3:30pm Feb 23 2012
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Here we are. Repost your bio, if you would? Just make something up. :3
3:39pm Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 516
Name: Volarius Demon Name: Volarune Height: 5',9" Weight: 175lbs Species: Volarune Demon Looks: Full Demon Form's Looks: Nature: Childish and yet very brave. Brash and headstrong at times. Gentle and kind. But Volarune is the opposite in terms of kindness and gentleness. Can be quite cruel and emotionless as Volarune.
3:47pm Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Name: Sorden Gender: Female Species: Gryphon Appearance: Sorden is a mixture of a king cheetah and a red-tailed hawk, although for the most part she is an albino. She has soft, furry paws for all four feet, and markings found on her feline part. She has a mixture of feathers and fur in her mane, and is only black and white save for her eyes; which are an electric blue. She is about the size of a Clydesdale horse. History: Her rider, a human by the name of Miran, was killed about a decade ago, although she is occasionally 'visited by his spirit'. She has never told anyone of her visions of him, but it is beyond a doubt that he is really there. Will RP out the rest.
3:49pm Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 516
(When would you like to start?)
3:51pm Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Now would be fine. Would you like me to begin? ))
3:54pm Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 516
(Sure! Um. I'll add the dragon after I've drawn it in the Bio.)
4:06pm Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Sounds great. ))
Sorden's paws were silent even over the decaying leaves of the forest floor, claws extending readily as she crept low across the ground. She slunk in the shadows, moving ever closer to the elemental as her eyes fixed on her target; the deer-like animal's throat.
Only seconds later, there was a dull thud, and the elemental lay bleeding out at the base of an ancient oak. The coniferous forest took no notice of the taken life, however. The birds didn't even pause their song. Elementals were more than common. This one would never be missed.
Sorden's feathers ruffled as she looked around the shadowed meadow, cautiously dipping her head before beginning her meal.
(( OMG. I've never had a worst post in all my life. o.o ))
4:42pm Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 516
A black haired human looking demon was fast asleep not far from the hunting grounds of Sorden. He was entirely unaware of the singing of the birds, of Soren killing the deer, he was out of it. The demon was that exhausted from all the last nights horrors of his inner Demon causing trouble inside of him. But the sudden sound of a chomping beak woke him up. With a sudden jerk he looked around. Not a single thing did he see. All he saw was the canopy of tree around him. Yet a voice boomed nearby, "Tamer, Volarius....? Is everything alright?" it asked. The Demon, Volarius smiled and turned around to see his dragon friend. "Um... Yes? I just heard something chomping down on something else. Possibly a Gryphon eating?" He told the Dragon. The Dragon walked out of the shadows of the trees and sniffed the air. "Yes... I smell one eating a deer-like beast...." It growled low in a sort of rolling voice. He then walked up to Volarius and held him up from his sitting position. Volarius thanked him by patting his dragon on the nose and smiling. "Well Darkgrim, let's go... find ourselves something to eat!" Volarius told him. The dragon snarled happily and allowed Volarius to get on. The Dragon, Darkgrim, was a huge dragon. A rare on to behold. His wings were all red and his upper most body was black. The mid upper part was the red while, the underbelly was a deep dark indigo. His eyes were a bright golden orange with silver markings surrounding them. His neck was long and thick with a long head at the front of it. Mighty intimidating horns adorned his head and nose. A large set of spines rose from the cheeks. His body wasn't slender like many dragons but large and long. All of his legs were thick almost as tree trucks. His wings were humongous, a sign of a great amount of weight in the beast's heaviness. His tail was also like his neck, long and thick. Many spines adorned it and the rest of his body in the middle of his body down a straight line. At the tip was a club like row of spines that could be opened up and used to cut a whole tree down to size. Volarius knew his Dragon's size was a big problem. Due to the fact he was only 5'9" and the dragon was over 50 feet in height and length, with a wingspan even large than that! Yet he still felt safe around him. The young demon slowly climbed up his friends back and placed himself right behind his head. Then he grabbed hold of Darkgrim's horns and kicked the side of the cheek, saying, "Let's go!" Then they were off, hunting for a large amount of food.
5:40pm Feb 23 2012
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Sorden suddenly stopped eating, nausea flooding her gut as she limped away from the animal's carcass. A moment later she ended up loosing everything she had just downed and what little was in her stomach from before. The bitter flavor of acid haunted her tongue even after the convulsions of her stomach had stopped, melting the leaves where it landed.
"Damn it." she sputtered, waiting for her insides to calm themselves. She knew before she had been sick that she was eating too fast, especially after having gone without food as long as she had. Her body was completely and utterly exhausted from her long, relentless flight from the peaks of the snow-capped mountains on the distant horizon. It was going to take her quite a while to adjust.
