9:27pm Apr 23 2011
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The Plot A scientist named Tess has just discovered a mind-shattering formula that, when injected, will give the subject the power of flight. But where will this subject arise? She'll have to go on a hunt. Except what about... other experiments? Will the powers stop there? We'll just have to find out now. When Tess finds there might be people out there that want to steal her research and possibly her subject... What will happen then? The clock's ticking. Time is running out. ~~~ Rules 1. Murr hurr, you know the rules. 2. Standard Res rules apply and such. 2 1/2. Post "I like posting in light blue cuz nobody can barely see it" in this shade of light blue to join. xD 3. Ok, you know what you can and can't do. Whatever. I'm not filling this out. >> 4. Make sure you don't miss the treasure..! ;D ~~~ Skelly Bio Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: History: Powers (If Any Yet) : Other: ~~~ My Bio(s) Name: Spark Age: Young Adult Gender: Female Appearance: .JPG) Personality: To be rp'ed. History: She used to have an owner, but then something happened and she ended up on the streets. Powers (If Any Yet) : Not any yet. But will [hopefully] have Super Strength, Flight, and the Telepackage. ~~~ And, Penn? You may join with your character, Tess, and the bad guy(s) if you want. And I can be one of the bady guys, too, if you want more than one. Ok? But if you don't want bad guy(s), then we won't have them. I'm flexible(pun NOOOOTTTT intended!!). We shall start from the beginning. Completely from the beginning. Kk? :D
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:01pm Apr 28 2011
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- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:19pm Apr 30 2011 (last edited on 12:31pm May 1 2011)
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Posts: 657
I like posting in light blue cuz nobody can barely see it Name: Tess Age: 27 Gender: Female Appearance:  Personality: To be rp'd History: She has been studying certain things that have brought her to this day Powers (If Any Yet) : None, yet. But, will have the Telepackage, superspeed, and seeing into the future. Other: none
8:22pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(BTW, your powers are the Telepackage, super speed, and seeing the future as a refresher. ;D Can you start? >> )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:41pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 657
(Uh, sure! :D I gotta find ur charrie) Tess woke up, she had to find some species she would be able to work with o her most recent project. She had stayed up late last night creating the mixture, and it was missing the special ingredient, which she can't tell anyone about, because it is illlegal to be found in ones hands where she lives, then United States. She was hoping to find some sort of dog, rather a big one, she wasn't sure what the potion would do to a little dog, it might be too powerful, and for what this mixture would do, it'd need a big dog to control it. Of course, she wouldn't buy a dog, spend money on something that might end up killing it, but that would be resorting to the worst case scenerio. She just needed to make sure her project didn't get out to the public, or she would have to hide everything day and night in case someone broke into her lab, and took the potion before she could use it for herself, and they might use it on the wrong thing, which could end up blowing up the whole area, which would be tragic for multiple people, she just needed to remember that they were the bad guys, not her, she was trying to find out information for the scientific benifit, even though she sometimes felt like the bad guy, with the risk she was taking. Tess grabbed a jacket, and set out to go and find a dog, hopefully there would be a stray.
12:52pm May 1 2011
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Spark was hiding out in the woods, where she lived in a nice small cave that was her den. Spotting a rabbit from the corner of her eye, her mouth watered. This dog hadn't had a rabbit in weeks! It was mostly raggedy squirrels or scrap from dumpsters or stuff dropped by humans in the city. Dropping into a crouch, Spark slowly made her way towards the rabbit. But it sprinted off. Growling, she got up and raced after it. Leaping like a - heh - graceful rabbit, Spark tumbled on top of the bundle of fur squirming beneath her. Killing it with a swift bite to the neck, Spark picked up her catch of the day and started to trot back home. Scrambling inside her den, she ate the rabbit in a few ravenous mouthfuls. Sighing contentedly, Spark grabbed the carcas.s and disposed of it far off. Then she saw a figure. Hiding in the bushes, she watched the figure closely. It was a human. Spark tried to do a quick scan to see if the human had any food on her. Yes! It was dog treats. Oh, wait... darn it. Dog treats weren't always the most delicious morsels around here. But everything's food, right? For now, Spark would stay in the bushes, though, to see if the human would drop the food. If it would fall out of it's pocket.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:12pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 1:16pm May 1 2011)
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Posts: 657
Tess found herself hiding in a bush a few moments later, she didn't know how she got there, but she had spotted a dog, and just took the first hiding place she could find, that was like her. Although, not always smart, she could feel prickly stems begging to cut her skin, cut her clothes, but she remained silent, and stayed in the bush. She noticed the dog looking directly her way, could it see her, or some squirrel nearby? She decided if she wanted this dog, she'd have to make her move, before it ran off, this dog had some qualities, she could tell, smart, and a big dog. She slowly reached into her pocket for some of the treats she had brought along. Realizing then that the dog was in bushes, how would she get him, or her it looked like. She managed to get out of the bush, without making too much noise, and without losing too much hair, which had stuck to the bush. Which left her with some burrs in her hair. She slowly crept toward the dog, not making any sudden movements. SHe held out her hand, which had treats in them, in the other hand behind her back she had a leash and a collar that she would put on the dog as soon as it started to eat the treats, so she could take it back to her lab, and hopefully give it the potion, later on she would work on a human potion for herself. Although, if she had to sedate the dog to get it to her lab, she would, becuse she'd have to anyways, so that the injection wouldn't hurt as much.
