Secret Base

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5:25pm Jun 12 2014 (last edited on 11:34am Aug 11 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698

Secret Base,
Date 11/20/3070
Much time has passed and many lives have been lost since the governments plan took place, imprisoning people for no reason, killing, fighting, but of the worst time of all in the middle of World War IX.
A special agency is fighting against the government, to save everyone from world destruction, they go undercover by working for the government, and finding out there secrets.
Gifted children and teens alike have been brought into this agency to help fight for what they love, but some think of it as more fighting and destruction, which side will YOU choose?

There are two main Secret Bases, and two cover bases within the US, they are in hidden and secluded parts of which the Government hasn't destroyed yet.
The whole agency is lead by two, they both cover there side of America.
The Western side is lead by Krystal Starlis, and the Eastern side is lead by Dev Starfire, They have hired one general each, to lead the two cover bases.
The leader of the Government, refuses to say it's name, or show people other than it's closest guards what it looks like.
Choose your side, but choose it wisely, fight for what you think is right, and shape your destiny.


You must be on often, (We will understand if you will be gone for a couple days though)
You must listen to rules and follow them


All Res rules~
No cursing or nudity~
Play nice~
If your going through an argument with someone, please do not bring it up on here, but take it to rmail or forgive and forget~
You may have up to two characters~
Respect other RPers~
There is no killing another's character unless you got permission, and if you want to kill off one of your characters, please rmail me or Daisuki about it and we can work something cool out~
I expect violence and blood, but please do not get to graphic~
Romance is encouraged~
Follow the way the bios are shown to be set up~
And most of all, have fun~


You are to set them up like this,

Appearance: (Pictures are nice)
History: (You do not have to put this in if you do not want to)

Leader of Eastern Secret Base; Dev Starfire (Daisuki)
Leader of Western Secret Base; Krystal Starlis (xXStormyXx)
General of Eastern cover base; Xander Sykes (Taka)
General of Western cover base; Parker Mintz (Calltherp)

Remember Daisuki is just as much in charge of this RP as I am, and I expect the same respect.
If you have any questions or concerns, please rmail Daisuki or I about it, and we will work on it ASAP.
Follow the rules and have fun~<3

People in RP;
xXStormyXx Maker
Daisuki Maker

Yeah, just because it fits I'm posting it~


5:55pm Jun 12 2014 (last edited on 1:36pm Aug 14 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698

Name: Krystal Starlis
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Personality: Caring, but only for the people in the agency, strong, strong willed, brave, and understanding. She has always been very rebellious and careful not to show emotion or fear.
^ That is Krystal
She is very thin and is slightly taller than the average 17 year old (Can't think of things to add on lol)
History: She was taken into Foster care when she was 12 because her dad snapped, and her mum died. A few year after that she realized how cruel the Government was, found Dev Starfire, and made this agency to protect the people, and stop the Government.
Other: She is skilled with lockpicking and fighting, she is very silent and fast, aka assassin, she also has two wrist blades, a crossbow and a pistol (She does not carry them all at once though) and a beautiful male Siberian Husky named Kaz, he has one grey/blue eye and one brown, and is also much larger than most other Siberians.

Name: Echo Heart
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance:  In this outfit-->
And these kicks-->
Personality: strong willed and brave. She know when to speak her mind and when to be quiet, but weather she is ordered to shut up or not she always speaks up and stands for what she believes in till the end, she is also rather blunt and flirts with people she doesn't like to make them feel bad.
History: You'll be lucky to hear the slightest comment about her past, all anyone knows about it is she used to be a thief.
Other: She is a professional thief and con-artist. She is also very quick and clever with much charm.

(I take no credit for any of these pics, I just found them online and loved them)


6:18pm Jun 12 2014 (last edited on 1:34pm Jun 13 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 709
Name: Dev Starfire

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Resevered, strong, fierce when needed to be, loving and kind. It's hard for her to 
hide her emotions but is patient. 


History: Dev, was weary when she joined the secret base organization. She always had thought of forming some type of rebelion. Her mother told her that those who rebel don't live very long but she didn't care. If she died defending what she believe in than so be it. She was very careful who she told when she was trying to make her her own organization but people thought it was too risky. When traveling to the west to visit some family she met Krystal. Since, Dev spent the summer in the west the two became close. Eventually, Dev, felt open enough to share her ideas and then Krystal told her about her secret base. She gave Dev a list of people in the east she had talked to and helped her set up the eastern secret base. 

Other: Is skilled with computer hacking and coming up with strategies. Also very skilled at sword fighting. 


7:15pm Jun 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 239
Name: Halo Fire
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Personality: Shy but willing to help where she can. Refuses to let her friends, family, or team down; however she is generally quiet and will not speak her mind.
Appearance: (I take no credit for her)
History: (idk)
Other: (also idk)

hmm...that one thing....what was it that i- Oh hey look a skitty O.O

8:13pm Jun 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Name: Altair Esmiro
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Personality: Generally has a rather laid-back personality. Can be a bit oblivious to romantic affection and is protective over those he believes himself to be close to. He will not leave anyone behind and will worry over his friends and those he considers close enough to feel as though they were family.

