beginning of the rest of his life. "Let's have a look at you, then." He murmured, giving the ball a light toss, already as mentally geared-up for the event he'd been waiting so long for. Out of the beam of light the ob ject produced, a small and round avian burst forth, peering up at him with eyes that sparkled with intellect and mild bewilderment. Arashi smiled at the sight of his assigned partner, both relieved and gratified. Natu, a creature of green, yellow and dull red. He'd met some of these before, had even counted some as cousins, and he was pleased to have been matched with one.
Ignoring everyone else in the room, Arashi crouched down to regard the little bird, reaching into his pocket for a handful of berries to offer it while he attempted to discern its gender. That was often tricky with the smaller ones, but he'd have plenty of time to figure it out. His immediate impression was that it was a male, though, so he selected a name from his mental list which he felt would fit a male, but be equally acceptable on a female. He was unsure what sort of upbringing this individual had received, and what its expectations might be, so he would tread carefully in his initial overtures to the bird, but he knew it was important to establish a rapport as soon as he could. Therefore, after humming a few bars of a greeting-song that long-term exposure to his Natu 'cousins' had taught him, Arashi began to speak. "Hello, Little One, would you like something to eat?" He murmured softly, extending his berry-filled hand as he met the Psychic type's searching gaze steadily. "My name is Arashi, and I'm your assigned human. If it is agreeable to you, I'd like to name you Hada. It's a name that carries the meaning 'thought', which I think is rather fitting for a being so closely tied to the mind as yourself. I imagine you're quite eager to be out of this place and into the fresh air, hmm? We'll be there soon enough. I'll just leave these here for you while I get my Pokedex, okay?" This said, he carefully tipped the berries down in front of the Natu, watching for a moment as it pecked hesitantly at them, indecisive as to which to consume first. There, he'd greeted the Natu politely, tendered information, and offered sustenance. Things were, thus far, going smoothly. He didn't want to fluster or intimidate the bird, though, which was why he was moving so swiftly onto the Pokedex. Persistent close attention would, after all, be more reminiscent of a predator than a friend. Straightening up once again, Arashi lifted the aforementioned item from its place on the podium, flipping it open for the first time, and allowing the artificial light from its screen to illuminate his features as he investigated the item.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
1:43pm Mar 24 2014
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Posts: 616
You held the device on its side. It was the size of an iPhone when closed, but when you pushed the buttons on the sides of the small box, two doors (previously undetectable up to that point) slid open from the front to reveal a small touch screen. A third screen rose from the top, displaying a 'loading' screen.
"This is called a pokedex," said one of your professors, holding an exact replica of your device in his hands. He opened it in the same manner, pressing on the two side buttons. "Once you put your information into the dex, it will take you to this screen." The professor plugged his pokedex into a computer, which projected both screens onto the wall for the whole group to see.
The top screen had six blank boxes, under a section labeled "Party Pokemon." The display box currently had no pokemon registered. Your professor smiled, and took out a pokeball, releasing a pidgey onto the desk.
"You may register pokemon like so," he said. He then aimed the pokedex at the pidgey and pressed the two side buttons once again. A red light scanned the pidgey, and a picture of it appeared in one of his blank boxes. He explained that the dex would hold information for all pokemon that you capture, and you can edit which pokemon it displays as your party pokemon manually.
He touched the box with the pidgey on the top screen with his finger, opening a new screen. This one listed the height and weight for the pidgey, as well as the moves it knew, the gender, and what level it was.
Exiting out of this screen, he showed how the badge system worked. In his palm he held a sample badge. He pushed a button on the bottom screen called "Badge Registration." This button exploded outward when he touched it, leaving a red target behind on the bottom touch screen. He placed the badge on the screen, and like magic the badge dissolved into the pokedex, much the same way a pokemon dissolves into a pokeball.
After the badge was absorbed, a new screen popped up, showing two TM's. "Each leader you face, if you face one, will have two TM's registered to their badge. You may select one of them." He clicked one of the TM's, and the pokedex beeped and returned to the home screen. Now on the left side of the top screen there was a "Badges: 1" button. He clicked it, pulling up the sample badge.
