12:42pm Jun 26 2015
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Please only post if you are a part of this Roleplay!Current members: xXStormyXx Repetition
We are warriors, everyday we hunt, we train, we patrol, we eat and sleep. Repeat. But something is coming, the old ways of the clans are shifting and may never be the same again. Be careful of who you trust.
Name: Gender: Age: Clan: Rank: Appearance: Personality:
Rules: No godmodding All Res rules Please have a decent sized post.
12:43pm Jun 26 2015 (last edited on 1:29pm Jun 26 2015)
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Name: Hawkflight Gender: Female Age: She's a newly made warrior so idk, 24 moons? Clan: Thunderclan Rank: newly made warrior Personality: Hawkflight is very independent and clever, she tends to shut people out and only listen to her instincts. Her brother Loudstep is the only person she feels she can trust, so when she trusts anybody else that means that she is either playing that cat or she has taken a great liking to them. This also goes for when she is nice or not, she is very expressive with negative emotions.
Name: Loudstep Gender: male Age: same as Hawkflight Clan: Thunderclan Rank: newly made warrior Personality: Loudstep is a very sarcastic and fun cat to those he likes, he is very protective over his sister Hawkflight, even though he knows very well that she can take care of herself. A scar for the lesson on his notched ear. He is also protective of those in his friend group, same clan or not, he doesn't believe in clan strength but strength in the cats in it.
12:59pm Jun 26 2015 (last edited on 7:43am Jul 4 2015)
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Posts: 71
Name: Smokey - Stormpae Gender: Male Age: Apprentiance Clan: Was Rogue with Tigerclaw/star - Thunderclan Rank: Rogue - Apprentiance Appearance: http://24.media.tumblr.com/Qo5gA2rU2okxu8in9g6AQYI2o1_400.jpg A bit bigger in size though. Personality: Smokey is a friendly, shy cat. He can be quite lazy, but is very loyal and committed. He hates to do things wrong.
Family: Sister, Blue. Other: He has teeny-weeny crush on Fernpaw. (When he joins Thunderclan.)
Name: Blue - Bluepaw Gender: Female Age: apprentice Clan: Was Rogue with Tigerclaw/star - Riverclan Rank: Rogue - apprentice of medicine cat Appearance: https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3224/3014800775_6d6726e3e0.jpg Personality: Blue is a very shy, smart cat. She prefers to be alone than in large groups. Quiet, caring, patient, calm and polite.
Family: Brother, Smokey Other:
1:00pm Jun 26 2015 (last edited on 1:01pm Jun 26 2015)
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Posts: 71
Testing if sub is working. It works.
1:31pm Jun 26 2015
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Posts: 698
((Bio finished! Sorry for the wait~))
1:39pm Jun 26 2015
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{I have to go. You can post of I shall post tomorrow.}
2:13pm Jun 26 2015
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Posts: 698
((k, warning, I'm not very knowledgeable in the side characters, so sorry if I get my facts wrong.))
Hawkflight wandered fourtrees, a blackbird dangling from her jaw, she was waiting for her brother Loudstep to return from hunting on Riverclan and Thunderclan's border. For you see they have no rules to keep them from hunting on other clan's territory anymore because of the banishment from Riverclan they received the day of their Warrior ceremony. They were framed by a childhood enemy in the clan, Otterheart, for attacking and killing her littermate even though it was really a dog.
A crow's screech made Hawkflight jump, pelt bristling and lip curled up in the start of a snarl but she quickly realized what had spooked her and smoothed her pelt back down then sat down curling her tail neatly over her paws.
"What is taking him so long? He better not have been caught by a patrol." She mumbled to herself setting the blackbird down and staring into the woods, curiosity begging her to investigate.
Loudstep weaved around rocks and twigs as he neared his prey, he already caught a minnow and left it by the stream so he could pick it up on his way back to fourtrees. He was now stalking a vole but the crunching of leaves frightened it and it quickly scurried off, he lifted himself a little to look around and see who was coming, he soon spotted a patrol on Riverclan's side being lead by Leopardfur, feeling his pelt bristle he darted into a bush hoping they would pass not realizing he was there.
