7:11pm Mar 29 2011
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PLOT Max, Fang and their groups have disappeared from Earth, and foul play is suspected. Especially when the news gets out that Itex is creating a new generation of recombinant children are being created, and it seems that there isn't anything they won't do to renew the world. But what do they do when this new generation fights back as well? BIO Name: Gender: Age: Wings: DNA: Abilities: Appearance: Personality: Other:
7:24pm Mar 29 2011 (last edited on 7:41pm Mar 29 2011)
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Name: Xavier Skye Gender: Male Age: 17 Wings: Roughly a seventeen foot wingspan of pure blue awesomeness.
 Sexy right? DNA: Blue jay and Hooman Abilities: He can conjure this type of orb that changes with his emotions. He has yet to control it. Oh and he can either throw it at people or use it to heal them. Omg, loki came up with it. *reluctantly gives credit* Appearance: In stature, Xavier stands at about 5'7'', but he can seem more intimidating. He has longer than normal black hair that sweeps into his eyes which are an intense cerulean blue; much like his jay wings. His smile usually leans more toward the cocky side and his mannerisms usuallly include some type or form of flirting. Personality: Xavier is a major flirt, but once he finds a girl, he's extremely loyal. He is an extremely honest person and is protective of those most closest to him.
Again, he's really cocky and this tends to get him in trouble...a lot. Other: No
hello my name is elder price
7:36pm Mar 29 2011 (last edited on 7:38pm Mar 29 2011)
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Name: Akeli Gender: Female Age: 16 They're 16 ft long and built more for speed rather than long-distance flight. DNA: Osprey Abilities: Pyrokinetic and night vision/raptor vision Appearance: Akeli is a tall and slim girl. Her hair is ginger and has little hints of chocolate brown and gold in it. Being a simple girl she prefers to wear it loose and flowing, but when she's flying Akeli will tie it back with the first thing on hand, usually a piece of string or a scrunchie if one is avaliable. Her hair is about waist-length and slightly wavy. Akeli doesn't exactly have bangs but her hair does get shorter near the front of her head, curling a bit more a well. She stands at about 5'6" and has a slim, wiry body. Her skin is rather pale but not in an unhealthy way. Akeli's eyes are medium gray with black flecks and almond shaped. Personality: Akeli is as fiery as her hair and has twice as much spunk. She enjoys teasing others in a kind way, but is quick to apologize should she offend them. Akeli has a habit of making offhand comments that are a bit cutting, but usually a bit of prodding will get her to apologize...somewhat grudgingly. Other:

8:00pm Mar 29 2011
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Akeli rattled her cage, gray eyes wide and anxious as it refused to budge. Of course they'd changed the average plastic dog carrier to a titanium, steel-enforced enclosure after she'd melted the carrier. Gritting her teeth the mutant let out a snarl and bashed the bars in frustration, throwing all her body weight behind her attack. Which, considering her weight, wasn't much. Her noise was attracting the attention of one of the scientists and she felt her lips stretch in a grin when he walked towards her cage stiffly, holding one of those irritating modified cattle prods in his hand. Banging the bars some more to egg him on Akeli spat at him, the glob of saliva landing near one of his leather-shod feet. But her smile faded when he brought the cattle prod up to her face and jabbed the end into her collarbone. Unable to move in the cramped space Akeli felt her entire body shudder and groan as she let out a low scream before collapsing, her conciousness fleeing from her like it was on wings.