The touch screen at the bottom always displayed a QWERTY keyboard, as well as a button for TM/HM moves. He clicked this button, and clicked on the TM Roost that he had taken from the badge. He then aimed the pokedex at the pidgey and pressed the two side buttons once again. Light flowed in white sparkles from the pokedex to the bird pokemon, and just like that, the pidgey learned roost.
"Any questions?" he asked? Your pokedex prompted you with some questions.
"When you type your name in, your trainer card will pop up. Click yes to confirm it is you, and your information will be registered. Then, you are free to go."
NAME? your pokedex asked you.
((Picture the pokedex almost like a nintendo 3DS in structure, only both screens are touch screens! If you have questions ask "the professor."))
2:01pm Mar 24 2014 (last edited on 5:39pm Mar 24 2014)
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Posts: 646
Arashi watched carefully as the processes were explained to him, taking mental notes which he intended to transcribe into his journal later. The information about the badges intrigued him, as he'd never quite known what one was supposed to do with the things. It was reassuring to know that a) they were actually useful and b) there was a way to prevent them from being stolen. He had also been previously unaware of the process behind the use of TMs and the like, although the theory behind them had been covered. Arashi couldn't yet think of any questions, so he resolved to answer the device first, setting aside the issue of queries until he'd come up with some. [ARASHI ZADKIEL] He entered into the device, selecting 'yes' when it queried him as to the veracity of the name he provided. He quite clearly remembered the photo shoot which had produced the picture adorning his trainer card - it had been a somewhat lengthy occurrence, necessitating several repeat attempts by the hapless - and somewhat luckless - photographer. This was due to the relentless and ill-advised pranking efforts of a few of the students, but luckily there had still been enough light to shoot with by the time all the custard had been removed.
Once he was done entering his own information, Arashi pointed his pokedex at Hada in the manner previously demonstrated and pushed the relevant buttons - a pleasantly tactile activity. The Natu shied a little at first, still acclimatising to the odd situation and the number of people in the area, but Arashi trilled soothingly as quietly as he could manage. He wanted to reassure his partner, but he didn't want to be mocked either. Hada appeared to be mollified, but was still a little flustered. Casting a glance up at Arashi somewhat imperiously, as though to reprimand him, the avian rustled his little wings about for a moment before he settled, taking a spot close to his human's left foot in order to gain some form of shelter. Arashi, on the other hand, was pleased to note that he had been correct about Hada's gender, and he contemplated the moves listed thoughtfully. He glanced over at all of the statistics, trying to build a mental picture of his companion's state of being and capabilities. He was able to toggle the Natu's entry to read as a party member, before turning to the professor nearest him. "How are we to input names for the Pokemon we capture, or does the pokedex not store that information? Is there a directory of the different functions the device can perform? If so, how is this accessed?"
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
9:43pm Mar 24 2014
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Posts: 616
Your professor, Dr. Seraphina, was happily obliged to answer your questions. She showed you efficiently how on each specific pokemon's data page you could replace the pokemon species name with the nickname you had picked out. You simply had to tap on the name, where it would highlight, and then type the name in with the attached keyboard. Once that was done, and the name was saved, the dex would prompt you to record the pronunciation of the name three times, so it could save the au dio data."And here," she showed you, navigating to the home screen, "is the help icon." A little icon appearing to be a set of overlapping gears was displayed at the bottom left corner of the home menu. "Click that, and you can verbally ask any question you might have about the function of the pokedex, or any pokemon you have caught or scanned." She took your pokedex from your hands gently to show you. She poked the gear icon with her finger, and your pokedex beeped. "DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION, SIR?" it beeped, addressing you. Your professor answered, still explaining. "Dexter, what are my Natu's moves?" she asked, using the pokemon's species name since you hadn't registered the nickname. Dexter displayed a loading screen, and then pulled up a list of the moves that Hada knew, along with the ones that the species could know naturally through leveling up. Turned out that he knew the moves Roost, Zen Headbutt, Peck, and Leer. Dr. Seraphina handed the dex back to you. "Do you have any other questions?
