Horse RP(Open small Group/1x1)

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5:46pm Dec 1 2011 (last edited on 6:06pm Dec 1 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

This will be a wild horse rp where you guessed it, we play as wild horses. Maybe something along the lines of horses rejected by their herds and some how find each other and creat their own herd. Or maybe they all live in the same herd and they leave for some reason. Honestly I don't care and we can just fingure this out as we go along but first, my requirements.

Requirements(they aren't that bad trust me):

Must be at least semi-lit and have posts that I understand. If I havn't rp'ed with you before it would be awesome if you sent me a link to an rp your in over rmail or just send me one of you posts(can be made up) over rmail but it's up to you.
No gay/Bi/Lesbian horses. It doesn't happen often in the wild and it just causes a problem with romance and all in the rp so I don't want it here. I want this to be as realistic as possible besides the fact that these horses talk.
No text talk. Don't talk like you would in a text message. Example: dont tlk lk tis k?
No joining as a foal. You must join as a horse in it's late teen early adult. If you read the rules good job and show me you have by bolding the bio when you post it.
Keep gender ratio even. If you join as a female join as a male. If you join as a male join as a female. If you absolutly cannot play one of thr genders find another person to join with the opposite gender. Also no having your characters fall in love with each other. It's just sad.
Finally, No Mar/Gary Sues. Don't make your character perfect and have it so that every one wants to be with them because it's sad and makes for a boring rp.


Personality:(post atleast a sentance or two)

I will post my bio's in a moment.


6:22pm Dec 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

Name: Raven
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Personality: Raven is a fairly mellow and laid back kind of horse but she has a short fuse when it comes to her temper. She doesn't like know it all's, prissy horses, or complainers and wont hesitate to tell you off if you annoy her. Though Raven likes to be by herself most of the time when she does make a friend she is forever loyal and shows a different funnyer and some what kinder side of herself to them.

Name: Bandit
Age:young Adult
Personality:Bandit is care free and fun loving and always playing around. He loves to joke around with everyone and gets along with a lot of horses, unless they decide before hand that they don't like him. Since he is so child like all the time he tends to forget when to be serious and often times gets on peoples nerves.


6:37pm Dec 1 2011 (last edited on 7:02pm Dec 1 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Name: Mist
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Personality: Very gentle and calm.  When situations get panicky and hysterical, she's usually the one who keeps her cool and settles everyone down.  She doesn't yell, ever, and barely ever expresses anger.  However, sadness she does express.  Towards new animals, Mist is shy.
Looks: Mist is light gray with white flecks, or dots, or ticks, or whatever you'd like to call them.  She has a medium white mane and tail with roots the color of light black.
Other: Nope.


Name: Trinity, call him Trin if ya want.
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Personality: Bold and courageous, Trinity would never back down from a fight or a challenge.  He is very headforward and doesn't always thinks things through.  Though he may come off a bit rude sometimes, he usually doesn't actually mean it - it's the whole not-thinking-before-doing thing acting there.  Trin is generally fun-loving and a bit too curious at times.  He is always looking for adventure.
Other: Nope.

(The bright color sort of irritated me. x3;;
I'll finish bio's soon, I gotta do homework. :u )

EDIT: (Done! :D )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

6:39pm Dec 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((It's OK just as long as I can tell that you read the rules and that's totally fine with the homework thing.))


7:02pm Dec 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Done! :D )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

8:01pm Dec 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((OK they're great and accepted.))


7:30pm Dec 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Rika said that she might join so if she does she's going to be the last person in the group but if not then the next person to join will be the last person...bump))


3:34am Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781

(Forgot how to bold,sorry.) (Do rest later.)
Name: Shadow
Age: young adult
Gender: female
Personality: She is dark,mysterious,and secretive,and loves to be alone,but sometimes will talk to other horses if they're friends or not,it really depends.The rest wil be rped out I guess.
Other: Spark is her brother

Name: Spark
Age: young adult
Gender: male
Personality:(post atleast a sentance or two)
Other: Shadow is his sister

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

4:42pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Spirit I like to rp with you but I wouldn't really concider you to be semi-lit and we have like 5 rp's together right now so I'm soryy to say that you cannot join...))


4:44pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(It's fine,lol. Ps. nice signiture.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

4:49pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((OK I'm glad you aren't mad or anything and thanks I like your little dragon too :D))


4:55pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 733

(I would join, but I haven't really done any rping here on res before, and I haven't done any in awhile anyways, would I be able to Rmail you some random made up rp post?)


4:57pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781

(Yeah it's fine and thanks it's on a game I play.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

5:14pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Guiven: Yes you can indeed send me a made up post through rmail that would be just fine.))


1:57pm Dec 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 733


Name: Willow
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Personality: Willow is rather daring, although she knows when to stop. Having been abandoned as a foal, she doesn't trust other horses easily, though she lives in a herd for protection, she is not very friendly with the other horses, and often is at the edge of the group, she is a loner.
Looks: Willow is a light, blueish-gray color, with dark, almost black lefs, tail, mane, and head. She has a white star on her forhead.
Other: She and Lichen are half-siblings, though she doesn't know it

Name: Lichen
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Personality: Lichen is fairly timid, but he will stand up for himself and others if he thinks the treatment he, or someone else is recieving is unfair, or mean. Though odly he isn't afraid of strange things, as long as they aren't creepy. He hates thunderstorms.
Lichen is black with white "socks" on all of his feet. He has dark gray shoulder and leg stripes that just barely show up against his black coat. He has a white star on his forhead like Willow.
Other: He and Willow are half siblings, although neither know it


4:27pm Dec 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Accepted Guiven though I pretty much already accepted you over rmail. I'll start in a little bit when I can.))


