Here Kitty, I have milk

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10:08pm Nov 9 2013

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Posts: 1,584
“Will you step into my parlor?” said the spider to the fly;

“’Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy.

The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,

And I have many pretty things to show when you are there.”

“O no, no,” said the little fly, “to ask me is in vain,

For who goes up your winding stair can ne’er come down again.”

XD Not involved in the rp at all. So... shall we post our bios now? :D

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

10:12pm Nov 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Yeus we shall :> I'm thinking to be a... Well I don't know .-.


10:26pm Nov 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,584
Name: Terra Colson
Gender: Female
Age: 18 {because honestly, no parent would let an 11 year old travel the country}

Standing at a average 5'5, Terra isn't all that distinct from the crowd at first sight. Her hair is normally pulled back into a short ponytail tied off with an average scrunchy and the color is just an average, though pretty, dark brown. But on closer inspection, there is so much more to be seen about Terra. Her hands are clad in fingerless lace gloves that look steampunk to most extent. Her leather riding jacket looks like:

and you will never see her without some type of scarf wrapped around her neck that is usually navy blue or white. No matter the weather, the scarf is always there. Her pants are baggy for the most part and boots are the only type of shoes she wears anymore. Better for the walking, she would say if you asked. There is to much walking for a pokemon trainer.

Those qualities are just close though. What makes her different is the way her eyes flash when she is angry, the way she looks like she could literally punch through a wall if she wants to. Her eyes are bright blue, pupil rimmed in green, and they spark with life that shows how much she feels about everything. Terra is not a quiet person. This does not mean she is blunt and all about strength, in fact, she is a careful strategist. She likes killing her opponents and stomping them so thoroughly into the dust that no one will ever be able to doubt her victory. Brute strength wins do not provide that satisfaction.

Zorua (not a legendary so I hope this is okay)

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

10:42pm Nov 9 2013 (last edited on 10:45pm Nov 9 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Name: Zen Moriarty
Gender: Male
Age: 16 <-- Just cuz ;D
Deion:Zen is remembered for his white, wispy hair that sits rather short, and is always full of hair product to keep it spiked up. He always wears a Jacket, sometimes with the sleeves rolled up depending on the weather, and can be either Red, Black or blue. His Jacket is always seen with a hood so he can sometimes hide his shy, pale face and his unusually light blue eyes. He's not known to talk very much, so conversation with him is limited.
His jeans are darker than Gengar itself, with rips through the knee, and tattered where it drags on the ground. His shoes are suprisingly clean, though they are a bit too bright for anyone else's taste. On the side, they have a red Pokeball print, and the laces have been cut short due to being too long.

Zen's personality can be seen as a quiet, selfish approach. He rarely cares for anyone else as he likes to keep to himself more often than he helps people. If people ever ask for help, he's known to stand there looking down with a gaze full of doubt, with no movement towards the person whatsoever. But when it comes to battle, no amount of passion and perservierance can beat Zen's. He may be quiet at first, but his enthusiasm is louder than any Gym leader in existence.


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