((Surroundings: currently scattered around you are the other pokemon handlers (not necessarily trainers) that were fiddling with their pokedexes and talking with their pokemon. There is a set of identical twins, Carol and Darla, with an oddish and bellsprout respectively. There is another girl Jessica who has a totodile. The back end of another boy named Gavin can be seen exiting the room, followed by an ekans. Two guys whose names you didn't know stood off to the side boasting loudly about their Nidoran. And a shy girl whose name you also didn't know was moseying out of the room followed by a ledyba.))
3:46am Mar 25 2014
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Posts: 646
"My thanks, that was most informative." Arashi responded with a slight smile, resolving to input Hada's name as soon as they were out of earshot of the other graduates. He wasn't particularly familiar with any of them, having not been the most social of students, but they had been told often that safety in numbers was advisable for those just starting out. He had mulled this possibility over numerous times during his study, and had decided to observe whether anyone approached him after obtaining their starter, as he was not very accomplished at starting social interactions with his peers. If anyone had decided that his contribution would be valuable, he would weigh their offer of companionship up against whatever he knew about them. It would, he acknowledged, give him an opportunity to view normal human-Pokemon interactions at close range over at least a moderate length of time. Thus far, he thought that the twins were the best prospect for travelling partners, but he would be reasonably content with any if he were only spared the brashness of the Nidoran Duo.
The information afforded about Hada's moves would be useful in planning future encounters, and he resolved to make sure that he understood the capabilities of each before setting his Natu on anyone else's Pokemon. After all, he wouldn't want to confuse Leer with another similar move, for example, and end up messing things up. That would be unfair to Hada. "Yes, doctor, I have a few." He answered after a moment, "How do we determine whether or not our Pokemon learns a move they are on the verge of acquiring? After all, there are a few that are not as useful as others. Is 'Dexter' an artificial intelligence of any level, or merely a name for a program? Also, does this Natu have any specific dietary requirements?" Hopefully, he would not seem as though he was totally clueless, with all the queries he was spouting, but he had always been an inquisitive sort, and he wanted to avoid forming misconceptions about his new equipment and partner. Out of the corner of his eye, he tried to monitor the activities of the twins, hoping that they would not leave before the Nidoran Duo did. He would sooner go alone than travel with either of them.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
11:28am Mar 25 2014
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Posts: 616
She smiled at you, more than happy to answer your questions. "Dexter is the artificial intelligence that is the 'hub' within the pokedex. He has limited programmed knowledge, but is programmed to be an informational sponge, absorbing and learning knew things at all times. I've heard he has a few pre-programmed jokes, if you get bored on the road.As far as learning a new move, take a look here." She clicked on Hada's picture, pulling up her information once again. "See here that he is level 5? Dexter records battle experience from the area, and estimates the approximate level of each pokemon. It knows which level they learn moves, and you can simply click on their projected move list to see how much experience is required. As far as diet... that should be... right here!" She clicked on another tab on Hada's screen. "Natu like... Razz berries, cheri berries... and nuts and seeds. It says here they also eat weedle in the wild, and have a natural immunity to being poisoned on the inside of their bodies. You also-" "Where is he?" squealed a voice, and a young girl burst into the room. "There you are!" she said happily, sprinting over to you. It was Allora. "What pokemon did you get? Oh a natu! So cute and fitting! Come on let's get going you have an adventure to start and I have to show you all the basics! It's going to be so much fun! First we should go into the city, and then the pokemon center and then..." She jabbered on and on and on, her three pokeballs on her belt. Allora graduated the year ahead of you, and had taken you 'under her wing' the last two years, whether you liked it or not.
((Surroundings: Most of the other trainers have left, with the last one left being Jessica and her totodile, and she was talking to the professor.))
