6:38pm Jun 11 2012
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Humans from the present time are transported through time and space to an abandoned castle in another world. They have no memories of their life. All they remember is their names. They have been changed to one of the following: Demon, Vampire, Werewolf, or have remained human. These forms represent their true natures, not what they let others see. What will happen in their new life, with their...New Blood? Only time and this story will tell.
7:07pm Jun 11 2012 (last edited on 12:22pm Jun 26 2012)
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Posts: 1,432
BIO: she will be a demon,but she is one of deceit,which explains her image,she is more than meets the eye Name: Kaylee Gender: female Age: 19 height: 5ft 8in Race: was human, turned into a demon Image:  Her transformed state 
7:08pm Jun 11 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(ok. Still thinking of mine. Will be poofing for a little bit. will be back on in half an hour or so.)
7:29pm Jun 11 2012
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Posts: 1,432
(Derp, forgot to subscribe)
4:47pm Jun 12 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(love the pic by the way ^^)
5:02pm Jun 12 2012
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Posts: 1,432
(thanks I edited it last night with photoshop)
5:24pm Jun 12 2012 (last edited on 5:21pm Sep 12 2012)
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Posts: 2,290

7:31pm Jun 12 2012 (last edited on 2:57pm Jun 13 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,290
A young boy of thirteen opened his eyes and sat up. -Where am I?- He thought and looked around. He was in a fancy room that looked like it had been abandoned for some time. -Poor room.- He got up and noticed something was different and looked down to see that he had a tail. He let out a scream in shock and bolted under the bed, shaking.
A young man with black hair, tinged blue, that had a few streaks of white, woke up at the sound of the scream. "What the?" He sat up and noticed that he was in a living room of sorts. Dust and cobwebs marred the once elegant beauty of the room. He ignored the young man that was in the armchair.
A young man with dark brown hair woke not far away, in an armchair. He too was woken by the scream. He got up, ignore the young man on the couch and went to investigate. If someone was in trouble he wanted to help them.
7:53pm Jun 12 2012
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Posts: 1,432
A girl of 16 woke up to a very musty smell, and looked around. She found herself in an old library , and when she turned, she saw something twitch behind her. Grabbing said ob ject, she squeaked in pain when she pulled it. Terrified, she ran to a full length mirror and gasped at what she saw, the image looking back at her had red eyes, blue hair, and blood red wings sprouting from her back. Not long after she had seen her image, she heard a scream come from somewhere else in the castle. She bolted out the door and went to find out who else was in the mysterious place
8:06pm Jun 12 2012
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Posts: 2,290
The boy continued to shake under the bed, whimpering. -What happened? What am I?-
The young man moved about looking for the one who had screamed, when suddenly he accidentally bumped into someone. "Ummm...excuse me." He said. "I hope I didn't hurt you." He looked at the one he had bumped into, and saw a girl with blue hair, red eyes, and wings. -She beautiful.- He thought. He held out a hand. "The name is Daisuke. What's yours?"
The young man on the couch shrugged, not feeling like getting up. He closed his eyes and just listened to everything around him. He could hear two people upstairs. A male and a female. He could also hear a younger males voice, whimpering on the third floor. The sound of the termites and rats also reached his ears. The wind blowing outside seemed to be exceptionally loud to him.
8:12pm Jun 12 2012
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She was jolted out of her thoughts when she ran into something hard and warm, looking up she was shocked to see a handsome young man looking back at her. ~oh my lord he is gorgeous~. She began to blush and accepted his hand. "Its quite alright, it was my fault for not looking where I was going, my name is Kaylee." she replied shyly.
8:35pm Jun 12 2012
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"A beautiful name to match a beautiful girl." He replied taking her hand, and giving it a gentle kiss, before straightening once more. "Do you by chance know he screamed?" He asked.
8:44pm Jun 12 2012
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Posts: 1,432
She was shocked at his upfront behavior, but liked how straight forward he was. Blushing, she took her hand and looked around. "honestly, I have no clue who screamed, but I believe it came from the third floor, which I believe is directly above us."
She watched him for a reason she didn't know, but she couldnt help but find him incredibly fascinating. To distract herself, she turned her head in the direction of where she heard the scream, "would you like to accompany me up there?" she asked while shaking her wings slightly.
8:49pm Jun 12 2012
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Posts: 2,290
He laughed. "I was just about to ask you to join me." He moved to stand next to her. "Shall we go now, my lady?" He asked offering her his hand.
8:51pm Jun 12 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Smiling warmly, she accepted the hand and replied with a giggle," why yes good sir, we shall"
9:00pm Jun 12 2012
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He led her to the third floor where they began to check each room. In one he noticed a tail sticking out from under a bed. "Huh?" He went over and crouched down. He lifted the bed sham. "Come on out little kitty." He said in a quiet, calming voice.
The boy cried out and bolted from under the bed, past the young man, and smack into the young lady. He fell back onto his ass. "Owie." He said and looked up. His eyes widened in both shock and awe.
9:05pm Jun 12 2012
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Posts: 1,432
"Oof!" She didn't even see what had happened until she saw a young boy staring at her. Getting on her knees she didn't have know what she was doing, all she wanted to do was to see if she could calm him down. "come here, I won't hurt you" she coaxed. Looking back up at Daisuke and motioned for him get back away a little so he wouldn't scare the boy. "I promise I wont hurt you."
9:51pm Jun 12 2012
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Posts: 2,290
His cat ears twitched while his tail flicked back and forth. "Ummm...Who are you? Where am I? What's going on?" He whimpered feeling quiet scared.
The young man nodded and sat down on the edge of the bed and waited. He didn't want the boy to be even more scared than he already was. He was fascinated by the boy's cat ears and tail. He thought the boy looked rather adorable.
9:58am Jun 13 2012
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Posts: 1,432
"Hush now, it's alright. My name is Kaylee, I woke up in this castle the same as you, so I have no idea where we are. From the way you are reacting. I am guessing that you have never had the ears or the tail, so you are just as confused as we are. If you would like to come with us, we can find out what happened. What is your name by the way?"
Sh smiled warmly at the young boy, and sat down fully hoping he would get brave enough to sit in her lap. Looking back up at Daisuke, she noticed that he was mesmerized by the young boys tail, and couldn't help but giggle.
10:06am Jun 13 2012 (last edited on 10:07am Jun 13 2012)
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Posts: 2,290
The young man looked at her. "What? I can't help liking cats." He said not sure why he knew what a cat was. He mentally shrugged and continued to watch how the girl handled the cat boy.
The boy slowly moved forward and climbed into her lap. He sat there with his face buried into her shoulder. He did not realize that he had begun to purr. His tail continued to flick back in forth in contentment. He didn't know why, but he liked the girl, and even the young man behind him. "It's Kay." He whispered in reply to her earlier question.