8:59pm May 27 2012
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So, since I suck at roleplaying males, and you don't seem to have a problem with them, I'll be assuming that you'll be roleplaying as the male in this roleplay, so...
A wealthy family has always been high up in life. They've never worried about many things other than how much each share of which stock they bought was worth. They were living in the lap of luxury.
A rogue werewolf has been watching the family for weeks, envious of how wealthy the other family is. The werewolf lives in the woods all alone, and, when the boy and his father find a wolf caught in one of their cage traps, they're surprised.
Wolves aren't native to that region. The family is curious, so they call a wildlife ranger and leave for a vacation for a week or two. All of them except for the oldest son, who had to stay home for some reason. (For some summer assignment, or maybe because he was grounded. Something along those lines. XD)
They had placed the wolf in a holding cell down in the basement, and the boy goes down to check on it one day, surprised to find a naked girl in place of where the wolf once was. Over time, he figures out that she's a werewolf, and stuff happens.
Blah blah blah.
And the whole time, the police and other government people are on their tails because they also know that the girl's a werewolf. XD
There it is~
No bios? D:
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9:10pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// Heck no. I hate bios. And I love how you included the nickname that I made for you in your bio. <333333 You make me so happeh.
So, why don't we start when they find the trap with the wolf in it? That sound good?
Love is all we need~
9:14pm May 27 2012
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You mean the ti tle, not the bio, right? Lol! Oh - epicfailure -
Sure! You start or me?
Also, when you say 'the boy and his father' in the plot, can the boy be my character? It'll be no fun if it's not my character. :O
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9:44pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// XD I meant in the ti tle. Yeah. XD I was literally laughing out loud for a moment there. My mom looked at me funny, too.
So, yeah. The boy was actually meant to be your character, so... I'll start. <3
Fenris knew she was stuck. She hated every bit of the metal surrounding her, but, to her dismay, she was not as strong as other werewolves of her kind. She was a bit stupid to be lured into a trap, but she thought she could outsmart the pressure plate located in the back, and get away with the food- a hamburger patty. She hoped that whoever found her would be stupid enough to let her go, set her free to live in the woods.
She'd been starving when she was caught, and her ribs were clearly visible under her fur coat. She couldn't remember where she was at, or how she could've been so stupid as to get stuck in this trap. Luckily, it wasn't a kill trap, more like a catch-and-release trap.
However, a trap was a trap to Fenris, and her white coat began to prickle as she sensed that she would be in for a long ride, and that the people that would find her would be anything but stupid. In a last attempt to break free, she began to growl and bite at the metal around her. She thrashed about, threw herself against the sides of the trap.
Love is all we need~
9:47pm May 27 2012
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[ Omg, sorry. You know me, always having to ask a ton of questions before I start D:
But, I don't know how those traps would work. Is it to heavy to just say something like," the father and son brought the cage to the basement" or something? D:
Omg, don't you love those moments when someone on the computer makes you laugh and everyone in the same room as you goes O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O ]]
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10:13pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// It's fine to ask questions. I ask way more than anyone else at school. Especially right before a test. XD
But it's fine if you don't know all about those traps. I'm what you call a redneck, so I know all about trapping and junk. Just do the best you can. You don't have to go into detail about the releasing part or taking the cage to the basement, but, remember, they put the wolf into a seperate, larger cage to hold it there, because if Fenris were to transform back into her human form in her current cage, she would feel like she had been shoved into a large suitcase. XD
Yeah. Those moments are funny. Anyways, my mom thinks that I'm already insane. She tells me I got it from my dad's side. They're divorced, so they blame things on eachother. XD It's funny as rip.
Love is all we need~
10:14pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// This post is so I can subscribe to this thread. Nothing important is stated here, so move along! asdlkfjlaksd;hhaiopdsifj I like apple pie.
Love is all we need~
7:25am May 28 2012 (last edited on 8:01am May 28 2012)
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[[Hahahahahahaha alright. Excuse the fail intro for that part of the scene though, kay? :DDDD
I'll post my intro later. I just woke up... D: Wahhhh. D: one more question. Can I say that it's like... In the morning or something? ]]
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11:04am May 28 2012
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Ooc:// It can be whatever time of day you want it to be. Morning is fine.
Love is all we need~
12:08pm May 28 2012
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Ooc:// Bumperz.
Love is all we need~
1:23pm May 28 2012
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I would have slept in today. I just graduated being a senior, it being the first week of summer, and I was exhausted from all the last minutes projects and home works the teachers had us do. All the parties, graduation ceremony, sports ceremony... I was exhausted. I just wanted to take this Saturday to sleep. And enjoy life at least...