12:19pm Mar 25 2014 (last edited on 12:27pm Mar 25 2014)
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Posts: 646
Arashi's royal purple eyes widened in appreciation as he digested the information about Dexter. It would be fascinating to interact with an artificial intelligence, and perhaps this would even be a guarantee of intelligent conversation on the road. He was glad that the AI would be able to tell him when Hada learnt new moves and gained levels, as it would be rather difficult to guess without such an aid. It was also a relief to know that Hada could not inadvertently poison himself through his food intake. He knew how appealing bright berries could be, after all, and not all were benign. Noting carefully the preferences stated, pleased that he had all but the Weedle anyway. That was when it happened. A high, unexpected sound caused both him and his starter to startle, and the slightly brash presence of his unlooked-for mentor rapidly approaching his personal space caused Arashi to twitch uncomfortably. Not only was Allora being unnecessarily enthusiastic, she was interrupting a professor. Sending his teacher a pained look of apology, Arashi sighed and moved down to comfort his frantic Natu. The distressed Psychic type had not expected this sudden increase in noise levels in his vicinity, and had only just settled into his new situation. Therefore, he had begun flapping and scurrying in circles as he attempted to shelter behind Arashi, but could not get far enough away from Allora without venturing too far from his partner.
"Kindly refrain from terrifying my partner, Allora. I imagine this has been a rather trying day for him. Additionally, I was in the middle of listening to the professor here explaining my partner's dietary requirements. I would rather not disparage you so early in the day, but it was rather impolite of you to interrupt her so." Arashi enunciated slowly, attempting to mask his irritation behind an overly polite facade. Often, when he was annoyed, he retreated behind formal diction in order to remain in control of the conversation when he could not control the situation. This was just another such occasion, he reflected as he realised that he didn't really have any other options. He knew none of his yearmates well enough to claim that he had already agreed to travel with one or more of them, and she was indeed better company than the boys with the Nidoran. That didn't mean he was happy with the situation, but he acknowledged that it could have been worse. Besides, it wasn't as though he'd had any attachment to those twins. "Hada," He whispered to his companion, "This loud and abrupt individual is known as Allora, and she is one year my senior. For reasons best known to herself, she has decided to be my tutor in all things adventure-related, which explains her unannounced presence here. She will not harm you, she is merely overly excited at the prospect of finally dragging me all over the region and showing me things I would have likely found anyway. We must attempt to be civil with her, as she means well." The diminutive avian appeared sceptical, but at least he was now no longer flapping about as though he had spotted a Zangoose on the prowl.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
1:12pm Mar 25 2014
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Posts: 616
She let go of you suddenly, inhaling. "Oh!" she said, startled. "I forgot how skittish they are on their presentation day!" She bent to look at Hada closely, sticking out her hand slowly to him to introduce herself. "I... am.... Allora..." she said overly slow, as if speaking to a child. She glanced up at you, apologetic. "Sorry, it's been so long since I'd seen you, I just got excited and forgot about your..." She looked you over. "You." She stood from her crouched position, and headed back towards the door. "I'll be in the hallway when you're ready! I was thinking field trip to The Ruins of Alph~!" Her sing-song voice trailed off as she left the room. You were now alone with your professor, who looked just as flabbergasted as she felt. "What an... enthusiastic person," she said, baffled. "Ahem," she cleared her throat. "Is there anything else you might need help with?"
5:37pm Mar 25 2014
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Posts: 646
Arashi quite sympathised when Hada stared at Allora as though she were mentally deficient in some way, obviously irritated at being talked to in such a manner. Haughtily, the tiny Pokemon turned up his beak and spun on the spot to face away from the noisemaker. This, while indicative that he no longer feared for his life around Allora, was distinctly rude. Snickering slightly, Arashi wondered whether Allora knew that she had stung the Natu's ego. His as well, come to think of it, but he was used to it. My - me, indeed. He snorted mentally, adjusting his clothing where it had been rumpled. At least his former upperclassman had reasonably good ideas for destinations, he reflected, as he had intended to investigate those ruins at some point or another anyway. Perhaps not as soon as this, but he had no problem with stepping it up to imminence. "Isn't she? Regrettably, she has quite driven out of my head whatever it was that I might have enquired after - she's good at that sort of thing. Will I be able to ask Dexter the same sort of questions I can ask you?"
