5:06pm May 25 2013
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Oh gosh, sorry for not making this earlier! So, yep, yeah, here it is. I totally forgot about it. Hurr derp. Here's a format if you're too lazy to make your own. XD Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (I still have the one you sent me if you don't! XD) Personality: History: Crush: (This is... Kinda... Durr...) Other: Name: Enola Age: Young Adult (Too lazy to care about exact numbers :P) Gender: Female (Durr...) Appearance: I was gonna use the one from the ti tle page, but then I realized that I hate that picture. So here's the new Enola! XD Big, eh?  Personality: Although Enola is charming in more ways than one, she's a bit stubborn. She won't do what she's told unless her life or someone else's depended on it, and probably won't apologize for it unless someone's pouring out blood. She has an adequate sense of humor and will often make a joke of things or just simply laugh at everything. She doesn't talk a whole lot, but it's better than being mute. History: Eh... I got nothin'. Crush: ♥ Sly ♥ Other: Nurp.
9:06pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Lol, you putting hearts around Sly's charrie, Sly will think she is obssesed XD ))
9:09pm May 25 2013
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9:25pm May 25 2013 (last edited on 9:56pm May 25 2013)
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Posts: 2,763
Name: Sly Age: Young Adult Gender: Male (Durr..) Appearance: 
Personality: Sly is well, very sly. He is a cunning daredevil and thinks love is overrated, some know him for just leaving the fox he is 'in love with' the day after. He is definatley a tough fox that most try not to mess with and he has a bad reputation of fighting around his den. So basically a 'bad boy' type here XD.
History: Sly had a good home until he turned a few months when both his parents died in a fire at their own home while he was exploring the forest. After that he took care of himself and hated himself for not being there to help them.
Crush: Enola Other: Nope
9:49pm May 25 2013
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(XD I sent you the pic, so yep! Just tell me when it's up and we'll start.)
9:56pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Ok its up! ))
10:08pm May 25 2013
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(Okie. I'll put up this intro. ^-^) Enola sat in a big field, back straight and ears swiveling side to side in search of bunnies and hares. There was a slight rustle coming from the wind, but too distinct from animals. Then, suddenly, she heard a quiet thump. She lowered her head into a crawl, creeping forward, following the sound as silent as she could. She froze, one paw in midair. The grass was moving. With one single motion, she leaped onto the moving creature, catching something long and bushy. She hugged it with her paws, then looked down to see what it was with a slight grin. She felt it wiggling, then opened one eye to see it more clearly. It was sort of orange colored, and the very tip was white. "Huh?" What kind of rabbit is this? She thought, holding it in her bent forelegs.
10:14pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly was being chased-again- by the foxes from another neighborhood. It seemed Sly had offended him with another joke about their mother. "We'll get you Sly! Then we'll tear you to shreds!" one growled. Sly laughed and noticed one of them getting closer and he lowered his head in the tall grass, ready to run until he felt a tug on his tail. No, its them! He panicked and turned around sharply, pinning the fox-only to see it was a she-fox. "What...? What are you doing?! Who are you?!" he asked, clearly freaked out thinking it was one of the foxes from the neighborhood.
10:18pm May 25 2013
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10:19pm May 25 2013
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(( Subscribing.. again, I forgot to click the *Subscribe* button /).- ))
10:21pm May 25 2013
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(YO MAMA SO FURRY, YOGI BEAR PROPOSED TO HER! XD That was a bad one, but you know what I mean.) Enola yelped from shock, eyes wide and heart pounding. She stared up at the fox who pinned her to the ground, well actually, at the very amazing looking fox. "Uh... Well... Er..." She wriggled a bit, then cleared her throat. "I was hunting, and... Um... Your tail got in the way of my kill!" She snarled, then softened up. "Mom calls me Enola. Others call me wretched. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, jumpy!" She flared her nostrils slightly, still trying to wiggle away from the fox.
10:28pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( XD lol, yesh I get it.)) Sly glared and got off her. "Im Sly.." he said, still a bit confused on why 'Wretched' thought his tail was prey. He then heard the other, bulkier foxes comming their way. Without thinking, Sly nudged and pushed Enola the other way. "Look, you do not want to be here." he said, trying to give Enola a chance to just leave Sly and not have to deal with his ways. He then saw the three tall foxeß in front of him and his heart pounded. "Uh..." he managed to say. "SLY!!" one yelled and Sly took off, now laughing as the 3 foxes were left in his dust. (( Now, Enola must go after him XP ))
10:41pm May 25 2013
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(XD OH NO HE DIDN'T) Enola sneered, rolling onto her feet. "Did you just- COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE (Oh, hi there)!" She sprinted after Sly, kicking dirt behind her from the effort. She passed three foxes, who just stared at her as she ran. "GET YOUR EYES OFF MY BEDONKEDONK!" She hissed, leaping over a rock, catching sight of Sly in midflight. Then, she flailed around, landing on top of Sly to pin him down just as he has to her. "Don't EVER. Tell me. To leave." She snarled as she panted.