8:22pm Mar 29 2011
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More shouts echoed in the halls behind Xavier. He grabbed a nearby taser that lay on top of some empty iron crates as he sprinted past them. The electric band that was on his right leg was burning a hole into the cuffs of his pants and searing his skin. He gritted his teeth and continued to run. Of course, of all the chances to escape, it was during the physical course where they had to strap the dang thing onto his leg. Xavier turned a few dials on the taser and threw the thing behind him. One of the white coats cried out in pain and Xavier snickered. A horrid jolt of pain shot its way up Xavier's leg and he stumbled, landing on the crook of his arm in the process. Another grunt issued from him as he rolled over on the floor and resumed a crouched position. Erasers and lab-coats had surrounded him and he blinked. One of them reached to clasp a collar around his neck and he saw a flash of keys in one of the lab-coats pocket. Images of the key turning locks in the cages filled his brain and he lunged at the white-coat. He ripped the key from the white-coats grasp and launched himself into the air. The tight knit hallways provided a horrid space for him to fly in, but he steadily made his way down the hall, his wings scraping painfully against the rough edges of the concrete walls. He tried to remember where Akeli's cage was and he ended up doubling back into different rooms. He waited as another white coat walked past with yet another taser in his hand, seeming satisfied with a job finished. Xavier's ex pression soured. How many of those things do they have? he thought to himself as he slipped into the room. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Akeli's unconscious form lying in the cage. He wobbled over to her and slid the key into the lock. He put his arm on her shoulder and gave her a slight shake, but shouts were being heard from the hallway. They needed to get out now. He looked up and a grin splayed on his face. The gla.ss dome was an easy escape route that the white-coats had probably looked over when building. "Akeli,we have to get out of her. Come on," he urged.
hello my name is elder price
8:34pm Mar 29 2011
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Akeli's heart thumped painfull in her chest as she regained conciousness and she screamed when she felt arm encircling her, trying to fight against the strange presence. "Help!" she shrieked, a rather redundant ex pression considering her situation, and kicked her legs weakly. It took her precious seconds before she could open and her eyes and Akeli's lips formed a smal 'o' of surprise at Xavier's looming face. That hadn't been part of the plan. Struggling against his grip anyways she broke free and tumbled on the floor, wincing when she landed on her stomach and it sent a jolt of pain up her arm. Baring sharp teeth she crawled into a sitting position and flared her wings, the sixteen foot wingspan taking up most of the free space in the holding area for the recombinants. Flapping them quickly to determine if her wings were in working order Akeli managed a weak grin in Xavier's direction, her fiery hair tumbling around her face in a ma.ss of tangles. "You made it, huh?" she said feebly, managing another smile. Tugging her flimsy cloth dress over her knees Akeli stood up shakily, leaning on one of the empty carriers in an attempt to steady herself. Groaning she realized she was holding Xavier back. The two of them wouldn't get anywhere if she was seriously disabled. Rubbing her shoulder and collarbone gently she blew her hair out of her face and padded over to her saviour, stumbling slightly every few steps. It felt like all her muscles had melted into gooey strands and her bones were completel brittle and barely holding up her skinny frame. Letting her hand fall onto her ribs Akeli realized that she could feel every rib on her side clearly.
"We're screwed," she grunted angrily, sqeezing her gray eyes shut in vexation.

8:54pm Mar 29 2011
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The shouts were beginning to grow in volume and terror struck its way to Xavier's heart. Xavier slipped his arm under Akeli's wings and held onto her lower back to steady her. The metal band was growing white hot as the heat began to grow and Xavier was holding back screams. He shook his head, attempting to focus a bit. "We're not screwed," he growled. Knowing he was already weak, he couldn't do much for Akeli, but possibly give her enouh strength to get out of here. He clenched his hands into fist and a soft green aura surrounded them. He gripped onto Akeli's waist and let some of his energy flow into her. He began to pant and cut off the flow, doubling over from the loss of energy. "Go. Now," he said as he stretched his wings out. He closed his eyes, making himself focus on staying conscious.
hello my name is elder price
9:10pm Mar 29 2011
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Akeli's eyes tightened at the edges at the sight of Xavier's pain, clenching her fists until the knuckles whitened. Closing her eyes again she heaved in a big breath and touched the band on Xavier's ankle as softly as she could, her ears ringing with his panting gasps as she attempted to draw the heat out of the ring of hot metal. Her hand flared before the light dropped away, leaving the band a normal dull gray. Unfortunately, it was already heating up again. Groaning she rubbed her forehead and ducked her heads, shooting a glare at the scientist who was blocking the doorway with a hefty eraser. Letting out a feral snarl she felt her body flare up as she reached for her pyrokinetic abilities. Concetrating Akeli sent a spurt of fire at the eraser, setting his spiky hair on fire. Tongues of flames shifted and reached for the scientist, licking at his white coat. It wasn't a fool-proof situation, since in her state the fire would go out in seconds, but it kept them occupied for a few precious moments. Shifting Xavier's arm so it lay on her shoulders she limped for the exit as fast as she dared, not letting him stay behind. "You're coming with me," she whispered in his ear, giving him an encouraging smile. She felt disgusting, covered in bruises, scars and dirt, but at least she was still capable of feeling happiness. Akeli had seen mutants who could barely grimace once they'd been set free, so shell-shocked from their lives in a tiny cage. It was only the knowledge that Xavier had made it out that had kept Akeli sane. "I'll keep you safe."

