3:34pm Oct 19 2013
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Okay, so what are some of the things you like to do? :I
Fantasy? Very real reality realness? Pokemon? Fandom stuffs? :I
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
3:39pm Oct 19 2013
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//backs her butt into thread// Beep, beep, beep. Booty coming through. ;u
I would literally do all of that. I'm the world's biggest sucker for romance, just letting you know. As far as fandoms go, I'm only really active in the Hetalia, Dangan Ronpa, Homestuck, Pokemon, and MLP fandom. c: What 'bout you?
4:25pm Oct 19 2013
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Posts: 1,586
MLP omg that would be funny xD And romance, yes. :u As for fandoms, the only ones I have in common with you are pokemon and MLP and Homestuck... and MLP and homestuck would be hard.
Pokemon? :3
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
4:46pm Oct 19 2013 (last edited on 4:46pm Oct 19 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
Indeed it would be. x3 Yissss romance thank you. I agree... I actually have yet to find an MLP or a Homestuck RP worth joining. To be honest, I really would like a good Pokemon RP! :o I have a pretty cool plot idea that I literally just came up with, if you wanna hear it. c:
4:48pm Oct 19 2013
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Yes, definitely yes. O_O Fire away.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
5:10pm Oct 19 2013
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Alrighty. o3o If you think it's dumb / aren't interested, please tell me. I don't want you to a plot you aren't interested in. c:
It's somewhat like the Pokemon anime plot, you know, with the main trainer and the rival and stuff. The main person would be older than Ash Ketchup, probably about sixteen or so, and the rival would be around the same age. Basically, the rival and the main person have been fighting for six years while they travel around -insert whichever region you'd prefer here-. If you wanted to incorporate romance, then they'd be of the opposite gender; that is, unless you would wanna do a FxF or an MxM. :o Now for the plot twist, urhurhur. There's some sort of villain. I don't care who, but I think it would depend on the region we decide on. One of the main character's most special Pokemon (like, their starter, maybe?) is stolen, and shortly after, one of the rival's is stolen too. Then they have to go on this journey to get their Pokemon back and battle evil henchmen and survive in the wilderness and get along and capture legendaries and SAVE THE WORLD deep breathing that sounded better in my head.

5:18pm Oct 19 2013
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Posts: 1,586
MxM and FxF can't really be on this site since it's at very basic PG. BUt I'm okay with a female/male? :D
Also, why don't we have it in a world all our own. The world with allllll the pokemons. :I Or would you rather have it set in a specific region like Diamond/Pearl because I'm good with that too.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
6:18pm Oct 19 2013
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Posts: 4,355
It... can't? o3o Well by gosh golly, I've been in MxM RPs here. x3 Oopsies. Although I don't really get that rule, because it's not really any different from straight romances, but... oh-kay. o3o
Ooooh yes, that would be fun too. :o The only thing is, then we'd have to come up with our own villain... Unless, of course, we just combine alllll the villains. o-o
Just making sure, you do like the plot, right?
6:20pm Oct 19 2013
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Hm, well that's my take on it. I'll ask around, see if anyone else can clear it up for me :D
Anyway, I do like the plot. :3 Usually I prefer not knowing the other character that I'm rping with before hand but I'll figure something out.
We could totally just combine all the villians. A psychopathic man who is going to slaughter all the pokemon to start the world again without them because he doesn't want pokemon anymore. >:I
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
6:44pm Oct 19 2013
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Posts: 4,355
Alrighty, I'm a little curious now. :o
I just wanted to be sure you were even interested. c: Ahh, okay. We don't have to do rival and main person, you know; they could just be two random trainers, if you'd prefer. c: It was only an idea.
YISSS that sounds perfect! This name shall be Z or something and I will draw him or something because I'm just in that mood.
7:01pm Oct 19 2013
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Posts: 1,586
Totally draw him. He would look like he could kick ever butt from here to the moon.
Shall we make bios? Also, how far along do you want thier pokemon to be? Basic, mostly basic, or levelled and evolved. :U
Also, what pokemon region or any?