Only you know, he actually wears that red shirt LOL. He's just always drawn without it for some reason. xD

History: (You do not have to put this in if you do not want to)
Other: I'll add more to this later I wanna watch movies lol


8:29am Jun 13 2014 (last edited on 8:48am Jun 13 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,131

- Name - Charlotte Iflamage
- Gender - Female
- Age - 19
- Personality - Loud and obnoxious, her general personality is almost the complete opposite to her specialty; persuasion. Where she can smooth-talk people into shooting someone they love, she can also just talk to them generally and make them want to shoot her (and many have tried XD). Charlotte gets on many people's nerves multiple times a day, so you just have to suck it up when she's in the same room as you, and try to keep your calm.
- History - She's a bit of a loser really, having a boring history behind her, and that's where it stays; behind her. She's trying to make her present and her future as dangerous and as risky as she can, so that people are inspired by her.
- Other - She is the smooth-talker, the seducer. She can persuade most people into doings things that they never would have done. Charlotte's also handy with a gun, and hand-to-hand combat.

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

8:31am Jun 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((So. Right now I'm the only dude.



8:56am Jun 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,131

((I'll make a duderino for you Altair donut worry rika <3))

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

8:58am Jun 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,131

((I'll make a duderino for you Altair donut worry rika <3))

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

3:56pm Jun 14 2014 (last edited on 3:56pm Jun 14 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 350

I'd like to have the Eastern cover base General position… if that's alright, of course…!

Name: Xander Sykes

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Serious, loyal and a quick thinker, Xander is somewhat of a tactician. Always planning out the best way to approach a situation. He often tries to hide his emotions, as they only get in the way most of the time. He doesn't really talk much and values silence, using it to think up strategies.

Appearance: Xander is tall for his age, has semi-long white hair and nearly colorless grey-blue eyes. He wears all black with silver accents such as the lining on his coat and the various tiny chains and buttons that decorate it. His gloves also have an intricate silver symbol on the back of the hand that is also found on the back of his coat. (I might add a picture here later but I'd have to draw it and stuff)

History: Xander dislikes talking about his past and rarely tells anyone about it.

Other: He is not very good with physical combat, though he is quick at evading attacks and is somewhat acrobatic. Xander is also adept at sniping, although he prefers to use his two silver pistols.


"Yes, I am indeed an artist! What drew you to that conclusion?"

4:58pm Jun 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
((Yes, Hello everyone, we will be starting the RP when the Western General spot has been filled, thank you for being patient and we hope to get things started soon~<3))


7:57pm Jun 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
((Ok guys, looks like we are just starting because we have waited WAY to long for this to start, remember the posting order goes like this;


After I post, the cycle will restart on Dai again, I look forward to seeing this RP be revived, and thanks))


1:27pm Jun 25 2014

Normal User

Posts: 709
I sighed as I leaned over the balcony. "You know people who rebel usually end up being killed" I heard my mother's words echo in my head. I gave the balcony a death grip and then relaxed. This is what I want to do and if I loose my life fighting for freedom and to stop this war than so be it. Letting go of the balcony I fixed my jacket and stuck my hand in my pocket to grab my phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I found Krystal's. I called and waited for her to pick up. 


12:09pm Jun 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 239
I sat in my room. I heard that there could be hope for us. I smiled at the thought. However, I had no clue where to go. I went down stairs, found a note and a small map. I followed the map and came to a gate. 'Is this where I sign up?' I questioned myself as I gazed at the gate.

hmm...that one thing....what was it that i- Oh hey look a skitty O.O

1:31pm Jun 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Will reply to this when I get home from Dungeon and Dragons. Not...sure when though lol.))


4:07pm Jul 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Altair let out a soft sigh as he sat up in his bed at last, elbows resting on his knees as tired, mismatched eyes surveyed the room he'd been calling home for a while now. He sighed softly at the colorless walls before he arched his back and stretched his arms above his head, a soft groan escaping him just before he climbed out of bed to go start preparing for the day ahead.

((Sorry this is poop ;v;))


6:28pm Jul 5 2014 (last edited on 4:15pm Jul 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 425
Can I play oh please please please ^_^

Name:Parker Mintz
Gender:im a lady
Personality:goofy, nerdy, intellegent
Appearance: (Pictures are nice)
Parker has Dark hair and Dark eyes with fair skin. She is of average height, her gear is often reminisce of steam punk style. She often paints her lips ruby red.

History: (You do not have to put this in if you do not want to)
Hmm lets see... Parker was raised by her father, who was a mechanic and an avid hunter. Parker spent most of her time helping him rebuild cars for money, and tracking in the woods. Her father passed a few years back at the hands of the Government and its croonies, at which time she started her services against the Government with a vengeance.  Parker still enjoys building and customizing her own weapons and vehicles. Her preferred means of transportation is her motorcycle. This also is the root for her love of map making and being sometimes too overly familiar with her surroundings at any given time. She takes pride in being skilled and familiar with bows of any sort and any place the team needs to be she makes it her job to what is where. Parker is not shy in the least, she is one of those people that even if you dont feel like talking to her she will make you talk to her and is persistent in being friends with everyone on her team. 

Other:Parker is skilled with a bow,crossbow,etc and is an enthusiastic cartographer. 

ta:image/jpeg;base64,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" style="line-height: 1.25;" alt="" align="none">
I will happily be western general if need be ^_^

✿by Lake

✿by Sage

6:34pm Jul 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 709
Alright you're in. Welcome.


2:00am Jul 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,131
((Sorry! I'm on holidays so very busy man. Be back on Friday.))

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

6:10am Jul 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 425
((We still doing this yall?))

✿by Lake

✿by Sage
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