"Otterheart, Webfoot go remark the border upstream, Willowpelt, Stonefur and I will check downstream." Leopardfur ordered hastily as the cats dispersed. Loudstep felt himself shrink in his own pelt as Leopardfur, Willowpelt and Stonefur passed but kept himself from rustling the bush, once gone, he gingerly stepped out and followed them on a less traveled path downstream, wondering if his minnow was ok where he hid it.
1:09am Jun 27 2015 (last edited on 7:46am Jul 4 2015)
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Posts: 71
{For the rogues, I shall do one post in both cats views. When they separate I shall do one for each cat.}
Smokey led Blue through the trees, the rogue pack had kicked them out as they were too small to attack. "Smokey, do you know about our clan blood?" Blue asked, quietly. I nodded, "Of course. Mother was from Thunderclan and father was from Riverclan." Blue looked at me quietly, "Maybe we could ask for help? They would take us, we did nothing wrong." I looked at her, "They wouldn't take us both in. So, you can go to Riverclan and I will go to Thunderclan." I told her. She nodded, licked my head and scampered off towards Riverclan. "We'll talk often!" I shouted after her slowly disappearing body.
I faced Thunderclan's home and headed through the bush, running quickly as a I feared a I would be caught. Looking over the hill, I saw a camp and I scampered down the slippery slope. I walked calmly into the camp, I opened my mouth to taste some scents. A grey cat looked at me before racing at me, his fur ruffled and spitting angrily. I looked down, "I need to speak to your leader. Please." I said, he nodded. He led me angrily to the leader's den. "Firestar?" he yowled into the cave. "Come in." he spoke softly. I walked in quickly and dipped my head to him.
"Do you know who I am?" I asked quietly. He shook his head, "I'm Clearpool and Dangerleaf's son, my sister went to Riverclan." Firestar widened his eyes at me. "What am I supposed to do?" he snapped. "You attacked us, with the rogues." he said, angrily. "I wasn't with them. My sister ran away, we couldn't hurt half of her blood." I said. Firestar nodded at me, "Could I join Thunderclan?" I asked.
{Bit long, but my intros always are. My next post will be Blue and Firestar's answer.}

3:04pm Jun 27 2015
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Posts: 698
Hearing the meows of cats from Riverclan's territory alerted Hawkflight of a patrol, her eyes narrowed as she picked her blackbird back up and ducked behind a dew covered bush, in hopes that the dew would disguise her scent.
"Leopardfur, theres cat scent going towards fourtrees, should we investigate?"
"No, if a rouge went to fourtrees its not our problem anymore, let the others deal with it. If the scent is fresh tomorrow then we'll track it." Leopardfur replied. 'Stonefur...' Hawkflight looked down at her paws for a moment, Stonefur had been a good friend of her's before she was banished.
Psst! Hawkflight snapped out of her train of thought, eyes narrowing again and looked to where the sound was coming from, finally her gaze landed on her littermate slowly creeping towards her. She sent a "What the heck are you doing you fish-brain" glare at him which he clearly understood and sat low behind a bush waiting for Hawkflight's OK. Suddenly a movement caught her eye and she saw blue fur moving through the bracken in Thunderclan territory, 'Oh great, another patrol is the last thing we need!' she thought her eyes shooting from side to side, watching the Thunderclan cat and Riverclan patrol.
Loudstep looked on desperately, awaiting Hawkflight to tell him if the patrol was gone yet. Seeing that her attention seemed to be on something else he peeked around the holly bush he was taking refuge in to see if the patrol had passed.
Mrrow! His nose bumped into Willowpelt's and his fur fluffed up in surprise then his eyes narrowed realizing she must have alerted the rest of the patrol.
"Willowpelt! What was that, did you find something?" Stonefur called from the riverbank, Willowpelt looked from Stonefur to Loudstep clearly trying to decide if she was going to report him.
"No Stonefur, just hit a thorn." Loudstep sighed in relief and gave a thankful look to his old friend for not calling him out, when she looked back in his eyes though, he saw guilt.
"Thanks, Willowpelt." He said quietly.
"Just, be more careful, and stay off of our territory." She replied looking away then going to catch up with Leopardfur and Stonefur. Loudstep felt like he had stones in his stomach from the regret in her voice, he watched as she scampered off then slowly began to make his way over to Hawkflight again.
