7:49pm Apr 8 2013 (last edited on 7:52pm Apr 8 2013)
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Private RP between Snoweh and me. Long-lost RP partners coming together once again to tell a story to all you youngins.
Anywho, two people that start off as friends and maybe, possibly, that relationship may turn into something more. But relationships like these either go terribly right or terribly wrong. Skinny love?
Come on skinny love just last the year Pour a little salt, we were never here My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer
Tell my love to wreck it all Cut out all the ropes and let me fall My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my Right in this moment this order's tall
And I told you to be patient And I told you to be fine And I told you to be balanced And I told you to be kind
In the morning I'll be with you But it will be a different kind I'll be holding all the tickets And you'll be owning all the fines
hello my name is elder price
7:50pm Apr 8 2013
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Posts: 5,512
omnomnomnom. Soo who is who in this story of ours?
8:33pm Apr 8 2013
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Dood, you pick your charra. I don't mind being the femme or the...mme. 8I I shall follow you.
hello my name is elder price
8:35pm Apr 8 2013
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You be the girl! I wanna be Liam Free <3
8:43pm Apr 8 2013
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Okie dokie. I'll decide which girl I'll use after you post your bio. x3
hello my name is elder price
8:53pm Apr 8 2013
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Ummmmmm Bio.....right.......
Liam Free 18 years old High school senior Quarterback of the football team Liam is an easy-going guy who has always looked for love in all the wrong places, and after his most recent breakup with head cheerleader, he turns to his best friend for comfort. He's always been the guy that is well liked by everyone, so he never had a problem with getting girls... but for some reason, and he cant figure it out, he doesnt want the other girls anymore (Fail bio is a fail :3) http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_G8421hoP4Ic/TFeC2skwW9I/AAAAAAAAACs/8858Od4jO5U/s1600/hotness.jpg lulz abercrombie model XD
7:43pm Apr 9 2013
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Why has Kat not hit that earlier. /shot
Name • Katherine, though she goes by Kat Age • 17 Grade • Senior Eye Color • Dark chocolate brown with gold flecks Hair Color • Lighter brown with natural highlights of gold. She dyed red streaks in it though. Just imagine her hair looking like [tle="" target="_blank">this] because it's perf. She's not Asian though haha. Body Type • Thin body build Hobbies • Painting is her passion, watercolor namely, but she does carry around a sketchbook with her. Personality • She's not quite outspoken, but she's intelligent and is content with enjoying the conversation of those around her. She'll throw her two cents in, but Kat is namely content with listening in large groups. With one on one time, she's a lot more talkative. Loyal friend, slightly insecure about her looks (though she really doesn't have any reason to be), Kat is your typical teenage girl growing into womanhood.
hello my name is elder price
8:30pm Apr 9 2013
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((Ill start :O ))
Liam yawned and stretched his muscular arms((drools)) as he sat up in bed. He ran a hand through his tousled brown hair and tried to get his thoughts together. Birds chirped outside his bedroom window and for a moment, he thought he was late for school, until he looked at his unwashed football gear in the corner. It was Saturday and his uniform really needed to be cleaned. Liam wrinkled his nose and reached for his phone. 6 missed calls and 14 texts.
Dude. Where U @?
This party is killer
Ur not still upset bout Jenny r u?
And the list went on. But the truth was, after the game the night before, Liam just hadn't felt like tipping back some brewskis after the game. His bed had seemed too inviting. He dropped the phone onto the mattress and flopped back down, hoping he didnt have any uninvited guests this morning. ((Hey Kat, *hinthint* DISTURB HIS SLUMBER I DARE YOU XD))
8:59pm Apr 9 2013
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Kat groaned as she sat up on her bed. She rubbed at her eyes and glanced down to see that she was still in her clothes from last night. Friday had been hectic, to say the least, what with Liam running off and not telling her and making her worry about him all night long. Having a couple of beers to let loose at the after party for the game had been a blessing, but a headache had wormed its way into her head now. She yawned and stretched as she slid off of the bed. Her phone was blinking through a shirt on the ground. She tossed the clothing aside and picked it up, sighing at the alert that told her she had five percent battery left. Liam hadn't texted her back.
"You've brought this upon yourself," she said and plugged her phone into its charger by the side of her bed. Feeling rather robotic, she went through the motions of getting in the shower, then blow drying her hair, curling it, and just getting ready for the day. Ringlets of brown and red twisted over her shoulders; she pinned a few of them up behind her ear. By the time she was done, it was almost ten thirty. She checked her phone: one third battery life. Eh, it was good enough.