4:33pm Dec 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 733

(Yay, thanks, I can't wait to start!)


4:58pm Dec 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((OK so lets just have them all be in the same herd and then they run away as a little group for some reason that we will come up with as we get there alright?))

Raven bent her neck down to the cool green grass beneath an over grown willow tree and munched on it. Thank god for this tree or I'd be baking out in the sun right now. She said to herself as she flicked her long wavy tail and her flank twitched absent mindedly. She raised her head up into the branches of the tree as she heard a bird whistle it's morning tune to it's chicks as it dropped down onto the branch to feed them. Raven snorted and bent down again grazing on the grass some more before peeking behind the curtain of the tree's low hanging branches. She saw the large herd of many generations grazing and talking and the younger foals goofing around and playing.

"Stupid responsibility." She muttered to herself walking out from under the tree. She wanted to play around like they did but no she was fairly grown up now and had to act her age sadly. Well whats so fun about being older if all's you do is eat and sleep and watch out for danger? She asked herself. Though she and the others her age attempted and mostly succeded at acting their age there were a few exception to the matter. She watched as a dark brown stallion galloped around with the foals and played with them in childish games that she wanted to be a part of. Sure she could if she wanted to but she hated to make her parents to angry with her. She was already in trouble for yesterdays goofing off and two days in a row of childishness would not impress them.


Bandit lifted his muzzle to the sky and reared up on his hind legs kicking at the air before galloping off in persuit of one of the younger horses. He smiled as he lowered his head letting his body move swiftly through the wind. He was getting closer to the young chesnut fillie and he slowed a bit as he nudged her flank with his noes, "Gotcha!" he yelled as he circled her rushing away from her before she had a chance to tag him back. He slowed as he neared one of the trees and hung his head catching his breath watching the fillie chase after the other foals trying to tag them. Eventually she tagged Dalton a flea bitten gray coalt who then procceded to chase after Kaz one of the youngest foals.

Bandit eventually caught his breath and started trotting around the group darting this way and that every time a foal came near him. He made it a bit harder for the older ones to catch him but whent easier on the younger ones knowing that if he went to hard that it wouldn't be much fun for them. Vixen one of the younger dun fillies caught him and he smiled to her racing after another young horse to give her a bit of a break.



4:05pm Dec 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 733

(fine with me. Can they be in the middle of a drought? That might contribute as to why the group leaves, maybe they need to find water?)

Willow glared at the black mare grazing under the willow tree. That was her tree. She had been born under that tree, always grazed under that tree, and now this young mare thought she could have it? Just who did she think she was anyway? Faintly, in the back of her mind, Willow remembered that this mare was called Raven. The young mare was the around the same age as her, but that didn't matter in the slightest to Willow. Raven seemed unaware of the horse standing in the shadows behind her. As Willow watched, she noticed the mare's gaze flicking toward the young stallion who was playing tag with the foals. There seemed to be a strange longing glint in her eyes. Intrigued, Willow followed Raven's gaze, watching the foals goof around. As the she watched, another stallion joined their game. He poked a young dun colt with his muzzle, then raced off. The colt chased him, but the stallion tripped, and fell. The colt collided with him, and he too fell over, laughing.

Willow suppressed a snort of amusement, so as not to alarm Raven.

They're having so much fun, no wonder Raven looks so sad, no responsible horse our age would be caught chasing foals. I do wish I could join them though, Willow though sullenly.

Finally noticing Raven had moved out from under the tree, she approached it, then changed he mind. She veered towards Raven.

"They look like they're having so much fun, don't they?" Willow murmured.


Lichen galloped towards the dun colt, nosed him playfully, then jumped back, taking off again. This colt was probably one of the oldest foals here, and he was also the son of the lead mare. The colt, Hawk jumped in surprise at his touched, but took the bait and chased him anyways. Lichen fully intended to outrun the foal, but he tripped over a rock, and let loose a surprised whinny. Hawk collided with him, and fell over, knocking the breath out of Lichen. He took one look at the colt's dusty coat, and burst out laughing.

After tagging a young filly, Lichen decided he was thirsty. Drinking from a small brook close to the tree line, noticed for the first time how parched his mouth really was. If this drought doesn't clear up fast, we're in trouble, He thought to himself. This small water source was one of the few left in the forest, the herd stayed close to it, because even if it meant they has to graze in the open, it was the only water for miles around.

Wandering among the horses, Lichen noticed how high tempers were running. Horses snorted and rolled there eyes angrily at each other over the best grazing spots. Occasionally a horse would lash out with a sharp hoof, but usually after that the other horse left them alone. Finding some grass to munch on, Lichen thought that soon, the grass here would shrivel up. Maybe we should move on.... he thought suddenly. If the water dries up, the foals, especially the young ones wouldn't be strong enough to make the journey to the next water source. Somewhat shocked and panicked by these thoughts, Lichen paused in his grazing, listening to the sound of the foals. Only problem was, there were no foals to listen to, they had stopped playing. They seemed safe, now grazing beside their mothers, but why had they all stopped playing? What was going on? Lichen cantered off to investigate.



4:23pm Dec 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1
May I join in this RP? I consider myself to be Semi-Literate to Literate in the ranges, even though I am 10 years old. Also, would it be fine if I use my own 'skeleton' (Form, bio, I call mine a skeleton)? I add too many things for my character, and I like to make it specific, like which is who, what color is that, who are you related to etc.
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