7:40am Jul 4 2015
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Posts: 71
{Sorry, had bad internet going on. I just read through the series again and got some facts. Firestar, blood clan gone, Leopardstar, Tigerstar dead. Graystripe, deputy. Some are obvious, but you know. Whatever, here I go.} {I totally changed my intro, I forgot everything about what happened so I read it and got facts straight.}
-Smokey- Firestar glared at the young, small cat sitting in front of him before he relaxed. "Alright." he sighed. I sat up quickly, "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. "We need to hold a clan meeting, give you your apprentice name." I nodded before trotting out the den and straight past Graystripe. I sat down under the shade where I was hidden until Firestar leaped onto the rock.
He called cats and I trotted under the rock, "We have a new member. His mother was Thunderclan and he has no home. He is an apprentice." he paused to take a breath, his eyes scanning over the crowd of cats, before picking out a single cat.
"Smokey, from this moment on, you will be known as Stormpaw. Sandstorm, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You will be mentor to Stormpaw. Sandstorm, you have shown yourself to be a fast and brave warrior. Do at that you can to pass on what you know to Stormpaw."
I awaited for my mentor to come and greet me to see a sandy colour cat to come and greet me. We touched noses and all the other cats chanted my name, "Stormpaw, Stormpaw!" I knew I had to work hard for them to see that I will be loyal to Thunderclan.
-Blue- I had wondered around for a bit before being captured by a Riverclan patrol. I had tried to explain but they took me as a prisoner to their camp. We had to swim across s River, which I did happily. I enjoyed water. "Leopardstar! We have a prisoner." the leader of the patrol shouted.
I watched a spotted cat stalked over to me, "Which clan are you from?" she sneered. "None. I was hoping I could join Riverclan. My father, Dangerleaf, was Riverclan. Wasn't he?" I spoke clearly, she gazed at me quickly. She looked at me, "Your small. Aren't you?" she asked.
"I don't really want to fight, I'm more into healing." I said, which was true. "We need a medicine cat." she muttered under her breath. "Very well, we'll see how you go." she said. She hopped onto the rock to call a clan meeting and several cats glared at me. "My name is Blue." I shouted after her.
"Blue's father was from Riverclan. I have accepted her into the clan. She wants to be a medicine cat." Her gaze looked elsewhere as to confirm if this was alright.
"Blue, from this mentor on, you will be known as Bluepaw. Mudfur, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You will be a mentor to Bluepaw. Mudfur, you have shown yourself to be a loyal and brave warrior. Do all that you can to pass on what you know down to Bluepaw.
Mudfur had trotted down already and touched noses with me. He nodded at Leopardstar before whispering in my ear, "Come on. Let me show you around."

7:26pm Jul 4 2015
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Posts: 698
((Oh my gosh, the confusion. If I mix up my facts or get something wrong, please tell me so I can fix it xD))
Hawkflight watched as the patrol took the blue cat into their territory with a puzzled look, but was snapped out of her train of thought when the tabby tail of her littermate brushed past her nose.
"Loudstep, why is it so impossible for you to be careful you minnow-brain!" Hawkflight hissed at said cat, cuffing his ears with sheathed paws.
"Sorry, but at least I didn't get caught, well, sort of." He mumbled around the small minnow dangling from his jaw, then looked down at the blackbird at Hawkflight's paws. "Good hunting?" He finally said, dropping his minnow.
"Yes! I don't see how we ever lived in Riverclan, I love being able to run and jump without slipping on wet ground. Catching birds is way better than fish." She replied happily, she was a strong swimmer with good balance for fishing but that also made her a fast runner and a high jumper.
"I think you have bees in your brain. As far as I'm concerned, fishing and tracking voles is the best and easiest kind of hunting." Loudstep huffed at his sister's comment. Hawkflight simply rolled her eyes in turn, picked up her blackbird and walked away, stopping at the edge of the clearing and flicking her tail telling him to follow.