"Heading to Liam's," she called to her parents as she scooted out of the house. They waved their good-byes and Kat skipped over to her car. It was a Honda Accord, painted a deep blue. It had been her gift for her sixteenth birthday (although she'd had to pay half with money she'd scrounged up from various jobs she'd worked over the summer). She lived a little over five minutes away from Liam.
Upon pulling up into his driveway, she just up and walked into his house. It wasn't abnormal and if his parents were around, they were certainly used to it by now. Kat twisted her baseball cap, which she'd grabbed earlier, around so the bill faced the back, and slammed her palm against Liam's door. Repeatedly.
"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey," she yelled. "You better be presentable." With a grin, she twisted his door knob and walked in with a flourish.
hello my name is elder price
9:06pm Apr 9 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHHA I DRIVE A HONDA ACCORD XD but mines red and says Most Dope in the windows))
Liam jumped up in bed, still shirtless as the door opened, but at least he had his boxers on, and the blankets covered him from the waist down anyway. "Kat?! Jesus Christ you scared the hell out of me." He glanced at his alarm clock, "Man, I was kind of hoping you would still be sleeping off your hangover yet." he teased. He rubbed his eyes, "Sorry I never texted you back, I felt like crap last night. How was the party?" He moved over so there would be room on the bed for her to sit down, since his desk chair was full of clothes that needed to be hung in the closet. ((gah...braindead. Too cold to think))
9:20pm Apr 9 2013
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Ooc; Googled teen cars that are good on insurance. Got that. 8I
"Ugh, don't remind me," Kat said and melodramatically cringed and grabbed her forehead. She hadn't had too much to drink last night, not really... The party. Her thoughts went back to the party, of seeing Liam's now ex-girlfriend dancing on tabletops and flitting around the place chatting with every guy that lived within a radius of three hundred miles of their town, or so it seemed. She'd stared at the little...witch all night, up until she had a few drinks of course. Then it was Kat's kissy kissy time with her almost-boyfriend Cole. He was pretty sloppy when he was drunk. Well, sloppy in general, worse when drunk. "It was alright," she finally said.
"You still upset?" she said as she plopped down on the bed right next to him. "I was thinking I could drag your sorry butt out of the house today, maybe go buy you some Ben and Jerry's so you can drown your sorrows in ice cream." She paused and scratched her chin, tilting her head to the side to look at him more closely. "But seriously, you alright? You kinda had me worried when you ignored my texts and didn't pick up the phone..."
hello my name is elder price
9:31pm Apr 9 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((*snarls* methinks it ate my post))
9:36pm Apr 9 2013
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"Drown my sorrows in ice cream?" Liam scoffed, "I'm not a 15 year old girl on my period. I'm a grown man, trust me, I'll be fine. I just fell asleep right after I got home and I didn't hear my phone, I slept like a rock." He lied. Liam had tossed and turned all night. Had he loved Jenny? He didn't think so, but it still hurt to find out she had been cheating on him with one of the guys from the football team. He felt, well, cheated.
He quickly changed the subject, "So how's Cole?" He taunted, nudging Kat lightly with his arm. "Did you two play suck face last night?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows.
6:15am Apr 10 2013
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Kat decided not to call Liam out on his lie. Maybe he could have fooled anyone else, but not her. Nope, she just sighed and then made a face when he asked how Cole was. "Ugh, I think he takes the phrase 'suck face' a little too literally." Cole was a member of the football team too and Kat had been crushing hard on him for a while now. Now that she'd gotten to know him though, there didn't really seem to be any sort of 'spark.' She was enjoying their kissing less and less (what with him sometimes drooling on her) and there just didn't seem to be anything there. It was awkward when they talked and they've never really had any one on one time. It was usually just at parties that they hung out.
"I think I want to take my own offer up on ice cream," she finally said and stood. "Do you have any?"
hello my name is elder price
7:10am Apr 10 2013
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Liam laughed, "Do I need to yell at him for you?" he teased. He reached for a pair of pajama pants from beside the bed and pulled them on under the covers before tossing the blanket to the side,"Hmm. There might be some chocolate in the freezer." He said, "But don't you think it's too early for ice cream? Wouldn't you rather have some of my world famous pancakes?" He asked with a wink. ((ugh my head is killing me this moning -.- epic sadface))
9:05am Apr 10 2013 (last edited on 3:54pm Apr 10 2013)
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"Naw, we'll just have to see where it goes," she said and rocked back on her heels as she waited for Liam to get ready. Anyone else may have felt a little hot and bothered standing in a room with a half naked Liam nestled under his covers, but such was not the case with Kat. Of course he was adorable and had a great personality and was undeniably sweet to her, but Kat didn't see him as more than a friend. Just like he never looked at her as more. Of course, Kat's eyes only lit up because of the prospect of having some of his pancakes. She sidestepped over the dirty clothes in his room, wrinkling her nose when she spotted his still-dirty football gear.