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
9:02pm Oct 19 2013
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Posts: 4,355
So uh... I drew him. Or not. I actually just took a bunch of sprites and kind of fused them together, heh. Is the name "Z" okay? It's a little lame, but you know. It works.
Yeah, sure! Head's up, I'm really pretty awful at bios, but I can do them. Hmm... Although I don't personally have a preference, since they've been traveling for six years... Probably high-ish leveled or evolved? Or some evolved and some just leveled? I honestly don't care which way it goes, so you can go ahead and decide. c:
Do you wanna just go with a region containing all the Pokemon? If not, I quite fancy the Hoenn region. c:
9:42pm Oct 19 2013
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Posts: 1,586
Levelled and evolved but not 100 then. Like it would be in the games at like... 5th gymn? 50 on most majors and 30 ish on minors
Also, can he be /General/ Z? O3O
All the pokemon works :D We can call it the Alliva region >:D
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
1:05am Oct 20 2013
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Posts: 4,355
Yes, that sounds perfect! c: I'd be down with that. c:
Of course he can omg. I was seriously thinking about adding something to the beginning of his name, like captain or something. P: BUT GENERAL IS COOL TOO.
Yisss, that's a cool name. o3o
Would you mind posting your bio first, so I kind of know how long to make mine? If not, I can post mine first. c:
1:36pm Oct 20 2013
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Posts: 1,586
Psh okay. Give me till tonight pwease. I have church, youth group, and college stuff to do till like... 9 p.m res time x_x
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
7:37pm Oct 20 2013
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Posts: 4,355
Oh yeah, of course! <3 I'm pretty patient. c: Whenever you can post it is fine~ I'll be able to do the first post since you'll be posting your bio first. Where would you want to start at?
9:42pm Oct 20 2013 (last edited on 4:15pm Oct 26 2013)
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Name: Clara Light Gender: Female Age: 19 Appearance: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/230/e/8/e8fd7c15ac2c022623279d0ca0a132ad-d471ee8.png (I DO own this pic :D Yay for artistsss and commissions <3 She is holding a wisp here) Normal Appearance: Clara tends to wear jeans or khaki cargoes since comfort is really all she is after. When you first see her, you might wonder why she always wears a jacket but no one has really bothered to ask her why, thus she doesn't talk about it. Jackets range in color from navy blue, green, brown, crimson, and white. You can almost always match her mood that day to which jacket she is wearing. Different color bandanas or headbands can distinguish her from the crowd since she insists that she has long bangs but distinctly hates having them in her face. Clara will try to pull them back constantly but no matter what sort of thing she is wearing to keep them back, they always manage to fall down into her face. A silver ring on her right hand ring finger was given to her by her father and if you happen to compliment that there is always a look of confusion on her face before she will understand what you are talking about. It's become such a part of her body she tends to forget that it is there. She does wear glasses but prefers contacts. Problem is how forgetful she is and it is about a fifty fifty chance she will forget her contacts and wear the glasses anyway. Shoes are constantly tennis shoes or converse. Flipflops? fa-gedda-boudit
Personality: Clara is the kind of person who normally can be friends with everyone but usually doesn't have all that many friends. Not because her personality is wretched but the girl prefers to have a good book in her hand than to have a conversation about the weather. This does not mean that she can't hold her own in a conversation. If you happen to broach a topic that she is familiar and passionate about, prepare yourself for the deluge of her opinion and how deliberately pointed it will be. She does not mince words when it comes to what she believed and why she believes what she believes. If you do happen to be her friend, there are a few things you should come to expect. There are times when out of the blue she will say something sarcastic and hilarious but these moments are rare and far between. Ask her why and she will shrug and say that she has a good mouth the brain filter. She thinks things that are sarcastic alot but normally it doesn't come out. Normally. In those debates and pointed conversations mentioned above they tend to come out /quite/ a bit.
She has this real amazement with the world she is in, almost as if it's a blessing rather than a way of life. Clara's a realist, she can easily see how life would be if the pokemon in the world were not there, and it humbles her quite a bit where her partners are concerned. She admires strength in her partners but even more so she encourages quick thinking and diversity. She far prefers something being original and out of the blue rather than a strict regiment of fire, dodge, hit, dodge. Her way of battling helps her win against near every opponent that fights from the solely heart rather than thinking about possible ways to trip up others. Her unique combinations are what give her an edge.