1:19pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Spark snarled, baring her teeth at the human. What did she want with her?! Not something good! That food was NOT worth it! The Golden erupted from the bushes and sprinted off in a beeline towards - well, towards anywhere but there. The human was becoming a speck. But, of course, it'd follow. Growling, Spark knew there might have to be a fight. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that. Frantically looking around, she tried to find somewhere to hide or to run to. But nothing caught her eye. So she just had to keep running.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:35pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 657
Tess almost jumped back when the dog snarled at her, she wasn't expecting the dog to do so, not in her plan, she thought the dog would take the food as a peace offering. Apparently not. She quickly ran off towards the dog, following it, hoping it would get tired and slow down, because she didn't have good stamina. She finally caught up to the dog, she managed to grasp it's tail, she knew it'd hurt the dog, but she used it to get closer, she sedated the dog, taking it out of its misery, she then wrapped the colllar around it's neck, and started back to her lab. She put in the final ingredient, and stirred, excitedly.
1:41pm May 1 2011
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(Wow. >>'' Powerplay much?!? >:c ) [Spark is sedated. >:c SO I CAN'T DO ANY-FREAKIN'-THING.]
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:04pm May 1 2011
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(Bump. >> )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:47pm May 2 2011
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(Bump. >>' )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:57pm May 3 2011
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(SOrreh!) Tess finished stirring her mixture, she set it on a table, deciding wether she should really do this or not. Her whole life has been leading up to this moment, all her studying, would she really give all that up? Yes, the dog was cute, and she didn't want to kill it, but there is a slim chance this potion will actually work, then it won't kill the dog, and many good things would happen to her. She didn't even know the dog would she give it up for a dog she had to sedate in order to get her here? Her hands shakily poured the liquid into the injection tube. She slowly walked over to the dog, she knelt down onto her knees. With her free hand she started to pet the dog, even though it was sedated, she found a spot right above the hip where she could inject this stuff without harming the dog, Tess was only worried about the liquid kill the dog. SHe shoved it in, and pressed down with her thumb, watching the liquid drain out into the dog that willl either have issues, powers, or be dead soon. She hoped the second one would happen. (Your dog can wake up in the next post)
9:19am May 4 2011
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( >> ) Moaning, Spark's eyes flickered open. Pain shot through his whole body. It coarsed through her veins, everything feeling like it was dying. Was she dying? Well, all she saw was white. White everywhere. Finding some strength to move her head - OWW - the Golden surveyed the area. Oh no. The human had taken her to a lab. Everything white and clean. What had happened? Was she a test subject now? What the heck?!?!?!!
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:45pm May 5 2011
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Posts: 657
Tess woke up, and noticed that the dog did too. Meaning, it wasn't dead! This also meaning she would have to name it. She thought about this for a moment, but decided this could wait, she had more important things to do. She went over to the dog, and started to pet it, but just briefly, afraid of the dogs reaction. She instead rushed over to one of her white cabinets on the wall. Tess searched over everything, searching for one specific item, then she found it. The scientist grabbed some pain releiver that was an injection made for dogs, this was something she had come up with long ago, but never used, until now. She rushed over to the dog, that almost looked like it was grimacing in pain. She injected the dog. Slowly whispering words like, "Don't worry. Everything will be okay. Things will happen beyond your wildest dreams. I'm the good guy. This is for the better of things. The pain won't last long."
9:05pm May 5 2011
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Spark felt woozy. Was she going to fall asleep again? NO! No... no. If she fell asleep, she might not wake up again. Baring her teeth, she snarled menacingly. Looking up, the human was doing something to Spark again. She wanted to bite her, to run away, to live a normal life. But all that was gone now. What had the human done?! Moaning, Spark was even more tired. Her eyelids were getting heavy. And just like that, she fell into sleep.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:08pm May 8 2011
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- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:29pm May 13 2011
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- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:25pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 657
Tess watched as the dog drifted away once more after she injected what was suppposed to take away pain. The dog wan't supposed to fall asleep, what did this mean? Maybe it was still tired from the chase, or being sedated. Who knew? Well, now it must be time to think of a name for this very unique dog. She sat there staring at the golden fur in front of her, she kept deciding on the stupidest things, -Goldie -Golden - Shimmer -Dazzle -Dreamer -Stunter -Mystery -Star. But nothing fit the dog, then she put her mind to it, and found something that fit perfectly as long as the dog was okay with it, Spark. It clearly said that the dog was kind, yet smart, her flashy fur goes along with the name, Spark, and it has a bit of mystery thrown in, just like how Spark's life is a mystery to her. When the dog woke up, she'd introduce it's name.
5:29pm May 14 2011
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After what seemed like an eternity, Spark woke up again. Less pain than before, she noticed. But still some. Craning her head around, she saw the human again. A low growl escaped her throat. Then she found the energy to bark. It was a loud, angry woof that echoed across the room. Turning her whole body around to face the human better, Spark stared at the human coldly.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -