9:05pm Mar 2 2014 (last edited on 1:24pm Mar 3 2014)
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Posts: 709
In this role play you can be any big cat that you want. All the rules of the site apply here. Try to be a realistic but you can also have a twist. You can't control other players. You have to interact with one another and things just can't pop out of nowhere. If you're in like a field or gorge and an animal happens to be there ok you can make the animal do things. Um, since I'm kind of new to role play depending how you interact I will dictate a message showing what's around you and if an animal is interacting with you. If you end in a fight with someone rmail each other and figure out each of you would do and choose someone to make post detailing what you are doing. I have no map but I will make a directory soon. Bear with me here. Anyways have fun guys. Rmail me if you have questions.
Um for now accepting 15 people
Main idea: In ancient times big cats walked on all fours and no special abilities but now in the new ages of time things have changed. Some cats have wings to fly, fins and gills to swim, and even color changing pelts. In this new day and age the prides have grown larger then ever before. As a growing adolescent you must leave your pride and either find a new pride or make on of your own. Will you find a mate, make friends, or struggle to fight against the plots of your enemies.
Name: ______
Species: ______
Desc. _______
Ability: ____ Personality: ____
Additonal Information:____

11:31am Mar 3 2014 (last edited on 2:37pm Mar 4 2014)
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Posts: 426
I shall join you Daifriend
Name: Mirembe but most call her Mir (meer)
Species: Black Jaguar
Desc. dark colored Jaguar with the rosettes being faint along my body good for hunting at night time..but also has the ability to change the color of her pelt as to blend in with her surroundings seeming to disappear
Personality: Maternal and Protective.. not one to act rashly but thinks things through
Additonal Information age is 4 yrs old female 200 lbs 5.11 ft long 26 in tall to shoulders
behavioral and tle="Habitat (ecology)" class="mw-redirect" style="color: rgb(11, 0, 128); background-image: none; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19.200000762939453px;">habitat characteristics are closer to those of the tiger. It is strongly associated with the presence of water and is notable, along with the tiger, as a feline that enjoys swimming. The jaguar is largely a tle="wiktionary:solitary" style="color: rgb(102, 51, 102); background-image: none; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19.200000762939453px;">solitary, opportunistic, stalk-and-ambush tle="Predator" class="mw-redirect" style="color: rgb(11, 0, 128); background-image: none; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19.200000762939453px;">predator. The jaguar has an exceptionally powerful bite, even relative to the other big cats.[3] This allows it to pierce the shells of armored reptiles[4] and to employ an unusual killing method: it bites directly through the tle="Skull" style="color: rgb(11, 0, 128); background-image: none; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19.200000762939453px;">skull of prey between the ears to deliver a fatal bite to the brain.[5]The jaguar has the strongest bite of all felids, capable of biting down with 2,000 lbf (910 kgf). This is twice the strength of a lion and the second strongest of all mammals after the spotted hyena; this strength adaptation allows the jaguar to pierce turtle shells.[4] It has been reported that "an individual jaguar can drag a 360 kg (800 lb) bull 8 m (25 ft) in its jaws
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
12:11pm Mar 3 2014 (last edited on 12:29pm Mar 3 2014)
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Name: Geonova (Nova)
Species: Maltese Tiger
Desc. The only difference is that my tail is stubby and my fur is more gray then this pic.
Personality: Fun loving and playful. He will throw his weight around if he has to and fight those who stand in his way. He will not hesitate to attack should the need arise. He is fond of those around him and will protect his friends at all costs.
Ability: he has gills that allow him to breathe underwater. He doesn't really need fins since tigers are good swimmers, but yeah. ^^
Additonal Information: he is 5? i have no clue.
12:34pm Mar 3 2014 (last edited on 2:36pm Mar 3 2014)
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Name: Kazumi
Desc. she is a lioness with tiger stripes. Stripes are more noticeable then on the picture 
Ability: She can shapeshift Personality: Shes nice, friendly, Loves cubs, Playful and flirtatious with males she likes.
Additonal Information:shes 4 years old
12:58pm Mar 3 2014 (last edited on 1:00pm Mar 3 2014)
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Posts: 709
Name: Sidka
Species: African Lion
Desc. :
Ability: Sidka can jump very high and has toxic venom in his canines.