History: I've thought of it and alluded to it slight but you will have to find out.
Pokemon: Infernape Joltik Lucario Dragonite Floatzel Gogoat
(No legendaries would be had at these lvls so I didn't put one on my team xD]]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
1:58am Oct 23 2013 (last edited on 1:58am Oct 23 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
{I'm so sorry Dr. Lake, stuff happened, I lost motivation and... Yeah. It won't take me this long to reply in the future. c: This is really short because I hate bios and it's late. vuv So sorry, so sorry.
Name- His full name is Leroy Charles Houston. Gender- Male. Age- Nineteen. Appearance- Leroy stands at a decent 5'11", weighing in at about 145lbs., an average weight for a young man of his stature. His build is slender and athletic due to his constant traveling and mobility, but he does not pack much visible muscle. As he has been outdoors and in the sun for the majority of his life, his skin is somewhat tan. Tiny ginger freckles are dotted on his cheeks, nose and the some of his shoulders, but nowhere else. He has more of a child's face than a man's; wide, round eyes, a soft jaw, more of a round face in general. His hazel eyes are primarily a sort of gray-ish green in color, more forest green around the edge of the iris and laurel green in the center. Little flecks of light brown are speckled in random places throughout the iris, while the same shade of brown in ringed around the pupil {i liKE DESCRIBING EYES OK}. His hair is ginger in color, although not particularly dark. It can easily be described as just a reddish-ginger color with some hues of bright orange. He is very lazy when it comes to his hair, so it's never styled whatsoever. It's slightly curled up at the ends, but these curls would flatten out if he bothered to care. As far as his apparel goes, he doesn't have much of a style. He just wears whatever is cheap, available, and comfortable, so his wardrobe primarily consists of hoodies, jeans and converse. He does wear a few things consistently, however. He doesn't want to have to bother with his hair, so he wears a gray beanie over it. His right ear is pierced, but it's only a black stud. The only other thing he always wears is a simple black necklace with a tiny Pokeball strung onto it. The Pokeball happens to be the very capsule that captured his first Pokemon, so it is sentimental to him. Personality- Leroy is that type of person that tends to stick to the background, not accepting help or advice from anyone. He prefers to travel on his own and fight his own battles; not because he doesn't need some guidance every once and a while, but because he's too stubborn to admit that he can't do everything himself. Ever since he was old enough to know what a Pokemon was, he has dreamed of defeating The Elite Four by himself and he plans on sticking with his childhood goal. He usually takes on a serious demeanor, not all that interested in playing any sort of games or participating in anything that won't benefit him. It takes a lot to get him to genuinely smile; he'll flash a sarcastic grin every once and a while, but an actual smile drawn out by happiness is a very uncommon occurrence.This confuses people, as his face looks as though it would look much more appropriate with a constant smile. He's not at all interested in romance, but he isn't afraid to flirt every once and a while when the chance comes. Females, or any other person, really, don't pass by often, so he'll occasionally take up the opportunity for amusement. He could be described as a little self-conceited, as he thinks fairly well of himself and it does show at times. He doesn't ever really brag about himself, but he unknowingly tends to act as though he could get any female he so desired. He doesn't mean to come off as narcissistic, but at times it just happens and he can't really help it. Basically, he isn't interested in commitment or any of the mushy stuff, but won't pass up the chance to flirt every once and a while. Pokemon-
{Hopefully this is okay? They aren't legendary because they evolve, and it'd probably be a very low level, so I figured it'd be okay. c:}
{this is a really awful bio but I really need to sleep I'm so sorry ;u;}

7:24am Oct 23 2013
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Posts: 1,586
[[You're pokemon are amazing and the bio is amazing and you are amazing and I love you. :I You were fine on time too. *snuggles*]]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
9:31am Oct 23 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Awww, really? ;u; I've been worried it wasn't good enough, but I'm glad it is. <333 I will try to post my intro later today or tonight or somethin. I don't know when exactly, but it will be posted quicker than my bio was. c:}