That was, of course, until I heard my father burst in to my room. Telling me something about the cage traps we put outside together. My father used to be able to put them up on his own, but he's gotten older now so I needed to help him out. I usually didn't mind that kind of work. Lets just say school was a different story. I barely made it through 12th grade without pitiful grades.
I said, rubbing my eyes from the light that filled the once - dark room as my father turned the switch. "We got a wolf, son..." He kept going on about how wolves aren't supposed to be around this area and about how odd it was. Then said, "Nicholas, you have to help me bring it in. We might get money for catching something that isn't even native around these parts!..."
Of course, that was all my father thought about. The money. I rolled my eyes, and looked over at the clock. 6:00 AM? What about the whole 'enjoying no more school' break? Sleeping in? I changed my mind. I didn't enjoy the hard work my father had me do.
I said with a reluctant demeanor. The last thing I felt like doing at this hour was bringing in some poor wolf that probably was scared to death out there. I got out of bed when a cold shiver passed my bones. I grabbed some plaid sleepy pants and a wife beater shirt to slip on and walked out of the house to follow my dad to the trap. Seeing the wolf thrashing around the cage, a small pang of empathy swelled my heart. "Maybe we shouldn't just give him away, Dad. Maybe let him go-" My dad gave me a shocked ex pression through his wrinkled face. That was all the words I needed to know that letting the thing go was not the plan. After thinking about it, letting the wolf go would be stupid. It could hurt someone.
Helping my dad bring the cage to the basement, we put the wolf in a larger cage that would at least let the poor thing get more comfortable. (Dunno' how that happened without the wolf eating them. But whatever. xDD ) My dad, with a more excited look on his face now, went to go upstairs to tell my mother about the news. I let my brown eyes look to the wolf once more, before running a hand through my messy brown hair and shaking my head. My dad better not expect me to put the thing to sleep or anything.
[[Kayyy. I didn't give you much to put. Sorry. Maybe you can just time skip to like when the family leaves and then I can have the boy come back down? ]
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2:16pm May 28 2012
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Ooc:// Yeah. I'll go ahead and timeskip for you.
Fenris didn't fight. By the time that they got her down to the basement, she was exhausted, and easily manipulated. Her ears were laid back by her head in a sign of defeat, and, as she watched the people leave, she felt herself transform back into her human form.
She had white hair that was stunningly bright, long, slender, muscular legs, pale skin, dark lashes, and a tall, curvy figure. She curled up into a ball, as to cover herself, just in case the humans came back down. She sure hoped they didn't. What would the boy say if he came to check up on their wolf, and found a naked seemingly human girl in its place.
Her blue eyes shut under her long, cascading hair. She sighed, and waited for her death.
Love is all we need~
3:25pm May 28 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
3:45pm May 28 2012
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I waved good bye at the end of the winding drive way as my parents car drove away. They had chosen to take a summer vacation away, leaving me home to do whatever I liked. They were lucky that I wasn't the rebellious type; to bring over a bunch of my friends for a party or anything. I wasn't into that crowd. Or crowds all together.
Walking back inside once my parents were long gone, I looked over at the door that led to the basement. My father said to not open the door. To not be around the wolf. The last thing he wanted was 'to come home from my vacation to see my only boy eaten alive by a beast like that'. I had nodded my head and hadn't complained. Not having any desire to see the wolf anyways. But, now that I was alone in the house, with nothing to do...
My palms itched to grab the handle and see inside. Would one little peek hurt? So that I would have a better reason to go down stairs, I went to the kitchen, grabbed a paper plate, and put 2 apples, some butter with bread, and some ham on to a the plate and went to the entrance door. I didn't really know what wolves were like, and this was all I had for food that I could grab in a couple seconds.
With shaking hands, I opened the basement door, and looked inside the long stairwell leading to the bottom. It was eerie. The dark that swallowed the end of the staircase that I couldn't see; the silence that was so loud in my ears.
I could feel my blood pumping from my veins as I put a hesitant foot on that first step. I shouldn't be doing this. My next foot was on the second step. I usually wasn't so stupid. My foot was on the third step. How could I disrespect my father?
Before I knew it, my feet were at the bottom of the stair case. All I had to do was turn around to see the wolf. But the silence...
I shivered, holding the plate in two hands as I turned around to not see the wolf but a-...
I gasped quietly, the paper plate dropping from my grasp. There, replacing the one wolf that we just happened to catch, was a cloth-less human girl. With her pure white hair, pale skin, and closed eyes, she looked like an angel. I swallowed, fear tightening it's grip against my throat.
