12:34pm Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 12:15am Aug 3 2011)
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This is a private roleplay between CH and I. If you are not my FPFF, then scram. D< (Just kidding. :P But lurkers, please no posting~) --- We've been over this, but I really wanted to type out the plot. |D Plot It's sometime in the future, in a galaxy far, far away.... Planets, driven to rivalry through politics and limited trading resources, have begun to enlist spies of a special type. They are some born to this "special" race. Others are "enhanced" through a series of DNA modifications. But the outcome is the same. These people are what you and I would call superheroes. Their powers vary madly, which each of these spies possessing anywhere from one to five powers, and the strength of said powers varying even more. They are the defenders of the planet, their eyes and ears on others, and always, never failingly loyal to their home planet. Until now. When the stakes become even higher, the best of the best spies receive "targets." From then on, it is their job to, nicely put, eliminate them. Once their rivals are eliminated, they move on to another target. This is where our protagonists come in. The two are some of the top spies in the galaxy, and, unknown to them, have been assigned to "target" each other. But what happens if they suddenly decide they don't want to eliminate each other. What if something else is forming, besides hatred? What if they fell in love? Setting Outer space, yo~ Allison's Planet- Wintrata Wintrata is a planet not entirely unlike our own. The technology is more advanced there, and it is about two and a half times the size of the earth, but the atmosphere is much the same. Wintrata has three oceans: Demirah, Zamoen, and Kli. The rest of the continent, about 65%, is land, mostly forested. Wintrata’s society is again much like our own, but it all functions under a single government, lead by a council and a prime minister figure called the Wintra. There are marriages, divorces, education, laws, and the like. While the council and Wintra impose a strict law force, though, they are not dictatorial. The only thing of note about the Wintrata government is that they are very patriotic, and the society reflects that. Over generations of this, Wintrata citizens have become almost hyper-loyal and very defensive of their own planet. They see nothing wrong with sending any children born with powers straight to their government officials. In fact, there is a highly sought-after system that allows citizens to become test subjects, where the are injected with chemicals and different DNA types to have superpowers of their own, in order to better defend Wintrata. Only the best of the best can get into this program, though. There are many cities as well in Wintra, but for every city, there are at least two undeveloped wildernesses. Being more technologically advanced than Earth, they were able to slow and eventually even stop their own global warming, many years ago. Edward's Planet- Prosperpina Proserpina is more old fashioned then other planets. Its set in the more olden days where there are no cars, there are horse carraiges. The marriages are arrainged mostly and there is still a king and queen in every town. You write letters, there are no phones. Characters AmazingsuperspectacularawesomelysweetcoolfunnyDABOMBsmexiness Man- Edward Andrew Wright [Omg he doesn't have a superhero name yet. D:] Da woman- Allison Victoria Caldwell [Venom] Character Sheets Lol. We don't have to fill these out, but I thought it might be fun~ Name: (Full name, EVEN THEIR MIDDLE ONE. :o)
Nickname: (Yeah.)
Alias: (Their superhero name, because their true identities must remain secret.) Home Planet: (Just the name.)
Planet Deion: (As long or as short as you want. Describe as much as you think necessary. Watch me go way overboard.) Powers: (Does three sound good? 'Cause they're allowed to be a bit godly. :P) Lover: (Before they meet each other. For the draaaama. <3) Personality: (Short is fine~ |D) History: (As small as you want.) Looks: (Without their superhero-ness.) Superhero Looks: (Ohyeah. I went there.) Other: (Yup.) Did I forget anything? |D It's long enough already, so I hope not. xD; And I'm going to fill out one for Helen Parr. Because I want to. SHE'S LIKE AN EXAMPLE M'KAY? <3
Name: Helen [Doesn't have a middle name] Parr Nickname: None. Alias: Elastigirl! Home Planet: Earth Planet Deion: Earth is a small little blue and green planet threatened by global warming. The dominant species are humans, which live virtually everywhere, though the animal populations are flourishing in some species. There is lots of pollution and celebrities. Powers: She can stretch. A lot. Lover: She's married to Bab Parr, gosh. >_> Personality: Short-tempered, protective of her family, hard on her husband. |D History: She met Bob Parr during their superhero days, and married him. He was late to their wedding. They now have a family with three kids. Yay.
Looks: [Lol.]
Superhero Looks: Other: The pics aren't mine~ |D So...does that looks good? :3
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
2:48pm Jul 29 2011
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OMGILOVEYOULIKEOMG. My sister is looking at me wierd, because I'm laughing so hard with this. Bahahaha omg, gosh I love you. Alrightayyyy, sooo I like the idea of them already having 'lovers' as you put it xD Wait so your going to be that DABOMB girl Helen? Or, when you meant example, you meant like... How the bio's should look? XDDD OMG, I love your deion of Earth. LOL. xDDDD Gosh this is like... My favorite post thing from you ever. Everything made me laugh~ BAHAHAHAHA xD But, I won't be able to put my bios together and stuff until after Sunday. Keep this bumped, please FPFF? <333
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3:13pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc// I will try my best, FPFF. /heroic stance. Lolololol. My sister gives me weird looks all the time! |D And no, Helen's was just an example. xD; I had a sudden urge to fill one out, but I'm still working on my character. So.