Loudstep hastily picked his minnow back up and followed Hawkflight on the border of Riverclan and Thunderclan until they neared Twolegplace then went to their makeshift den next to it. They'd grown accustomed to living near the twolegs ever since they left Tigerstar's rogue group, back before he nearly destroyed the forest.
"What are you doing?" He asked Hawkflight once they'd settled to eat, she was just staring at the blackbird, not moving. When she didn't reply he chucked his minnow at her, amusement and worry glistening in his amber eyes.
"...I want to go back to the clans... I want to join Thunderclan." She said looking up and meeting his gaze with her own determined one. He simply looked at her, trying to figure out how to respond until the words just began flowing out.
"You can't go back! The Clans would never accept you and you can't leave me! We're littermates, we look after eachother, and why would Thunderclan ever accept you? We have no Thunderclan blood and have never had anything to do with them!" He took a deep breath about to ramble on more until Hawflight's tail brushed across his mouth, filling it with fur. He spit it out and gagged sticking out his tongue at her just to over-dramatically get the point across.
"Loudstep, Thunderclan has accepted strange kits, kittypets, rogues. Why wouldn't they accept me? And we don't have to split up, you can come with me, but either way, I'm going to Thunderclan." She said taking a bite of her blackbird, gaze still fixed on him.
"Well..." He dragged on, having a battle with himself in his head on what to do.
"You can't stop me either way." She said dryly taking another bite.
"Well if I can't stop you, then might as well go along and join the clan too." He mumbled reaching a paw over to where Hawkflight was eating and lazily clawing at the ground until he grabbed hold of the minnow and ate it in two gulps.
"Thanks, we'll head for Thunderclan at sunset."
1:46am Jul 6 2015 (last edited on 1:47am Jul 6 2015)
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Posts: 71
{I'm just going to Stormpaw now. With Bluepaw involved in my posts. I find it hard to do two separate clans.}
Sandstorm looked at me, as if she was very interested. "What do we do now?" I asked her. "Follow me. I'll show you around and tell you." she said, with a flick of her tail we were racing out the ravine and stumbled up the hill. She took me around the border and told me all about what we do. "This is Riverclan." she pointed to the Riverclan. A rustle in the bushes alarmed me and before I saw, a I heard a voice. "Smokey?" Blue asked. "Stormpaw now, I'm going to become a warrior." I told her with pride. "I'm going to be a medicine cat, I'm Bluepaw now." I nuzzled her quickly before setting off with Sandstorm. "You can't be friendly with Riverclan." she told me sternly.
I sighed, "I know. I just wanted to know how my sister was doing." Sandstorm nodded her head, "It'll be our little secret." I nodded and we turned back to camp. When we arrived, Sandstorm introduced me to all the cats. Everybody was partly happy with me except Greystripe. He was glaring at me across the clearing, I looked at Sandstorm and she nodded leading me to him.
"What's wrong?" I asked. He shook his head, "Then why are you glaring at him?" Sandstorm questioned him. He looked at me and then Sandstorm, "I don't trust him." he hissed in her ear. "Don't be so harsh. He feels the exact same ad you did when you came back to Thunderclan." she growled back at him. His eyes softened, "Sorry, Smokepaw." he mumbled. I growled, "You don't even know my name." I said softly. He glanced up at me quickly, "It's Stormpaw." I muttered. I took off across the clearing to the apprentice's den.
Fernpaw and Ashpaw were there, just about to walk out. "Hi Stormpaw! Want to come and hunt with us?" Fernpaw asked. I nodded my head and followed them out, "Where you going?" Sandstorm asked, "To go and hunt with them." I told her, she nodded her head and chased after them. We split up and went to sit on a rock, listening to any noises. All I heard was cats, coming closer and closer.

2:03pm Jul 12 2015
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The sun began moving into the west side of the sky telling Hawkflight that it was now past sunhigh. Slowly she got up and arched her back in a long stretch, she looked over at the tabby body of Loudstep splayed across the ground and listened to his steady breaths as they filled the den, they'd been resting after their meals so that they were prepared for the trip to Thunderclan.
"Loudstep, get up." She said midway through a yawn, no response.
"Loudstep, get up."
"Loudstep get your lazy paws up before I claw them off."
"What?" His head barely peeked up from over his back.
