Looking for roleplay partners!

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4:21pm Sep 18 2013 (last edited on 4:22pm Sep 18 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
'Ello there, everyone! How're you? Good, I hope. As stated in the title, I'm looking for a few roleplay partners. We can do 1x1's, or we can do a small group (3-4 people). Please fill out this form and either Rmail or post it. :D

1x1 or Group;

I do not require a sample, but I would like one sent to me via Rmail or Skype. My Skype is kenanialadorath. Thanks <3 


7:44pm Sep 19 2013 (last edited on 7:45pm Sep 19 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Bumper cars~


4:58pm Sep 20 2013 (last edited on 4:58pm Sep 20 2013)

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Posts: 1,997


10:43pm Sep 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
1x1 or Group;Both
Dislikes: Don't really know
Literacy; Mild


11:39pm Sep 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Would you Rmail or skype me an example? Thanks. <33


10:18pm Sep 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,184
Username; Eos
1x1 or Group; 1x1
Genre; fantasy, romance (I'm okay with all sexual orientations), humour (more of a dry, sarcastic kind though haha), fandom RPs (I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter, Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire and Percy Jackson), mythology (love Greek and Roman mythology, especially)
Dislikes; RPing as animals o_o, sci-fi, futuristic, aliens...that kind of stuff.
Literacy; pretty decent, I'd think. I like to be very deive, and if I don't have Writer's Block, I usually can do a paragraph or two per reply.
Activity; I'm on Res everyday, but I'm usually on my phone and I'd rather not type out RP replies on my phone because a) it refreshes at random times, and that sucks when I've got a whole five paragraphs written, and b) because typing on a phone for an extended period of time sucks in general :( So replies would be once every 2-3 days, maybe even once every four days
Where; on Res, I think. I don't have Skype, rmail and email gets hard to keep track of and the RP forums on Res are just so organised ;)

I basically want to brush up on my RP skills and writing, because I'm out of practise. c: Not to mention the nostalgia that crops up when I remember those old days when I used to RP HP with people omg.

I'll Rmail you an example when I can get access to a laptop. <3


11:30am Sep 22 2013 (last edited on 11:31am Sep 22 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Alright <3 I shall see you in Rmail~ 


3:29pm Sep 23 2013

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Posts: 1,997


3:10pm Sep 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 10
Username; violistgirl
1x1 or Group; group
Genre; I much prefer more fantasy style RPs, but am open to any type.
Dislikes; I'm not too keen on doing fandom RPs because I feel like they can be a little limiting
Literacy; I feel like I am a rather decent writer and am typically capable of writing at least a paragraph in response.
Activity; I am on almost every day unless I have some conflict with my college courses
Where; I would RP on Res since I do not have a Skype

3:14pm Sep 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Great! Would you mind shooting me an example? Thanks <3

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