I said, reaching down to get the plate that had dropped. Luckily, none of the food had touched the floor; ironic, with my tall frame.
"Wh-what's going on, here?"
I said, stepping forward. Not feeling as afraid anymore, then confused.
"Where is the wolf?"
[Sorry I keep taking so long. I'm studying. :U ]]
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3:51pm May 28 2012
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Fenris's eyes opened, and she jumped backwards a bit, her back pushed against the far wall of the cage. Though she was safe, she still felt threatened by the human boy in front of her. It had been a while since she'd turned into her human form, and she kept herself covered, remembering that humans didn't accept nudity like the wolves did.
When he asked her a question, Fenris cocked her head to the side, a canine-like gesture. She swallowed the lump in her throat and struggled to find her voice. "Wolf?" Her gray-blue eyes searched the human for head to toe. She hoped that he didn't have any weapons, or that he didn't plan to kill her.
She wouldn't last a moment if he did want to kill her. Her ribs were easily seen, and she looked like an anorexic high-school girl, other than the white hair.
Love is all we need~
3:57pm May 28 2012
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I clenched my jaw in impatience. Some random naked girl was in the cage where a wolf used to be. You can't really hide your story easily with that logic. "Yes. The wolf. My father and I caught a wolf, and now it's gone. And now your here. That wolf could be out, hurting someone right now!" I said, coming up in front of her. If I was going to get information out of this girl, I should at least give her some clothes.
Putting the plate down, I slipped my shirt off (I just had to.xD) and tossed it inside the cage. Crossing my bare arms against my (barrreee <3333) chest, I kept my eyes averted respectfully as I waited for her to cover herself with the shirt.
"How'd you get in here?"
I said, keeping my eyes on the floor as I waited.
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4:02pm May 28 2012
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Fenris reached forward for the shirt. She'd never been exposed to a male's bare chest, and she couldn't help but allow the redness in her cheeks to show. She had to admit that he was attractive, and that he had a good amount of muscles.
Fighting off the redness in her cheeks, Fenris slipped the shirt over her upper half, not moving from her spot on the floor, and stood. The boy's shirt was long on her, so, luckily, it covered everything that needed covering, but her long legs were still clearly visible. She moved forward with surreal grace as she stopped only inches away from the bars of the cage.
"It doesn't matter where the wolf went. It won't hurt anyone unless someone tries to hurt it. I know that. Please let me out. I have to go somewhere." She let her ghostly eyes stare into her captor's.
Love is all we need~
4:10pm May 28 2012
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By the way she responded, I couldn't help but assume... Anger boiled up to my face, my cheeks turning a slight red. "You let the wolf go?" I tried keeping my voice calm. I usually was the calm, cool, and collected type. The easy - going 'chill' guy that doesn't freak at the bad things, but goes at them casually.
No one has ever set me over the edge.
But, finding a random naked girl in a cage where a wolf used to be - with the wolf gone now - can really change a guy.
"How dare you!" I said, the fleeting thought about giving her the food since she looked so skinny dissipated. "What are you, insane? You had no right...Oh my dad's gonna' kill me..."
I mumbled, frantically running a hand through my hair before looking back at her. "Tell me how you got in here. Either way, you're staying until my father comes back so you can explain that the wolf gone is not my fault.
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4:17pm May 28 2012
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Fenris would not be yelled at. She simply turned around and sat in the corner, her back to the boy that had yelled in her face. She let out a canine-like whine, trying to ignore the feeling that she was going to die down in this basement. She'd never been in a real house, and she hadn't had much interraction with humans before.
All she knew is that wolves did not yell- more like snarl- at eachother unless there was a dominance dispute, or a lack of dominance. She hadn't displayed any of those, and she couldn't fight the boy that was standing a mere few feet away from the bars of her cage. Those metal bars wouldn't allow her to get within inches of him.
She sighed, and put her head on her knees, which were pulled up to her chest.
Love is all we need~
4:25pm May 28 2012
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Of course, I felt empathy for the girl. But, why wasn't she talking? There had to be a reason she ended up in the cage with the wolf gone. If she didn't let it out, then what happened?
Clenching my jaw, I said, "I'm not a monster or psychopath, but I can't just let you out if you're not going to tell me what happened."
I said, my voice much softer now, after finding composure quite easily. Grabbing the plate, I opened the cage just enough to slip the plate in, and closed it back up.
"When you're ready to talk, I'll be ready to listen."
I said nonchalantly, like I wasn't holding her captive or anything. And, with that, I found a recliner chair, grabbed some old magazines, and sat close by the cage and relaxed back. A hot naked girl stuck in a cage in my basement?
This was a interesting start to my summer.
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