She glared wistfully at the dank, black meat, edged in the animal's green pelt. The thought of eating more made her even sicker.
For a while she was torn. Even a huntress like her, who could gather a meal without a second thought, was sunk by the idea of wasting an animal's body. She knew she wouldn't be able to finish the carcass at this rate, possibly not for days, and yet she wasn't going to let it rot. In hindsight, she wished she had hunted down something a bit smaller.
She bristled as something moved in the leaved behind her, the she-gryphon letting out a warning hiss as she turned to face it, snarling coldly.

8:43pm Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 516
Behind her was a giant Dragon. It was obviously a 50 foot tall dragon. And to most Gryphons it was a scary Beastie indeed. The Dragon lowered his head at the Gryphon to her level and snorted out a huge puff of hot air at her. A voice came from the Dragon's head. "Darkgrim... Don't torture the sick creature...." The Dragon Darkgrim moved his head lower to the ground to allow his Tamer off his neck. Volarius hopped of Darkgrim's head. He then approached the She-Gryphon and sat down. "Here...." He told her. He reached into his pocket and drew out a rare herb. "Eat this herb. It'll cure your nausea... I promise. I've been suffering a stomach problem for quite a while now, so this herb does wonders..." He told her. Darkgrim lost interest in the Gryphon, Sorden and then began to sniff at her carcass. He opened his mouth then swallowed it whole. He the gulped it down and shook his head. Volarius shook a bit as if he was highly disgusted at this. "Eewwck! You don't care that she was eating that?!" He exclaimed. He then looked back at Sorden. He then backed away from her, but left the herb at her feet.. "There you go!" He then sniffed the air for more food. His eyes glowed red and he then grinned. "Aw... I smell some sort of Raptor..." He then pointed Darkgrim's head in the direction of the smell. Darkgrim smelt it too. He gave Volarius a pair of raised eyebrows and the grinned toothily. Volarius playfully pushed his dragon friends head away.
9:13pm Feb 23 2012
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Sorden glanced between the pair, keeping her head low. Then suddenly, she was gone, slinking away into the brush before the leaves she had trod underfoot had so much as a chance to move. Her muscles burned just from walking, and before long she was forced to stop, collapsing in a trembling pile of fur and feathers. She managed to creep towards a fallen log, curling up under beside the rotting tree. She knew she was hardly out of sight of the two; and definitely not out of earshot for the dragon. She struggled to still her labored breathing, entire body aching from the inside out.
Honestly, she was a bit intimidated. She had never seen a dragon so large before; all the ones native to her land were only a bit bigger than her. She knew, for what might have been the first time in her life, that she didn't stand a chance in a fight with another creature. This unsettled her.
By now she couldn't so much as unfurl her wings, they were so sore. So, laying in the bottom of the forest floor, all she could do was wait until the two would pass on. She had no quarrel with them. She intended to keep it that way.

9:48pm Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 516
Darkgrim and Volarius looked puzzled at how frightened Sorden ran off like that. Then it dawned at Volarius. Most dragon were nowhere near Darkgrim's size. "Uh Darkgrim, stay here and find us all some food!" He told Darkgrim. The giant dragon nodded and then went to the shadows and then laid down, turning into a huge boulder near other boulders. Volarius then rushed to find the Gryphon. He found her huddled in the nearby forest floor. "Hmm...... Hey... Don't be afraid." He told her in a language she could understand. "I'm Volarius. I'm a Human/Demon mix. But my type of Demon is a type of mythical legend. I'm a Volarune Demon and you need not fear me or Darkgrim. I just noticed you are weak from hunger and need some food. But first let me give you that herb I tried to give you. Eat it please!" He added to her in a calming voice. He then slowly approached her, with his arm outstretched with the herb close to her mouth. "Please just eat the herb and you'll feel better. I promise. I eat them everytime my stomach is killing me!" He then dropped the herb at her feet. Then he walked away, back to Darkgrim. Darkgrim had already snagged about ten snakes, five moose, 15 birds, and other kinds of creatures. Volarius immediately began to carve up all the meats Darkgrim caught and then salted the food. He then began to cook it. When finished, Volarius then set off to find wild fruits and veggies such as berries and mushrooms.
11:38pm Feb 23 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Sorden snarled at the demon, a weak, tired look in her glassy eyes.
Like I couldn't understand you before, she thought, scoffing after he had left. She let her gaze wander towards the herb he had left at her paws, and she let out a soft growl at it. She didn't want this hybrid's help. She didn't need it.