Personality: Sidka if very childish and irresponsible. He can be a little arrogant and tries to charm every female he meets. Sidka can become very serious when it comes to the lives of others even those he does not know. Become enemies with Sidka and you will get a nasty venom filled bite to the neck if he ever gets the chance.
1:27pm Mar 3 2014 (last edited on 1:28pm Mar 3 2014)
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Posts: 709
Alright guys it's time to start. You have all left your prides and now are just searching the lands thinking to yourselves. Please avoid one lines post. If new people come I will sort it out. Thankies. <3
Commence The Role Play ^_^
1:32pm Mar 3 2014
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Kazumi was saying goodbye to her parents they where all sad that she was leaving but the pride was getting too big and she wanted to travel to somewhere new meet new people. After leaving the prides land she moved west to see if there was any prides or loners in that direction after walking for half a day she got hungry and began to stalk some antelope when she got in position and slowly started to move forward to pounce and get her meal for the day just like her mother taught her.
((no clue what else to post XD))
1:38pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 426
Mirembe didnt know what to do. She just sat and stared for a long while at her drought striken home. The trees were dry and dying the leaves had long withered and crumbled into dust. The grasses were harsh and stiff leaving ones paws sore at the end of a long walk. The water was so scarce even Mirembe had to fight her brethren for it..when they were alive.
It was unclear to her as to why she had made it. Why she had been allowed to live while she watched her family shrivel and die. Succumbing to the thirst and malnourishment. Though Mir herself had hardly faired any better. Her form was thin and her fur didnt shine like it once did, she even had trouble with her color changing lately.
The black jaguar sat tail flicking in the light breeze that carried dust and sand over the bare hills of her home. Finally after what seemed like a millenia she rose. She shook the dust and dander from her fur and she left. No time for remorse no time to mourn. It was leave or die..and Mir hadnt quite given up yet.....
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
1:46pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 709
Sidka, walked slowly as his parents wept, for they did not want to see him go. He looked at the many others that had to leave as well. Some were weeping and some were excited for a new adventure. Sidka, was not happy at all. He was hated by the whole pride, with the exception of his parents, because of his abilities. Sidka, put his ears against his head but then slowly began clenching his teeth. Sidka remembers the days he's was bullied and called snake mouth. ' Jealous imbeciles. They treated me like I was nothing. I never wanted to leave my parents but at least I will find someone to accept me as I am' Sidka thought. calming down he saw a mouse and he chased it. Sidka, tried to catch it but he was just so quick.
"Oh come on mouse. I'm not gonna eat ya." Sidka The mouse scurried into a hole and Sidka could not reach it.
"Oh, well. At least he knows how to survive." Sidka sighed.
1:58pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 709
After walking for hours Sidka saw a orange-y figure in a pouncing position. Slowly walking closer he sees the antelope galloping freely along the Savannah. ' Oh, it's hunting' Sidka thought. He sniffed the air and caught the scent of the mysteriously looking feline. ' Female.' Sidka smirked at his thoughts. He walked up close to her and she didn't seem to notice him.
"Whatcha doin, sweet cheeks?" Sidka says smiling playfully.
2:06pm Mar 3 2014
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Kazumi quickly lowered her body as not to scare off what could be her food, as she looked back she could see a lion behind her. "I'm hunting" She said to him.
"I'll continue talking to you but i don't want them to get away" She said before looking at the Antelope and quickly pounced and ran after one and quickly jumping on one biting on its neck until it was on the floor and dead. Once it was dead she dragged it back over to where the lion was knowing she couldn't eat it all on her own.
"There this will fill me. Wanna join?" She asked him before remembering "Oh my name is Kazumi whats yours?" She asked him tilting her head as she started to lay down to rip one of the legs off to eat.
2:17pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 709
"Yeah,sure. My name is Sidka." Sidka says bending down to begin eating. Sidka scanned her and admired her build. Sidka ate slowly and stared into Kazumi's eyes.
2:22pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 426
It had been a day and a night since Mir had left her homelands. The midafternoon sun scorched her dark pelt and Mir hadnt the energy to change herself to a lighter more cooling shade. It was what seemed like ages of walking. Mir was heavy on her feet at this point in search for lush and fertile lands. It seemed the dry and desert like lands would never end, but they did.
