Looking for PRP partner!

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8:23am Sep 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 248

Hello :3 I've recently returned to res after a 4-month break, and I'm ready to get back into the world of RP'ing! For now, I'm only looking for one or two people, but I will keep names for future use :D I RP in pairs, or triples, so please only reply if you're okay with this :D



Must be on everyday to reply.

Must be semi-lit to lit.

Must post a paragraph each post, instead of just a few lines.

Must be a mature RP'er.

Must be okay with playing both male and female.





Preferred genres:

Pairs or triples:


Anything you are uncomfortable with RPing:


Thanks x






1:12pm Sep 15 2013 (last edited on 1:13pm Sep 15 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
Name: Angelmist27 

Preferred genres: I'll do almost anything!

Pairs or Triples: I prefer pairs, but I have absolutely no problem with triples.

Example: ["Uh well first off the door was knocked down. And second, you were screaming so we came here." Deak hissed. Zeak continued looking outside. Someone ran across the street screaming, running for one of 'them'. She ran into another and he ripped her to shreds. The screaming came to a halt as the disgusting image filled Zeak's mind. "These people aren't alive." Zeak clinched his fist. "I mean all signs point to it! They're eating the alive ones and wondering the silent streets that were once so loud." Zeak turned back to them. "The world is ending. And every second we waste here, is another second we could have used to get away." He explained. Deak rubbed his temples. "Your right, lets get out of here." He said and ran down stairs. He stoped and looked back to the girl. "Are you coming or what?" He waited for her.] <-- This is from a Zombie Roleplay I'm in.

Anything you are uncomfortable with RPing: Nope


1:34pm Sep 15 2013 (last edited on 1:35pm Sep 15 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,939



Preferred genres:Fantasy, Action, and Medieval are what I'm strong in. But I'll do anything 

Pairs or triples: I dunno what that means. But if you tell me I could probably figure it out

Example:The clouds turned black and ominous. A ghastly figure stirred up the clouds. It was the dragon that was supposed to arrive in three days. It was three days too early according to the prophecy. Aslin screamed as the dragon spit flames at her. She blew the whistle harder and harder. Hoping to dear god that Kyle would come. She screamed at the top of her lungs as the ghastly dragon landed in front of her yet it was quite a distance away. Aslin was so worked up her face turned pale. She could not believe this was happening. She lost balance and fell to the ground. She was so shocked she couldn't manage to scream the dragon had crushed the castle completely. The screams drowned out the high pitched sound of the whistle. She screamed when she got the chance. When ever would Kyle come.

Anything you are uncomfortable with RPing: Nothing Really I can do most anything.



8:35pm Sep 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,997

Name: FluzzMe, but call me Fluzz or Fluzzy. Or any other random names. ;D

Preferred genres: I'm open to anything, but my favorites are fantasy, sci-fi, and mythological. I prefer things like Dragons, elves, etc. and aliens. :D I'm open to anything, though. Really. Anything. o-o

Pairs or triples: I'm fine with either, but triplets are fun <3

Example: May I Rmail? I have a feeling it might stretch the page. x.x

Anything you are uncomfortable with RPing: Not at all. I'm a very mature roleplayer. 8D But dude if I see a Mary/Gary Sue character I'm going to bolt. >->


12:34pm Sep 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 248

@FluzzMe- Sure, send away ;D


Sorry I haven't replied in awhile, I forgot to Sub to my own thread, haha.




3:54am Sep 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 698

Name: Wulfey, but I don't really care what people call me.

Preferred genres: Fantasy [particularly myths and vampires], modern, action and maybe a little romance.

Pairs or triples: Both. Triplets would be interesting.

Example: Well, you know my style, but may I rmail you a new[er] post of mine?

Anything you are uncomfortable with RPing: Nothing really. But Mary/Gary - Sue characters put me off, just a warning.


5:21am Sep 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 248

Wulfey ahhh- You don't have to rmail me anything ;D
If you want to message me if you have any ideas, I'd love to start something up with you again<3


6:18am Sep 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 698
Sure, thanks Tess!

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