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8:17pm Jul 29 2011
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I worked on this during my car ride, so I just went overboard. xD; You DO NOT need to put as much as I did, lol~ <3 --- Name: Allison Victoria Caldwell Nickname: She is sometimes called Venom, which lead to her naming of her superhero secret identity. Alias: Venom, Cat by Lohr. Home Planet: Wintrata (Win-TRAH-tuh) Planet Deion: Wintrata is a planet not entirely unlike our own. The technology is more advanced there, and it is about two and a half times the size of the earth, but the atmosphere is much the same. Wintrata has three oceans: Demirah, Zamoen, and Kli. The rest of the continent, about 65%, is land, mostly forested. Wintrata’s society is again much like our own, but it all functions under a single government, lead by a council and a prime minister figure called the Wintra. There are marriages, divorces, education, laws, and the like. While the council and Wintra impose a strict law force, though, they are not dictatorial. The only thing of note about the Wintrata government is that they are very patriotic, and the society reflects that. Over generations of this, Wintrata citizens have become almost hyper-loyal and very defensive of their own planet. They see nothing wrong with sending any children born with powers straight to their government officials. In fact, there is a highly sought-after system that allows citizens to become test subjects, where the are injected with chemicals and different DNA types to have superpowers of their own, in order to better defend Wintrata. Only the best of the best can get into this program, though. There are many cities as well in Wintra, but for every city, there are at least two undeveloped wildernesses. Being more technologically advanced than Earth, they were able to slow and eventually even stop their own global warming, many years ago. Powers: Allison can cast illusions. She’s gotten much better at this as of late, and can keep an illusion up for hours if she’s not overly stressed and can keep her energy up. As well as this, she can control toxins and electricity. You’ll see what I mean later. /devilish grin. Oh. And I had an idea for a fourth thing, but I’m not sure if it counts as a power, or if it’s powerplaying, or…/shot. Tell me if I should keep it at my already godly status (Lol.), because I’m not overly attached to this. xD But, maybe she can sense when powers are in use? o3o Lover: A man named Lohr (LOW-ruh—the “ruh” is just barely pronounced. Yay for Danish names. |D). He is very smart and smooth with words, which is what probably attracted Allison to him in the first place. He can also act adorably immature at times, and is as new to love as she is. Lohr has just been accepted to the program that “creates” superheroes, though, and he doesn’t know about Allison’s secret identity. If he is a successful test subject, he will find out, and she’s not sure how he will react. Lohr isn’t one for secrets. Personality: Generally distant and not trusting of anyone unless they can undeniably prove it. She doesn’t like being secretive, but she often has to be, with her alternate identity. A good word to describe Allison would also be “independent.” She does everything herself if she can help it, and hates asking for help. Lohr has been the first person in a long while to let past her defenses. Allison can have a fiery temper, and doesn’t really care what most people think of her. If she does care, though, she will go to great lengths to make sure their opinion is a good one. In addition to all this, Allison is often called ruthless, both as Venom and as herself. She has few morals, and doesn’t really have a problem “eliminating” threats to Wintrata. History: Since she was born with powers, not made, Allison was sent to the government when she was three years old. She doesn’t remember anything of her family. When she was accepted into their training program at the age of five (The last two years had been spent educating her on her jobs and duties—Wintrata children are born with a bigger brain capacity than Earth children, making them ready for school earlier), she was put into a new program designed to make even more lethal, more loyal, more powerful superheroes. Allison rose to the top of her class by the age of eight, and when training ended a year early for her at 17, she was as dangerous as a seasoned crime fighter. She’s been the top Wintrata defender for about five years now, with a lengthy list of enemies trailing behind her. Looks: Straight blond hair that falls to her mid back, and violet eyes (Purple is actually a pretty common eye color on Wintrata.). She’s tall and slim, but very strong. Allison isn’t curvy, but most definitely female in her form. She moves gracefully and with decisive and dangerous movements that has earned her nickname from Lohr, Cat. She is a striking figure, but not immediately pretty to the appraising eye, though she isn’t an eyesore. Superhero Looks: Allison generally works undercover, so she doesn’t have a neato spandex outfit, but she has an array of gadgets. For her disguise, she will often project illusions, and if that fails her, she has some emergency color-contacts and disguising clothing. Other: I forgot to put an age on here, so she’s 24. xD Omg. D: And the formatting's all weird because I typed it in Word. Dx
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:59pm Jul 29 2011
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[[DUDE o_O You didn't go overboard, you just got SOOOO much :O Yeah. Don't expect much from mine. But you love me anyways, so it doesn't matter xD And, like I said, I'll be putting my bio and starting and such after Sundayyyy xDD ]]
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1:03am Jul 30 2011
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Ooc// OMGHOWIDIYOUKNOWTHATISTILLLOVEYOU? |D ...Did I mention I get to be socially awkward this whole week? -_- Lucky me.