(( So tired, I'm drained for the night. xD ))
12:40pm Feb 24 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarius shook his head. He knew the Gryphon, Sorden wouldn't trust him. But he had to try. Darkgrim was done hunting for the day. He laid down and allowed Volarius to cook all the food he hunted. A delicious smell wafted through the area. Darkgrim's mouth began to water as he licked his lips. Volarius was splashed by the sticky Saliva. "UGhk! Darkgrim! How many times have I told you to wash your mouth so this doesn't happen!" Volarius exclaimed. He shook most of it off but still kept the smell. "Eww.... Darkgrim. Watch the food and no eating..." He ordered Darkgrim. Darkgrim nodded and watched around for any intruders. Volarius found a stream and then began to bath in it's waters. He finally got the smell gone and then changed his clothes. He still could help but want to help the Gryphon. But knew if it was a Hominid, he's not wish to help her. Only animals are the ones that sees his hidden nature. Human or anything like a human, well, they'd find him stressed and highly dangerous. All due to the Stress factor that awakens a Demon's True Nature and that was a Deadly Nature. Volarius sighed at this then decided to show her how much of a bird he looks, like in his full demon form. Volarius then rushed back to Sorden's location. "Lady Gryphon... Please let me help you. You look so frail... You can sho me for I don't look much different than Chimera based Gryphons from where I come from except for the one head instead of three." He told her. Then he winced and snarled low. His body then burst thousands of Black Raven Feathers and soon became like a giant Raven. But a raven with a long serpentine neck tuft of mane-like feathers at it's base, his wings were able to be used as wings and arms. The body was built like a dragon birds that also seemed hidden sense of flexibility like that of a cat's. His tail was built like a draconic serpentine Gryphon's as well with a tuft of feathers at the very end of his tail. Four elongated Raven Tail Feathers were also at the tail's beginning merge with it.
12:55pm Feb 24 2012 (last edited on 12:57pm Feb 24 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
(( Sorry for her rude response, but Sorden is just not one to accept help that easily. Ha, you're probably going to have to force it onto her. Hmm... come to think of it, that could be a fun story line, at least for a while. ))
Sorden snarled at the shifting demon, standing and dancing back a few feet.
"I know what you are, Demon, and to me it means nothing. Leave me in peace." she growled, crawling off to the side. With enough effort to almost completely drain her of what little strength she had left, she unfurled her wings the slightest bit, ruffling her feathers to make herself appear larger. She slowly backed away, knowing inside that she was far too fatigued to run, or fight, the demon before her. She unsheathed her talons, thin, curvy body tensing.
She wouldn't go down without a fight, even if all she could put up was a weak struggle. She also knew, if the dragon got involved, she would have absolutely no chance of escaping. Fighting off the demon if he decided to attack her was going to be hard enough.
All this while, her body preparing for a fight wasn't voluntary. It was pure instinct that drove her to be like this; the conscious part of her was a very different gryphon. Still, that part of her was being suppressed into nothing by her hunger, illness, and exhaustion. It would take a lot of doing to get the real her out once more.

1:21pm Feb 24 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarius had finally finished shifting into Volarune. Volarune looked down at her with his white almost Soulless eyes. He then scrawled low at her in an aggressive manner. "I see the only way I can get through to you is to fight. Understand I won't give up of you... So hang in there...." He snarled then all of a sudden turned away then slammed his tail hard at her. He then turned back to face her, hoping to hit her with his tail for what may be the second time if the first one hit, then he fluttered up with his wings then grabbed at her with his giant feet. He was about half the size of Darkgrim. Almost 25 feet tall but over 36 feet long. So possibly even he was bigger than her. Yet wasn't wanting to fight her. Though right now seemed otherwise. "Stubborn, Gryphon I just want.... to feed.. you!" He snarled as his talons finally got hold of her front and hind legs, and then gripped on them very tightly. "Quit struggling or I'll turn and decide to eat you...!" He snapped, almost biting her with his sharp teeth in his beak-like jaws. Darkgrim heard the struggle between his tamer and Sorden, but yawned out loud. He was told to watch after the food, so that's what he was going to do. Watch the food. Maybe eat when Volarune got back. But just watch it. Perhaps catch more food by allowing some creatures to come close. Darkgrim then nodded to himself at that idea, then turned into stone like a giant boulder. Like this he'd even smell like stone. At that moment ten large raptors came and tried to still the food. But in one large thwack of the tail they were dead. Darkgrim then chuckled to himself and went still again.
1:38pm Feb 24 2012 (last edited on 2:04pm Feb 24 2012)
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Sorden let out a sharp cry of pain as she was lifted into the air by her legs, forced to hang up-side-down. She let her wings droop loosely, too sore to hold them up. Then, as soon as she got the chance, the she-gryphon snapped at the demon's claws with a glassy, black beak.