At least he wasn't the only one flummoxed by Allora's overabundance of energy and sheer bounciness, he mused. He wondered briefly how she'd behaved when she'd been paired with her own starter, and whether she'd distressed anyone at the time. Perhaps he was a little heavy on the snark when it came to her, but it was in his nature to be prickly when someone insisted on making him feel uncomfortable, and she did so more than most. Why she was so intent on interacting with him while he tried to maintain distance, he simply didn't know. What he did know was that she was always too abrupt and too swift-paced in her dealings with him for his liking. He ended up feeling swept along, and lashing out with his words when he felt lost. Not ideal, but she didn't seem to realise the reasons behind his behaviour, so that was alright. Perhaps he would start to see a mellow side of her during their travels? Surely she couldn't remain hyperactive the whole time? If she was, he decided - only half in jest, he would run away and live as a Pokemon until he was sure she wouldn't find him.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
10:21pm Mar 25 2014
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Posts: 616
"You can ask the pokedex the same kinds of things you might ask me, yes," she answered. She glanced over your shoulder out the door. "The Ruins of Alph are to the west of here, in case your... friend, gets lost. And there is also a region GPS on your pokedex as well."She turned to head towards the door, before turning back to you. "You are... Arashi, correct?" she mused, mostly to herself. "Hold on a second." She rummaged through her desk at the front of the room, before pulling out a small box. "A-R-A-S-H-I," she said, spelling your name as she approached you. She stopped in front of you, handing you the box. "This came for you as well, I'm glad you stayed after, I had almost forgotten! Some man in a dark black hood dropped it off in the office mailbox." You looked at her, puzzled, and she shrugged. "I haven't looked inside, I don't know what it is!" You opened the box to see a feather. Not just any feather however. A long, silvery feather. You touched it, and immediately felt calm and at peace with everything. But the feeling dissipated as soon as you stopped. It felt relaxing, and the small refections of light cast miniature rainbows along its surface.
Surroundings: You can hear Allora in the hallway talking to someone, for she isn't the most quiet person in the world. There isn't really anyone else around you, besides your professor, who is oogling at your gift.
2:50am Mar 26 2014 (last edited on 3:32am Mar 26 2014)
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Posts: 646
Relieved, Arashi smiled at the professor - one of the few people in authority he'd deemed worthy of his personal respect. He didn't particularly mind that it took a moment for her to recall his name, given the number of students she had to deal with regularly, so he nodded without rancour when she asked whether she'd got his name right. It was good to know that his source of information could be queried reliably, and that he was less likely to get lost. Unfortunately, not having been out of the farm grounds all that much, his grasp of the region's geography wasn't as great as it could have been. When the teacher mentioned that he had post from an anonymous and cloaked stranger, he stiffened at first in nervous suspicion. Could it be harmful, a trap? But who would be audacious enough to booby-trap something in the hands of the professors. Then again, she said that she didn't know what was within it, but it didn't feel heavy enough to contain anything dangerous that would be casually dropped off. Deciding to risk it, he tentatively opened the box and peered inside. What. Was. That.
The feather was magnificent, and the feeling it inspired incredible. He couldn't remember when he had last felt that relaxed and soothed, and he knew right away that this was one possession he simply couldn't lose. For a few moments, he simply stood still and stared at the thing, reflections of its shimmer-rainbows dancing faintly in his eyes. The loss of the feeling when he removed his fingers from the ob ject was poignant, and he almost reached out for it again - but he knew that this would be unwise. Closing the box and stowing it securely in his pack so as to not be tempted into staring at it for too long and causing Allora to come back and see what the matter was, he turned to his professor with an uncharacteristically childlike ex pression of awe. "Do you know what that was, professor?" He breathed. Even Hada had been staring at the box, once opened, for all that he couldn't see its contents from the ground. Perhaps, as a Psychic type, he had picked up on the prevailing emotion in the room? Perhaps he had picked up on something else? Who would give me such a thing, and with no preamble whatsoever? I don't understand. Who would even part with it?
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
9:07am Mar 26 2014
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Posts: 616
Your professor stood, awed at the sight, before regaining her composure. She straightened her glasses, and eyed you with a strange look on her face. "Allora, was her name, you say?" she said faintly, almost to herself. "Very curious...""Come on Arashi!" said a voice from the hallway, impatient and excited. "I have a surprise for you!" There was some shuffling, then; "Just because you've known me forever doesn't mean you can take forever!" Allora's family are in the upper-upper class society. Her father was a famous pokemon trainer, and her mother a master contest winner. She was originally from Hoenn, and when her dad retired, they moved to Violet to get some fresh air. But her dad's fascination with pokemon didn't end there. Her family purchased many top of the line pokemon from your parents' breeding farm, and her father trained them throughout their lives to be their very best, and often enters them in Pokeathalon Competitions for sport. He is a very respectable man, who values effort and hard work. He instilled this in his daughter. Allora's mother is fascinated with beauty, and would train the pokemon from the farm to be more aesthetic and charming. These she auctions off at charity events, giving all of her money to a rescue center in Rustboro City back in Hoenn where she is from. Your family loves business from the Silverfield family, and that is how you know Allora. She met you when you first moved to Violet, and has been a loyal (though slightly annoying) friend ever since. You haven't seen her in a year, since she graduated and went on her own pokemon adventure. She received one pokemon from the school, one from her parents, and appears to have captured one more on the road. The pokemon she is talking to and playing with outside of the room is her houndour, which was her starter from the school. Soon after, her parents gifted her with a torchic, from her home region. The other pokemon with her you have no idea. All you know is she has a strange fascination with fire types.
11:10am Mar 26 2014
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Posts: 646
Bemused by his professor's words, and guessing that she was no more aware of the feather's identity than he, Arashi decided to drop the issue. Mentally, though, he filed away her reaction to Allora's name. Then, deciding to make the aforementioned upper crust young lady wait a few moments more, Arashi entered Hada's name into his Pokedex, and completed the requisite au dio input in a patient and thorough manner. Bending down, he showed the intrigued avian the relevant entry, then allowed Hada to scurry up his arm and onto his shoulder, where he could express his opinions in a more obvious manner than on the ground. This done, Arashi straightened and, waving a brief farewell to the professor, began to stride at an even pace in the direction of Allora's voice, taking care to move as noiselessly as he could.
He still wasn't quite used to Allora's overbearing ways, despite having known her since that first fateful time that she had accompanied her parents on a trip to the Zadkiel's farm. His parents didn't trust many clients with the location anymore, preferring to do business through the Sages, so any visit was a memorable occurrence. Just his luck that the daughter of some of those esteemed few had apparently decided immediately that he was a cute kid to be smothered and nurtured as much as possible. Perhaps she had decided to consider him her kid brother? With a slight shudder, Arashi hoped not. Any brother of hers would surely be in constant danger of being either annoyed to death or set on fire - quite by accident. Why Allora was so fascinated with firestarters was not known to him, but he sincerely hoped that none of her Pokemon were mischievous by nature. "You hollered?" He drawled silkily, as soon as he had drawn near enough to converse at a normal volume.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
11:35am Mar 26 2014
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Posts: 616
On the ground, playing with her, was a houndour. It stood about 3 feet tall, which you knew meant that it had been trained well. Pokemon grow in strange ways, not only in level and in experience, but also in size. Physical growth in pokemon is a sign of experience and personal growth. It is often easy to tell when a pokemon might evolve based on how large it has become. And as far as the houndour went, that was looking to be soon."There you are, Arashi!" she said excitedly, standing from her kneeled position. "You remember Clara, don't you?" She gestured to her houndour, who nodded her head politely. She seemed the exact opposite of her trainer, for she was calm and polite, whilst Allora was eccentric and oblivious. But, she always seemed to make up for her annoying qualms. Especially now. "I have a gift for you from none other than my family~!" she said in a singing voice. Clearing her throat, she reached into her purse, pulling out a shiny luxury ball. "Here you go!" she said, bouncing on the balls of her feet as you took the ball from her. "I helped pick him out myself," she said, proud of herself for the fact. And most likely searching for things to say so she wouldn't give away the surprise. When you decide to throw down the pokeball, out comes a beldum. Two feet long, and floating up to your shoulder, it is quite a shock. Beldum are very expensive when bought, and extremely rare in the wild, and you have no idea if her family bought it or caught it for you. Though considering their monetary situation, you assume the former. Allora squealed, running up to and hugging the beldum, which during its trip to Johto took quite a liking to her. "It's from my home region Hoenn! Oh we just knew it would be perfect for you and now you see him and just ahh!" She squealed again, and the beldum hummed with her, closing its single eye.