Little by little Mir found plant life..a shrub here a bush there. Tough grasses that slowly softened and became more green as she went. This only made Mir more tired and her thirst almost drove her mad. She knew there was water nearby, how could there not be?
It was when she was almost ready to give up that she caught the first glimer of sunlight reflecting off a shallow stream. By now her maw was soaked in drool at the thought of drinking cool fresh water for a change. She didnt hesitate she dove right in and submersed herself in the blue wetness. She did it..she survived..maybe there was hope left after all.
The sudden rush of happiness was just a bit too much. Mir sobbed. She sobbed in the stream until the tears wouldnt come. She had lost so much and gained it right back with the life that the water would bring her. She drank until she was sick.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
2:35pm Mar 3 2014
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Kazumi was digging into a leg when she looked up at Sidka. She tilted her head and smirked at him. "Like what you see?" She asked him a slight purr in her voice. She bent down and began eating again but this time her eyes never left his as she smirked her tail wrapping around her changing it so that it changed different Shapes to see what his reaction would be.
Some of her old pride thought it was a bit weird how she could change shapes but where too scared to say anything in case she turned into an elephant and stomped on them. as she changed she could have that animals abilities as well. (im changing her ability so im not the same as Call XD))
2:39pm Mar 3 2014
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Geonova had spent most of his time swimming down the stream, though it was more like walking. The stream wasn't all that big, but there was a lot of water in it. The plains were rather dry this season, leaving Nova rather dry himself. He loved the water, though there wasn't much of it. He hit a deep part and took a step, sinking. He swam to the surface and continued on his way, his stub of a tail wiggling a bit. He was happy over all. He swam farther until he could walk again, seeing something in the distance. His instincts surfaced and he got low. His blue coloration helping him bled into the stream. He had just left his pride a couple days ago, but there wasn't much to fear when you were as big as he was. He continued on his way before spotting what looked like a black blob. He moved out of the water and padded up to the other feline.
"Who are you?" he growled.
2:41pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 709
((alright just make sure to edit your ability on the bio if you havent already.))
"Whoa! Now that's cool!" Sidka said with food in his mouth. Sidka watched in awe.
2:48pm Mar 3 2014
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((i did XD)) Kazumi laughed. "Thanks its useful but it made some of my pride weary off me" She said to him changing it to a snakes rattle to a fin then moving to change her paws to talons then hoofs. "They don't see how much good i could have done them instead they where scared i would hurt them" She told him looking down as if ashamed of her abilities.
2:51pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 426
Mir was busy being nauseous.. breathing in slowly as to not let herself become sick once again. Her amber eyes caught something in her peripheral vision and then the words flew into her ears like a swarm of bees. It had been so long since Mir had spoken to anyone. She automatically bared her teeth, pinned her ears and gave a small growl that bubbled out of her maw quite dryly.
She looked to the other through her sunken eyes and hanging skin. The stare was empty almost blank and she panted deciding what to do next. This could very well be the males territory and she was in no condition to fight. "I am just leaving"
Her ears flicked at the sound of her voice,she had almost forgotten what she had sounded like. For a moment she was bewildered her eyes widening and pupils dialating. She tensed her muscles as she stared at the Tiger.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
3:02pm Mar 3 2014
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Posts: 709
((Lol we paired up male to female XD ))
"Hey, don't be ashamed. Somtimes people are afraid of the unknown. They were foolish though. I know it must've been hard being rejected by your pride, trust me. When my pride find out I could jump really high and kill prey with the toxic venom in my canines every thought it was pretty cool. Then everyone got jealous and treated me like I was nothing. Since the pride was full they selected who to leave the pride and I was the first to be chosen." Sidka gritted his teeth remembering the past.
3:04pm Mar 3 2014
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Nova kind of jerked back as the female growled at him. He didn't know why she was so tense, but then again. he got a good look at her finally and noticed she looked really malnourished. He sighed and shook his head a bit. His icy blue eyes looking to the black cat in front of him. He perked his ears up and sat down, making himself look rather tame. He tapped his paw on the ground, causing dust to rise.
"Look. I mean no harm. If you wanna fight, I'll call you on it. But listen. You look horrible. You should really find some food. If you can even catch some in this state."
he nodded towards her. He sighed and stood back up before walking back into the stream. He looked over his shoulder at her.
"I'll even catch you food myself."