9:19pm Mar 29 2011
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Xavier almost cried out as the pain was taken miraculously (sp fail) off of his ankle. He grimaced when the band began to grow in heat again and he knew that they needed to get out quickly. "Shouldn't that be me keeping you safe?" he said almost incoherently, but a ghost of his once cocky attitude was strewn into the statement. The shouts and yells coming from the doorway of the room caused him to look backward. Apparently, Akeli had shot a fireball or something at them because one of the Eraser's was a bit on fire. Because of this effect, the Eraser bellowed out in pain and stumbled backward, causing the scientists behind the huge beast to crash to the ground. He chuckled as "The domino effect," entered his mind. He rolled his eyes at his giddiness before realizing that feeling this airy was most likely not a good thing. "Akeli. Up and away. It's gla.ss," he pointed out as he spread his wings. He gave a few experimental flaps, squirts of blood flowing out from where they had raked against the walls in the hallway. I must look like a wreck, he thought as he pushed downward again. The strain was a bit much for him and caused the boy to go a bit light-headed, but he knew if he was determined enough, he could do it. I feel like a wreck, too. he thought. "Have to go now or we won't make it," he breathed again as he looked up.
hello my name is elder price
9:28pm Mar 29 2011 (last edited on 9:28pm Mar 29 2011)
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"Right," Akeli breathed, and slipped Xavier's arm off her shoulder. They'd have to split up for now, or their wing would hit each other when they were flying. Wincing she started another small fire in one of the carriers beside the double-doors were the scientists were congregating, the smell of acrid burning plastic filling the air. As well as a large oily cloud that would hopefully cover them for the time being. Fluttering her long black wings Akeli could feel the unused muscles in her back scream with the effort, and almost sunk to her knees from the pain. This was going to take a lot of will-power just to get off the ground. Sweeping her wings upwards Akeli felt her body jump off the ground slightly, even more so when she brought wings down again. Another upstroke and downstroke and she was hovering a few feet up, face contorted in agony. Windmilling her arms and wings to get out of Xavier's flight path Akeli focused her gray eyes on the gla.ss skylight set in the ceiling, feeling a surge of adrenaline pump through her veins. Up in the air, even enclosed, gave her a feeling of immense power. Grinning foolishly Akeli realized that despite their dire situation, she was feeling exhilarated. Quite literally, she was drunk on freedom. "No time to be tipsy," she warned herself, lifting an eyebrow. "Also, not a good place to be talking to myself," she chattered on, heedless of the guns the erasers were pulling out. Really, where did they put them? Did Erasers have genetically modified pockets or something?

4:41pm Mar 30 2011
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Xavier blinked as Akeli let go of him after taking heed to his statement. His gut twisted as he watched her face contort with pain from the mere effort of getting off the ground. Now with more room, he spread his blue wings out to their full extent and attempted to push himself into the air, but his steps faltered as the burn on his right ankle paralyzed him. His wings brushed the floor in a feeble attempt to rise before he crashed onto his knee. The erasers in the doorway were beginning to get a bit more organized when given instructions from fellow white-coats. He grimaced when the pointed end of a gun was aimed at him. He pushed back onto his feet and left himself at a crouched position for a moment. The eraser with the gun snickered and that was when Xavier pushed off the ground. As he launched himself into the air, a spray of bullets hit the tile where he had been only moments before. The Eraser cursed as Xavier forced his wings to carry him higher, focusing only on bringing powerful downstrokes through the air. A few more bullets whizzed past his ear and they almost grazed his left wing. He swore and shot past Akeli, hoping to gain enough speed to crash the gla.ss above them. The Erasers were taking aim and gunshots sounded. His stomach churned at the thought of Akeli getting hit by one of the deadly steel bullets. He let out a yell as he bursted through the ceiling, the cool night air ripping at his exposed skin. Of course, he still had the scrubs on from when the white-coats had dressed him up to be their lab rat. "Akeli," he yelled as he hovered above the now open ceiling. He needed to stop the bullets that were raining down on them. He flung his hands out to his side and mustered all of his anger. His fists glowed white hot and he flung the lava-like substance from his hands down at the white-coats. The Erasers scattered and the bullets stopped for a few precious moments while Xavier's wingbeats faltered. He could see black spots clouding over his vision and he fought to stay awake.
hello my name is elder price
6:04pm Mar 30 2011
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Letting out a whimper as a bullet surged past her, leavning a white-hot searing pain shooting down her side, Akeli flapped her wings frantically and slowly rose, contorting her body awkwardly to avoid the metal balls that were flying through the air. Akeli let out a few gasping pants as she fluttered through the convenient hole Xavier had made, trying to avoid the urge to take a look at her side, which literally felt as if it was on fire. Oh the irony, she thought bitterly as she turned to look at Xavier, who appeared to be losing conciousness. Apparently fate didn't want to the two of them to be awake at the same time. Growling deep in her throat Akeli shot a murderous look at the white-coats and their dogs, currently in disarray from Xavier's attack. "I'm here!" she shouted back, coughing as the smoke from her fire made its way down her lungs. Doubling up Akeli could feel herself slowly sinking back down and fought against it weakly. Lifting her head she took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the sweet taste of freedom. Re-energized she managed to gain a few feet, shooting upwards above the wreckage. Grabbing Xavier's arm Akeli flapped her wings desperately, trying to pull him along with her. Unfortunately it was like lugging a boulder through a sea of mud, and Akeli knew they didn't have long. Blinking her eyes she strained to find a clearing where they could land, raptor-like vision scouting the horizon until she spotted a minute break in the trees. "Ten o' clock!" she yelled at Xavier. "Just a few wingbeats and we'll make it. Don't die on me now!" It was now or never. If Xavier managed to start flying again, they just might have a chance to survive this ordeal.