12:49pm Mar 26 2014 (last edited on 12:51pm Mar 26 2014)
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Posts: 646
Given his level of experience at watching Pokemon, Arashi could tell that Clara was a healthy and well-mannered individual nearing her second stage. Nodding to the canid in turn, the breeder's son smiled slightly in remembrance of his previous encounters with the Houndour. Clara was a lot easier to get along with than Allora, and seemed to comprehend the concept of personal space. Hada seemed curious about the other Pokemon, and peered down inquisitively, trilling something sounding like a query. Presumably, he was trying to ascertain whether or not he would be safe in present company. When Allora presented him with his surprise gift, he was somewhat startled - after all, he continued to act as though she were a thorn in his side. While his family were prestigious, they did not generally hold with extravagance, so he had not considered that he would be holding a receptacle such as this until he had managed to acquire one by his own means. He was about to thank Allora, when she stunned him further by implying that there was actually a Pokemon inside. He'd thought that the ball was the gift!
Hesitantly, concerned that she might have decided to get him something that was on fire - as many of her favoured type seemed to be, he flicked the Luxury Ball into the air. Perhaps he would be lucky, and it would be something reasonable. A feline perhaps? Something from his old region? He'd quite fancied having a Persian or somesuch when he was younger. To say that he was surprised yet again would be an understatement, but he made certain to school his ex pression into one of formal gratitude rather than a slack-jawed look of incredulity. A Beldum. In Johto? "My goodness." Arashi enunciated crisply, gazing at the creature. "I must say, I have never before seen a Beldum in person. Many other Pokemon, yes, but not this one. Congratulations, you have managed to confound me with your generosity, and provide me with an experience I might otherwise have missed. For this, I thank you. On an entirely different note, however, your volume is giving me a headache, and I would rather you lowered your voice." Then, in order to assure her that he actually was thanking her, Arashi gave her one of his lazy smiles - the ones he wore when most at ease. While he might not actually be at ease, he felt that this was one occasion that merited a smile for Allora.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
11:20am Mar 27 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 616
Allora smiled, glad to see you smile, for once calming down. "I'm glad you like it," she started. "Sorry I've been so excitable, I've just been gone a while and I've missed my... friend." Allora had always had trouble making friends, because most people viewed her wealth + personality to be vain and selfish, when in all actuality she was just very friendly and just happened to have a rich family. Your seemingly acceptance of her family's wealth was enough for her to consider herself your friend, even if you were more annoyed than pleased by her company."Anyway, we have a long day of walking ahead of us before we reach the ruins... Let's get started! You should probably say goodbye to your parents too," she said, snapping back to her extroverted self. She took the lead, leaving you in the hallway with your new beldum and Hada. Clara bowed her head politely at you and Hada as she waked by, and sprinted to catch up with the now skipping Allora.
Surroundings: The hallway is empty now. Allora left through the front door of the school, out into the front courtyard. She currently is sitting waiting for you on a bench, watching the stone gyarados spitting water in the center of the fountain. Your beldum is floating next to you, stealing glances, kind of worried about how you feel about it.
12:21pm Mar 27 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 646
"Rest assured, Allora, no amount of time between our encounters would be sufficient for me to forget you." Arashi replied, picking up on what he perceived to be his travelling companion's regret at the time they'd spent apart. It would not hurt, after all, to reassure her that he would not disregard her outright after a period of relief from her exuberance. He didn't dislike her, after all, she merely exasperated him. Besides which, she was one of the few who actually attempted to connect with him and, on some level, he appreciated that. When Allora sprung ahead, he returned Clara's nod and strolled along behind, not wanting to dislodge Hada. As he walked, he scanned the Beldum with his Pokedex, contemplating his new arrival. "Hmm, well, it's nice to meet you." He spoke gently to the Beldum floating alongside him. "I didn't expect a second party member so soon after meeting my starter, but you are by no means an unwelcome addition. Indeed, you are a rather fine individual, and I am pleased to be in your company. My name is Arashi, and my partner here is Hada. With your permission, I would like to name you Kaer. Literally, the name means castle. Figuratively, it can mean strong, valiant, kinsman and friend. I thought it an appropriate suggestion, considering both your physical characteristics - including those of the rest of your evolutionary line - and your status as a companion of mine."