"Come on, if we want to get to Thunderclan before nightfall we have to get moving." She said circling him, anxious to get going.
"Fine." He huffed back, slowly rising and shaking his pelt out. Finally they made they're way out of the den and on the trail to Thunderclan, Hawkflight easily wove around the bramble and trees meanwhile everytime she looked back at her littermate, he seemed to be tripping over something, "This is going to be hard for him" she thought looking back to the forest before them.
Loudstep followed his sister through the forest, his paws aching from bumping into everything. Unlike Hawkflight, he had big paws making this all the more complicated, the rustle of leaves caused his focus to bounce from tree to tree, his pelt began to spike out as his claws unsheathed and clearly Hawkflight heard it too, as her pelt stuck out like thorns. Suddenly silver and gray pelts flashed through the bushes and between oaks, until one launched itself at him, a small she-cat with pale green eyes that he'd never seen before.
"Get out of our territory you mouse-brained rogues!" The small tom screeched launching himself at Hawkflight, but she heard his coming and ducked in time as he went flying over her and landing roughly on the ground.
"I'll be sure you never come back!" the she-cat growled biting Loudstep's ear then jumping off his back and scratching at his ankles. He began shaking the hind leg she was after, not wanting to hurt her and cause problems, but becoming annoyed with this he sent a look saying "Do something" to Hawkflight of which she immediately understood. Suddenly, quick as lightning, she was pinning the she-cat down with one paw but not with enough pressure to harm her.
"We're not here to fight." She said smoothly, her tail flicking with annoyance as the young cat began squirming under her paw.
1:28am Jul 13 2015
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Posts: 71
I heard cats screeching, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. I quickly ran down the steep hill before racing into the camp and into Sandstorm. "Steady there, Stormpaw!" she shouted. "Sorry Sandstorm. I heard screeching of cats in Thunderclan territory. I didn't know what to do, so I came to tell you." Sandstorm nodded.
"Graystripe, come with me!" Sandstorm growled. Graystripe got up quickly and they raced towards the screeching.
11:57am Jul 13 2015
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Posts: 698
The rustle of leaves and pounding of pawsteps alerted Hawkflight of other cats on their way over. Her eyes narrowed as she looked for where they were, once she heard them get close enough she took her paw off the little she-cats chest and gave Loudstep a nod.
"Get out of our territory!" The other cat growled walking to his clanmate's side, seeing them together made it perfectly clear that they were siblings, having the same thick, gray pelts.
"We will wait for the patrol your friend set out to get." Hawkflight said nonchalantly.
"How did you-"
"You'll learn to tell exactly where a cat is and what they're going to do later in your apprenticeship." She cut the young tom off with a flick of her tail as Loudstep walked up to her side.
Loudstep watched the young cats' reactions to Hawkflight's knowledge, it was always amusing to see how the apprentices reacted to different things. The fear had left the small she-cat's large round eyes and was replaced by curiosity when she opened her mouth to talk but her meow was blotted out by the yowl of other clan cats. Suddenly a long-furred, dark gray tom burst into the opening with two others close behind him, Loudstep immediately recognized him from Riverclan, Graystripe. The sandy-pelted she-cat was Sandstorm, he'd seen her at gatherings and occasionally when patrolling the borders, finally his eyes rested on the silver tabby next to her, he had only seen that one once, but never got his name.
"What are you doing on our territory?" Graystripe asked stepping forward, his muscles rippling beneath his thick coat.
"We want you-"
"They attacked us!" the she-cat squeaked running over to him, cutting Hawkflight off.
"Fernpaw, let them speak." He scolded then looked up expectantly at the two rogues.
"We wish to speak with your leader." Hawkflight said then looked over at Loudstep who nodded, smoothing his pelt back down.
12:18pm Jul 13 2015
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Posts: 71
Stormpaw eventually followed the two cats and catches up quickly and easily. He watched Greystripe and Sandstorm pant but Stormpaw just kept running. He slowed down where the screeching is, he waiting for a bit to finally see the two older cats come towards him. "You are fast." Sandstorm told him. Stormpaw purred quietly before following his mentor towards Ashpaw and Fernpaw.