6:46pm Mar 30 2011
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Xavier shook his head yet again and the threatening black spots cleared. He glanced down as he felt Akeli's hand slip onto his arm and begin to tug him along. He turned when she indicated her direction and spotted a break in the many trees that surrounded the School. He twisted his arm and pushed his hand into hers, giving it a light squeeze to show he was okay. "I'll be fine. We just need to get out of here," he rasped as he edged forward through the air again, releasing Akeli's hand so she could fly. He pushed himself forward and as he neared the narrow opening in the trees, he pulled his wings in a bit and angled himself downward as he gained speed. As the tip of his wings folded in, he pushed his arms against his side and shot into the forest. Once below the tangle of branches, he snapped open his wings and was yanked painfully into the air. He winced as he landed on the ground below. His legs failed to support him any longer and Xavier found himself slumped over to the side, breathing raggedly, but still conscious. Too much adrenaline was in his system for him to pa.ss out.
hello my name is elder price
6:57pm Mar 30 2011
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Grinning ferally when she saw Xavier come to Akeli thanked the white-coats for giving her long and slim wings, built for speed. Right now what she needed to do was fly faster than the speed of sound. Or, at least, faster than the reflexes of the erasers below. Flaring her own wings she let out a laugh as she felt the air swell below them, shooting forwards. Angling her wings Akeli noticed that the air had suddenly gotten quiet around her, and turned her head reflexively. In retrospect, it wasn't exactly the best idea, because it was at that moment that the forest loomed in front of her and Akeli found herself trying to slap away branches with her face. Ouch. Folding her wings tight against her body Akeli made her way painfully slowly past the tree until she was able to flap upwards above the treeline. Ahead of her she could make out Xavier's form getting farther away by the second. Wonderful. Dashing forwards Akeli made good time, though it was obvious by the strange expressions she was making that the going was painfully...painful. Every wingbeat felt like the muscles in her back were tearing apart and each time Akeli tried to turn her side burned fiercely. Luckily, it didn't take long for her to make it to the clearing, and by now the erasers and white-coats were far behind them. Spreading out her wings until they scraped the trees around her Akeli landed awkwardly, unused to the whole flying thing. The white-coats ha been apprehensive about teaching her so most of what she was doing right now and moments before had been instinct. And the sheer force of adrenaline. Settling down next to Xavier, Akeli shifted so she was kneeling, and lifted his head on her lap, patting his forehead with mock severity. "Tsk tsk, you over-did yourself," she said with a smile, poking him lightly. But her happiness was only for show, and her worry for her friend clouded her eyes and caused wrinkles in her forehead. Xavier looked like a beaten, half-dead piece of roadkill.

7:08pm Mar 30 2011
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Xavier glanced up as Akeli poked him. His light blue eyes seemed gray and dull in the light. He groaned as his wounds finally a.ssessed themselves. He stretched out his right leg, unable to speak from the pain. The bottom cuff of his scrubs had been burned off and the band around his leg had turned white again. Blood was pouring from the intense burns as the metal band bit deeper into his skin. He couldn't touch the band, for fear of his fingers being scalded as badly as his leg. "Akel-" he started, but he bit his tongue as he choked down another moan. "Find something to push it off. Metal...expands...when hot," he choked out as he dug his fingers into his leg, the pain becoming too much for the blue-eyed boy. Ooc; Fail, but I'm watching Tangled. XD
hello my name is elder price
7:21pm Mar 30 2011
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Nibbling her lip anxiosly Akeli nodded and lowered Xavier's head off her lap gently, scouting around the clearing for a sturdy stick. There, a few feet away. Crawling over to it Akeli hefted it in her palm, whistling appreciatively when she saw it was big enough to survive a few seconds of intense heat. She really wasn't in the mood for dropping red-hot ashes on Xavier's leg. Muttering something about forest fires when a tree snagged her hospital gown awkwardly, Akeli made her way back to Xavier and stopped by his feet, squeezing her eyes shut at the sight of blistered flesh. Considering her abilities it was logical to think that the white-coats had her burning up things all the time, but even so bubbling flesh wasn't at the to of her list of things to see. Waving her hand over the metal band Akeli winced as the heat flooded up her arm, making her side ache again. Honestly, she thought irately. Are all my nerves connected to that area or what? Narrowing her eyes she gripped the stick in one hand and slid it in between Xavier's ankle and the warm metal, wincing as the stick started to singe. "Dammit," she grumbled and wiggled it gently until it slide over his foot. "Sorry about that," she said softly, alluding to the moment before when the metal fell onto the heel of his foot. "But you should be good now." Lifting the band between two fingers and praying to the white-coats for making her heat- and fire-proof, Akeli threw it onto a flat rock a few feet away.