10:47pm May 25 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( OHMEHGOSH! XD Lol, is this Enola's crazy comming out already? XD ))
Sly felt a body jump on him and realized it was that crazy Enola fox. "Hey! Look, as you may have noticed, I AM BEING CHASED HERE!" he yelled. He then managed to fidget out of her grip and shot his eyes around, seeing the three foxes in the distance. "Look, I'll see you around, Enola, hey maybe we can meet tomorrow." he said, lying, though it was probably obvious. "But now, Im about to be killed if you dont let me go!" he growled. (( Lol I can only imagine Chandler from Friends yelling right here XD ))
10:56pm May 25 2013
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(XD Nah, that's just Enola being Enola.) Enola growled, stepping closer to Sly. "SHUT UP or I'll kill you before they even get here!" She shoved him behind a rock, then leaped back over the boulder she fell off of previously. She growled, the side of her muzzle twitching. "Which one of you knuckleheads wants to die today? Huh? COME AT ME BRO!" She shrieked and jumped around, tail frizzed, saliva foaming on the edges of her maw. The fact that she might have had rabies scared off the foxes, then she yakked the spit onto the ground and wiped her nose on the ground. She went back to stand above Sly on the rock. "What's that you were saying? About to be killed if I don't let you go?"
11:03pm May 25 2013
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Sly watched as the three foxes ran away and was relived, though the fact that a girl saved him made him a bit angry. "I didnt need your help." he snarled then started walking away. Sly thought he could take this girl on easily, she only caught him off guard when she pinned him anyway.. Up ahead, Sly could see the river. Good, he was thirsty from all that running. As cute as the fox was, he was used to having a crush on foxes who werent as stubborn as this one. Sly then came upon the river and took a sip, realizing some animals took a few steps away from him. Then some other foxes were whispering to each other. "Thats the one who stole from Eddie." he overheard a fox whisper to her friend. They then both slightly glared at him and walked away. Sly couldnt help but smile knowing he was well-known around here. (( What time is it where you live?))
11:14pm May 25 2013
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(11:04, but it's a weekend. I'm allowed up until 4:00.) Enola laughed out loud, (LULZ) jumping off of the rock again to land only a couple yards from the river. "Didn't need my help? Are you kidding?" She stepped over and turned her voice into a mocking tone. "I'm about to be killed if you don't let me go!" She was still giggling by the time she reached the water. "A real tough guy would just sit there and accept his fate, not cry like a little kit. Even I wouldn't be whining! And I just turned six!"
11:20pm May 25 2013
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Sly turned and growled right in her face. "Will you just.. AGHH! Just buzz off, will ya?" he said coldly and turned around and started walking away from her. This Enola fox was crazy, not many times this happened where the girl wouldnt leave him alone, mostly because he just dissapeared. Sly then decided to just go to his den and maybe the annoying fox would leave after that. (( Cool, its 9:20 now and Im pretty sure I can stay up that late, if you're still gonna be awake of course.))
11:50pm May 25 2013
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(XD Wow... Sly really doesn't get the concept of Enola.) Enola frowned, and just followed. "I'm not leaving. You can't tell me where to go, what to do, or when to watch the grass grow. I'm on my own terms, not yours. I'm on my time, not yours. If you seriously think I'm just going to walk away, you better keep on dreaming, because I'll just slit your throat while you're sleeping. I might just enjoy every minute of it." She lifted her head so her chin almost stuck in the air, squinting her eyes to act as stubborn as possible.
12:12am May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Lol, no he does not XD ))
Sly laughed and slowly turned back to her, just smiling now. "Oh, heres the big bad Enola. Here she comes, thinking she can tell me what to do. Fine, you can stay but you dont order me around, you aint my mom.. But, why are you still here anyway?" he asked with a sly smile. Stubborn, yes. But Sly could possibly overlook that. He didnt mind having a roadie travel with him as long as they werent phsycotic and really do try to slit his throat. (( Im guessing this will turn into some forced-crazy, love thing? Yup.. XD Wont Sly love that?))