He watched as they talked to each other and Greystriped led the way with Fernpaw and Ashpaw to wards camp. Sandstorm and I followed behind the two prisoners. I swatted their tails and growled at them. "Stop acting like a kit." Sandstorm hissed, "Sorry." I muttered. Before bounding towards the two prisoners, "Sorry if I annoyed you by swatting and growling at your tails." Stormpaw said. He then waited for his mentor, "That was very nice." Sandstorm said.
That made Stormpaw's chest burst with pride and he walked back to camp falling into step with Sandstorm.
12:19pm Jul 13 2015 (last edited on 12:20pm Jul 13 2015)
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Posts: 71
*Doubly post*
11:25am Jul 14 2015
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Posts: 698
Hawkflight had just stared ahead when the apprentice apologized, meanwhile her brother said it was fine in his "I'm uncomfortable but I'm trying to be friendly" voice that she found rather hilarious. They traveled down into a ravine of which Hawkflight figured the camp was, the other cats bounded easily down it, she had only stumbled once meanwhile Loudstep with his big paws and lost balance just kept tumbling.
"Fox-dung!" He whispered everytime he stumbled, but Hawkflight silenced him with her tail and that teasing, sisterly look. Before she knew it, they were inside of a tunnel of bracken that opened up into a lush clearing, filled with the chatter of cats but silence fell upon everyone once they spotted Hawkflight and Loudstep.
"Sandstorm, Stormpaw, stay with the rogues." Graystripe said once they reached the highrock and disappeared into the cave at the bottom. Hawkflight began shifting her weight back and forth, becoming anxious, she took a side step and bumped into the silver tom she figured was Stormpaw and moved back to where she was, giving him a look of apology.
Loudstep shook out each of his paws in both anticipation and pain, they all hurt from the tumble down the ravine. He looked at Hawkflight from the corner of his eye and saw her bump into the apprentice, Stormpaw, amusement and warmth filled his gaze, she was almost never one to apologize or get so antsy that she had to move clumsily around.
2:09am Jul 19 2015
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Posts: 71
Stormpaw stumbled and picked himself up and walked towards Sandstorm and sat next to her. "What do you think Firestar is going to do? He just accepted me." he asked her quietly. "I don't know." she muttered. She watched Graystripe walk into Firestar's den and walked out again with him. Stormpaw gazed around him to see a small cluster of cats surrounding the prisoners.
{Sorry, I never saw an a,eat for this.}
9:53pm Jul 20 2015
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Posts: 698
Hawkflight recognized the flame-pelted leader of Thunderclan as he walked up to her and Loudstep, eyeing both of them closely.
"What business do you have here?" He said, authority dripping from each word.
"We wish to join Thunderclan." She replied exchanging a look with her littermate as he nodded in agreement.
"Hm, what do you both have to offer the clan? As you know bare-leaf is near and we don't need extra mouths to feed." He said looking between the two rogues.
"I'm a strong jumper, fast as a hare and a quick learner. He's a good climber, great stalker and a very strong cat overall." She said, tail twitching in annoyance at how close the clan had in-circled them, their murmurs of distrust beginning to ruffle her fur.
"And you both wish to join? You do realize how hard you will have to work to earn these cats' loyalty?" He said clearly understanding her discomfort.
"Yes." She said wholeheartedly.
"And you?" the Thunderclan leader turned to Loudstep, his question catching him off-guard.
"Yes." He replied smoothly, chin up.
"Then I welcome you both into the clan, what are your names?"
"Very well" He leaped up the highrock, his yowl reaching across the clearing.
"We have two new members, Hawkflight and Loudstep." He paused and looked down at the two.
"Do you promise to remain loyal to your new clan?"
"I do" they said in sync.
"Then I welcome you both. Though you are both warriors, I understand you come from Riverclan, you will be in the apprentice den until you both have proved you can hunt and fight in the different territory, you will join in apprentice duties and train with the other apprentices and their mentors." He said then with a flick of his tail called the meeting over.
"Hawkflight! Loudstep!" the clan cheered in chorus, though some of the cats didn't seem too happy about this.
"We're Thunderclan cats now." Hawkflight's warm breath seeped into Loudstep's fur, snapping him out of thought.
"We are."