7:34pm Mar 30 2011
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Xavier let out a cry of relief when the band slipped off of his leg. The minor burns on his foot where the metal slid across his skin was only minor pain when compared to the burn on his leg. He looked down at the festering wound and grimaced. He forced his fingers to stop making dents in his legs and instead, stuffed them in the gra.ss. The pain was still there on his leg and Xavier clapped his hands together. When he pulled them apart, a sticky green substance had formed. He stuck the wad onto the wound and it stitched the festering skin together. Though the pain was still there, it had lessened greatly and the wound would heal on its own. He pulled his wings in front of him and sighed at the tattered ends of the membrane of his wings where they had repeatedly craped against the walls. At least these aren't as bad, he thought to himself. Finally, when done a.ssessing his injuries, he looked sideways at Akeli. His blue eyes were barely visible under his thick, dark hair. He grinned at his friend before opening his arms up into a hug. "Well, we made it." he said as he grinned.
hello my name is elder price
8:00pm Mar 30 2011
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Akeli snorted at Xavier and snuggled into his arms, folding up her wings. It was only her luck that the pressure of Xavier's arms managed to awaken the pain in her side. Wincing she wriggled out of his arms and poked her side experimentally, only to double up when the pain became too much for her. "God," she muttered under her breath, wishing she was wearing a shirt or something. Honestly, was it too much for the white-coats to put the girls in pants and a shirt as well? Now she had no way of looking at the cut with Xavier there. Squeezing her eyes shut Akeli scooted away from Xavier, leaning against the large boulder she had tossed his metal band onto. "I think a bullet grazed me," she hissed through gritted teeth, giving Xavier a tormented look. "But, ah, I don't want to go to a hospital. Dammit." Shaking her head Akeli sighed heavily, muttering several expletives when this simple action caused another stab of pain to shoot through her body. "Couldn't it have gone through my wrist or something? Gah!"

8:08pm Mar 30 2011
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Xavier folded his own wings, wincing when the blood began to trickle down his back. When she cringed away from him, he thought he had done something wrong. He then realized that something had hurt her side and worry clouded his eyes. He rolled up to his feet and gingerly stepped to her side. Wincing when she cringed again from the pain, he couldn't help but feel a bit more than helpless. Xavier knew they needed to see the damage done to the wound. He glanced down at his own apparell and realized that his scrubs were made up of a loose-fitting shirt and light green pants. He slipped the shirt off, exposing his bare chest and held it out for Akeli. "This way we can see the damage," he said, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. "Just slip this on and pull the top part of the one-piece thing down. Seriously, that thing looks like a jump suit," he said, trying to ease some of the tension, but feeling as if he hadn't succeeded.
hello my name is elder price
8:26pm Mar 30 2011
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Akeli managed a weak smile and shook her head ruefully. "You don't stop do you," she muttered with a snort, and took the proffered shirt gingerly. Pulling it over her head with a few carefully chosen swear-words she'd learned from the erasers Akeli managed to get it on without too much pain. Luckily Xavier was tall enough that the shirt pas.sed her hips. Flushing awkwardly as she managed to slide the top half of her hospital gown down, shooting Xavier a glare. "No need to stare," she said tartly, and left her gown settled by her hips. Lifting up her shirt slightly she winced at the bloody and torn skin on her left side. "Dear god," she uttered again, closing her eyes and moving her lips in an impromptu prayer. Dropping the edge of her shirt Akeli ripped a few strips of the flimsy cloth, fumbling slightly when she tried to tie it around her side, only to fail miserably. "Uh..." Akeli began awkwardly, her face turning an even brighter shade of crimson. "Can you tie this around my side? I can't reach it."
