5:20pm Jul 10 2010
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Should i make the list of stuff you put in the bio? :o
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5:21pm Jul 10 2010
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If you want too.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
5:25pm Jul 10 2010
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lol can you? i don't know all the stuff that's supposed to be on it...
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5:31pm Jul 10 2010
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Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Other: Looks:
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
5:39pm Jul 10 2010
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Name: Paradise Age:16 Gender: Female Personality:She's shy and quiet when there's alot of people around, but when you talk to her one on one, she's more open. She's not the best talker though, when you first meet her, she'll find herself stuttering because she is so shy. She likes to be by herself most of the time, but she wouldn't mind having a friend as well. Other:none Looks:
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6:02pm Jul 10 2010 (last edited on 6:16pm Jul 10 2010)
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Name: Dani/Asher Age: 16/17 Gender: Female/Male Personality: Rp it. I have trouble sticking to it. Other: They are siblings. Looks:  :
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
6:24pm Jul 10 2010
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Posts: 896
Do you want to start?
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
6:30pm Jul 10 2010
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(( sure, i aint really good at starting :P ))
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6:37pm Jul 10 2010
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Posts: 896
You want me to start?
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
6:39pm Jul 10 2010
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Posts: 5,997
( yeah lol))
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6:46pm Jul 10 2010
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Dani leaned on the horn and shouted out the open window. "Hurry up Asher! All the stores will be closed by the time you get out here." "Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." He walked out of the house and into the drivers side of the car. "Tell me again why we are going to the mall? We both hate shopping." He started the car and pulled away from the house. "Because I need some clothes for the summer. I out grew all of mine and I really don't feel like wearing jeans all summer. Besides, don't you want to bond with your little sister?" She smiled playfully at him. "Not really but since we are here already, I guess I have too. Come on." Asher muttered as he got out of the car and started towards the Mall.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
6:57pm Jul 10 2010
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BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP.... Paradise got up and looked at her clock. great. She forgot to turn off the alarm on her clock last night. I guess this happens to everyone on their first day of summer. Paradise looked out the window, her parents weren't home. She liked it that way. The whole house to herself. Her friends told her there was a job offer at the mall, she decided to take it. Something simple, but might pay exactly what she needed. She needed some new clothes for summer, just like everyone else. But had no money to buy anything. She checked the time, it was almost about time for her to leave. She quickly put her hair up iin a messy bun, got some worn out pants, and a tank top, and headed on her way to her new job.
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7:04pm Jul 10 2010
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Asher groaned as he saw the amount of people here. "Why are there some many people?" He complained. He had always hated crowds. "It's the first day of summer and there are sale. Of course there will be a lot of people. Maybe if you actually got ready on time there wouldn't be so many." Asher just rolled his eyes.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
7:09pm Jul 10 2010
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Paradise checked the time while she was in the parking lot of the mall. She was right on time, ironically. She checked herself in the mirror, ugh i should have put something on my face, i look horrible! probably wouldn't have worked... She shook the thoughts out of her mind, and got out. And walked slowly. She wasn't the best with talking to people, so doing a job where all you do is ask people if they need help finding stuff wasn't really making her feel any less anxiety. She wasn't ready for this.
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7:16pm Jul 10 2010
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The siblings walked into a store they normally went too. It wasn't too crowded at the time. "Are you coming with me to the girly section again?" Dani teased. "Look, there are a lot of cute girls for you to hit on." Asher grinned at her. "But of course I am. Besides, you need someone to tell you that what you picked looks horrible on you. I can't be seen with an ugly sister. Oh wait, you already are ugly."
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
7:48pm Jul 10 2010
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Paradise walked to the front desk to see a women about her height but no where near her age, sitting. She looked up and said "Hello miss, How can i help you?" Paradise looked at her and said "I...Im Paradise Long...Someone talked to me about a job a couple of days ago, he said to start today -" She nodded her head. "Yes, Mr. Bill, my boss, said you were coming today. Follow me" Paradise followed. This is starting out good, no need to be scared Paradise! She thought to herself. The Lady stopped and faced Paradise "Im Annabelle. But you can call me Anna. If you have any questions just come to me. But first" She handed Paradise a full box of shirts. "Take this to the teen girl section. It down that way, to your left. Not hard to find." Paradise nodded and took the box, and started down to her left.
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7:53pm Jul 10 2010
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(( sorry i took so long :P ))
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7:56pm Jul 10 2010
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Ooc: It's fine. Bic: Dani ignored the comment and started to look around. "See anything you like Asher?" She teased. "Now that you mention it," He started to say but Dani cut him off. "Ash, it was a joke, stop being a creeper."
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
8:04pm Jul 10 2010
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Paradise walked toward the teen section, and set the box down. wow that was heavy... She shrugged it off and opened it. A full box of shirts, and hangers at the bottom. She started to organize all the tank tops the way, she saw them. Looking around, afraid, not wanting any customers to want help from her.
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8:12pm Jul 10 2010
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"Hmm, Asher, have you seen any light blue tank tops? I haven't been able to find them." "Nope," He replied, leaning up against a column. "But why don't you try asking someone who actually works here. It's easier to find what you're looking for that way. There's an employee now." He pointed towards Paradise. Dani headed over. "Excuse me. You don't happen to have any blue-" She cut off, spotting what she wanted in the box. "Oh, I see it. It's that light blue tank top in the box. Could I have that? Or is it not for sale?"
Call me Cho or Nat. =)