"Your pancakes are tempting. Get them started while I grab some Advil." Kat rubbed at her forehead and headed back into the hall. The bathroom to her right held the Advil she sought and after popping two pills into her mouth, she yawned and sat down in one of the kitchen chairs. "Mmm, any plans for today?"
hello my name is elder price
9:54am Apr 10 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((There is literally a quarter inch thick la yer of ice on my car right now -.-))
Liam shook his head as he mixed the batter, "I don't have my day planned out farther than eating these pancakes and taking a shower at some point." He said. He glanced up at Kat for a moment. He still wondered why she had added red to her hair. He thought it had been pretty just the way it was, but he would never tell her that and risk a punch in the arm, "What about you? Are you and boy-toy gonna' hang out again tonight?" he asked, spooning the batter into a waiting skillet.
10:14am Apr 10 2013 (last edited on 3:55pm Apr 10 2013)
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; lol it's like 85 here.
Kat picked at the edge of Liam's kitchen counter while listening to him talk. The sound of the whisk against bowl was a bit of comfort, a rhythmic sound that wasn't too nerve-wracking for her head. "You have to wash your gear, too," she pointed out. The lumpy mess tipped into the skillet and Kat took a sharp inhale of sweet smelling air. "Cole can miss me for a few days. 'Sides, I think you need my company. Or rather, I need yours before I go to a certain someone's house and beat this certain someone up for being a traitorous bi--" she cut herself off and rapped her knuckled against the counter top. "It'll be warm. We could head down to the lake," she said. Since their little town wasn't settled anywhere near a coast, the closest thing they had to a beach was a huge lake situated in one if the parks downtown. It was a typical hangout spot for teens, especially when the weather was nice and the weekend allowed freedom. Kat swept her hair to one shoulder and pulled her shirt down to expose the bathing suit straps of her bikini. "Want to?"
hello my name is elder price
3:21pm Apr 10 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((It was like, 65 the other day -.- Oh Wisco. THe only state where you can get sunburn and frostbite within the same week *sigh*))
Liam laughed, "Poor Cole, he's getting abandoned for the woes of his lady's best friend." He took the first dinner plate-sized pancake and set it in front of Kat before returning to the stove to make his own, "And as far as the lake is concerned, I'm game I suppose." He shrugged, "I just gotta go find my swimming trunks and we're taking MY truck." he added. There was no way he was going to be seen in her little Honda at the beach. Besides, his 6 foot 2 frame hardly even fit into the tiny car.
4:11pm Apr 10 2013
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Ooc; LOL It's now cranked up to around 90. ;D
"Yes, poor Cole indeed," Kat said and flashed a grin. Her lips stretched even higher when Liam set a pancake in front of her. She left her seat to go rummage around in his fridge, pushed the milk aside to find the syrup in its typical spot. She drizzled the sticky sweet goodness all over her pancake and dove in. Her bites were a bit more ravenous. She hadn't had much to eat last night and last night and she was starved. It helped her headache a little too, and the nice meal along with some Advil made for a very happy Kat.
"It's not my car's fault you're gigantic," Kat said. The girl wasn't short on the measuring stick either; she stood at an average 5'5", but standing next to Liam who was almost a foot taller than her made her look shorter than she was. She was about to open her mouth to make another teasing remark when her phone buzzed in her pocket. "Speak of the devil," she said when she read the name pop up on her home screen. Kat held one finger up as in saying "be quiet for a sec" to Liam and answered the phone. She leaned back in her chair and propped her feet up to the chair next to her.
"Hey babe," Cole said. Kat decided that if Liam were to make any sort of comical gestures, she would smack him.
"'Sup?" she answered.
"You home? I'm not doing anything today and wanted to know if I could pick you up. We could go somewhere, just us. Maybe the lake?" Kat scratched at the back of her head. Was it wrong that she'd rather head out with Liam for a laid back, easy-going day than spend a few hours of awkwardness with her almost-boyfriend? Yeah, probably. Her silence must have dictated her answer for her because he started to stumble and say something else.
"Oh no no, it's just that I already made plans with a friend today. I'll text you when I'm free," she said hurriedly.
"Oh, alright. Later then."
She hung up and tapped her fingers against her knees. "Gotta love him for trying. Am I being too mean with the whole hard-to-get thing?" she asked with a lopsided smile. "Oh, and also, I left my sketchbook in my car. Remind me to grab it before we head out since we'll be using your truck."
hello my name is elder price