She didn't manage to catch anything between her jaws, her breathing labored from the blows she had received on her shoulder. Her heart raced, eyes going somewhat foggy. After a minute her struggles ceased almost completely, left in a dazed state from the rush of blood to her head. She let out a groan of discomfort, claws digging into the hands of her captor as she tried to make him drop her.
"Let go..." she muttered weakly, bird-like, feathered tail flaring as she tried to lift her head, "If you wanted to help me you would leave me be!"
All this over a stupid herb? she thought.
2:40pm Feb 24 2012
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Posts: 516
"I'll not leave you be... You could have easily kicked my tail lots of times in this mindset..." Volarune snapped at her. Then flew he down to the ground, where Darkgrim was hiding as a boulder. "If you wasn't so blind to the severity of your starvation.... you'd realize that..... Only when you a 100% can you put a heck of a fight on me. That so called stupid herb could have fixed your stomach by curing the source of you nausea... Then so allowing you to eat. Now Either eat the herb, or Darkgrim will force it down your throat. And trust me. He would love to do that so he could get Gryphon dinner tonight..." He snarled as he held her down by his body weight on the ground. He then nodded to the stack of boulders. One boulder began to move. It was Darkgrim. He stood up and walked over to them. His claw had the herb in it. He dropped the herb at Sorden's head and growled, "Eat the herb or be eaten when you let your stupid self starve to death...." Volarune then screeched an ear splitting scrawl at Darkgrim saying, "Don't be so direct! She's already bad enough in shape! You don't need to scare her to darn well death!" Darkgrim winced from the screeching scrawl and shook his head. Then he licked his lips and turned back into a boulder at the stack of boulders. "See? He want you dead. I want you to live. Don't be so stubborn. Either eat the herb to help your stomach feel better then eat some of the food I've cooked or left raw, such as the fish I've caught earlier, or whatever. I'll just say this, GET BETTER!" He then fluttered off her and then shook up his feathers. After shaking them so, he looked like a giant puff ball more than anything else with pincushion needles. Darkgrim saw this and rolled over laughing his tail off.
3:51pm Feb 24 2012
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Posts: 1,652
When the demon finally let her go, her head hit the ground with a dull "thud". Still dizzy and confused, she found it to be the only way to still her spinning world.
"I wish you'd change back into a humanoid. I liked you more then." she snapped, snatching the plant in her beak only to spit it out at the Demon. Then a heartbeat later she was on her feet, and another after that she was in the air. Once she got her wings beating, she fell into a steady, paced rhythm, narrowly dodging trees and limbs that poked out into her way. She half-flew, half-ran through the woods, sleek body winding in and out of the brush.
She wasn't particularly fast at the moment, and she knew without a doubt that either of them could catch her once more if they decided to. The one thing that she might have counted on her side was agility; and that was fading quickly.
(( Going without a meal for a day
isn't going to kill her, just leave her a bit hungry. xD Her body will
straighten itself out in 2 days max... besides, there is no way she is
going to eat that voluntarily, especially not after it has been made
into such a big problem. And another point; she really isn't a bad person. She is just very unused to help, especially help without consequences. ))

4:02pm Feb 24 2012 (last edited on 9:36pm Feb 24 2012)
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Posts: 516
(Aw! Okay. The way you typed however at first was like she was bad off! Gotcha.) Darkgrim snarled with rage when the herb splatted on Volarune's face. But Volarune busted out laughing. He then flapped his wings and then flew over to her. Darkgrim was wanting to charge after them but was told to stay put. He grumbled a bit then laid down. Volarune easily caught up to her and landed in front of her. "Lady Gryphon! Why are like this? You could let me help you. But I hope you know you've gotten enough of the herb to soothe your tummy a bit. So let me drop this!" He gently scrawled at her from above her ahead of her. Then he dropped ten giant chickens in front of her. "I hope you enjoy my cooking. Now I'll leave you be since you half way ate the herb.... Just don't be difficult next time I check on you." Then he shifted his form into a Half Demon form. He looked human like he did before he shifted into the Full Demon Form. He looked almost like Volarius but he was covered in black feathers and his back had two wings and raven tail-feathers behind him. He had long bird-like talons on his hands and feet. "Graaagh..... Got to riled up trying to help. Now I can't shift back into Volarius... The Human Form Conscious..." He grumbled. Then he shrugged and flew off back to Darkgrim. Leaving her alone in peace with ten large fish that is just enough to fill her up. And a note. That read, "Mostly chicken meat is always best to eat on a sick stomach. Enjoy!"