The courtyard was a welcome relief from the stuffiness and aroma-bereft air within the building, and Arashi savoured the feeling of the light breeze on his face as he strode towards the stone Gyarados. It was true that he would have to contact his parents in the immediate future, as they still retained his travelling case and backpack, and would be most peeved if he did not bid them farewell in person. They hadn't wanted him to lug the supplies he'd need for his journey whilst within school corridors, but they'd promised to meet with him soon after he'd been matched with a Pokemon in order to give him his send-off and meet his new partner. "Any sign of my parents?" Arashi asked, as he drew nearer to Allora. He was hoping that Uncle Isaac would show up as well, as he was eager to show the Espeon that he had been paired with a Psychic type, and ruffle his ears one last time before he set off. He didn't say this, in case Allora laughed - he never told anyone that he called an Espeon 'uncle' - but he had to ask about his family.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
1:37pm Apr 6 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 616
Allora was waiting, sitting on a bench, and stood once you arrived. "They're over there," she said, gesturing towards the road. You could see a group of your family members mingling with Allora's completely ridiculously rich mother and father. Her mother wore more diamonds and pearls than you had ever seen, with an expensive looking blue dress and matching heals to boot. Her father wore more suitable clothes, but still just as expensive, with name brand golfing shoes and matching polo shirt. Her mother had a delcatty at her feet, and her father a sceptile standing behind him. They were laughing and talking, making jokes that even your parents couldn't resist cracking a smile at. There naiveness was almost amusing. The Silverfield's weren't rude or unkind, but were just oblivious to their displays of wealth. It seemed no matter how much they donated to charity, they had double that in savings. Allora jogged up beside them, looking out of place in her traveling clothes, Clara just behind her.
((You are able to control your parents and family and their interactions with you, as well as your pokemon. SORRY THIS HAS TAKEN ME SO LONG!))
2:44am Apr 7 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 646
((It's okay, life happens.)) Looking in the direction pointed out by Allora, Arashi could see that she was quite correct. His mother, her lavender eyes peeking out mischievously from behind her corn-gold fringe, was snickering with amusement at something that Allora's father had said. She was half a head shorter than the man, and dressed in practical blue and cyan clothing with leather boots, Uncle Isaac draped around her neck like a boa and yawning. Arashi's father, his curly lilac hair bobbing slightly in the breeze, had slight crinkles of laughter evident around his cerulean eyes - a clear indication that he was about to join in the merriment. He was attired in green, sensible outdoors-wear and his own leather boots, and was accompanied by his faithful Venusaur Yanagi. She had been one of Arashi's nannies when he was a tot, and was now apparently in charge of ensuring that his luggage reached him, as she had his backpack and travelling case strung on her vines for ease of transport. She had very likely insisted on carrying them herself, determined to do something useful for the human she still tended to think of as a little one.
It was good to see them, and Arashi could already feel his heart lightening from a weight he hadn't realised was there. Stepping up his pace, he strode eagerly towards them, his face split by a wide and genuine smile. Turning towards the sound of his approach, his parents beamed at him, while Yanagi immediately extruded another vine for the purpose of lifting him off the ground in an enthusiastic hug. Hada seemed slightly alarmed by the change of pace, but he was soon soothed by Isaac's murmurings of reassurance. Though avian and feline respectively, their shared Type and connection to Arashi gave them a tentative rapport, and it was clear that Isaac was not hunting. The way in which the elder Zadkiels fussed and checked over Arashi's new companions was somewhat embarrassing, but it was no more than he'd expected, and he knew that it was one of the ways they showed that they cared. He hoped that he hadn't interrupted anyone's punchline, but he was happy right where he was for now.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~