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8:56am Jul 30 2011
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YAY I can tease you about being socially awkward! Awh D: Where do you have to go? And, I just realized I have to be socially awkward too! D: I wrote a song with my sis and Aunt and I have to do the music. -.- Guitar.
My mom forced me to do it because she knows how socially awkward I am...
Bahahaha <3
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1:02pm Jul 30 2011
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Ooc// Grandpa's 80th birthday. |D I get to socialize with a ton of relatives I can't remember the names of, and a ton of step-cousins I haven't seen for five years but they see each other like once a week. O_O /cough. It's pretty....awkward. (No pun intended, lol!). Good luck with that song. :P I want to play the guitar when I finish piano~ (If that ever happens. Hmph.)
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8:52am Jul 31 2011
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[[ That's what I did, but the other way around. Like after I finished learning guitar, I went to piano. I'm thinking about doing the drums next xDDDDD Bahaha us and our puns... Were amazing at them xDD ]]
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12:42pm Jul 31 2011
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Ooc// Yes, bring on the puns, bb~ <3 Drums would be like....epic. |D You should totally learn to play them. And I have some bad news. (OMG, Lola, nooooo! /shot repeatedly.) I might not have internet access at my GM's house, where I'm going for the next three days. And then after that, I'm going to a family reunion, so I might not log on daily. Just warning you so that I don't just randomly poof or anything. I still love you, FPFF. <3
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7:24pm Jul 31 2011
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Ooc// Guess what? |D I has internet. /lame happy dance. So we start roleplay nao. But first you put up your character. OKAY? >D
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:31pm Aug 1 2011 (last edited on 8:54am Aug 3 2011)
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Name: Edward Andrew Wright Nickname: Eddie Alias: Bloodsword: Means, 'Big Ninja'. Home Planet: Proserpina : Means "To Emerge" in Latin. There's no true reason why I chose it, I just liked the word xD Planet Deion: Proserpina is more old fashioned then other planets. Its set in the more olden days where there are no cars, there are horse carraiges. The marriages are arrainged mostly and there is still a king and queen in every town. You write letters, there are no phones. [that's as good as its going to get, especially with the tv blaring and my mother on the phone right by me. D:] Powers: 1.) Ability to Heal 2.) Ability to be invisible : The only downfall to that, is you can only be invisible for a certain amount of time. 3.) OMG STRENGTH xD Lover: Her name is Angel Mercy. She is called 'Serephena'. Personality: Roleplaying this out. History: Homg can I just roleplay this out? Looks:  Superhero Looks: *Couldn't find a picure* Eddie also doesn't have a certain outfit to wear as a super hero. He usually wears what ever he wears normally, since he's more comfortable in that. Other: Eddie - my macho manly man - is also a Englishman. As in... He has a british accent. Sorry, I couldn't help it xD
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7:40pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc// English accents are smexy on nacho men. <3 Homg Allison is a total godmodd'd character. She has illusions, toxins, and lightening. I don't count that as one. :P /sits down to wait for CH to finish. Sorry for not replying to the other roleplays--I'll do that now. I tried three times to come up with something decent for B&B....but nothing came. D:
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7:53pm Aug 1 2011
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[[It's fine. Why don't you just.. Time skip? Maybe it can be time for lunch and Candle appears as Sage and Beast walk further in, saying the food was ready for it? IDK D: And, yeah give me a moment to finish that ^^ xD B-but, you didn't answer. D: THANKSFORMAKINGMEFEELLIKEANAGONCEAGAINFPFF One or three powers? D: And, noooooooooo she's not a godmodd charactar xDDDDD ]]
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7:57pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc// ...is it said that it took me, like, 5 minutes to decipher your THANKSFORMAKINGMEFEELLIKEANAGONCEAGAINFPFF? o3o Lol, that's something you totally didn't need to know and something you totally don't care about. But I wanted to let you know. /shot. I'll time skip to her arrival at the castle, and then maybe it could get sort of romantic and then....BAM. Candle walks in. |D
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8:00pm Aug 1 2011
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[[That is also something that made me laugh very much xDD And I like that idea! ...Lola... you still haven't answered me... I realize this is my rp too, but I really need you to tell me with this one... ]]
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8:01pm Aug 1 2011 (last edited on 8:01pm Aug 1 2011)
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Ooc// Wait, you asked a question? /shotshotshot. Lol, I didn't see one. What was it? .-. EDIT: Wait, about the powers? Three all the way. <3
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8:05pm Aug 1 2011
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Have I told you I loved you? ... Bahahaha alright, I'll do three of them. Like I said in my bio, I kind of just woke up from a nappppp so I'm kind of brain dead, but I don't want to keep you waiting so be prepared for powers that are so not... Creative. LOL. D:
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8:09pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc// OMG yes you have! |D And I've told you I love you too. <3 <3 <3 I always have a hard time with powers. Lol. ...Your siggy made me laugh. I love mah coffee.
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9:14pm Aug 1 2011
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[[Hahahahahahahaha I made that this morning. But it works right now too. And, I'm still working on the bio. Sorreh D: ]]
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